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Diego B.




Is a name applied by a manufacturer or organization to a particular product or service.

Brand names are usually capitalized.

A brand name may be used and protected as a trademark.

Difference between BRAND and BRAND NAME :

A trademark is a mark that legally represents something, usually a business, by their

goods or services.

• Brand name – is the name that a business chooses for one of their products.

• Brand – identifies a specific product or name of a company.

Develop a strategy to choose a great brand name

1. Determine your name needs to accomplish.

2. Decide how it will work with existing product or service name

3. Determine what kind of a name to develop

-descriptive, invented, founder’s name, etc.

4. Develop objective criteria to evaluate the names you generate.

If you need to choose a great brand name for your product, service or business, start by
considering the importance of the name in your branding efforts.

Your name is an extension of your brand and it can reinforce the value you provide or
distance you from it.


 Use the founder or inventor’s name (Hewlett-Packard)

 Describe what you do (Southwest Airlines)

 Describe an experience or an image (Sprint)

 Take a word out of context (Apple)

 Make up a word (Google)

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