Chapter 1

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1 Introduction

Year 1993 marked the most significant event in the history of Colegio

de San Gabriel Arcangel (CDSGA). It was the year Dr. Gabriel G. Uriarte(Ph.D)

the founder, with the inspiration of his wife,Dr.Lucina P. Uriarte had laid the

cornerstone of CDSGA’s existence with its vision and mission to became the only

therapeutic school in town; quite distinct and different from all other existing schools

throughout the Country.

CDSGA is strategically located in a fast growing community of

SapangPalayBulacan to which a good number of families of Metro Manila and from

other/nearby towns have been transferring and/or migrating. The school islocated

along the National Road of Area E,SapangPalay, San Jose del Monte City,

Bulacan. Specifically, the school’s address is Lot 26, Block 13,Brgy. Fatima I, Area

E,SapangPalay City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan nearSapangPalay National

High School and San Jose del Monte National Trade School . It is surrounded by

Residential and business establishments and subdivisions.

CDSGA has five school buildings owned by the school, constructed

separately in Area E. With its article of incorporation being filed at Securities and

Exchange Commission on April 15, 1993,CDSGA formally opened its doors to


In June 1993, CDSGA had an initial number of 197 enrollees for complete

preschool and grade I to IV for the S.Y 1993-1994. The Succeeding year, S.Y 1994-

1995, a complete Pre-school, complete elementary and complete high school

curriculum were offered with a total 550 pupils and students. For S.Y 1996-
1997,there were 770 pupils and students enrolled in three different curriculum

years. From S.Y 1998-2002, a steady progress and increase in enrolment in all

levels of the school’s educational program made inevitable the further expansion

of the school.

During the school year 2002- 2003, the school started operating tertiary level

of education by first offering TESDA courses. With 24 students in ACS, 16 students

in ACT and 5student in ABA, the school began its collegiate operation. The next

school year-2003-2004, the school expanded its tertiary operation by opening its

doors to CHED courses with students in BSED, 37 in AB and 37 in BSBA. The

school also continued its TESDA programs with 67 enrollees in ACS, 42 in ACT

and 8 in ABA.

At present, the school offers basic education courses from pre-school going

to elementary up to high school. In addition, the school expanded its operation by

catering TESDA NC I,II, and III skills program; namely, Bread and pastry

Production NC II services NC II, Bookkeeping and Accounting NC III, Food and

Beverage Service NCII, Health Care Services NC II, Pharmacy Services NC II,

Security Services NC I and NC II, and Shield Metal Arc Welding NC II.

Two years ladder zed programs with TESDA skills leading to four year degree

course like 2 year Associate in bookkeeping and Accounting (BSA) 2 year

Associate in Computer Science (BSCS), 2 year Diploma in Practical Nursing

(Midwifery) 2 year Hotel and Restaurant Services (BSHM), 2 year Associate in

Computer in Technology and 2 year Diploma in Midwifery were also offered.

For its five/four year CHED courses CDSGA opens its door to students who

like to enroll in AB Psychology, BS in Custom Administration, Bachelor of

Elementary Education with specialization in General Education , and in Pre-school

Education Bachelor of Physical Education Major in School P.E and Sports and

Wellness Management, Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English,

Filipino, Mathematics, Biological Science, and Pre-school Education, BS in

Accountancy, BS in Accounting Technology, BS in Biology, BS in Engineering, BS

in Computer Science ,BS in Midwifery, BS in Pharmacy, BS in Social Work and BS

in Tourism Management.

With its T.U.P extension program, CDSGA also cradles the need for graduate

course like M.A in industrial Education Management and Ed. D in industrial

Education Management.

Currently the school’s initial enrollees are 188 for those who were enrolled

from pre-school and grade 1 up to grade VI and 450 students from Grade 7 to

fourth year. H.S The College level, composed of 8 departments, constitutes the

majority of the school population as it records a total of 2,318 colleges students for

the first semester of school year 2012-2013 to put on detail BS Information

Technology, 313; Elementary Education, 274; BS Criminology, 248; BS Business

Administration, 209; BS Accountancy, 183; BS Secondary Education, 164; BS

Hospitality Management, 137; AB Psychology, 141; Hotel Restaurant Services,

121; Computer Technology, 90; BS Computer Engineering, 74; BS Pharmacy, 54;

2 year Computer Science, 44; BS Computer Science, 33; Electrical Engineering,

24; Midwifery 20, Tourism Management, 22; Book keeping And Accounting 22, BS
Biology, 19; Customs Administration, 15; Social Work, 12; Practical Nursing, 7;

Care giving, 35; and 15 students in House Keeping.

The School’s teaching force composed of 198 instructors and professors

which usually meet once a month to monitor the quality teaching, which is vitalpart

of the school educational quality control.

CDSGA also maintains a continues partnership with government agencies

like Philippines Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on

Accreditation (PACUCOA), Fund Assistance for Private Education (FAPE), and

Regional Quality Assessment Team(RQAT) to aid financial instability to secure the

standard of teaching and elevate educational operation standards.

To date, the school has already acquired hectares of land to provide student

with Spacious grounds and buildings conductive to learning, A 1.4- hectare of land

is situated in between District I and District II that will serve as agriculture land for

learning application purpose on subject related to science and T.L.E Another 1.4

hectares of land inside Metro gate subdivision and 1000 square meters of land in

Muzon were acquired by the school. For the extension purposes, all the main

campus, the first building is composed of 12 rooms. The first floor occupied by the

basic education classrooms which are fully air conditioned. The speech laboratory

and Computer rooms are in the second floor and third floor. The Administration and

the guidance offices are in the third floor. The hostel rooms, with shower room, and

the Criminology laboratory are found in the fourth floor. The first building internet

connected Through WI-FI connection.

The second building is composed of nine (9) rooms. In the first floor, the

medical and dental clinic is located with the adjacent rooms for lower elementary

pupils. The second floor housed of library which occupies three big rooms. In the

third and fourth are all classrooms and laboratories for College students. Formerly

the fifth floor in this building was used as the school’s function hall. At present, this

was converted into three big classrooms.

The third four-story Building that Join the first and second buildings is also

located at the main campus. The first floor is the canteen. The second floor cradles

the Office of the President, Office of the vice President for academic Affairs, Office

of School Registrar whiles the third fourth is all classrooms.

The fourth building, which is an on Going construction, was formerly a

school quadrangle with394 square meters for physical education classes and

programs, will class on the activity hall on the first floor. The office of the research

direct to room of thesis and office of the writers guild, and other district officers will

be situated at the second floor, while the whole third floor will cater the college

library, the fourth floor and fifth will house the third computer laboratory of the

school, the school auditorium and other rooms that will enhance the learning of the

students. The floor of the fourth building can be access through the use of an

elevator of stairs.

The other two five-story buildings are located a little but away from the main

campus these are the science building and HRM Hotel building which are already

The first floor of the science building houses are lying-in the second floor is

allotted for megatronics, the third floor served as three college classrooms and the

fourth floor serve as the laboratory for healthcare and care giving services.

The HRM hotel is equipped with a bar, conference accreditation room,

entertainment area, and HRM and HRS laboratories; the back portion of the hotel

has spacious classroom for HRM and HRS students.

Adjacent to the main campus is the school quadrangle which caters physical

education related subject and activities.

Aside from innovating its buildings and school facilities, CDSGA also

continuously strengthens and development of knowledge, skill and attitude of its

students by providing them various programs that will be elevate their being

genuine Gabrielians. Different programs like leadership seminars, on and off

campus teaching demonstrations, therapeutic interventions seminars

professionalism seminars, and healthcare and social awareness were initiated to

secure updates on information for the students and to prepare them to their future

field of work. Monthly events like midwifery-DPN week, Pharmacy week, Education

Olympiad week and the like were also launched to polish the skills of students.

Various organizations were also initiated to discover hidden potentials of

students and enhance their learning as a of preparation for a better and fruitful

future, Cultural Dance Society aims to educate students on the different forms of

the dance in the country. Recently, performed in a prestigious competition within

City of San Jose del Monte. Sociedad de Gabrelian, the umbrella organization

under the office of Students Affairs, caters the need of all Students organization
and brings to fore contests that will help develop different fields of learning.

Intervener: Guardians of truth, the school’s official organ, serves as tool information

dissemination in the academe. League of Students Batting against Dropouts

extends help to students in their financial and educational needs and league of

Excellent and Dynamic Students facilitates the needs of scholars like training as

well community extension programs.

The school also establish its name in the community as it holds different

titles and awards on a variety of contests; namely, School Press

Conference,CSANPRISA, BULPRISA, BATS, Regional Quiz Bee,Speed Math

Competition, etc.

In year 2012, the school launched its Leadership Choice Review

Center(LCRC) which aims to equip graduates with knowledge that can they utilize

for passing different board examination .Professional lecture from CDSGA and

PNU were hired to cater the need of the students.

As a result of said efforts, the school produces calibrated graduates and

maintains good standing in different examinations like licensure examinations for

Teachers (L.E.T) Criminologist Licensure Examination, and Midwifery licensure

Examination and holds a consistent 100% passer on TESDA Assessment.

CDSGA also makes its mission a stark reality by providing extensions

programs to the community through programs tutorial programs; at present the

school team up with Pearl S. Buck foundation Incorporated to aid indigent children

from public schools at Muzon, Pabahay, City of San Jose Del Monte. In addition to

this, organization like League of Students Batting against School Dropouts

(LSBASD), an organizational composed of education students, conduct outreach

program like “Gabay Aral Kay Angel” which help indigent children’s proficiency in

basic language (Filipino and English) and Mathematic.

The school also renders partnership programs with government agencies.

Recently, the school partnership with Public Employment Service Office launched

an extension programs at Dona Remedios Trinidad community. Spearheaded by

the Office of the student Affairs, the school extends programs like livelihood training

and employment program, educational assistant program community wellness and

well being program at biggest land area in Bulacan-Dona Remedios Trinidad. Near

San Miguel, Bulacan. The Three-year community involvement program will be

facilitated y the School’s calibrated professors and volunteer students from BSBA,


Tourism AB Psych, and BSSW.

The school also partners with different government units to increase

student’s community and information awareness. Annually, member of Bureau of

Fire Protection conduct seminar on fire prevention and earthquake drills at the

school compound, while Red Cross staffs are in joint venture with the Medical Allied

Department in advocating people to help those who are in need of medical

assistance. Employment agencies like P.E.S.O have been consistent fields of


As a response to the need of financial inclined students, the school makes

learning accessible to deserving college students through the availability of

different scholarship grants like ECS and EVS for Basic Education and Gabrielian
Scholarship Grants, TESDA Grants, Study now Pay Later Program and Students

Assistant Program.

1.2 Background of the Study

The Office of the Student Affairs and Services (OSAS) of the Colegio De

San Gabriel Arcangel is one of the offices that supervise student academic and

non-academic activities of the students. The OSAS kept these records manually

and stores data in a computer (Microsoft Office Excel). and or files them in the

cabinet after manipulation student information the record will going to be print to

provide a summarized report this attachment is regularly printed by the OSAS in a

Month, Year and Semester to give an evidence or warning record for those

students with violation.

The currently manual process for recording student violation usually, it’s

divided in a two manually procedure by giving a “Student violation Slip” for student

and “Confiscating their Student ID”.

Before recording information and violation, the first process is to records the

Student ID of those student who confiscate. In this process when the student

infringed the student hand book rules the guard confiscate their ID and report them

in the OSAS. And for the claiming of student ID the student need to do the desire

punishment regarding on the violation they done. The confiscating of student ID is

for major offenses only.

The other process when the student infringed the rule in a regular day

operation like in every Saturday, Sunday and weekdays their student ID are not to

be confiscate but the school guard will give a violation slip in every student have a
violation. In this slip indicates the common violation like no student ID, Improper

uniform and late in flag raising when the student are violate in any of this they need

to check what violation they did and after this process the guar of the school collect

all violation slip and report now in the OSAS.

After the assessment of recording Student Violation Slip and Confiscating

Student ID, the next following step. The entire student that having a record in

violation will come again in the OSAS to identify how many violation they made by

seeing the total violation in Minor and Major offense. And after getting the total the

OSAS will give a schedule in every student to face the desire punishment that

converted only in community service. In the operation day of community service

the OSAS assign their student in the different department of school.

It depends on the level of violation of the student example for minor offense

if you commit 1 violation it convert as a warning remarks, then if you have a 2

several violation it converts a half day of CS. And if you made a 3 or more violation

it convert a 1 day or more CS. And for the major offenses, if you have 1 violation

for example like not attending on flag ceremony, smoking cigarettes, drinking

alcohol etc. it converts 3 to 5 days of CS and if the students repeat his violation

again, they need to bring their parents into the OSAS and also the tuition fee

discount of the student or violators will be forfeited. The OSAS will give you a

cleared remarks if when you complete your CS and you will give your DTR with

signature of supervisor/advisor for proof that you did your CS as well.

The currently manual process for recording student information usually,

when the student finally record their student ID and violation slip the next following
step is to collect their student information such as – Student full name, Student ID,

Year level, Course, Department and Current semester this is the main entry that

store data in software Application Microsoft Excel to make a record and evidence

if the student having an offense. In manipulation of student information it will record

in a separate department in our school they have a 6 department included CCSE,

COB, CLASS, CCJE, CMAC and COED to modify if the student where belong of


By recording the offense of students usually, they indicates the violation they

did if the violation of students is minor or major and the next following process is

to indicates the remarks of the students and to identify if the student violators is

cleared or not cleared in this sanction. But in this following case the personnel of

the OSAS usually they put “Not Cleared “or “Not Release” remarks or depending

on the concern of the student violators.

In the other manual sub process the violation of the students is need to count

to find out if how many violations they did in the whole current semester this is very

important details in recording of students violation to monitor their behavior. After

knowing the total of violation once they counted the next step is focus for converting

the number of violations into the number of days or hours reported in Community

service operation. OSAS is have a kind of penalty for those students with violation.

The following punishment they give for the student usually is “Community

Service” and “No tuition fee discount”. In CDSGA Community service intended to

be of social use, that an offender is required to do instead of going to be not cleared.

And the No tuition fee discount is a dangerous penalty when the time of enrolments
has come if the violation of individual student is not cleared or hold record the tuition

fee discount will going to be remove for the mean time.

To cleared students violation, they need to make action according on their

violation by doing community service before the enrolment for confirmation of

clearing violation remarks. And the record of individual student with violation

updated to un-hold and also the student ID is going to be release now.

The grounds of disciplinary sanction are divided in a 3 (Light Violation,

Serious Violation and Very Serious Violation). Slight Violation is equivalent to

Minor offense only and for Serious Violation and Very Serious Violation is represent

for Major Offenses. By recording manually, the authorized personnel must record

manually the paper for back up purposes and place the record data in the filling

cabinet of the office. In the process, it may have some possibilities that the files

and records will be lost due to system functionally.

1.3 Current State of Technology

As a support study and research, this is the following related study that they

want to do and implement for the proposed system by making infringement

Recorder and Behavioral Management System of the Office of Student Affairs and

Services for the College Student of Colegio De San Gabriel Arcangel. This system

will develop an improvement of the necessities of a school and to provide solutions

to their problems in recording violation, monitor student behaviour, managing and

keeping record of student. This all research is representing to the current process

of the study to provide a wonderful and upgraded system.

Base on the Philippine e-journal, according to University of the Immaculate

Conception and their “Student Offense Management System of the Office of the

Student Affairs and Discipline” their study include feature for the enhancement and

maximization of current data base on the current academic semester.

According, to the computerize student’s violation of the Sto. Rosario Sapang

Palay College, Inc. the management of records is an essential part of any

organization the process of management is most digital records the purpose of this

study was focus on the record-keeping. This study will sustain the specific needs

and improvements for the Sto. Rosario SapangPalay College perfect of discipline

office. The study will also provide a systematized way of keeping the wealth of

information and resources inside the office.

Base on the College of Information and Communications Technology in

Bulacan State University Malolos City Campus. They have a kind of monitoring

student discipline system that can observe the behavior of students and respond to

those who need psychological support. This system to say is can provide a keeping

of student offense records and generate a different type of report for those students

who violate. These main functions of the system provide easier handling of records.

According to the Development of Student Violation Record Management

System for the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa (PLMUN). Their study aims

to develop a computerized system for recording accessing of student’s violation of

policies and report to the guidance counsellor. The system features include an up

to date tracking records of Students Offenses. Also, the system provides general

reports. The study utilizes a quantitative research design. The outcome of the

evaluation of the software indicated that the system is beneficial to the university,

especially the guidance office through its innovative and modernize process.

As stated by Diosang Raffy, the student violation management system for STI

College parañaque aims to create a computerized monitoring violation of student

that’s help the school to make a transaction easy in terms of violation. proponents

create and design a user-friendly system and more efficient regarding in student

violation and have a better record and to monitor the offensive students that fits

what the school needs and to lessen paperwork’s lessen time for transact the

violation of the student

Seemingly, based on the literature survey and research. The following

proposed system in a different solution is a big help to develop a system that related

in our study and become useful and convenient for the current problem for the

OSAS. By collecting their 5 study above and become a one.

The studies convey that the use of a infringement recorder and behavioral

monitoring for colegio de san gabriel arcangel is more reliable for managing their

records. This is effective to use in the OSAS to maintain the student discipline of

student and to keep records to make a strong evidence even for the longest of

time. This system for CDSGA is exceedingly convenient nowadays to help the

school in monitoring the student sanction and to modify the number or the total of
violation in an easy way. The proposed system will be useful regarding the

reduction of the existing problem in the OSAS. It will be easier compared to manual

independent workstation before because it is much convenient, the process will be

faster since the operation is real time. These main functions of the system provide

easier handling of records and production of Outputs. The developed system will

allow the OSAS to be more productive and beneficial.

1.4. Statement of the problem

1.4.1 General problem

How to develop an Infringement Recorder and Behavioral Monitoring

Management System of the Office of the Student Affairs and Services

(OSAS) for the College Student of Colegio De San Gabriel

1.4.2 Specific problem

- How to create a module for security?

- How to create a module that can manipulate student information entry?

- How to create a student violation assessment record?

- How to create a module that can add new grounds of disciplinary


- How to create a module that can add a new academic semester?

- How to create a module that can give a schedule for the student


- How to count the total of violation?

- How to convert the total of violation into the day or hrs of community


- How to create a student ID record to “HOLD” and “UN-HOLD” ID?

- How to create a module that can cleared the violation record?

- How to create a search module to view a record?

- How to create a module that can record student violation in a different


- How to create a report that shows the summarization of violation in a

separate department?

- How to create a report that indicates the status of student ID in OSAS?

- How to create a report that can show the schedule of community


- How to create a report that shows the releasing of Student ID?

- How to create a report that can give a warning letter for those students

not doing action for their offense?

- How to create a clearance report that show the student are cleared of

all accountabilities?

- How to create a module that shows the highlighted remarks of record?

- How to create a module that can update the violation record into a

cleared record?

- How to create a module that can add a violation for individual student

and update record?

1.5 Specific Objectives

1.5.1 General objectives
-To be able to create a violation system
-To be able to create a system that will benefits of the OSAS and the

students of CDSGA/. To develop a system that help OSAS

manipulates data of violators

-To be able to help the OSAS and the student of CDSGA recording

and monitoring student violation faster and accurate/ To create a

system software that will asses student faster and efficient

-To be able to know that if you commit a major violation and you do it

repeatedly, you will go for disciplinary sanction/ To provide a new

features and updates like disciplinary sanction.

-To create a system that will separate the new semester to previews


-To be able to know the availability of the violation/ To develop a

scheduling feature of the community service of violators.

-To be able to know the number of violation and the proper

convention/sanction for each violation/ To develop a system that will

automatically count the number of violators.

-To develop a system that converts the total quantity of violations to

proper sanction for community / school service.

- To create a system with school ID records remarks/ To be able to

know if the student have a violation.

- To develop a system that will cleared a student offense/ violation

after community service.

- To create a system with a search feature that helps searching the

data or info of violators faster.

- To create a system that will categorized course and section of

student violators.

- To create a system that will record student info/data to the database

- To create a system that will summarize the students records and


- To create a system that has a notice or remarks of the status of


- To create a hat will show the scheduling of C.S for student.

- To create a report that has a remarks of releasing ID.

-To create a report that will give a warning remarks for students


- To create a report that the student was cleared for their violation.

- To create a system feature that will automatically

-To create a system that can add edit delete and update students

data information

1.6 Scope and Limitations


Login. A system generally requires the admin and user to enter the username and

password to access that system. It is an integral part of security procedures. The

system can ensure the security and confidentiality of the records to be saved in

Change Password. The system allows you to change your password for security

reasons. It will replace the current password of the user and make a new password.

Forgot Password. The system can retrieve the password if the user can’t

remember this. The user must select a security question and provide the

correct security answer. If the user cannot provide the correct answer, the system

feature will not be given the current password.

System Login Security Question. The system have a security question to find out

the forgotten password of the user. Otherwise the user can see it again. This is

some requirements to create an account.

Add Current Semester. It helps the system user to add a new current semester

every year for system generation.

Add New Violation. The system can add a new approved violation for student by

managing OSAS.

Count Violation. The system will count all violation of the student for the whole

period of current semester in every offense he/she did.

Generation of Report. The system has a capability to accurate generating of

report. Such as summarizing of violation, Clearance report, View Individual Student

Records, Warning letter report and Student ID releasing repot.

Convert to CS. The total of violation will convert to community service

View Number of Violation. The system can examine the number of violation or

total of violation for those students who made offense to certain status.

ID Releasing Records. The system provides are sub process record after claiming

the ID in OTP. To modify if the student gets his/her ID or Not.

Add. The system user can add students information and their violation after to fill

all important data and directly to store in Database table.

Edit. The user of the system can edit or change some student details information

quickly, after using Add maintenance button. In case have a wrong detail. Usually

this is a most commonly used by clearing student offense.

Update. The system user can update the student details after using edit

maintenance button.

Search. The system user can use a search button to filter or view student’s

information and student’s violation.

Search Option. The system has a search option to find or seeking carefully the

students that have a violation by selecting of ID or Last name.

Logout. It is use to exit from the system.

1.7 Significance of the Study

In this part of the study the researchers will explain further the beneficiaries of the


Colegio De San Gabriel Arcangel (CDSGA). It will be a big help to the school,

because of the faster transaction with the OTP and OSAS will save a lot of waiting

time and hassle for both students and employees

OSAS Staff. The System will help the Staff to easily search if a student has a

violation or count the offenses recorded through organized reports.

College Students. Will also benefit from the system, because they can also check

on how many violations, they or If have any at all.

IT Students. It can help them to use their capabilities when it comes maintenance

of a system and to maximize the potential of the system.

Future Researchers. The system will be useful to the researcher. It will be a basis

of some of the researcher related studies. It will give the researchers the

knowledge and background that will help and support the researcher study.

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