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To every student of SMPN 1 Pekanbaru, please We would like to announce the most anticipated
be advised that the new rule regarding the event of National School Debating
restricting the use of smartphone on school Championship 2019 which will be held at Nusa
premise will be enforced by Monday, January Hotel Bali on November 30th to December 3rd.
20th 2019. For those who fail to comply will Every high school student from grade 10 to 12
result to school sending the parents letter is eligible for the selection process. The
regarding the disciplinary violation. selection process will be held in multiple stages
with following schedule:
01. What does the text above talk about?
Selection Level Date
(A) student may bring smartphone to school
(B) smartphone usage will be limited in School Level August 1st 2019
City or Residence September 1st 2019
(C) school will punish the student for Level
having smartphone
(D) school is against technology Provincial Level October 1st 2019
For the top 3 speakers in the selection
Ruby : “Hey, Kale! What are you doing in the
tournament will be granted a slot for joining the
back of the school?”
National School Debating Championship 2019
Kale : “Nothing much Ruby, I am about to
with all the accommodations taken care of by
throw this garbage away!”
the Ministry of Education.
Ruby : “Oh Kale, you really should not throw
the plastic garbage over here.”
04. What is the reason behind why the school
Kale : “Why would that be Ruby?”
published this according to the text above?
Ruby : “It is because the plastic will not be
decomposed naturally, why don’t we (A) To describe the upcoming event
sort the plastic away and send it to (B) To inform the upcoming competition
recycling facility?” (C) To compare benefit of competitions
Kale : “That’s a fantastic idea. Thanks Ruby (D) To invite students to learn debate
for the information!”
05. Which one of these options is allowed to
02. What did Ruby do to Kale?
replace the underlined date on the text?
(A) Ruby was mad about Kale
(A) September the 1th 2019
(B) Ruby invited Kale to throw the plastic
(B) 2019/11/11
(C) September 2019
(C) Ruby invited Kale to recycle the plastic
(D) September 1, 2019
(D) Ruby was giving order to Kale

Tono : Ardi, did you see any dogs running by?

Ardi : Yes I did Tono, there three dogs
just hiding behind that wall.
03. What is the most appropriate word to fill in
the blank?
(A) is
(B) were
(C) was
(D) Are
There is an amazing thing happening every time Look at the following table carefully!
we digest our food. The food that we eat will be Final Exam Result - Class VIIIB
extracted for the nutrition along the intestines.
No Name Math Score Biology Score
However, after all the nutrition is extracted by
our body the food will still reside inside our 1 Ali 85 75
colon. These leftovers can be a source of food 2 Siti 90 85
for bad bacteria. Luckily we have our friendly
bacteria Escherichia Coli that colonize our big 3 Joni 60 70
colon and prevent bad bacteria from invading 4 Alan 75 65
our digestive system.
Average Score 77.5 73.75
06. What can be said about the role of E. Coli
bacteria inside human body? 08. From the information above, which one of
(A) E. Coli predates on our food these sentences is correct?
(B) E. Coli gives symbiosis with human (A) Ali performed better than Siti in science
body (B) Joni has the best score in science
(C) E. Coli are parasites inside human body (C) Alan has the worst grade in math
(D) E. Coli bacteria do not give any benefit (D) Siti performed best in math
to human
The Earth is rotating on its axis and also
Dear Tini, revolving around the Sun. The Earth’s rotation is
counter-clockwise and causes the perception that
CONGRATULATIONS! the Sun in the east and in the west.

For your proud achievement as the most- 09. What is the most appropriate form of words
outstanding student of SMP 1 Wonogiri that best fill the blank on the above
academic year 2018/2019! paragraph?
(A) rose, set
From Your Best Friend, (B) sets, rose
Siti (C) rise, set
(D) rises, sets
07. What is the purpose of the above text?
(A) to show that Siti is jealous of Tini’s
(B) to express appreciation of Siti’s
(C) to express appreciation of Tini’s
achievement zeni
(D) to inform Tini of her achievement
Besides having rotation, Earth also experiences To : Rizky
revolution. Revolution is when earth goes From : Andi
around the Sun. When Earth goes around the Dear Rizky,
sun, it moves in a tilted position. The deviation How have you been? It’s been a while since our
is about 23,5 degree. This deviation causes last meeting. I hope you and your family is
several areas on earth to reveive more sunlight doing fine. Since my family moved to Bandung
compared to other area. It means some areas are 3 months ago, I now have transferred to SMP
hotter and some areas are colder. This causes 129 Bandung. I am beginning to make some
variation in temperature and causes several areas new friends here but I still miss the friends
on Earth to have more than 1 season. back in Palembang a lot. Are you doing well at
10. From the text above, which one of these school? I still remember our promise to reunite
phenomena is caused by a tilted Earth when in Bandung. I hope you still want to attend
it goes around the sun? senior high school here in Bandung. We can go
to the Mall together and hang out like we used
(A) day and light
(B) revolution
(C) rotation
Sincerely yours,
(D) four seasons Andi.
Due to recent 7,0 Richter scale earthquake in the
12. According to the passage above, what is the
area that hit our school, we regret to announce
overall tone in which Andi is trying to infer
that we will be suspending the school’s operation
to his friend?
from 15th to 31st of January. In the meantime,
the school will be undergoing a renovation. We (A) resenful
pray for the quick recovery and to all the parties (B) vengeful
affected by the recent disaster. For further (C) grateful
information and update please contact our (D) longing
school administration at 0811-111-2345 or at our
school email: Class IX-B would like to congratulate our
11. What is going to occur to the school on the dearest Kevin from class VIII-A for winning
January 31st? the election and to be appointed as our new
(A) The school will still be suspending the student leader. We hope that your leadership
operation period will be a good avenue for you to
(B) The school will run as normal improve your personal skills.
(C) The people will be recovering from the We also would like to express our sorry to
disaster Pandu who lost the election from class VIII-C.
(D) The school is answering to emails Your candidacy has provided strong
despite being stricken by disaster competition to Kevin. You are still a winner
because your total vote was 2nd best in the
13. What can be said from the text about
(A) Pandu has cheated in the election
(B) Pandu was a runner up on the election
(C) Pandu was regretful about participating
(D) Pandu was not trying hard
Attention to all students of class VII. Among the many animals that dwell in the
According to the meeting on Monday, 17th Ujung Kulon National Park area are: leopards,
November 2019 during break time, we will wild dog, leopard cat, fishing cat, etc. Over 270
start chore duty for each student-group. The species of birds have been recorded. Most
list of agreed chores to be completed by on- notably, the area is supporting the critically
duty students are: endangered, endemic (only found in the area),
1. On-duty students help clean single-horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros Javan
classroom before the school start at sondaicus) with an estimated population in mere
7.30 AM. thousands.
2. On-duty students help clean the 16. What is going to happen if the endemic
chalkboard after the class ends so that Javan Rhinoceros is extinct?
we will have clean chalkboard before
(A) they can still be found naturally outside
each class.
Ujung Kulon
14. What is the most appropriate word- (B) the likelihood of extinction is
meaning pair to fill the blank section on the extremely low
above text? (C) they are going to migrate elsewhere
(D) they are going to be lost from the earth
(A) could are advised to
(B) may have duties to One of the most popular ways to reach the
park is by boat. It took about 3 hours to sail to
(C) must are obligated to
the beautiful island of Peucang in which
(D) can are able to beautiful white beach met the pristine tropical
forest. Usually tourists will reside in Peucang
Island in which the simple resort is located or
The starred location on image is the they also can move to other islands such as
location of Ujung Kulon National Park Panaitan, Handeuleum, and Semenanjung
islands. Alternatively, they can go to Ujung
Kulon peninsula in which Javanese Rhino
Adapted from: http://www.indonesia- and
17. From the text, which of these alternatives
is the likeliest for ordinary tourists to be
the place to stay overnight?
(A) Panaitan
(B) Ujung Kulon peninsula
Ujung Kulon National Park is an isolated (C) Peucang
wilderness on the end of Java Island. It is (D) Handeuleum
the natural the habitat where the threatened
Javanese Rhinoceros lives.
15. What is the location that is the most
suitable to fill the blank on the text
above? ....
(A) Northernmost
(B) Mid-western
(C) South-westernmost
(D) North-easternmost
Many chemicals reactions are affected by the 19. What is the purpose of the text above?
level of acidity of their environment. To know A. to educate about healthy lifestyle
how acid the environment is the scientists B. to argue about the correct way of
create pH scale which ranges from 1 to 14. making pH meter
However, we also can create natural substance C. to inform about application of red
that can tell whether something is an acid or a cabbage
base according to the colors. Such substances is D. to explain on how to make natural pH
called natural pH indicator because the color meter from red cabbage
vary according to acid presence in their
surroundings. The example of natural pH 20. What does the “it” from step 6 refer to?
indicators are red cabbage, rose’s petal flowers,
A. blender
and blueberries.
B. strainer
18. What is the unique characteristic of a C. red cabbage water
natural pH indicator? D. red cabbage fiber
(A) they are found naturally on the
environment 21. What can be said if vinegar turns the pH
(B) they can change a substance into acids water into red?
(C) they can change a substance into bases A. pH of vinegar is 4,5 on pH scale
(D) they changes colors according to B. pH of vinegar is on acidic level
acidity level of the environment C. pH of vinegar is on basic level
D. pH of vinegar is on neutral level
To make pH indicator from red cabbage follow
these steps:
Step 1 to 3
1. Prepare 2 cups of red cabbage, hot water,
blender, vinegar, and detergent solution.
2. Prepare transparent cups, strainer, spoons,
and bowls
3. Put 2 cups of red cabbage into the blender
and carefully pour hot water into it as well
4. Turn on the blender and mix them well 22. The text on above sign means that ....
5. Filter the fibers from the water with A. people must not throw away the
strainer garbage in the area
6. Put the solid away and pour it into a B. people must take home the garbage in
transparent cup the park
7. Pour vinegar into a cup and also detergent C. people should take home the garbage
into a cup. pH indicator from red cabbage in the area
will turn red by acid and blue from bases D. people have to throw away the garbage
8. To see how pH indicator works, put some in the area
red cabbage water into a bowl using spoon
then add some vinegar and see how it
turns color
9. Also try to put some detergent water using
spoon into the bowl of red cabbage water
till it turns color
Read the conversation below
Anna : “Hey Cole, do you brush your
Cole : “I brush my teeth every morning and
every night”
23. What is the most suitable option to fill the
A. why
Source :
B. how often
C. where
Fill the blank with the most appropriate
D. how much
Read the conversation below 26. The image above is showing that the water
Donna : “I heard you have a plan for the the girl.
weekend, what is your plan?” A. is being drank by
Grace : “Yes, I go to Bandung this B. is drinking
weekend” C. is being drinking by
24. What is the most appropriate word to fill in D. is being drunk by
the blank?
A. will Anthony was a sailor for 40 years. Now at age
B. am going to of 65, he is retired and lived happily in his
C. have to home in Adams, Minnesota along with his wife
D. must and his two dogs. He be the captain of
the ultra large container ship which is more
than 360 meters long.
27.What is the best word to fill in the blank?
A. will always
B. wants to
C. used to
D. was used to

Ban the use of plastic on the ocean to save
the ocean ecosystem!
25. Whas is the purpose of the text above?
A. to inform about ocean pollution
B. to give entertainment about ocean life
C. to promote clean ocean environment
D. to promote the use of plastic
One day when he was sailing, he realized that Social media is one favorite communication
his ship was going into the storm. The sky was platform for teenagers. Although social media
pitch-dark and thunders roared everywhere. He possesses many advantages, it also comes with
had faced many extreme weathers before, but many costs. The excessive display of wealth
this storm was something different. and glamorous image on social media can
28. What is the word “roared” has the closest generate negative feelings for teenagers
meaning to? because they feel that their life is not as
exciting and great. Teenagers who feel so must
A. whistled
know that internet image and reality may be
B. whispered
different because people put filters on their
C. boomed
social media feeds. Therefore, teenagers should
D. cried
be wise when reacting about what they see on
social media platforms.
Afterwards, he witnessed a giant tunnel of
31. From the text above, we know that the
wind soared into the sky. He was shocked to
writer’s feeling about social media is ....
see that he was running into the most
destructive category-5 hurricane. If he was A. optimistic
drawn into the storm the ship would be B. encouraging
destroyed. Out of desperation he then prayed C. worried
and tried to maneuver his massive ship outside D. suspicious
the storm onto safety. His chance of success is
very small. The excessive display of wealth and glamorous
image on social media can generate negative
29. What is the most suitable word to fill the
feelings for teenagers because they feel that
their life is not as exciting and great.
A. partially
32. What is the best counter-argument to tackle
B. entirely
the sentence above?
C. superficially
D. happily A. teenager’s life are all amazing and are
not affected by what happens on social
While he tried to move the ship out of the media platforms
storm’s pathway, one giant wave struck the ship B. all teenagers are having depression so
and almost toppled it down. Luckily, a few the social media do not give any
moments after the noise outside got weakened. impacts to teenagers
Anthony peeked outside the window and C. the full display of wealth or glamorous
sighed with relief. It had miraculously moved image on social media do not result to
away from the ship. Ever since that day, negative feelings
Anthony never fails to check the weather D. teenagers do not use social media that
forecast before sailing into the sea. frequently in reality
30. What does the word “it” on line 6 refers to?
A. the ship
B. the thunder
C. the hurricane
D. the wind
Social media has become one of the most-
frequently used platforms of communication
among teenagers. Although social media
possesses many advantages, it also comes with
many costs. The excessive display of wealth
and glamorous image on social media can
generate negative feelings for teenagers
because they feel that their life is not as
exciting and great. Teenagers who feel so must
know that internet image and reality may be
different because people put filters on their
social media feeds. Therefore, teenagers should
be wise when reacting about what they see on
social media platforms.
33. What is the purpose of the above text?
A. to ban the use of social media
B. to blame teenager for using social
C. to argue the negative effect of social
media for teenager
D. to argue positive effect of social media
for teenager

Dear Wina,
I would like to offer my deepest condolences
for the passing of your beloved grandmother. I
wish to extend my thoughts and prayers for
you and your family in this hard time.
34. From the text above, what does the word
“hard time” have the closest meaning to?
A. easy period
B. practice period
C. entertaining period
D. difficult period

35. What is the purpose of the above text?

A. to provide support to the grieving
B. to mock at the grieving family
C. to entertain the grieving family
D. to inform about the death of family
This text is for questions 36 and 37
Mrs. Emily;

My daughter just told me that you give a visit to our home this morning. I am so sorry I was not at
home. I have medical check-up at the central hospital in town. I would like to ask you to have dinner
next Saturday night so we can have a chat. I will be happy if you could come.

Mrs. Diana

36. Mrs. Diana writes the message to Mrs. Emily to...

A. meet her daughter and ask her to give a visit
B. apologize and invite her for dinner
C. ask her to have dinner and show her medical record
D. come to her house and accompany her to hospital

37. What will Mrs. Emily do on receiving the message?

A. Forgive all Mrs Diana’s mistakes
B. Tell Mrs Diana whether she could come for dinner or not
C. Inform Mrs Diana that she will give a visit soon
D. Come to Mrs Diana’s house for dinner

This text is for questions 38 and 40

Pre-School Open House
Saturday, March 23
9:00 am – 12:00 Noon
Opening available for 3 & 4 year olds. Tuition-free opening for kindergarten
New Discoveries Montessori Academy
Authorized by Audubon Center of the North Woods
For an application or more information: 1000 5th Ave. SE, Hutchinson, MN 55350 320 234-6362

38. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To inform a Pre-School Open House
B. To invite someone to come to a Pre- School
C. To persuade people to study at a Pre- School
D. To tell new discoveries of a Pre-School
39. Why do people want to attend to the pre- school?
A. They will get some toys
B. They will obtain a set of stationary
C. The tuition is free for the student’s candidate
D. The registration is free for the attendants
40. “Tuition free for the kindergarten”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to...
A. school fee
B. course fee
C. transfer fee
D. registration fee
This text is for questions 41 and 43



41. The text is most likely found at...

A. the principal room
B. the announcement board
C. the library door
D. the entrance gate of the school
42. What should the students do if they want to join the competition?
A. Meet the OSIS chairman
B. Prepare the singing competition
C. Register on 9th – 14th, October
D. Contact to the OSIS chairman
43. The competition is free registration...full of prize.
A. or
B. but
C. and
D. if

This text is for questions 44 and 45

Dear Evan,

I’d like to invite you for dinner to our house warming this week on Saturday at 6 p.m. Please confirm
your attendance.

Best, Rian

44. Why does Rian write this card?

A. to celebrate a house warming
B. to remind about the house warming
C. to come on time for a house warming
D. to confirm a house warming
45. What should Evan do after receiving this card?
A. call Rian
B. come with Rian
C. save this card
D. set a reminder
This text is for questions 46 and 47
Dear Asti,

Please come to OSIS meeting which will be held on:

Day : Monday, 13 April 2017 Time : during lunch break Place : OSIS secretariat
Agenda : Welcome freshman Looking forward to your coming

Regard, Febri

46. What time is the meeting held?

A. at 9 o’clock
B. at 10 o’clock
C. at 11 o’clock
D. at 12 o’clock
47. “welcome freshman”. What does the underlined word mean?
A. current students
B. old students
C. new students
D. good students

This text is for questions 48 and 50

No budget/no worries
Offers minimalist accomodation very suitable for backpackers Start from Rp80.000/night
*book in advance (tel. 0271-333-444)

48. The advertisement above is intended for...

A. travelers
B. family
C. businessman
D. students
49. What is the good point about RODEO INN?
A. no budget
B. minimalist accomodation UN B. Inggris

C. cheap price
D. telephone is provided
50. “Book in advance”. The underlined words are closest in meaning to ...
A. directly
B. immediately
C. early
D. lately

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