Informed Consent and Parental Consent Form

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Tabon M.

Estrella National High School

Senior High School



“My name is ____________________, and I am Grade 11 student at

Tabon M. Estrella National High School taking the General Academic Strand. I
am inviting you to participate in a research study. Involvement in the study is
voluntary, so you may choose to participate or not. I am now going to explain
the study to you. Please feel free to ask any questions that you may have about
the research; I will be happy to explain anything in greater detail.

“I am interested in learning more about ________________________.

You will be asked to answer a few questions and will be video –covered on the
process of the interview. This will take approximately an hour of your time. All
information will be kept anonymous and confidential, If anonymous, this means
that your name will not appear anywhere and no one except me will know about
your specific answers. In any articles I write or any presentations that I make, I
will use a made-up name for you, and I will not reveal details or I will change
details about where you live, any personal information about you, and so forth.

“The benefit of this research is that you will be helping us to understand

_____________________________________________. This information should
help us to better understand these cases.

Participants - “All of my questions and concerns about this study have been
addressed. I choose, voluntarily, to participate in this research project.

Names and Signatures of participants
Date: _____________

Name and Signature of Researcher
Date: _____________

Tabon M. Estrella National High School
Senior High School

Parental Consent

I, ______________________, a resident of _______________________

________________________________ certify that I am the parent/ legal guardian of
_________________________________, hereby voluntarily authorize my children,
______years of age, who is named above to participate in the research conducted by

Furthermore, I also understand that my children’s names will not

appear anywhere. In any articles that the researcher will write or in any
presentations that the researcher will make, she/he will use a made-up name for
them, and she/he will not reveal details and will change details about where we
live, or any personal information about us.

Signed this __________ of _____________ at ______________________.

Complete Name and Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian
Date: _______________________

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