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Best Sushi Nori Seaweed-Top 10

Best sushi nori seaweed is essential for making delicious sushi. 

Although there are many brands of seaweed, through my research it 
was fascinating to know just how beneficial sushi nori can be for our 
health benefits. Also it was interesting to know seaweed can have 
side-effects from overconsumption, and cancerous effects for a 
particular specie. 
Nori Health Benefits 
First of all, the best sushi nori that is used in sushi makes it delicious. 
Additionally sushi nori is also super nutritious. 
Since it contains tons vitamins and minerals ranging from vitamins A, 
E, B, calcium, magnesium, furthermore sushi nori also is a wonderful 
source of omega 3. 

Besides these obvious minerals in the 10,000 varieties of nori, it also 

has a molecule called ​fucoidans​. Which is an essential factor for 
increasing your overall life span, also makes your immune system 

Subsequently, as little as five-gram serving of this brown algae 

contains about 14% of a person’s necessary fiber per day. Hence 
protecting you against heart disease, and gives you a feeling of 
satisfaction from your food. 

Sushi Nori Seaweed Antioxidants 

However, one benefit that stands out among the best sushi nori 
seaweed are carotenoids. 

Since carotenoids are basically antioxidants that can help fight 

against the effect that oxygen has on muscle groups. 

Also this antioxidant is a β-Carotene that is responsible for aiding the 

production of vitamin A. So with the help of a nutrient rich diet 
containing more β-Carotene can decrease risk of cancer besides heart 
Seaweed Calories 

Nonetheless, sushi nori also is a great food in your diet for weight 
loss. Because it not only contains very few calories, it also is a filling 
fiber snack and has fucoxanthin. 

What is fucoxanthin? 

Firstly, fucoxanthin is a natural substance that comes from seaweed. 

Which has the ability to simultaneously enhance your body’s 
metabolism and stimulate fat burning. 

Not only great for weight loss, this substance in sushi nori has the 
ability to promote healthy skin, relieve metabolic syndrome, and 
protect against arthritis.  

While fucoxanthin’s ability to reduce fat is not only because of the 

ability to inhibit abdominal fat. But also because it can increase your 
body’s level of hunger control. 

However, by itself sushi nori contains ​45 calories in 3.5 ounces with 10 
grams of carbs, 2 grams of protein, and 1 gram of fat. 

Nori Side Effects 

Beyond simply mentioning all the good sides of sushi nori, my 
research has also shown me that there are risks inherent in 
How Much Nori to Eat Per Day? 

Firstly, too much of a good thing is not always healthy, and this 
applies to nori seaweed. Because although it has powerful healing 
potential, there are also problems with excess iodine and other heavy 

Furthermore, although the high vitamin K in seaweed is helpful, it will 

also interfere with blood thinning medications. Additionally, excess 
potassium in the body will cause nausea, because certain individuals 
with kidney issues can’t remove the excess potassium. 

Beyond just these issues, a single piece of nori may not seem like 
much but there’s also the effects of bioaccumulation over time. So 
these metals which can be safe at small dosage becomes toxic as it 

Does Sushi Nori Seaweed Cause Cancer? 

While I was researching information about these delicious nori to 
include in my next sushi roll and for this post, one of the things that 
was frequently mentioned was cancer.  

Although there are side effects that are true, cancer is on another total 
level, and it would be horrible if eating nori could cause cancer to 
users. Hence through some searching it shows that the worry was not 
Since the cancer causing effect is not in all sushi, but in a type of nori 
called Hijiki. Which is a brown sea vegetable part of Japanese diet. 
Although it is rich in minerals, it also contains high arsenic content. 

What does arsenic have to do with seaweed? 

So it was from researchers that the governments found that Hijiki 

contains a high level of arsenic. Thereof this toxic element is found to 
be linked to cancer. 

Definitely this was a sigh of relief personally since sushi is such a 

delicious cuisine​. Hence you don’t have to worry about nori seaweed 
because it is not included, furthermore it is free of arsenic content. 

To help you identify here’s a photo of dried Hijiki: 


Top 10 Best Sushi Nori 

Dagagam Sushi Nori 

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Dagagam Sushi Nori is done with double packaging to further ensure 

and protect against damaging the delicate nori since. But also to 
ensure that the quality and flavor of the seaweed can be better 
Although the Dagagam Sushi Nori is made in Korea, the 
manufacturing is safe for the environment. Since it is undergo a 
HACCP process that ensures food safety success. 

HACCP is a management system for better controlling the delicacy of 

the sushi nori without manufacturing process creating chemical or 
physical problems to the raw material. 

Further along, this brand is a popular choice not only in the United 
States, but also in countries such as Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. 


Secure Packaging 

Reliable manufacturing 

High quality 


● Seaweed can be brittle 

Daechun Sushi Nori  

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Firstly, this sushi nori is a Gold Grade nori, which is part of the nori 
grading from D to A(Gold Grade). Which is not so much about the way 
the sushi nori may taste. But about the way the seaweed may look. 
Hence having different grading of sushi nori will make it easier for 
companies to compare their sushi nori for thinning, surface spots, etc.  

Furthermore the package is from South Korea with a net weight of 125 
grams, at a length of 7.5″ X 8.25″. Additionally, the nori comes 
pre-roasted twice to give a crispy texture to the nori. Along with 100% 
natural raw flavor to ensure healthy sanitation.  


High quality grade nori 

Low Price 

Great crispiness 


● Nori can break easily due to roasting process 

Raw Organic Nori Sheets 

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Following is the sushi seaweed made by Rawnori, which has 50 sheets 

in its package along with the addition of a free sushi roller mat.  

Also the sushi nori manufacturing process consists of drying under 85 
degrees Fahrenheit. Besides the daily precise testing for any 
pesticides, herbicides, radiation, and other contamination in its 

Without mentioning the Red/purple seaweed specie for its product. 

Which has the highest nutritional value among nori sheets, hence 
includes minerals such as Vitamin B5, B12, C, A, and high protein, and 

Beyond just EcoCert/ USDA Organic certified, this company has taken 
it to the extremes by testing for over 450 potential contaminants in 
order to give the healthiest and best sushi nori. 


Certified organic seaweed 

50 sheets per bag 

High in nutrient and vitamins 


● Needs to be toasted before using 

Kimnori Sushi Nori 

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Comparatively, this sushi package only contains 10 nori sheets for its 
low price. But makes it up for its taste and low fat content. 
Additionally, it is made in the US and no artificial flavors or colors are 
added to the roasted nori sheets. Along with being Non-GMO and 
gluten-free certified. 

The Kimnori Sushi Noris are also very low in calories. Although the 
seaweed sheets are storied safely, it’s best that you put it in a safe 
place that is cool and dry and far from direct sunlight.  


No MSG and non-gluten 

Premium roasted nori 

Made in the US 


● Bag not resealable 

gimMe Organic Roasted Seaweed 

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Firstly, gimMe Organic Seaweed contains 10 sheets per its package 

and is a great choice for keto or paleo diet. But also very well for 
adding to meals such as your soup, salad, or just as a snack in itself. 

Additionally, this brand only harvests and uses the highest quality 
seaweed to create sushi nori products that are good quality and 
However, what makes this product stand out is the company’s 
mission that extends also to the way they are committed to create 
products that are safe for the environment 


Non-GMO certified 

Great for rolling sushi 

Very easy to use 


● None 

Korean Roasted Seaweed 

Check Price 

The reason this package stands out among the other sushi nori 
options is the easily usable zipper bag where the sheets are stored in. 
Thus this sealing ensures that the food can be fresh for a year without 

However, the downfall that lowers the benefits of having 50 sheets for 
a low price, is its taste. Because the bag of sushi nori comes without 
any seasoning done to it, so you will need to add some salt or other 
flavors to it. 

Besides that, this sun dried nori package is from South Korea and 
weighs a 100 grams, with a full size of 8.5 inch x 7.7 inch. 

Also since there’s not much seasoning and roasting down to this nori, 
you can try heating it up in the oven.  

Which can be easily done by setting them on a tray and setting the 
temperature all the way to 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 4-5 
minutes. By doing so, it will make the nori softer for m
​ aking sushi 


Great price 

All natural sun dried seaweed 

Zipper store bag 


● Seaweed needs to seasoned 

One Organic Sushi Nori 

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First off, this low calorie seaweed comes in 50 sheets in its package. 
And is furthermore Certified USDA Organic roasted seaweed to ensure 
best user experience. 

Along with the healthy amount of vitamin A and C, besides calcium 

and iron. Also this agricultural farming method of this company is 
done to not only produce delicious the best sushi nori. Furthermore, 
with production practices that also ensure that the environment is 
fully protected. 

Although this sushi nori is great for its crispness that works for sushi 
making, it can also be for other uses such as being a garnish or simply 
a side snack. 

Since sushi nori has long had its traditional usage for containing a 
variety of ingredients. Along with being a special garnish that adds a 
special touch to miso soup or to ramen. 


Low calories 

50 sheets for great price 

Ton of nutrients 


● May taste weird for some users 

Nagai Deluxe Sushi Nori 

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To begin, Nagai Deluxe stands out for the low price of its package that 
packs enough sushi nori to be used for foodservice and restaurant 

Also it is a super healthy snack choice that includes no salt or sugar to 
be added to the seaweed. Hence ensuring for cooks that their nori is a 
healthy choice to be served in their restaurant. 
Further along, the sheets are thin but strong enough to work perfectly 
without tearing for m​ aking sushi rolls​ that roll out great. Because 
most sushi rolls, although​ are great products, don't sustain well for 
making​ sushi rolls​ and tears apart easily. 

Additionally this sushi seaweed has a taste that can be chewed on by 
itself without tasting like it was stored with the fishes. And lots of 
seaweed doesn’t taste good because of the sea smell to them. 


Without additional seasoning 

50 sheets per bag 

Thick enough and doesn’t break easily 


● Taste fishy for some users 

Sushi Nori Premium Seaweed 

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This brand of sushi comes with many options ranging from 50 sheets 
to a 100 sheets of roasted seaweed. Additionally the package 
includes a bamboo mat for making sushi rolls. 
Following, the full size nori sheets are each 9 inches by 8 inches in 
length to fit the bamboo mat which has measurements of 9 inch by 9 
inch in size.  

Although it can be eaten as a snack alone, this sushi nori is primarily 

for making sushi since the seaweed is not as crispy as others. Also 
due to it being more dry, it can be made into rolls that can be ​cut 
without the rolls falling apart​. 


50 sheets with additional sushi mat 

Large nori sheets 

Nori sheets already roasted 


● Seaweed is dry 

Yaki Sushi Nori Seaweed 

Check Price 

First of all, what stands out about this option from other best sushi 
nori is its low price for a 100 full seaweed sheets. Furthermore, the 
seaweeds are already roasted and have no sweeteners added to 

However, from my research, many buyers reported that this seaweed 

tastes very blend. So it’s advisable that before you make sushi with it, 
you heat it up for a minute or two in the oven and sprinkle some salt to 
flavor it. 

And this is the perfect choice for you if you’re a ​beginner learning​ how 
to roll sushi without the worries of running out of nori. Additionally, the 
product is of a nice quality that can be used for wrapping vegetables 
or sushi without breaking apart due to crispiness. 

Moreover, the bag is easily resealable, with each nori sheet comes in a 
size of 7.5″ x 8.25″ that are already roasted beforehand for the user. 


100 sheets of nori 

100% all natural 

Low calories and no sugar 


● None 


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