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Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in ENGLISH 10

Prepared by: Ellalou B. Bermejo

a. Identify literary devices using Prior Knowledge and will provide their own examples to
demonstrate mastery.


a. Topic: Literary Devices Using Prior Knowledge
b. References: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature: Grade 10
c. Instructional Materials: Written in Manila paper and Cartolina and Jumble words in
construction paper.

A. Pre – activity
1. Prayer and Greetings
2. Checking of attendance
3. Prior knowledge
 Asking Questions
a. What is a Literary Devices
b. Do you remember any figurative language? Can you list some?
4. Turn your book on page 423-424 answer the “Magic Square Box.”

B. Motivation
 Students will group into 5 with 7-8 members in each group, they will form the jumble
letters to form into one of the figure of speech.

Group 1 – personification
Group 2 – Simile
Group 3 – hyperbole
Group 4 – metaphor
Group 5 – onomatopoeia

 After the word, teacher will define the figures of Speech present in the jumble letter.

C. Activity
 Students will read the following sentences and identify what figure of speech being
1. The flowers in the meadow dance gracefully as the wind pass.
2. I wonder lonely as a cloud.
3. Every mother serve as a light in every home.
4. I am very hungry, I could eat a horse!
5. Tick tock, tick tock, said the clock.

D. Analysis/Discussion
 Teacher will ask the students again about the figure of speech.
1. Again, what figures of speech used in the sentences?
2. What is personification? Simile? Hyperbole? Metaphor? And Onomatopoeia?

E. Abstraction
 What is a figure of speech?
 What is the importance of using figures of speech in a sentence?

F. Application
 Students will go back to their perspective group. Each group will give five sentences
using a figure of speech they are assigned.

Group 1 - personification
Group 2 – Simile
Group 3 – hyperbole
Group 4 – metaphor
Group 5 – onomatopoeia

G. Assessment
 Read the following sentences below and identify the figure of speech used.
1. If I can’t get a smart phone, I will die.
2. She shines like diamond.
3. ZZZZZZ!!! The sound of the bees around the tree.
4. He is older than the hills.
5. That child is a bear when he is sleepy.
6. He is big as an elephant.
7. Chug! Chug! Chug! The train yells upon going to town
8. The trees dance in gladness when the rain comes.
9. The pie is heaven.
10. You are my sunshine.

H. Assignment
 Read page #427.

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