Nursing Diagnosis (Pain)

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Nursing diagnosis

#pain and discomfort related to fracture and immobility

The patient may experience pain and discomfort related to fracture and immobility. The nurses should
take proper interventions to reduce the pain level within 1-2 in the numerical rating scale. For an
instance, nurse should assess patient’s pain level using numeric scale every hourly to plan appropriate
nursing care. Secondly, nurse should asses vital sign 4-6 hourly such as blood pressure for hypotension,
pulse for tachycardia, and respiration for tachypnea which may indicate the patient is having pain.
Moreover, nurse should also administer analgesia as orders such as IM pethidine 50mg TDs to reduce
the pain level of the patient. Reassessing the effectiveness of the analgesia after 30 minutes of
administration using pain scale is important to ensure healthcare workers able to control the patient’s
pain level. In an addition, giving gentle nursing care to the patient will help to reduce the pain level.
Nurse should encourage patient to do non weight bearing exercise to reduce pain level and promote

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