Chapter Four

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Chapter 4


This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done and

interpretation of findings. These are presented in tables following the sequence of the specific

research problem regarding the Effectiveness of school rules and regulations in enhancing


Table 1 shows the Profile of Respondents in terms of Sex. Out of 90 respondents, 55.56%

(50) is female and 44.44% (40) is male. The gender distribution in the study serves also as a

pointer of gender disparities in the education system of WCSAT wherein the number of female

learners are dominant than the number of male learners.

Table 1. Profile of Respondents in terms of Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Female 48 55.56

Male 42 44.44

Total 90 100
Table 2 shows that most of the respondents are at the age of 17 which garnered more than

half of the total percent which is 52.22% and the next age that has the second large amount of

frequency is age 18 that has a percentage of 31.11%. This shows that most of the grade 12

learners are at the age of 17 or 18 which is just appropriate and not an underage or overage for a

grade 12 Senior High School Learner.

Table 2. Profile of Respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage

16 5 5.56

17 47 52.22

18 28 31.11

19 10 11.11

Total 90 100

Table 3 shows the equal distribution of respondents in every section. The sampling

procedure that was used in this study is quota random sampling procedure that is why the

number of respondents in every section is equal to avoid on getting a biased result on the study.

Table 3. Profile of Respondents in Terms of Strand

Strand Frequency Percentage

ABM1 10 11.11

ABM2 10 11.11

GA1 10 11.11

GA2 10 11.11
STEM 10 11.11

AUTO1 10 11.11

AUTO2 10 11.11

H.E. 10 11.11

I.C.T. 10 11.11

Total 90 99.99


5- Strongly Agree 4- Agree 3- Neutral 2- Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree

WM- Weighted Mean DV- Descriptive Value

Table 4 shows the effects of school rules and regulations. The respondents were asked

about the effects of school rules and regulations in enhancing discipline and statements “Learners

always look nice because of the use of proper uniform” and “It can make every learner obedient”

got the highest weighted mean with a descriptive value of “Strongly Agree”. Moreover, the three

remaining statements also got a descriptive value of “Agree”. This implies that the school rules

and regulations has a positive effect towards learners in enhancing discipline.

Table 4. Effects of school rules and regulations

Statements 5 4 3 2 1 WM DV
1. School Rules and Regulations 53 17 6 4 10 4.1 A
can maintain the discipline of
everyone in the school.
2. It can make every learner 60 12 8 7 3 4.32 SA
3. It can make good image in the 47 13 20 8 2 4.06 A
school’s reputation.
4. Learners always look nice 55 21 9 4 1 4.39 SA
because of the use of proper
5. The environment of the school 33 37 15 0 5 4.03 A
and rooms are conducive for

Table 5 shows the challenges arising in enforcing school rules and regulations.

Challenges are the constraints which schools face when applying disciplinary measures to

learners who do not follow the set rules and regulations of the school. “Lack of support by some

teachers” was the challenge that the majority of the respondents have answered in the

enforcement of school rules and regulations. This occurs when teachers doesn’t permit the

students to enter the school premises to do school works during weekends unless a parent’s

consent was issued and so, learners see this as a possible challenge that may arise. The next

mentioned challenge is the “Negative influence from surrounding community” which happens

when students rebel and go against the school rules and regulations for not being in favor in it.

Just like the confiscating of gadgets before class hours, some won’t surrender it for a reason that

they have chat mates or text mates and others would be influenced afterwards. Statements

“Enrollment/transfer of indiscipline students”, “Restriction by law” and “Indiscipline

teachers/wrong role models” all got an adjectival value of “Disagree”. This implies that the

respondents does not recognize these challenges that may arise maybe because of the organized

and well-ruling of the supreme student government.

Table 5. Challenges arising in enforcing school rules and regulations

Statements 5 4 3 2 1 WM DV
1. Restriction by law. 10 6 24 13 37 2.32 D
2. Negative influence from 7 23 39 7 14 3.02 N
surrounding community.
3. Enrolment /transfer of 3 11 34 21 21 2.49 D
indiscipline students.
4. Indiscipline teachers /wrong 7 15 8 19 31 1.89 D
role models.
5. Lack of support by some 27 16 7 13 27 3.03 N

Table 6 shows the impact of rules and regulations. Statement “High quality for learnings”

has thee highest weighted mean with a descriptive value of “Strongly Agree”. Meanwhile,

statements “Student’s lifestyle may become well oriented” and “High quality protection and

safety of students” has the second large amount of weighted mean that has a descriptive value of

“Agree”. This is due to the impact of school rules and regulations towards learners wherein

learners are strictly prohibited to climb the school fence, cut classes, go to school while drunk,

engage in a fraternity or a sorority and many more. Thus, results to a well-oriented lifestyle and

high quality protection and safety of students. Lastly, statements “Student’s attitude and

behaviors would be worst” and “Uncomfortable environment in the school” both has the lowest

weighted mean with a descriptive value of “Disagree”. This implies that the respondents doesn’t

view these negative impact of school rules and regulations that may occur that is why it has been


Table 6. Impact of school rules and regulations

Statements 5 4 3 2 1 WM DV
1. Student’s lifestyle may become 35 42 3 5 5 4.13 A
well oriented.
2. High quality protection and 43 17 10 3 7 3.62 A
safety of students.
3. High quality for learnings. 56 18 9 4 3 4.33 SA
4. Student’s attitudes and 8 5 17 40 20 2.34 D
behaviours would be worst.
5. Uncomfortable environment in 11 9 10 30 30 2.34 D

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