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TITLE VIII. SUPPORT person dies then all support obligation

ARTICLE 194 – Support comprises everything
indispensable for sustenance, dwelling, ARTICLE 195 – Subject to the provisions of
clothing, medical attendance, education and the preceding articles, the following are
transportation, in keeping with the financial obliged to support each other to the whole
capacity of the family. extent set forth in the preceding article:

The education of the person entitled to be a. The spouses

supported referred to in the preceding b. Legitimate ascendants and descendants
paragraph shall include his schooling or training c. Parents and their legitimate children,
for some profession, trade, or vocation, even and the legitimate and illegitimate
beyond the age of majority. Transportation children of the latter; and
shall include expenses in going to and from d. Parents and their illegitimate children
school, or to and from place of work. (209a) and the legitimate and illegitimate
children of the latter; and
I. Kinds of Support
e. Legitimate brothers or sisters whether
a. As to Amount
full or half-blood.
i. Natural (bare
necessities of life)
ii. Civil (in accordance with
I. Par. 1 – the spouses are obliged to
financial standing)
support each other.
b. As to Source of Obligation
i. Legal (from provision of The duty arises from the fact that the marriage
law) exists, this includes the duty to pay a doctor who
ii. Voluntary (from attended the wife’s pregnancy even though the
agreement or from doctor was called by the husband’s father
provision of a will (Pelayo v. Lauron.) The duty subsists even if the
c. Special Kind – alimony pedente spouse is gainfully employed so long as there is
lite (pending litigation) still financial need for support. (Canonizado v.
II. What support includes Alemda-Lopez). Future support between
a. Food or sustenance husband and wife cannot be the object of a
b. Dwelling compromise (Mendoza v. CA)
c. Clothing
d. Medical attendance If the marriage is denied by defendant there can
e. Education be no alimony pedente lite because here the
f. Transportation basis for the support is in issue (Yangco v. Rhode)
III. Effect of Reaching Age of Majority If the marriage has been annulled, then the
If a person is of age and no longer studies, he obligation to support ceases (Mendoza v.
is still entitled to support unless there are Parungao.)
reasons for the extinguishment of the right If the wife commits adultery, she loses the right
(Javier v. Lucero.) On the other hand if the to be supported. So, if the wife claims support
person has not yet finished his studies, he is and the husband sets up adultery as a defense
still entitled to support, generally. But if the he is allowed to introduce preliminary evidence

as to why support should not be granted from the date of judicial or extra-judicial
(Mangoma v. Macadeg and Baustista.) demand.

II. Legitimate Ascendants and ARTICLE 196 – Brothers and sisters not
Descendants legitimately related, whether of the full or half-
blood, are likewise bound to support each other
If the relationship is in issue there should be no
to the full extent set forth in Art. 194 except
support pedente lite until the relationship is
only when the need for the support of the
established (Francisco v. Zandueta)
brother or sister, being of age, is due to a cause
Abandonment of the child by the parent is cause imputable to the claimants, fault or negligence.
enough for the former not to support the latter, (291a)
no matter how dire the situation of the latter is
I. Application of Article 196
(Castillo v. Castillo.)
The Articles applies when the brothers and
If the child is the adulterous child of the wife, the
sisters are not legitimately related. If they are
husband is not duty-bound to support the child,
legitimately related par. 5 of Article 195.
and evidence of said adultery may be presented
as a defense for action to support the child. If the ARTICLE 197 – For the support of legitimate
husband is unable to prove the adultery, the ascendants; descendants, whether legitimate
child is presumed to be his, and would therefore or illegitimate; and brothers and sisters,
be entitled to support (Sanchez v. Zulueta.) whether legitimately or illegitimately related,
only the separate property of the person
If the child has property of his own, his father, as
obliged to give support shall be answerable
guardian can charge expenses for the child’s
provided that in case the obligor has no
food, clothing, and education to the child’s
separate property, the absolute community or
property because, while it is true that the father
the conjugal partnership, if financially capable,
has the duty to support the child, support does
shall advance the support, which shall be
not arise from mere relationship but from
deducted from the share of the spouse obliged
imperative necessity. If the child has enough
upon the liquidation of the absolute community
property of his own, then the right to be
or of the conjugal partnership.
supported dos not exist (Jocson v. Empire
Insurance Co.) I. Comment

The term ‘descendants’ in par. 2 should be In this Article only the separate property of the
understood to refer only to ‘legitimate supporter is answerable. If needed, the absolute
descendants’ for had the intention of the law community, or the conjugal partnership will
been otherwise, it would have adopted the advance the support, but subject to
language of Par. 3 and 4. reimbursement upon the liquidation of the
absolute community or of the conjugal
III. Artemio Ilano v. CA
In this case, the Court ruled that the illegitimate
ARTICLE 198 – During the proceedings for legal
daughter of a man has the right to demand
separation or for annulment of marriage, and
support. “The obligation to support shall be
for declaration of nullity of marriage, the
demandable from the time the person who has
spouses and their children shall be supported
a right to recover the same needs it for
from the properties of the absolute community
maintenance, but is shall not be paid except

or the conjugal partnership. After the final ARTICLE 200 – When the obligation to give
judgement granting the petition, the obligation support falls upon two or more persons, the
of mutual support between the spouses ceases. payment shall be divided between the them in
However, in cases of legal separation the court proportion to the resources of each.
may order that the guilty spouse shall give
However, in case of urgent need and by special
support to the innocent one, specifying the
circumstances, the judge may order only one of
terms of such order. (292a)
them to furnish the support provisionally,
I. Support Pedente Lite without prejudice to his right to claim from the
other obligors the share due from them.
Spouses and their children shall be supported
from the properties of the absolute community When two or more recipients at the same time
or of the conjugal partnership: claim support from and the same person legally
obliged to give it, should the latter not have
1. During proceedings for legal separation
sufficient means to satisfy all claims, the order
2. Annulment of marriage
establishes in the preceding article shall be
3. Declaration of nullity
followed, unless the concurrent obliges should
The obligation of mutual support between the be the spouse and a child subject to parental
spouses ceases after final judgment granting the authority in which case the child shall be
petition. preferred.

In case of legal separation of however, the court I. Comment

may order that the guilty spouse shall give
Whenever the obligation to support falls
support to the innocent one. But the terms of
upon two people, the payment of such support
such order must be specified.
is divided between them in proportion to their
ARTICLE 199 – Whenever two or more persons income.
are obliged to give support, the liability shall
However., in case of urgent need or
devolve upon the following persons in the order
special circumstances the judge may order only
herein provided:
one to provide support, provisionally. This is
1. The spouse without prejudice to his right, to claim from the
2. The descendants in the nearest degree other obligors the share due them.
3. The ascendants in the nearest degree;
Under the last paragraph of Art. 200,
whenever two persons or more claim support
4. The brothers and sisters.
from one and the same person, should the latter
I. Comment
not have the means to provide it the order
In a situation where two persons are obliged to followed in Art. 199 shall be followed, unless
give support the liability shall fall in the order of concurrent obligees should be the spouse and
the following: child then the latter shall be given preference.

1. The spouse ARTICLE 201 – The amount of support, in the

2. The descendants in the nearest degree cases referred to in Articles 195 and 196, shall
3. The ascendants in the nearest degree be in proportion to the resources or means of
4. The brothers and sisters. the giver and the necessities of the recipient.

I. Comment

The amount of support is dependent on the III. When payment for support must be
recipient’s needs. made.

ARTICLE 202 – Support in the cases referred to In addition to the support payment that must be
in the preceding article shall be reduced or made and with a fixed date, the last paragraph
increased proportionately, according to the of Art. 203 speaks of when payment is made in
reduction or increase of the necessities of the advance but the recipient dies, “the heirs of the
recipient and the resources or means of the recipient are not obliged to return what he has
person obliged to furnish the same. received in advance.”

I. Proportionate Support ARTICLE 204 – The person obliged to give

support shall have the option to fulfill the
The amount of support being referred to may be
obligation either by paying the allowance fixed,
changed according to the reduction or increase
or by receiving and maintaining in the family
of the person needing support or according to
dwelling the person who has right to receive
the resources or means of the person obliged to
support. The latter alternative cannot be
give support. As such any judgment granting
availed of in case there is a moral or legal
support is never final, it is subject to modification
obstacle thereto.
depending upon the needs of the one supported
or the means of the supporter. I. Option given to supporter

ARTICLE 203 – The obligation to give support The person giving support has the option to:
shall be demandable from the time the person
a. Pay the allowance fixed or
who has a right to receive the same needs it for
b. To receive and maintain the recipient in
maintenance, but it shall not be paid except
the family dwelling
from the date of judicial or extra-judicial
II. Characteristics of the option
The option is not absolute, that is he cannot
Support pedente lite may claimed in
choose to keep the recipient in his house if there
accordance with the Rules of Court.
is a moral or legal obstacle.
Payment shall be made within the first
Examples of obstacles:
five days of each corresponding month, or
when the recipient dies, his heirs shall not be a. The fact that the man is married
obliged to return what he has received in to a woman who is not the
advance. (298a) mother of his illegitimate child,
said child, being the recipient
I. When the right to support begins
(Pascual v. Martinez.)
Such only accrues the moment one needs it. b. The fact that the husband
Nonetheless, it shall only be paid from the date maltreated the wife, who was
of judicial or extra-judicial demand. then compelled to leave the
family dwelling (Goita v. Campos
II. How support pedente lite may be
c. When a father offers to bring his
This can be done in accordance with Secs. 1-6 of child to his own home as a result
the Rules of Court. of his being pressed for overdue
allowances, and it is shown that

the father had previously d. When the recipient has given grounds
treated the child severely. for disinheritance
(Pascual v. Martinez) Here the e. When the recipient is a sibling of the
court said that the child would obligor and the need for support is
not find the satisfaction, caused by his or her lack of application
enjoyment and affection which to work, so long as this cause exists.
is necessary for his unhampered
ARTICLE 205 – The right to receive support
development and for the
under this Title as well as any money or
assurance of his future.
property obtained as such support shall not be
III. Meaning of obstacle.
levied upon on attachment or execution. (302a)
Obstacle herein referred to is not merely any
I. Characteristics of Right to Support
obstacle that would result in difficulty of life but
1. The right to receive legal support, as well
such that is has to be a legal or moral obstacle
as any money or property obtained as
such as, maltreatment of the wife by the
such support, cannot be levied upon on
husband, one of the spouses having illicit
attachment or execution, as this would
relationships apart from the other spouse,
defeat the purpose which the law gives
gambling, drinking, and other vices of the
to the recipient against want and misery
husband, and living with the in-laws in a way that
2. The right to support cannot be
would make leading a normal life impossible.
renounced nor is it transferrable
However, mere disagreement with the in-laws 3. Future support cannot be the subject of
does not entitle one spouse to live separately compromise
from the family dwelling if the same is with the 4. Compensation may not even be set up
in-laws. In the absence of a moral or legal against a creditor who has a claim for
obstacle, the person obliged to give support support due by gratuitous title.
should still have the option to either pay the
ARTICLE 206 – When, without the knowledge of
allowance or to have the person needing support
the person obliged to give support, it is given by
to live in the family dwelling of the person giving
a stranger, the latter shall have a right to claim
the same from the former, unless it appears
IV. When obligation to support ceases. that he gave it without intention of being
reimbursed (2164a.)
The obligation to give support ceases upon the
death of the obligor, even if he may be bound to I. General Rule
give it in compliance with a final judgement. The
The general rule is that the stranger who
obligation to support also ceases when:
furnishes support without knowledge of the
a. Upon death of recipient person obliged to give support has the right to
b. When the resources of the obligor are claim the same from the latter. For the stranger
such that he is unable to give support to have the right to recovery the following
without neglecting his own needs and requisites must be present:
that of his family.
1. The support of the dependent was given
c. When the recipient has improved his
by a stranger
fortunes in such a way that he no longer
needs the allowance or subsistence

2. The support was given without The obligation to reimburse under this Article is
knowledge of the person obliged to give one that also rises from a quasi-contract. The
support difference between Art. 207 and 206 is that in
3. The support must not have been given 207 the obligor refuses to or fails to give support.
without intention of being reimbursed. The law creates a promise of reimbursement on
II. Definition of the term ‘stranger’ the part of the person obliged to give support,
despite the deliberate disregard of his legal and
The term stranger as defined in Art. 206 is one
moral duty.
who does not have any obligation to give support
to the dependent. The stranger must not be any ARTICLE 208 – In case of contractual support or
of the persons defined in Art. 195 and 196 of the that given by will, the excess in amount beyond
FC. Hence, if the person who gave support is one that required for legal support shall be subject
of the persons enumerated as such, even though to levy on attachment or execution.
he or she is lower in the order established, the
Furthermore, contractual support shall be
support is deemed to not have been given by a
subject to adjustment whenever modification is
necessary due to changes in circumstances
The obligation to reimburse under this Article is manifestly beyond the contemplation of the
one that arises from a quasi-contract. Hence, it is parties.
necessary that the support must have been given
I. Contractual support v. legal support
without “knowledge of the person obliged to
give support” since in quasi-contract, the judicial In legal support which is contemplated in Art.
relation is created out of certain lawful, 195-196 the right to support arises from or is
voluntary and unilateral act to the end that no based on the provisions of law. On the other
shall be unjustly enriched at the expense of hand contractual support arises from the will
another. (given by will) of the obligor or form the
agreement of both parties (contracts.) In legal
It is required that the stranger has not given the
support, the recipient and the giver must be
support out of piety and without intention of
mutually obliged to give support under Arts. 195-
being paid, if such then the stranger has no right
196 of the Family Code, where in contractual
to recovery.
support they need not be so.
ARTICLE 207 – When the person obliged to
II. Subject to Attachment or Execution
support another unjustly or refuses to give
support when urgently needed by the latter, In contractual support or that given by will, the
any third person may furnish support to the excess in amount beyond that required for legal
needy individual with a right of reimbursement support shall be subject to levy on attachment or
from the person obliged to give support. The execution. Unlike legal support, contractual
Article shall apply particularly when the father support can be renounced or waived.
or mother of a child under the age of majority
unjustly refuses to support of fails to give TITLE IX: PARENTAL AUTHORITY
support to the child when urgently needed. CHAPTER 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS
(2166a) ARTICLE 209 – Pursuant to the natural right and
I. Payment by a third person under duty of parents over the person and property of
Art. 207 their unemancipated children, parental
authority and responsibility shall include the

caring for and rearing of such children for civic Because of parental authority, parents have the
consciousness and efficiency and the following duties:
development of their moral, mental, and  To support, instruct, and educate them by
physical character and well-being. right precept and good example, and to
provide for their upbringing in keeping with
I. Parental Authority, Defined
their means
Parental authority or patria potestas is the mass  To give love, affection, advice, counsel,
of rights and obligations which parents have in companionship, and understanding
relation to the person and property of their  To provide them with moral and spiritual
children until they reach the age of majority or guidance, inculcate in them honesty,
emancipation. integrity, self-discipline, self-reliance,
industry, thrift, stimulate interest in civic
II. Purpose of Parental Authority
affairs, and inspire in them compliance with
For the purpose of not only the sound physical the duties of citizenship
development of the children but also the  To furnish them with good and wholesome
cultivation of their intellectual perceptions, and educational materials, supervise their
the nourishment of their appetitive and sensitive activities, recreation, and association with
faculties (Reyes v. Alvarez.) others, protect them from bad company,
and from learning habits that would be
III. Over Whom Exercised
detrimental to their health, studies, and
General rule – over unemancipated children morals
Exception – in cases provided by law; e.g. the  Represent them in all matters affecting their
consent of parents regarding marriage for interests
children under the age of 21.  Perform other duties required by law as
parents or guardians
Who are considered as emancipated children –
according to the Family Code, emancipation
V. Parental Custody
takes places by the attainment of majority,
which is the age of 18. Parental custody – the right of parents to
exercise parental authority over their children.
IV. Consequence of Parental Authority
Parental custody is unquestionable and
Because of parental authority, parent have the incontestable by the State
following rights over the persons and property of
children In case of dispute by the parents the general rule
is that, the courts have the power to award the
 The right to have them in their company care, custody, and control of a minor child to
(custody) either of the parents acknowledging him, and
 The right to be obeyed and respected specifically whom the child prefers to live with,
 The right to discipline children as needed unless the parent has so chosen. Usually it is the
 The right to withhold or give consent in mother who is given custody.
certain matters
 The right to exercise legal guardianship over ARTICLE 210 – Parental authority and
the property of unemancipated children responsibility may not be renounced or
 Limited right of usufruct over the child’s transferred except in the cases authorized by
property law. (313a)

I. Parental Authority, characteristics moral, and legal obligations

(Castillo v. Castillo). Moreover,
a. A right
abandonment can cause
b. A duty deprivation of parental
II. Consequences
ARTICLE 211 – The father and the mother shall
a. Intransmissible because it is jointly exercise parental authority over the
purely personal persons of their common children. In case of
b. If the parent dies, the disagreement, the father’s decision shall prevail
administrator of the estate has unless there is a judicial order to the contrary.
no parental authority over the Children shall always observe respect and
children reverence toward their parents and are obliged
c. It cannot be waived, except in: to obey them as long the children are under
parental authority. (17a, PD 603)
i. When there is
guardianship approved I. General Rule
by court a. Joint parental authority
II. exception
ii. When there is adoption a. In case of disagreement, the
approved by court father shall prevail;
iii. When there is b. Unless there is a judicial order or
emancipation by decree to the contrary
concession III. Obedience

iv. When there is surrender Children are to always observe respect and
of the child to an orphan reverence toward their parents and should obey
asylum them while they are under their parental
d. Just because a mother delivers a
child to his godfather, does not ARTICLE 211 – In case of absence or death of
mean that there is a waiver of either parent, the parent present shall continue
parental authority. exercising parental authority. The remarriage of
the surviving parent shall not affect the
e. A letter stating that a child is parental authority over their children, unless
being entrusted to another by the court appoints another person to be the
the parent is not a waiver of guardian of the person or property of the
parental authority nor is it children.
allowed in the Family Code
I. Comment
f. While abandonment is void and
is not equivalent to a waiver, First sentence: in case of death or absence the
one effect of such an action is to surviving parent shall continue parental
deprive the abandoning parent authority
of the right to support in view of Second sentence: in case of remarriage parental
this forgetfulness of natural, authority shall not be affected.

ARTICLE 213 – In case of separation of the Since Art. 213 does not distinguish between
parents, parental authority shall be exercised separation in fact, and legal separation, the same
by the parent designated by the Court. The rules under Art. 213 shall apply.
Court shall take into account all relevant
ARTICLE 214 – In case of death, absence, or
considerations, especially the choice of the
unsuitability of the parents, substitute parental
child over seven years of age, unless the parent
authority shall be exercised by the surviving
chosen is unfit.
grandparent. In case several survive, the one
No child under seven years of shall be separated designated by the court, taking into account the
from the mother, unless the court finds same consideration mentioned in the preceding
compelling reasons to order otherwise. article, shall exercise the authority.

I. Who shall exercise Parental I. Comment

Authority in case of Separation?
General rule: substitute parental authority shall
Ans: the parent designated by the court. be exercised by the surviving grandparent in case
of absence, death or unsuitability of the parents.
II. Rule in legal separation
Exception: considering the considerations in Art.
One of the effects of legal separation is that
213, and in case of several grandparents the
custody of the minor children shall be awarded
court shall designate who, shall have parental
to the innocent spouse according to par. 3 of Art.
63 in relation to Art. 213, it shall be the one
designated by the court. ARTICLE 215 – No descendant shall be
compelled, in a criminal case, to testify against
III. Tender-Age Presumption
his parents and grandparents, except when
General rule: the mother is to be given custody such testimony is indispensable in a crime
of children under the age of seven. This is known against the descendant or by one parent against
as tender-age presumption. the other.

Exception: as provided in the provision of Art. I. Comment

213, for compelling reasons. Example: neglect
The descendant may not be compelled to testify
and abandonment, unemployment and
in a criminal case against his parents and
immorality, habitual drunkenness, drug
grandparents, but if he wishes to do so, he may.
addiction, and maltreatment of child, insanity,
and being sick with a communicable disease. CHAPTER 2: SUBSTITUTE AND SPECIAL
IV. Children over 7 years of age
ARTICLE 216 – In default of parents or a
Art. 213, states that a child over sever years may
judicially appointed guardian, the following
choose whom to reside with, but the court is not
persons shall exercise substitute parental
bound by the preference of the child. The
authority over the child in the order indicated:
preference of the child is only one factor in
awarding custody. 1. The surviving grandparent as provided in
Art. 214.
V. Rule in separation de facto
2. The oldest brother or sister, over
twenty-one years of age, unless unfit or

3. The child’s actual custodian, over the overworked, or in moral

age of twenty-one, unless unfit or danger.
disqualified. II. Who may Exercise Substitute
Parental Authority?
Whenever the appointment of a judicial
guardian over the property of the child Ans: in case of foundlings, abandoned, or
becomes necessary, the same order of neglected children, the heads of proper
preference shall be observed. government agencies shall have substitute
parental authority, through a summary judicial
I. Parental Preference Rule
Parents are always placed first in matters of
ARTICLE 218 – The school, its administrators
parental authority. Even against grandparents,
and teachers, or the individual, entity or
Art. 216 applies only when the parents are dead,
institution engaged in child care shall have
absent or unsuitable.
special parental authority and responsibility
ARTICLE 217 – In case of foundlings, over the minor child while under their
abandoned, neglected or abused children and supervision, instruction or custody.
other similarly situated, parental authority shall
Authority and responsibility shall apply to all
be entrusted in summary judicial proceedings
authorized activities whether inside or outside
to heads of children’s homes, orphanages and
the premises of the school, entity or institution.
similar institutions duly accredited by the
proper government agency. I. Concept of Special Parental
I. Definition of Foundlings,
Abandoned, or Neglected Children Special parental authority applies only to entities
a. Foundlings – a deserted or or institutions that have supervision, instruction
abandoned infant or child, or custody of children.
whose parents, guardians or
Special parental authority is limited, it applies
relatives are unknown.
only when the child is under their supervision,
b. Abandoned child – one who has
instruction or custody.
no proper parental care or
guardianship or whose parent(s) General rule: special authority limited to the
has deserted him/her for a confines of the school, entity or institution
period of at least 6mos and has
been judicially declared as such. Exception: this extends outside the school, entity
c. Neglected child – one whose or institution, under authorized activities by the
basic needs have been school, entity or institution.
unattended or inadequately II. Who May Exercise Special Parental
attended. Two kinds of neglect: Authority
i. Physical neglect – when a. The school
a child is left without b. School’s administrators or
provisions for his needs teachers
and supervision c. The individual, entity or
ii. Emotional neglect – institution engaged in child care
when children are
maltreated, exploited,

ARTICLE 219 – Those given the authority and 1. To keep them in their company, to
responsibility under the preceding Article shall support, educate and instruct them by
be principally and solidarily liable for damages right precept and good example, and to
caused by the acts or omissions of the provide for their upbringing in keeping
unemancipated minor. The parents, judicial with their means;
guardians or the persons exercising substitute 2. To give them love and affection, advice
parental authority over said minor shall be and counsel, companionship and
subsidiarily liable. understanding;
3. To provide them with moral and
The respective liabilities of those referred to in
spiritual guidance, inculcate in them
the preceding paragraph shall not apply if it is
honesty, integrity, self-discipline, self-
proved that they exercised the proper diligence
reliance, industry and thrift, stimulate
required under the particular circumstances.
their interest in civic affairs, and inspire
All other cases not covered by this and the in them compliance with the duties of
preceding articles shall be governed by the citizenship;
provisions of the Civil Code on quasi-delicts. 4. To enhance protect, preserve, and
maintain their physical and mental
I. Primary and Subsidiary Liability health at all times;
Any liability incurred by a minor child shall be 5. To furnish them with good and
borne, primarily, by those stated in Art. 218 i.e. wholesome educational materials,
supervise their activities, recreation
a. The school and association with others, protect
b. School administrators and teachers them from bad company, and prevent
c. Individual, entity or institution engaged them from acquiring habits detrimental
in child care to their health, studies, and morals;
Subsidiary liability shall be incurred by the 6. To represent them in all matters
following in case of insolvency: affecting their interests
7. To demand from them respect and
a. Parents obedience
b. Judicial guardians 8. To impose discipline on them as may be
c. Persons with substitute parental required under the circumstances; and
authority 9. To perform such other duties as are
II. Defense Against Liability imposed by law upon parents and
The liabilities herein referred to shall not apply
when it is proved that those primarily liable had ARTICLE 221 – Parents and other persons
exercised proper diligence in the circumstances exercising parental authority shall be civilly
liable for the injuries and damages caused by
the acts or omissions of their unemancipated
children living in their company and under their
ARTICLE 220 – The parents and those exercising parental authority subject to the appropriate
parental authority shall have with respect to defenses provided by law.
their unemancipated children or ward the
I. Liability of Parents for Quasi-delicts
following rights and duties

Parents and those exercising parental authority entities or institutions engaged in child care in
are civilly liable for acts or omissions committed children’s homes duly accredited by the proper
by children. The following conditions are government agency.
required for civil liability:
The parent exercising parental authority shall
a. The minor is living in the company of his not interfere with the care of the child
parents whenever committed but shall provide for his
b. The minor is under their parental support. Upon proper petition or at its own
authority instance, the court may terminate the
c. The parents failed to exercise all the commitment of the child whenever just and
diligence of a good father of a family to proper.
prevent damage.
ARTICLE 222 – The courts may appoint a UPON THE PROPERTY OF THE CHILDREN
guardian of the child’s property, or a guardian
ARTICLE 225 – The father and the mother shall
ad litem when the best interests of the child so
jointly exercise legal guardianship over the
property of the unemancipated common child
I. What is a guardian ad litem without the necessity of a court appointment.
a. a guardian appointed by the In case of disagreement, the father’s decision
court to prosecute or defend a shall prevail, unless there is a judicial order to
case for the minor child’s best the contrary.

ARTICLE 223 – The parents or, in their absence

Where the market value of the property or the
or incapacity, the individual, entity, or
annual income of the child exceeds P50,000, the
institution exercising parental authority, may
parent concerned shall be required to furnish a
petition the proper court of the place where the
bond in such amount as the court may
child resides, for an order providing for
determine, but not less than ten per centum
disciplinary measures over the child. The child
(10%) of the value of the property or annual
shall be entitled to the assistance of counsel,
income, to guarantee the performance of the
either of his choice or appointed by the court,
obligations prescribed for general guardians.
and a summary hearing shall be conducted
wherein the petitioner and the child shall be A verified petition for approval of the bond shall
heard. be filed in the proper court of the place where
the child resides, or, if the child resides in a
However, if in the same proceeding the court
foreign country, in the proper court of the place
finds the petitioner at fault, irrespective of the
where the property or any part thereof is
merits of the petition, or when the
circumstances so warrant, the court may also
order the deprivation or suspension of parental The petition shall be docketed as a summary
authority or adopt such other measures as it special proceeding in which all incidents and
may deem just and proper. issues regarding the performance of the
obligations referred to in the second paragraph
ARTICLE 224 – The measures referred to in the
of this Article shall be heard and resolved.
preceding article may include the commitment
of the child for not more than thirty days in

The ordinary rules on guardianship shall be b. Secondarily – for the collective

merely suppletory except when the child is daily needs of the family
under substitute parental authority, or the c. Unless provided otherwise in
guardian is a stranger, or a parent has the title or the transfer.
remarried, in which case the ordinary rules on
ARTICLE 227 – If the parents entrust the
guardianship shall apply.
management or administration of any of their
I. Legal guardianship by the father properties to an unemancipated child, the net
proceed of such property shall belong to the
General rule: mother and father have joint legal
owner. The child shall be given a reasonable
guardianship over the property of an
monthly allowance in an amount not less than
unemancipated child.
that which the owner would have paid if the
Exception: in case of disagreement the father administrator were a stranger, unless the
shall prevail, unless there is a court order to the owner grants the entire proceeds to the child.
contrary. If the father is absent or incapacitated In any case, the proceeds thus given in whole or
the mother shall be the legal guardian. in part shall not be charged to the child’s
II. Bond Requirement
I. The unemancipated minor is the
If the child’s property of annual income exceeds manager or administrator of any of
P50,000, the parents shall pay a bond worth 10% the parent’s properties
of the value of the property or the annual II. Ownership
income. a. Belongs to the parents
ARTICLE 226 – The property of the III. Mandatory compensation for the
unemancipated child earned or acquired with child
his work or industry or by onerous or gratuitous a. Given by the parents a monthly
title shall belong to the child in ownership and allowance not less than that
shall be devoted exclusively to the latter’s which might be given to a
support and education, unless the title or stranger
transfer provides otherwise. b. The parents may decide to give
the entire proceeds to the child
The right of the parents over the fruits and IV. Not chargeable to the child’s
income of the child’s property shall be limited legitime whether in:
primarily to the child’s support and secondarily a. Whole or
to the collective daily needs of the family. b. In part
I. This Article refers to property CHAPTER 5: SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF
acquired by child through PARENTAL AUTHORITY
a. His work or industry
b. By onerous or gratuitous title ARTICLE 228 – Parental authority terminates
II. The child is the naked-owner permanently:
III. Use of the fruits of property or 1. Upon death of the parents
income 2. Upon death of the child
a. Primarily – for the support of the 3. Upon emancipation of the child

ARTICLE 229 – Unless subsequently revived by a parental

final judgement, parental authority also authority

1. Upon adoption of the child ARTICLE 230 – Parental authority is suspended

2. Upon appointment of a general upon conviction of the parent or the person
guardian exercising the same of a crime which carries
3. Upon judicial declaration of with it the penalty of civil interdiction. The
abandonment of the child in a case filed authority is automatically reinstated upon
for the purpose service of the penalty of upon pardon or
4. Upon final judgement of a competent amnesty.
court divesting the party concerned of
I. Civil Interdiction
parental authority; or
5. Upon judicial declaration of absence or Civil interdiction is an accessory penalty to the
incapacity of the person exercising following principal penalties: death, reclusion
parental authority perpetua, reclusion temporal.

Table for Art. 228 and 229 Civil interdiction has the following effects:

Article Condition Type 1. Deprives of the right to parental

Death of authority
parents 2. Deprives guardianship over the person
Death of the or property of the ward
228 Permanent
child 3. Deprives of marital authority
Emancipation 4. Deprives of right to manage his
of child property; and
Adoption of 5. To dispose of such property by any act or
any conveyance inter vivos
of a general ARTICLE 231 – The court in an action filed for
guardian the purpose or in a related case may also
Judicial suspend parental authority if the parent or the
declaration of person exercising the same:
Final 1. Treats the child with excessive
Revivable by
judgement harshness or cruelty
229 a final
divesting a 2. Gives the child corrupting orders,
person of counsel, or example
parental 3. Compels the child to beg; or
authority 4. Subjects the child or allows him to be
Judicial subjected to acts of lasciviousness
declaration of
absence or The grounds enumerated above are deemed to
incapacity of include cases which have resulted from
the person culpable negligence of the parent or the person
having exercising parental authority.

If the degree of seriousness so warrants, or the In no case shall the school, administrator,
welfare of the child so demands, the court shall teacher, or individual engaged in child care
deprive the guilty party of parental authority or exercising special parental authority inflict
adopt such other measures as may be proper corporal punishment upon the child.
under the circumstances.
I. Comment
The suspension or deprivation may be revoked,
Even thought the persons granted substitute
and the parental authority revived in a case
parental authority have the same authority as
filed for the purpose or in the same proceeding
the parents, in no case shall those with special
if the court finds that the cause therefor has
parental authority inflict corporal (physical)
ceased and will not be repeated.
punishment upon the child.
Table for Arts. 230 and 231

Article Reason Type

Civil Reinstated
interdiction after service
Treats child
harshly or
may be
revoked and
231 counsel, or
Compels child
to beg
Subjects to
acts of

ARTICLE 232 – If the person exercising parental

authority has subjected the child or allowed
him to be subjected to sexual abuse, such
person shall be permanently deprived by the
court of such authority.

I. Comment

The person subjecting the child to sexual abuse

shall deprived of parental authority,

ARTICLE 233 – The person exercising substitute

parental authority shall have the same
authority over the person of the child as the

TITLE IX: SUMMARY JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS IN ARTICLE 241 – Jurisdiction over the petition
THE FAMILY LAW shall, upon proof of notice to the other spouse,
be exercised by the proper court authorized to
hear family cases, if on exists, or in the regional
ARTICLE 238 – Until modified by the Supreme trial court or its equivalent sitting in the place
Court, the procedural rules provided for in this where either of the spouses resides.
Title shall apply in all cases provided for in this
I. Comment
Code requiring summary court proceedings.
Such cases shall be decided in an expeditious The proper court herein referred to is the RTC
manner without regard to technical rules. where either spouse resides.

I. Comment ARTICLE 242 – Upon filing of the petition, the

court shall notify the other spouse, whose
Summary court proceedings may be modified by
consent to the transaction is required, of said
the SC. All cases provided for in this Code shall
petition, ordering said spouse to show cause
be decided speedily without regard to
why petition should not be granted, on or
technicalities. Summary proceedings under this
before the date set in said notice for the initial
Code are:
conference. The notice shall be accompanied by
a. Cases of Separation De Facto in Art. 239 a copy of the petition and shall be served at the
b. Those in under Art. 249 last known address of the spouse concerned.
c. Those enumerated in Art. 253
ARTICLE 243 – A preliminary conference shall be
CHAPTER 2: SEPARATION IN FACT conducted by the judge personally without the
parties being assisted by counsel. After the
ARTICLE 239 – When a husband and wife are initial conference, if the court deems it useful,
separated in fact, or one has abandoned the the parties may be assisted by counsel at the
other and one them seeks judicial authorization succeeding conferences and hearings. (n)
for a transaction where the consent of the other
spouse is required by law, but such consent is ARTICLE 244 – In case of non-appearance of the
withheld or cannot be obtained, a verified spouse whose consent is sought, the court shall
petition may be filed in court alleging the inquire into the reasons for his failure to
foregoing facts. appear, and shall require such appearance, if
possible. (n)
The petition shall attach the proposed deed, if
any, embodying the transaction, and, if none, ARTICLE 245 – If, despite all efforts, the
shall describe in detail the said transaction and attendance of the non-consenting spouse is not
state the reason why the required consent secured, the court may proceed ex parte and
thereto cannot be secured. In any case, the final render judgment as the facts and circumstances
deed duly executed by the parties shall be may warrant. In any case, the judge shall
submitted to and approved by the court. endeavor to protect the interests of the non-
appearing spouse. (n)
ARTICLE 240 – Claims for damages by either
spouse, except costs of the proceedings, may be
litigated only in a separate action.

ARTICLE 246 – If the petition is not resolved at court may proceed ex

the initial conference, said petition shall be parte to render
decided in a summary hearing on the basis of judgment, protecting
affidavits, documentary evidence or oral the interest of the
testimonies at the sound discretion of the absent spouse
court. If testimony is needed, the court shall 246 If the petition is not
specify the witnesses to be heard and the resolved in initial
conference the court
subject-matter of their testimonies, directing
shall render
the parties to present said witnesses. (n)
judgment based on
ARTICLE 247 – The judgment of the court shall affidavits,
be immediately final and executory. documentary
evidence, or oral
ARTICLE 248 – The petition for judicial authority testimonies.
to administer or encumber specific separate Regarding
property of the abandoning spouse and to use testimonies the court
the fruits or proceeds thereof for the support of shall specify the
the family shall be governed by these rules. witness to be heard
and the subject of the
I. Chart of Steps Taken in a Summary testimony
Judicial Proceeding for De Facto 247 Judgments in such
Separation summary
proceedings shall b
Article Steps final and executory
239 A verified petition but subject to an
shall be filed in court appeal by certiorari
alleging the facts 248 The same rules shall
240 Action for damages also govern petitions
must be filed in a for judicial authority
separate action to administer or
241 The proper court to encumber the
file the petition is the separate property of
RTC where either the abandoning
spouse resides spouse for purposes
242 A notification to the of family support.
other spouse must be
conference must be AUTHORITY
conducted by the
judge w/o counsel ARTICLE 249 – Petitions filed under Articles 223,
244 In case of non- 225, and 235 of this Code involving parental
appearance by the authority shall be verified.
spouse the court shall
ARTICLE 250 – Such petitions shall be verified
inquire for the
and filed in the proper court of the place where
reasons why
245 Despite all efforts to the child resides.
locate the spouse the

ARTICLE 251 – Upon filing of the petition, the vested or acquired rights in accordance with the
court shall notify the parents, or, in their Civil Code or other laws.
absence or incapacity, the individuals, entities
I. Comment
or institutions exercising parental authority
over the child. The Family Code being substantive in nature and
in the process, creating new rights, is given
ARTICLE 252 – The Rules in Chapter 2 hereof
retroactive effect.
shall also govern summary proceedings under
this Chapter. Insofar as they are applicable. CIVIL CODE
I. Chart of Steps Taken in Incidents TITLE XIII: USE OF SURNAMES
Involving Parental Authority
ARTICLE 364 – Legitimate and legitimated
Article Steps children shall principally use the surname of the
249 A verified petition is father.
250 Verified petitions I. Application:
under Arts. 223, 225, a. Even if the spouses are divorced
and 235 shall be filed and the mother is now married
in the RTC of the to another man; Art. 364 still
place where the child applies.
resides b. An illegitimate child, who is later
251 Parents, or in their legitimated, may use the
absence, individuals
surname of the father, without a
exercising parental
judicial decree, according to Art.
authority over the
child shall be notified 364.
by the court ARTICLE 365 – An adopted child shall bear the
252 The judge personally surname of the adopter.
conducts the
proceedings in a I. Application
summary hearing, a. To avoid confusion as to who
the child may be adopted the child.
assisted by counsel.
The judge under, Art. ARTICLE 368 – Illegitimate children shall bear
243 may order parties the surname of the mother.
to be heard under
assistance of counsel. ARTICLE 369 – Children conceived before the
If w/o counsel the decree annulling a voidable marriage shall
judge assures that principally use the surname of the father.
the interest of the
ARTICLE 370 – A married woman may use:
child is a priority.
1. Her maiden first name and surname
and add her husband’s surname, or
TITLE XII: RETROACTIVITY OF THE FAMILY CODE 2. Her maiden first name and her
ARTICLE 256 – This Code shall have retroactive husband’s surname, or
effect insofar as it does not prejudice or impair

3. Her husband’s full name, but prefixing a 2. She or her former husband is married
word indicating that she is his wife, again to another person.
such as “Mrs.” I. Effect if marriage is annulled
I. Example of Surnames for married a. The law distinguishes from an
women: innocent or guilty wife.
Annulment dissolves the marital
Joesafa Reyes married Renato Cruz:
a. Joesefa Reyes Cruz
ARTICLE 372 – When legal separation has been
b. Josefa Cruz
granted, the wife shall continue using her name
c. Mrs. Renato Cruz
and surname employed before the legal
She cannot use Mrs. Josefa Cruz for this would separation.
be illegal and ungrammatical. The term Mrs. is an
I. Rule if Legal Separation Occurs
abbreviation for the word “mistress” this would
a. The law does not distinguish
mean she is the mistress of Josefa which is
whether the woman is guilty or
wrong. She may still use “Mrs.” Josefa Cruz,
not, unlike in annulment
provided that the Mrs. is enclosed in
because in legal separation the
parenthesis, this denotes her marital status.
marriage still subsists.
II. Exclusive use of surnames
ARTICLE 373 – A widow may use the deceased
a. The right of the wife to use the
husband’s surname as though he were still
husband’s surname is exclusive,
living, in accordance with Article 370.
no other woman may
misrepresent herself as the wife ARTICLE 374 – In case of identity of names and
by using the husband’s surnames, the younger person shall be obliged
surname. to use such additional name or surname as will
III. Married women have the option but avoid confusion.
not duty to use the husband’s
ARTICLE 375 – In case of identity of names and
surnames between ascendants and
IV. Instances where the surname of the
descendants, the word “Junior” can be used
woman can revert back to maiden
only by a son. Grandsons and other direct male
name provided by R.A. Sec. 5(d)
descendants shall either:
a. Death of husband
b. Divorce a. Add a middle name or the mother’s
c. Annulment surname, or
d. Nullity of marriage b. Add the Roman numerals II, III and so
ARTICLE 371 – In case of annulment of marriage,
I. When “Junior” may be used.
and the wife is the guilty party, she shall resume
a. Art. 375 restrict the use of
her maiden name and surname. If she is the
innocent spouse, she may resume her maiden
name and surname. However, she may choose ARTICLE 376 – No person can change his name
to continue employing her husband’s surname or surname without judicial authority.
I. No change of name or surname
1. The court decrees otherwise; or without judicial authority.

Change of name is governed by Rule 103 of the the one christened with, or by
Rules of Court. Sec. 1 states which he has been known since
childhood, or such substitute
“A person desiring to change his name shall
name as may have been
present his petition to the Court of First Instance
authorized by a competent
of the province in which he resides or in the City
of Manila, to the Juvenile and Domestic Relations
V. Use of an Alias
a. A person seeking to change his
Change of name can only be allowed for some name or use an alias must show
justifiable reasons which include but are not valid and justifiable reasons that
limited to: will satisfy the court in granting
the petition. A change of name
a. When the name is ridiculous, tainted is a privilege and not a right.
with dishonor, or is extremely difficult to VI. How to Register a Change of Name
write or pronounce. a. If a change of name is granted,
b. When the request for change is a the original entry must not be
consequence of change of status, as in canceled or erased, but the
legitimation proper marginal corrections or
c. When the change is necessary to avoid annotations should be applied.
d. A sincere desire to adopt a Filipino name ARTICLE 377 – Usurpation of a name and
to erase signs of a former nationality. surname may be the subject of an action for
II. Baptism Not Required damages and other relief.
a. A person may, on justifiable
ARTICLE 378 – The unauthorized or unlawful
reasons, change his name to one
use of another person’s surname gives a right of
with which he had not been
action to the latter.
III. Effect of Criminal Record ARTICLE 379 – The employment of pen names
a. A person cannot change his or stage names is permitted, provided it is done
surname without judicial in good faith and there is no injury to third
approval to obliterate a criminal persons. Pen names and stage names cannot be
record. usurped.
b. If there are prior criminal
I. Use of Pen Names or Stage Names
convictions, it is the court’s duty
a. One may use a pen name or
to consider carefully the
stage name even without
consequences of a change of
judicial approval, if it is done in
good faith, and the rights of
IV. Effect of use of name since
third persons are not
a. An individual is authorized to
b. These names cannot be usurped
use a name which he had been
– it means “should” not be
known since childhood. Such
usurped otherwise liability for
does not need judicial approval.
damages may lie.
What the law prohibits are using
a name which is different from

ARTICLE 380 – Except as provided in the

preceding Article, no person shall use different
names and surnames.

I. Use of Different names and

a. Article 380 is the general rule
and the exception is Art. 379.
b. The use of name which one was
christened with is authorized by
II. Nature of petitions for change of
a. Petitions for change of name are
proceedings in rem. It means,
strict compliance with the
requirements of publication is
essential, for it is through this
that the court gains jurisdiction.
If the petitioner’s name is
misspelled in the publication,
then the error is substantial as it
did not clearly identify the

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