Sykes - 1990 - 25 Years of Progress in Electrochemical Methods

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Silver Jubilee review

25 years of progress in electrochemical methods

J. M. SYKES This review examines the electrochemical methods available to corrosion scientists today
and developments that have taken place in the past 25 years. The fundamental principles
of the methods are outlined and some practical difficulties explained.
The author is in the Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Parks Road,
Oxford, OX13PH, UK.

INTRODUCTION potentiodynamic polarisation curves;20,21Tafel plots of the

The past 25 years have seen dramatic changes in the resultant curves can be calculated and plotted with a
character of instrumentation available to the electro- microcomputer, or made on a chart recorder through a
chemist; the integrated circuit operational amplifier has logarithmic amplifier. The latter method allows a greater
revolutionised the design of instruments!' 2 and the use of range of currents to be recorded without range changing,
digital electronics and computers, particularly the personal but the former method is becoming predominant. If
computer, have enormously increased the scope and con- computer measurements are taken via an autoranging
venience of electrochemical experiments.3-5 These changes instrument the logarithmic amplifier offers no particular
have had an enormous-impact on the study of corrosion. In advantage.
many cases, fOr instance ac impedance, the basic principles
of the method were understood long ago,6. 7 but the equip-
ment which makes it possible to carry out useful measure- Rotating disc electrode
ments, on complex corrosion systems, has only recently Albery relates how the measured current at an electrode
been developed. Similarly, the experience necessary to under free convection conditions is subject to many
apply these techniques to complex corrosion problems extraneous influences, beyond the control of the
with confidence, and to interpret results reliably, has been experimenter.22 This situation poses a problem for the
accumulated over the intervening period. 8-11 corrosion scientist, who is well aware that the corrosion
It is instructive to note that in the 1960 edition of phenomena he or she wishes to study often take place in a
'Corrosion and oxidation of metals', U. R. Evans explains stagnant solution. If a flow is imposed on the test electro-
in some detail how to carry out constant potential experi- lyte, then the conditions are not the same as in the real
ments without an electronic potentiostat,12 although he corrosion problem; however, if stagnant electrolyte is used
also draws attention to potentiostatic experiments by in the test cell, results are likely to be unreliable. (A
Edeleanu.13 By 1965, when the first issue of British similar problem arises with the use of buffers; corrosion
Corrosion Journal was produced, the use of electronic usually occ~rs in unbuffered neutral solutions, whereas
potentiostats in corrosion research was becoming electrochemistry is understood more readily if the pH can
common. be maintained constant.) Hougaard and Britz23 have con-
It is inevitable, given the electrochemical nature of the cluded that it is better to obtain reliable results under well
corrosion process, that much research uses electro- defined flow conditions, and so obtain corrosion measure-
chemistry as its main tool; it is also inevitable in a review ments that will represent an upper bound to the practical
of this length that many fine pieces of work, with distinc- corrosion rate, than to grapple with electrochemical meas-
tive and original features in their experiments, will be urements under undefined hydrodynamic conditions.
omitted. It is not the aim here to review the extensive Certainly this situation presents corrosion scientists with a
range of techniques available to the electrochemist - there dilemma. The rotating disc electrode (RDE)14.15.24offers a
are many excellent sources of such information;I4-16 convenient means of controlling convection at the speci-
instead, methods which have made an impact in the study men and its use allows the production of reliable polarisa-
of corrosion will be highlighted and techniques in use tion curves suitable for quantitative analysis.25-27 The
today critically compared. It is not intended that the effect of varying the rotation speed upon the electrode
account be historical in nature or chronological in kinetics also provides a useful probe of mechanism. 24.27In
sequence. For a broader perspective the reader is referred some studies alternative methods may be more
to the proceedings of three conferences on 'Electro- suitable. 28.29
chemical methods in corrosion research' held in Europe
over the period 1982-1988.17-19
There are two main reasons for carrying out electroche- Rotating ring disc electrode
mical experiments in the corrosion laboratory, or on site: It is convenient to interject some remarks on another
the first is to achieve a measurement of corrosion rate, the electrochemical technique at this point; if a detector elec-
second to characterise in some way electrochemical pro- trode, in the form of an ine'rt ring of well defined geo-
cesses contributing to, or limiting, the corrosion reaction. metry, is incorporated into a RDE, this ring electrode can
In the former case it is to be preferred if the measurements be used to detect soluble species formed during the corro-
can be made continuously and without disturbing the sion process.30-34Quantitative measurements are possible,
corrosion process. This type of experiment, used in corro- so that if all the corrosion products are soluble, this
sion monitoring or in the laboratory, will be discussed provides a direct measure of corrosion rate without any
below. First let us consider the routine electrochemical interference with the specimen (the disc electrode) at all.
measurements used to characterise corrosion processes. In circumstances where film growth and dissolution are
occurring simultaneously the rotating ring disc electrode
POLARISATION CURVES (RRDE) allows an independent measure of the dissolution
The use of potentiostats controlled by a computer or linear process.35 The RRDE is a powerful and underused
scan generator is now a routine method for obtaining technique for corrosion studies.

Dr. Corros. J., 1990, Vol. 25, No.3 175

176 Sykes 25 years of progress in electrochemical methods

Ohmic potential drop (o )

Another problem which besets the experimenter carrying
out electrochemical experiments involving large currents,
or low conductivity media such as non-aqueous solutions
or dry concrete, is the potential difference which arises
between the surface of the specimen and the reference
electrode (or tip of the Luggin probe). This presents a
considerable difficulty in that the potential is not accu-
rately known, potential scan rates will change, depending
upon the current, and in some instances potential regula- z
tion by the potentiostat may become unreliable. I-
Fortunately, modern instrumentation offers the means of o
a.. y
surmounting, or at least partially surmounting, these
difficulties.36 It should be mentioned that some potentio-
stat designs can avoid ohmic potential drops entirely, by
frequently interrupting the current for a period of micro-
seconds and sensing the potential only during this period. 37
One advantage of using ac or transient methods in corro-
sion studies is that they can measure and separate out
the ohmic contribution from the real electrochemical CURRENT ----+
characteristics of the specimen (see below).

The passive state has been extensively studied by electro-
chemical methods. 38.39One important area, relevant to
subjects such as pitting corrosion,40 or stress corrosion
cracking,41 is the kinetics of repassivation. This is one area
where high speed digital acquisition of results and data
processing by computers has permitted real advances to be
made.42 Detailed reviews have recently appeared t=
elsewhere. 43.44 z
Polarisation resistance C2
Let us now consider the question of corrosion rate meas-
urements; these usually rely upon the reciprocal relation-
ship between corrosion current ieorr and polarisation
resistance Rp, arising from the Stern-Geary equation45

(1) CURRENT --.

a anodic reaction under activation control; b anodic reaction with

concentration polarisation
where ba and be are the Tafel slopes for the anodic and
cathodic reactions respectively. The constant B is defined Effect of concentration polarisation on polarisation resistance
by equation (1). This relationship46 is only valid provided for anodic reaction under activation control and with concen-
tration polarisation: in both cases cathodic reaction C2 pro-
that both anodic and cathodic reactions obey the Tafel duces larger corrosion current, but whereas Rp is smaller at Y
equation, that is than X in (a), it is not in (b)
1]a = ba log(ia/io.a) (2)
1]e= be log(iJio.e) (3) However, where the cathodic reaction is diffusion
controlled (a common circumstance, given the low solubi-
where 1]a and 1]e are overpotentials and io.a and io•e the lity of oxygen in water), such that be = - 00 , and the anodic
respective exchange current densities for anodic and cath- reaction obeys the Tafel equation, then
odic reactions. It is because of these logarithmic depen-
dencies that the slope of a polarisation curve decreases as (4)
current increases (Fig. 1a). If concentration polarisation is
present, such that the current tends to a limiting value It may not always he easy in practice to establish that the
(Fig. 1b) then the slope d1]ldia will actually increase as the theoretical requirements are met, but a pragmatic
anodic current increases. Note that the corrosion current is approach, where the coefficient of proportionality is estab-
higher at Y than at X in both diagrams, but in Fig. 1b the lished through empirical correlation of Rp measurements
value of Rp will actually have increased. Under these with independent corrosion rate measurements (for
circumstances, the Stern-Geary equation will be instance, weight loss), overcomes theoretical objection to
unreliable.47 the technique. 47.49-51
Practical applications and sources of
It should be noted that the charge transfer resistance error in processing results have been reviewed by Callow
Ret' defined ih terms of the activation overpotential, rather et a/.52
than the experimental overpotential, will still follow the One point that should be emphasised is that a linear
Stern-Geary equation and techniques, such as ac impe- relationship between potential and current is not required
dance (see below), which can measure this quantity will for the technique to be used. The slope of the polarisation
still supply valid measurements.48 It would be unusual, curve at Ecorr gives Rp, whether or not the relationship
given that the reversible potentials of anodic and cathodic between current and potential is linear. In many cases the
reactions are commonly over 1V apart, if both reactions in polarisation curve will give an approximate straight line,
the corrosion process were under activation control. for a region of 10-20 mV either side of Eeom and the

Dr. Corros. J., 1990, Vol. 25, No.3

Sykes 25 years of progress in electrochemical methods 177

slope of this line (t!E/ t!i) is what is determined for instance, ac methods, where the impedance is calcu-
experimentally.47 lated from the amplitude of the ac current and the ampli-
Rewriting equations (2) and (3) in terms of the tude of the potential oscillation producing that current, a
corrosion current ieorrgives linear relationship between current and potential is
assumed, and perturbation must be kept small if measure-
ia = ieorrexp(2·303t!E/ba) (5) ments are to be valid; likewise with some dc or transient
procedures. One other important consideration is that
ie = ieorrexp( -2'303t!E/be) (6) polarisation resistance is intended to be a steady state
measurement. When measurements are made using
(where t!E is now a positive shift in potential from Eeorr), potentiodynamic techniques, such that the potential is
then the net anodic current flowing t!i is given by swept above and below the corrosion potential using a
triangular voltage ramp, errors will be introduced unless a
t!i = i - ic sufficiently slow scan speed is employed. 53.54When poten-
tial is varying, the current passing to the specimen consists
= icorr[exp(2·303t!E/ba) - exp( -2·303t!E/bc)] (7)
of two parts, the Faradaic current (driving the electro-
Each of the exponential terms can be expanded as a series, chemical reaction) and a charging current, which charges
for example the double layer capacity. The faster the scan rate, the
larger the charging current will be. For a valid measure-
ment the charging current must be negligible with respect
2.303 ) _ 2·303 !.-(2.303)2 to the Faradaic current, or Rp will be underestimated.
exp ( b t!E -1 + b t!E+ 2! b t!E
a a a Another difficulty arises where corrosion rates are high,
or measurements need to be made in high resistance

+ -1 (2.303
-- t!E )3 + ... (8)
media. In these situations, the polarisation applied across
the metal/solution interface may be small compared to the
3! ba
ohmic potential drop between the specimen and the refer-
ence electrode (or Luggin probe if in use). In this case the
For sufficiently small values of (2·303/ba)t!E, only the first
polarisation resistance will be overestimated and too small
term need be considered (Le. the function can be treated
a value of corrosion current will be calculated.52 Even
as linear), leading to:
when slope has been measured reliably, we need to ascer-
(9) tain the constant of proportionality B between icorrand Rp•
For some systems values of the constant have been
In practice we also need to consider the second, quadratic tabulated. 52,55In theory, a single determination of the
term; it is apparent then that equation (9) is exact only if Tafel constants for the anodic and cathodic reactions is all
ba = be, where the quadratic terms cancel and cubic terms that is required to determine the value of B. However, as
can be neglected. Thus, unless ba = be, the polarisation the nature of the surface changes, or perhaps the nature of
curve will not be accurately linear except for a very small the local environment, the values of these constants may
range near to the corrosion potential. A point not gener- alter.52 Even where the relationship between the overall
ally considered is that if t!i values are measured for two weight loss in an experiment and the integrated corrosion
potentials equidistant from the corrosion potential, and current has been tested, it will still be difficult to be
the slope is calculated, it can readily be shown (see confident of the accuracy of instantaneous corrosion rate
Appendix) that, even when the polarisation curve is not measurements throughout the experiment. Methods have
straight, the quadratic terms again cancel and the slope of now been developed that are able to continually determine
a line between the .limits of the scan will have the same the Tafel parameters. Various authors have suggested
slope as the tangent at the corrosion potential (Fig. 2). In, ways in which this can be achieved. 56-61

Curve fitting methods

If the Tafel equation describes both the anodic and catho-
dic reactions, then the experimental polarisation curve is
given by equation (7). The form of this current-potential
n:: slope =(9J...) = (-L) curve is fixed by the three parameters icom ba and be. By
n:: p taking values of 1] and i at three or more different points,
::> \ i.O R
U equations are obtained, which, when solved simul-
taneously, yield all three parameters. Of course, the accur-
acy of these measurements will depend upon the accuracy
of the determination of these individual points and noise,
for instance, will interfere with the accuracy of the result.
If regression analysis is used to fit the theoretical equation
to a whole set of experimental points, better accuracy will
result. The technique will be particularly efficient if a large
POTENTIAL --+ number of results are obtained using computer controlled
equipment, with statistical analysis performed by a
computer program. As with polarisation resistance, the
method relies on both anodic and cathodic reactions
adhering to the Tafel equation. Hougaard and Britz23have
reported that curve fitting produces accurate. corrosion
rates for zinc in a pH 5 buffer solution; however, although
~E a good fit was produced with copper in acid, the result was
incorrect. Skinner58 has examined the effect of experimen-
2 Polarisation curve illustrating that line joining points at poten- tal inaccuracies upon simple curve fitting routines and
tials equidistant from corrosion potential will have same slope concluded that use of an empirical B value in the
as tangent at corrosion potential (see also Appendix) Stern-Geary equation may actually give more reliable

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178 Sykes 25 years of progress in electrochemical methods

results. In principle, a general equation for the polarisa- (b)

tion curve, taking into account ohmic potential drops and c
concentration polarisation, could be fitted to the experi-
mental curve and all the adjustable parameters deter-
mined, so that a generally valid method would be avail-
able, but the practical realisation of such a project presents
formidable difficulties.
-CJ- t

Point of inflection
If ba = bc, the point of inflection in the polarisation curve Z'-.
occurs at the corrosion potential, otherwise the line will 3 Simple circuit model for a corroding metal (a) with Nyquist
show curvature at this point.16 The point of inflection diagram that such a circuit will produce (b)
represents another feature, readily identifiable on the
experimental curve, that can be used to arrive at a deter-
mination of corrosion current. Drazie and Vascie62 have current in addition to the Faradaic current. This will be the
derived a relationship between the corrosion current and dominant component at high-frequencies. In the case of ac
the slope of the polarisation curve (di/ d1])PI at this point. measurements, because both the amplitude and phase of
They suggest that errors arising through uncertainty in the the current sinusoidal response to a sinusoidal potential
values of ba and bc can be reduced by using this method. perturbation are known, the relative contributions of these
For instance, for iron in sulphuric acid at 298 K the use of two terms can be distinguished. The normal way of charac-
the relationship terising the behaviour of electrochemical systems in ac
experiments is in terms of model circuits composed of

passive elements (resistors, capacitors, and inductors),
icorr=22.2 . (10) plus a frequency dependent component, the Warburg
1] PI
impedance, where diffusion phenomena are involved.66,67
should not lead to errors greater than 20 allowing for
The simplest type of model would be a resistor (the
possible variations, in ba and bc' Similarly, Meszaros et polarisation resistance) in parallel with a capacitor (the
al.63 have derived a relationship between the de current at double layer capacitance), which corresponds to the sim-
this point il and the corrosion current. In this case har- plest physical situation at an electrode surface
monic analysis (see below) serves to detect the point of (Fig. 3a).The response of this circuit on a Nyquist plot (Z"
inflection, which corresponds to a minimum (theoretically the imaginary part of the impedance against Z' the real
zero) in the second harmonic current. This current and ieorr part) is easily recognised as a semicircle (Fig. 3b). As
are related by frequency increases, the impedance decreases and moves
along the semicircle toward the origin. At each point a
.= [(b~)2b~/(b~+b~)_ (b~) 2b~/(b~+ba]. . (11)
vector from the origin describes the magnitude ('modu-
l{ b' b' leorr lus') and phase of the impedance at that particular fre-
c a
quency. The diameter of the circle gives Rp• Even where
where b~ = a/2·303 and = c/2·303. b~ b the experimental results fail to form a complete semicircle,
For iron in acid this reduces to (approximately) extrapolation to the real axis may permit determination of
icorr = -0·6il• Rp• The double layer capacitance can be calculated from
the frequency w at the top of the semicircle (Z" max-
AC impedance imum), where RpC=w-1• The power of the technique
AC impedance is a technique that has made rapid advance becomes clearer when we examine more complicated
since the 1960s; in particular, digital electronics have model circuits. The simplest case is where the corrosion
facilitated much improved processing of results and process is occurring within a medium of significant ionic
control of experiments, which simplifies the procedures. 8 resistance, such as a non-aqueous electrolyte * , or a solid
Theoretical interpretation of the results has also made medium, like concrete or soil. The solid medium provides
great progress.11 Application of this method to corrosion a particular problem to the experimenter, because the
problems has become widespread and many authors have reference electrode cannot be positioned close to the
described this technique (e.g. Refs. 10, 11, 39, 48, 55, 64- specimen surface. In this case the additional resistance of
66). Because ac methods use measurements of impedance the electrolyte appears as a simple displacement of the
over a broad range of frequencies they can provide much semicircular response along the real axis (Fig. 4), which
more information than simple de methods. Ultimately, can readily be subtracted from the result. (The impedance
they rest upon the same foundation as polarisation resis- response from concrete appears to be more complex than
tance methods, that is the assumption of linear depen- a simple resistor, but fortunately careful ac measurements
dence of current upon potential, for small changes in can still separate the response of the specimen.) In those
potential. Unless the signal is sufficiently small to meet this instances where more complicated circuits are required to
condition the method will not be valid. Macdonald has
stressed the need for valid measurements to satisfy the * Chechirlian et ale have recently shown that misleading responses
Kramers-Kronig relationships.l1 One attraction of the ac can occur in such systems.68
method, using modern equipment, is that the use of a
periodic signal improves the signal/noise ratio for small (0) (b)
signals, so that reliable results can be obtained on systems c
which would otherwise be difficult to measure using very
small perturbations. At a sufficiently low frequency, such i
that the impedance is essentially a steady state measure-
ment, the modulus of the impedance IZI will equal the ~
polarisation resistance. Thus ac impedance provides an
Rs Rs+Rp
alternative method for measuring corrosion rates. If meas-
urements are made at higher frequencies, the situation is z'--+
the same as for polarisation resistance measurements; that 4 Model circuit incorporating solution resistance (RJ (a) and
is, when potential is changing there will be a charging effect on Nyquist diagram (b)

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Sykes 25 years of progress in electrochemical methods 179

(0) .
(0) (b)

Q Rp
i c

5 Circuit model (a) and Nyquist diagram (b) for system exhibit-
ing diffusion impedance (W), in case of semi-infinite medium
(no convection)

simulate the electrode response, different interpretations

can be offered. For instance, where Nyquist plots show
two semicircles having different time constants, an expla-
nation can be advanced in terms of an electrochemical
reaction scheme, such as a two stage mechanism involving
an adsorbed intermediate69

An analysis of this case leads to various possible Nyquist 6 Model circuit (a) for organic coating containing pores on metal
diagrams. The same results can equally well be interpreted substrate and impedance response (b)
in terms of a physical model, where this seems more
appropriate. Examples would be localised corrosion at
pits,67or a coated metal with a polymer coating containing
pores.70 simple models of the types described above. A common
It must be emphasised that there will often exist differ- feature is that Nyquist plots do not show semicircles, but
ent model circuits which produce identical impedance 'depressed semicircles' with the centre below the real
responses; we have no means, other than scientific judge- axis.64.65There are various explanations for this, based
ment, for establishing which is correct. There will always upon the heterogeneity of the electrode, non-ideal capaci-
be this inherent ambiguity; however, sometimes the com- tances (for instances with organic coatings), or super-
ponent values in these circuits will allow improbable imposed processes with multiple time constants.1l· 71
arrangements to be eliminated. Rammelt and Reinhard have proposed that the depression
In the case where a diffusion impedance appears, the angle of the semicircle is related to roughness and can be
linked to the fractal dimension of the surface. 71 It may now
low frequency response becomes dominated by this term
at sufficiently low frequencies. Sometimes (if the diffusion be necessary to use computer curve fitting methods in
boundary layer is of limited thickness), IZ I reaches a finite order to extract accurate values for the circuit elements
limit which can be ascribed to Rp - although it is all too and interpretation in terms of physical models becomes
more difficult. 72
apparent that the electrode reactions cannot now be des-
cribed as activation controlle~. In other examples (for
instance in concrete) IZI continues to increase, as pre- Organic coatings
dicted by theory, as the frequency falls (Fig. 5). No abso- One area where impedance measurements have been
lute value of Rp can be determined in this situation. This widely used is with organic coatings. 10. 70,73-76In principle,
difficulty is not unique to ac impedance. Such specimens the impedance of a coated metal should be the Slim of the
would also fail to show a steady current under dc polarisa- impedance of the coating and that of the electrode to
tion or would show increasing values of Rp as scan rate is which it has been applied. In many cases the ac method
decreased in a potentiodynamic measurement. One possi- fails to distinguish these separate contributions and many
bility in this situation is to select a particular frequency, or authors ascribe the response to the coating alone. Given
scan rate, or time of polarisation, which - experience that high electrical resistance is a desirable characteristic
shows - yields a good correlation between Z (or Rp) and for a coating intended for corrosion protection, this would
icom based upon an empirical choice of B. This practice has in itself provide a useful measurement. AC techniques also
been found to work well for steel in concrete. 55However, provide a measure of coating capacitance, which has been
as was discussed above, the idea of a polarisation resis- related to the extent of water uptake77 - a further import-
tance arises from the consideration of activation controlled ant parameter. The ac method is of most use, however,
electrode processes and that part of the impedance arising where the coating contains pores, or is in the process of
from activation polarisation (the charge transfer resis- breaking down, when the electrochemical behaviour at the
tance) will provide a corrosion rate measurement resting site of corrosion and the electrical behaviour of the coating
upon a sounder theoretical foundation.48 The proportiona- can be clearly resolved.73 The circuit model in Fig. 6a (Ref.
lity constant B will in this case be calculable from the Tafel 10) should lead to a Nyquist diagram of the form shown in
coefficients for the system. Fig. 6b, with the high frequency semicircle determined
The same sort of difficulty arises in systems which chiefly by the resistance of the electrolyte in the pore and
exhibit inductive loops, for instance iron in inhibited acid. the film capacitance, the low frequency semicircle by the
Here the charge transfer resistance is larger than the electrochemical reactions associated with corrosion.
polarisation resistance. Comparison of ac impedance Hepburn et ai. have used the capacitance associated with
measurements with weight loss experiments has shown the corrosion process to estimate the area of attack, so that
that the charge transfer resistance yielded the better result Rp could be connected to a local corrosion current
for corrosion rate.48 density.73 These experiments also showed that where solid
One problem that frequently arises with the ac tech- corrosion products block the pore, the interface response
nique is that the experimental results fail to conform to becomes dominated by a Warburg impedance.

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180 Sykes 25 years of progress in electrochemical methods

AC techniques (0)
Various methods are available for ac measurements; c
usually these are based on the application of a sinusoidally
varying current, or potential, and determining the poten-
tial or current response at each individual frequency of
interest. The phase and amplitude of the response can be
determined simply with an oscilloscope, or more usually
using phase sensitive detectors, such as lock-in amplifiers
or correlators. The 'electrochemical impedance Rp
spectrum'lO is built up by making a large number of such
measurements over a wide range of frequencies, a task (b)
which would require great perseverance, were it not for Emax
automatic control of these instruments. Even so, each
measurement at each frequency must last for at least one
cycle, so that long periods of measurement may be needed
if results are required down to very low frequencies. One -Ji
way of reducing this problem is to make all the measure- j::w
ments simultaneously, that is to perturb the sample with a W'-
signal specially built up from a series of sine waves of oi
different frequencies. If the resultant current from the test Q.tJ)

cell is subjected to Fourier analysis, Z for each separate

frequency can be determined.78 Any periodic waveform TIME-.
can be broken down by Fourier analysis, so that suitably
chosen waveforms, for instance a square wave, can give (c)
information across a range of frequencies. Keddam and
co-workers have investigated the relative accuracy of
different types of perturbation.79 In principle, sufficient
information is contained in one cycle, such as a single
potential pulse, to obtain a full impedance spectrum. In w

practice, averaging over many cycles will help to eliminate E

the problem of noise, inevitable with small signal
experiments.8o E

Transient techniques
As outlined above, a single pulse contains, in principle, all
the information needed to generate an electrochemical
impedance spectrum,81 and computer analysis using the a model circuit; b potential transient; c analysis of transient on
10g(Emax - E)-time plot: intercept = iRp, Emax = i(Rs + Rp), slope =
technique of Laplace transformation can convert a current (RpC)-1
transient, measured in the time domain, to an impedance 7 Potential - time response of simple electrode to current step
spectrum in the frequency domain.82 This approach has
great benefits in terms of speed: indeed, it may be the only
possible approach with systems that are evolving with is also possible. Such experiments can generate Tafel plots
time, but lacks the ability to reject noise - so that the from a single pulse measurement.91
accuracy of the final result (particularly at high frequen- Potential relaxation methods have also been applied to
cies) can be much less than that from conventional ac measurements on organic coatings and show an ability to
methods.79 The accuracy can be improved by averaging the distinguish closely matched time constants in complex
result of many individual pulse experiments, but then the impedance spectra.92-95Such methods also offer a useful
benefit of speed is lost. 80 approach for the analysis of very slow time constants,
The simplest pulse technique is the galvanostatic charg- beyond the limit of normal ac equipment, although of
ing curve83 - for a system that can be represented by the course all methods are vulnerable to potential drift super-
circuit in Fig.7a, the value of the series resistance Rs is imposed on a transient.
readily obtained from the initial instantaneous potential Sleigh and McKinnon have recently suggested a new
rise; the electrochemical interface produces an exponen- approach to explpre the different relaxation processes in
tial curve which yields Rp and Cd1 very readily (Fig. 7c) complex systems, from potential transients.96 A plot of
(provided of course that potential perturbations are kept - t( dEl dt) versus t yields a curve very similar to a phase
small enough to give a linear response). An interesting angle versus frequency plot from ac experiments. Modern
application is to in vivo corrosion measurements on metal transient recorders and digital interfaces and the wide
implants in rabbits.84 Even for circuits with a more com- availability of powerful microcomputers greatly facilitate
plex response, computer analysis can be used to elucidate these methods.
the various circuit parameters, for instance in the case of
steel in sea water, 85or in concrete. 86This method has been Harmonic analysis
successfully applied to corrosion monitoring of reinforced When linear circuit elements are subjected to a pure sine
concrete on site.87 Similar information can be gained from wave potential perturbation, the current response is a pure
current transients resulting from a potential pulse.88 sine wave of the same frequency. However, the electro-
Another approach is to analyse the potential relaxation as chemical response of a corroding metal will not be
the double layer discharges without external polarisation - perfectly linear; this results in the generation of harmonics
this is the basis of the coulostatic technique. 89.90The of the original frequency. Devay and Meszaros97-99have
simplest case is to use small charge pulses, so that the small developed equations to allow the corrosion rate to be
potential shifts which occur can be analysed in terms of derived from measurements of the first, second, and third
linear elements, but where the corrosion systems can be harmonics of the Faradaic current. (It is important that the
described by a simple model circuit and the kinetics are frequency used for the measurement is such that non-
taken to obey the Tafel law , the analysis of large transients Faradaic charging currents are not taken into account.)

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Sykes 25 years of progress in electrochemical methods 181

The advantage of this method is that the Tafel parameters as a means of recognising different forms of corrosion; a
for the anodic and cathodic reactions need not be known, typical noise spectrum is shown in Fig. 8. In practice, the
nor need they remain constant with time. The signal best way to measure noise may be the simplest, for
amplitude is not limited by the requirement of linearity. instance by measuring current noise between two identical
An alternative approach is to detect the point of inflection electrodes through a low value resistor. 112This reduces the
in the polarisation curve; that is, the point when the risk of extraneous noise from the instruments.
second harmonic is zero, or a minimum. Meszaros has Although theoretical treatments exist,113.114the main
derived a relationship between the dc current at that point obstacle at present is in interpretation of results and
and the corrosion current (see above). 63Harmonic analysis establishment of rigorous procedures by which quantita-
has been applied to metals with organic coatings and steel tive results can be extracted from the measurements, other
in concrete.1OO-102 than by empirical correlation.

Electrochemical noise APPLICATIONS

This method offers one fundamental advantage: in princi- Space is too limited here to deal specifically with individual
ple, it offers the possibility (in the case of potential noise applications; the past 25 years has seen increasing use
measurements) of measuring corrosion rates and studying of electrochemistry in the study of passivity,38,39
corrosion phenomena without the need for any outside inhibitors, 115-118organic coatings,119-121 corrosion in
disturbance of the corroding system. Iversonl03 first noted concrete,88 and many other areas.
the random potential shifts that occur with corroding Perhaps surprisingly, electrochemical methods are also
metals and was able to show that this 'noise' was decreased proving valuable in the study of atmospheric corrosion.121
below the threshold of measurement by addition of inhibi- Stratmann and Streckel have developed electrochemical
tor to the environment. Various authors have investigated methods based upon the use of a Kelvin probe to sense the
the possibilities of this technique.l04-l07 Epelboin et aI.108 potential beneath thin electrolyte films. 122.123
have highlighted the need to avoid, or recognise the
presence of, spurious noise from electronic equipment. CONCLUSION
The real noise signal may be generated by rupture This paper has presented a corrosion scientist's viewpoint
events in passive oxides, hydrogen gas evolution, or other on developments in the past 25 years; no doubt an electro-
causes. A recent review noted the different shapes of chemist would have offered a different perspective. In
individual noise events which are seen to occur; some rise recent times, the corrosion scientist has been presented
quickly and fall slowly, in other cases they rise slowly and with a bewildering array of new techniques, their propo-
fall abruptly. 109 nents clamouring for attention. Gradually the new meth-
In practice, shifts in potential ('potential noise') can be ods have become established in research laboratories and
measured, or currents passing when the potential is main- increasingly for application in the field. Together with in
tained constant ('current noise'). The simplest way to situ spectroscopiesl4.15 and surface analysis outside the
quantify noise is by the standard deviation of the signal environment,124 electrochemical methods have played a
about its mean value. Hladky and Dawson have suggested major part in increasing our understanding of corrosion.
that this may be used as a measure of corrosion ratel05 and What of the future? There is little doubt that electro-
Searson and Dawson107and Harden et aI.110 have used this chemical methods will continue to playa major role in our
method to measure corrosion rates in calcium hydroxide studies and that instrumentation used in research labora-
solutions and concrete respectively. The validity of the tories will find wider'use in the field; one area for develop-
method was established through comparison with weight ment is the use of photoelectrochemical methods in the
loss and polarisation resistance measurements respec- investigation of corrosion problems. 125Macdonald sees the
tively, though in both cases there is considerable scatter in possibility of using non-linear regression analysis of ac
the results. There are still few published examples where impedance measurements to determine the kinetic para-
the technique has been used in practice. meters for complex electrochemical mechanisms as an
A more sophisticated analysis of the noise can be important short term objective.ll
obtained by converting the time record into a power
spectrum by Fourier transformation. Bertocci has com-
puted impedance spectra for corroding ApPENDIX
electrodes from the ratios of power spectra of the current Calculation of Rp at Ecorr from two equidistant
and potential noise. 106 Hladky and Dawson105 and potentials
Uruchurtu and Dawsonlll have used noise power spectra Taking equation (8), neglecting cubic and higher terms,
and substituting into equation (7) gives

!:ll = 'eorr
. [(
T 1 2.3032 !:lE 2)
!:lE +"2 ~
1 2.3032 !:lE 2)]
v; 2·303
w - ( I - -- !:lE + "2 --2-
o be be
~ _. [ (2.303 2.303)
o - leorr!:lE b + b
a e
. (AI)

If ba = be, this reduced to the Stern-Geary equation

log (FREQUENCY) --+
. (A2)
8 Schematic drawing of typical noise power spectrum: infor-
mation can be derived from the frequency at which 'roll off' On the other hand, if the current !:li' is calculated for
takes place, and slope of roll off105.107 = - !:lE (without putting ba = be)

Br. Corros. J., 1990, Vol. 25, No.3

182 Sykes 25 years of progress in electrochemical methods

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John Sykes gained a BA in Metallurgy at Cambridge University in 1964 and spent the next 6 years in research
there with Dr T. P. Hoar and Dr G. P. Rothwell. After academic appointments at the City University, London
and Sunderland Polytechnic, he moved to the Department of Materials in Oxford in 1978. His research group
has interests in pitting corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, corrosion in concrete, and organic coatings.

Dr. Corros. J., 1990, Vol. 25, NO.3

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