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Educational Psychology Review, Vol. 17, No.

2, June 2005 (
C 2005)

DOI: 10.1007/s10648-005-3950-1

A Review of the Relationship Among Parenting

Practices, Parenting Styles, and Adolescent
School Achievement
Christopher Spera1,2

This article reviews the literature on the relationship among parenting prac-
tices, parenting styles, and adolescent school achievement. The review of the
empirical research indicates that parental involvement and monitoring are ro-
bust predictors of adolescent achievement. Several studies, however, indicate
that parental involvement declines in adolescence, prompting the call for fu-
ture research on the reasons for and associated consequences of this decline.
Furthermore, the review indicates that authoritative parenting styles are often
associated with higher levels of student achievement, although these findings
are not consistent across culture, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Darling
and Steinberg’s contextual model of parenting provides a promising model to
help resolve these discrepancies, however, further research is needed to exam-
ine the major linkages of the model. It is also argued that the contextual model
should expand its notion of context towards the larger cultural and economic
context in which families reside.
KEY WORDS: parenting styles; parenting practices; adolescence; socioeconomic status;
academic achievement.

Theories about how parental values, goals, skills, and attitudes are
passed from one generation to the next have been debated by philoso-
phers since the seventeenth century. For example, in his Essay Concerning
Human Understanding, John Locke (1689) posited that children were born
with a “tabula rasa” or a blank slate by which parents and society could
easily transmit their values and beliefs to their children. In contrast, Jean

1 Universityat Albany, State University of New York, Albany, New York.

2 Correspondence should be addressed to Christopher Spera, University at Albany, State
University of New York, Albany, New York; e-mail:

C 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
126 Spera

Jacques Rousseau (1762) believed that children were born “innately good”
and that it is up to parents and society to uphold and further teach the val-
ues inherent in children. Similar to the philosophers from centuries ago, ed-
ucational and developmental psychologists of today are interested in gain-
ing a better understanding of the interactive socialization process by which
parents attempt to transmit their values, goals, skills, and attitudes to their
children (see Grusec, 1997; Parke and Buriel, 1998).
The process of socialization refers to the manner by which a child,
through education, training, observation, and experience, acquires skills,
motives, attitudes, and behaviors that are required for successful adapta-
tion to a family and a culture (Parke and Buriel, 1998; Ladd and Pettit,
2002). The socialization process is bidirectional in that parents convey so-
cialization messages to their children, but their children vary in their level
of acceptance, receptivity, and internalization of these messages (Grusec
et al., 2000).
Within the socialization literature, recent attention has been given to
examining linkages between the child’s home environment (i.e., family) and
the child’s school environment (see Ryan and Adams, 1995; Scaringello,
2002). Within these two developmental contexts, adolescents interact with
and are influenced by multiple socialization agents, including their parents,
teachers, and peers (Maccoby and Martin, 1983; Parke and Buriel, 1998;
Wentzel, 1999). Adolescence is a particular period of human development
in which the interface of the school and home contexts gain critical impor-
tance (Paulson, 1994; Steinberg and Silk, 2002). During this period, adoles-
cents transition from the highly dependent and controlled period of child-
hood into a period marked by an increasing sense of self-exploration and
autonomy (Wentzel and Battle, 2001). Specifically, adolescents begin to de-
velop their self-concept (Harter, 1983) and explore their relationship and
connection to family, friends, and the larger society (Simmons et al., 1987).
As a result, adolescence is not only a time of change for adolescents, but it
is also a time of change for the family unit (Kreppner, 1992).
Several theories have organized and examined the research on ado-
lescent family-school linkages (e.g., Bronfenbrenner, 1979; Grusec, 2002;
Wentzel, 1999). In this article, Darling and Steinberg’s (1993) contextual
model of parenting is used as an overarching framework to examine the
relationship among parenting practices, parenting styles, and adolescent
school outcomes. The article first reviews the historical and current liter-
ature on parenting practices and parenting styles as they relate to adoles-
cent school achievement. The article then examines the consistency of the
research findings focusing on the relationship between parenting styles and
adolescent school outcomes across families from diverse ethnic and socioe-
conomic backgrounds. Finally, the article considers whether the contextual
Parenting and Adolescent School Achievement 127

model of parenting (Darling and Steinberg, 1993) can help resolve the dis-
crepancies in the literature. In this last section, empirical support for each
of the major tenets in the contextual model is offered and recommenda-
tions to expand the model to include additional contextual variables are


In the last 25 years, a myriad of studies on the family–school connection

have examined the influence of distinct types of parenting styles (e.g., ty-
pologies characterized by responsiveness and demandingness) and specific
parental practices (e.g., monitoring of after school activities, helping with
homework, attending parent–teacher conferences) on student school-based
outcomes (see Scott-Jones, 1995). In describing their studies, researchers
have often used the labels parenting styles and parenting practices inter-
changeably (Maccoby and Martin, 1983); however, Darling and Steinberg
(1993) suggest that to better understand the socialization process it is im-
portant to distinguish between parenting practices and parenting styles.
Parenting practices are defined as specific behaviors that parents use to
socialize their children (Darling and Steinberg, 1993). For example, when
socializing their children to succeed in school, parents might enact certain
practices such as doing homework with their children, providing their chil-
dren with time to read, and attending their children’s school functions. In
contrast, Darling and Steinberg (1993) define a parenting style as the emo-
tional climate in which parents raise their children. Parenting styles have
been characterized by dimensions of parental responsiveness and demand-
ingness (Baumrind, 1991). In the sections that follow, the historical and
current literature on parenting styles and parenting practices is reviewed.
The Darling and Steinberg (1993) distinction between parenting styles and
parenting practices is used to classify studies within each domain.

Parenting Practices

The research on parenting practices as they relate to adolescent school

outcomes has focused on several important parenting constructs. These
constructs include parental involvement; parental monitoring; and parental
goals, values, and aspirations. A review of the research on each of these
parenting constructs is presented below. The review focuses on adolescence
and, where applicable, on preadolescent children to point out differences in
the research findings for adolescent versus preadolescent children.
128 Spera

The Role of Parental Involvement

Interacting and becoming involved with their children’s life on a daily

basis is a way parents can socialize their children. With respect to the social-
ization of school achievement, parental involvement consists of attending
parent–teacher conferences, helping children with homework, volunteering
for leadership roles within the school, and attending children’s extracurric-
ular activities. Epstein and colleagues have distinguished between parental
involvement practices that are initiated by parents and parental involve-
ment practices that are initiated by schools (see Epstein, 1996; Epstein and
Connors, 1994; Epstein and Dauber, 1991; Epstein and Lee, 1995).
Involvement practices initiated by parents represent parental efforts to
become directly involved with school decisions and activities. For example,
parent-initiated involvement practices include parents serving on school
boards or parent organizations. They also include ways parents get involved
with their children’s school-related activities within the home, such as help-
ing their children with homework. On the other hand, school-initiated in-
volvement practices represent efforts by the school to provide parents with
routine information about school policies, procedures, and events, as well
as their children’s progress. School-initiated involvement practices also in-
clude efforts by the school to announce parent opportunities to participate
on school boards, committees, and parent organizations.
Researchers have found a strong positive relationship between parent-
initiated involvement practices and school outcomes (see Epstein and
Sanders, 2002; Hess and Holloway, 1984; Hill et al., in press). For exam-
ple, researchers have found that higher levels of parent-initiated involve-
ment, such as parent attendance of school activities, open-school nights,
and parent–teacher conferences, are related positively to elementary-
school-aged children’s school performance (e.g., Becker and Epstein, 1982;
Stevenson and Baker, 1987). Moreover, studies with adolescents have
found that parental assistance with homework is positively related to the
amount of time adolescents spend on their homework (Hewison, 1988;
Keith et al., 1986; Muller and Kerbow, 1993). Similarly, researchers have
found a strong positive relationship between school-initiated parental in-
volvement practices and children’s school outcomes (see Greenwood and
Hickman, 1991). For example, Hoover-Dempsey et al. (1987) found that
higher levels of teacher communication with parents of middle school chil-
dren were positively related to parents’ attendance of parent–teacher con-
ferences and school activities.
Despite these positive relations between parental involvement prac-
tices and school-related outcomes, researchers have found that parental in-
volvement declines in adolescence (Milgram and Toubiana, 1999; Muller,
Parenting and Adolescent School Achievement 129

1998). For example, Epstein and Dauber (1991) found that the level of
parental involvement with school activities was stronger in elementary
school than middle school. Similarly, a recent National Household Educa-
tion Survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Education (1998) found
that the provision of opportunities by schools for parents to participate in
school activities declined in middle school.
An analysis of the National Educational Longitudinal Study (NELS:
1988) has provided rich information on the potential decline of school-
initiated and parent-initiated involvement during adolescence. With re-
spect to school-initiated involvement practices, analyses of the NELS: 1988
database found that a large proportion of parents reported that schools do
not initiate contact with them directly to seek their participation in school
activities or to update them on their child’s progress (Epstein and Lee,
1995). Specifically, the study found that approximately 60% of parents of
eighth-grade students reported that the school does not contact them seek-
ing information about their child (Epstein and Lee, 1995). Approximately
65% of parents reported that the school has not contacted them about their
child’s academic program or progress. Furthermore, over 70% of parents
indicated that they have never been asked by their child’s school to vol-
unteer in school. Results on parent-initiated involvement practices were
mixed. Specifically, over 80% of parents indicated that they talk to their
children regularly about their school progress, however only about half
(56%) indicated that they regularly help their child with homework.
Further research is needed to examine why parental involvement in
adolescence is declining and to understand the consequences of that de-
cline. Some researchers have suggested that the decline stems from par-
ents’ recognition of an increased need for adolescents to express their au-
tonomy (see Ryan and Stiller, 1991; Steinberg, 1990). As noted by Wentzel
and Battle (2001), “a hallmark of adolescent development is gaining emo-
tional and psychological independence from family (p. 95).” As a result of
an increased need for autonomy, adolescents might respond negatively to
high levels of parental involvement. Still, the decline in parental involve-
ment might be too much. Therefore, a promising next step in the research
on parental involvement in adolescence is to identify the threshold or cutoff
between a healthy and unhealthy level of parental involvement. The latter
may be a case of what might be called ‘over-involvement.’ Of course it likely
that the threshold may vary for children with different temperaments and
personalities, so the research should examine the influence of these factors
It also remains unclear whether parental involvement in adolescence
declines for all parents or only certain subpopulations of parents. For ex-
ample, parental involvement in adolescence may remain strong for parents
130 Spera

with children who have disciplinary or academic problems compared to

parents with children who lack such difficulties (see Hill, 2001). These pos-
sibilities highlight the need for researchers to gather information on the
reasons behind parental involvement (e.g., for disciplinary concerns ver-
sus nurturing a gifted student). The traditional measures used to examine
parental involvement, however, do not attain the reasons for parental in-
volvement (Hill and Taylor, 2004). The development or modification of in-
struments to gather this kind of information seems warranted.

The Role of Parental Monitoring

Another way for parents to be involved in the education of their

children is to monitor their after-school activities, such as monitoring the
completion of homework, supervising activities with peers, and checking
on school progress. Researchers have found that parental involvement
with and monitoring of homework is related to adolescents’ completion of
homework (e.g., Muller and Kerbow, 1993). Analyses of the NELS: 1988
database indicated, however, that less than half (45%) of parents of adoles-
cents checked homework often (Epstein and Lee, 1995).
In addition to the monitoring of homework, research suggests that
parental monitoring of after school activities is related to student achieve-
ment. For example, Clark (1993) found that parents of children who mon-
itor their children’s behavior after school were more likely to have high
achieving children than parents who do not monitor their children’s after-
school activities. Furthermore, Muller (1993) found that parents’ knowl-
edge of their adolescent’s friends was positively related to their child’s stan-
dardized achievement scores.
Despite the strong association between parental monitoring and ado-
lescent school outcomes, one wonders why less than half of parents of ado-
lescents check homework often. Issues related to the influence of parental
work hours and multiple jobs should be examined with respect to their in-
fluence on parental monitoring (see Hill and Taylor, 2004). Furthermore,
examining the reasons for parental monitoring (e.g., because of child mis-
behavior) may also lead to a fuller understanding of the relation of parental
monitoring to adolescent school outcomes.

The Role of Parental Goals, Values, and Aspirations

A primary way parents socialize their children is by communicating

the goals they want their children to attain, the aspirations they want their
children to fulfill, and the values they want their children to internalize.
Parenting and Adolescent School Achievement 131

Parental goals and aspirations are best described as internal representations

of desired states or outcomes that parents hold for their children. These,
in turn, organize and direct parents’ behaviors toward their children (see
Austin and Vancouver, 1996; Wentzel, 1998). Parental values toward educa-
tion represent the importance parents place on their children’s educational
achievement (see Bandura, 1989; Eccles and Wigfield, 1995; Ford, 1992).
With respect to school achievement, parents might set certain goals and
hold certain aspirations for their children, such as doing well in math class,
graduating high school, and attending college. Similarly, parents might com-
municate to their children their values with respect to school (i.e., impor-
tance of education), intending for their children to adopt these values and
Researchers have found that parental aspirations, goals, and values are
related to their children’s setting of academic goals, persistence in school,
course enrollment, intellectual accomplishments, and attendance of college
(Astone and McLanahan, 1991; Crandall et al., 1964; Keeves, 1972; Pugh,
1976). Researchers have also found that parents’ values towards education
relate to their children’s educational attainment, persistence, and perfor-
mance (Eccles et al., 1983; Lee, 1985; Prom-Jackson, 1987; Wigfield, 1993).
Several studies have examined the extent to which parental aspira-
tions, goals, and values for their children’s educational attainment vary
by parents’ ethnicity. Researchers have found that African American and
Hispanic parents place a high value on education, are concerned with ed-
ucational issues, and have educational aspirations for their children that
equal those of nonminority parents (De La Rosa and Maw, 1990; Steven-
son et al., 1990; Wentzel, 1998). Despite these findings, recent data from the
U.S. Bureau of Census (2004) indicates that a smaller percentage of African
Americans and Hispanics attain a college degree than Caucasians. Fur-
thermore, researchers have found that Hispanics and African Americans
have higher drop-out rates from high school and lower levels of educa-
tional attainment than Caucasian students (De La Rosa and Maw, 1990;
Goldenberg, 1987; Hodgkinson, 1992; Kao and Tienda, 1995; Richardson
and Gerlach, 1980; Soloranzo, 1992).
These findings raise important questions as to whether minority stu-
dents and their parents are given equal educational opportunities to realize
their aspirations (Soloranzo, 1992). Despite the strong value minority par-
ents place on education, it is also possible they do not have the educational
experiences to draw upon to help foster their children’s educational attain-
ment on a day-to-day basis (see Entwisle and Hayduk, 1982; Seginer, 1983).
As a result, future research should focus on parental intervention strate-
gies and programs designed to help minority parents translate their strong
values towards education into everyday parenting practices.
132 Spera

Parenting Styles

This section presents an overview of the relevant literature on parent-

ing styles. It begins with the early work on the study of parental disciplinary
styles and parental typologies and follows with more current theory and
research. The earliest research on parenting and its influence on child de-
velopment examined ways in which parents discipline their children. Early
pioneers, such as Robert Sears, Elanor Maccoby, and Martin Hoffman, set
the stage for research in this area. Their work is still well cited and relevant
to the research today.

Love-Oriented Versus Object-Oriented Styles

In the mid to late 1950s, Robert Sears and Eleanor Maccoby docu-
mented patterns and processes of child rearing through intense one-on-one
interviews with parents (see Grusec, 1997; Maccoby and Martin, 1983). In
their publication, Patterns of Child Rearing (Sears et al., 1957), Sears and
colleagues reported on findings from over 300 interviews with mothers. In
this research, mothers were asked about their child-rearing practices includ-
ing their style and use of disciplinary techniques. Based on analyses of these
qualitative data, Sears and his colleagues classified maternal disciplinary
techniques into one of two distinct types: love-oriented and object-oriented.
The love-oriented style, as described by Sears et al. (1957), consisted of
maternal use of warmth, praise, and emotional affection (and withdrawal
of these) to respond to their children’s behaviors. The object-oriented style
consisted of maternal use (and withdrawal) of tangible objects, such as toys
or extra playtime, to respond to their children’s behavior. In examining the
effects of these disciplinary styles on child development, Sears et al. (1957)
found that these disciplinary styles uniquely impacted children’s internal-
ization of their parents’ values. Specifically, they found that children of par-
ents who used a love-oriented disciplinary approach were more likely to
internalize the values of their parents (i.e., take on the values as their own)
than children of parents who used an object-oriented disciplinary style.
They also found that parental use of love-oriented strategies was associated
with children’s display of self-control and self-regulation.
When interpreting their findings, Sears et al. (1957) suggested that chil-
dren who are exposed to object-oriented disciplinary techniques following
a misdeed spend their cognitive and physical energy trying to avoid ob-
ject withdrawal (e.g., their parents taking away a privilege). As a result of
spending their energy trying to avoid object withdrawal, these children do
not exert sufficient cognitive effort to understand their parents’ actions and,
Parenting and Adolescent School Achievement 133

as a result, do not internalize their parents’ values. On the other hand, chil-
dren who are exposed to love-oriented disciplinary techniques gain a better
understanding of their parents’ rationale for provision or withdrawal of love
and as a result internalize their parents’ values.

Parental Use of Induction in Their Disciplinary Style

In his review of the literature on parental disciplinary techniques,

Martin Hoffman (1970) pointed out that disciplinary strategies might or
might not include what he called “induction.” He defined induction as par-
ents’ provision of explanations (i.e., reasoning) with respect to their actions,
values, and disciplinary behaviors. Hoffman suggested that parents’ use of
induction encourages children to focus on learning the reasons behind their
parents’ actions. Furthermore, he pointed out that parents’ reasoning with
respect to their disciplinary actions might include explanations of the influ-
ence of the child’s behavior on other people, which Hoffman called “other-
oriented induction.” He contended that other-oriented induction enables
children to realize the influences and consequences of their behaviors on
others (e.g., peers, siblings, teachers).
Hoffman (1970) concluded that parental use of induction was posi-
tively related to children’s internalization of parental values (defined as
moral judgements depicting an internal versus external orientation) and
to their development of altruism and moral reasoning. He suggested that
parents’ explanations of their actions to their children help them better un-
derstand their parents’ cognitive thought processing, thus facilitating the
transfer of values from parent to child. In addition, he suggested that other-
oriented induction techniques (i.e., the child’s realization of their influence
on others) facilitate children’s development of empathy.
Later in his career, Hoffman (1983) advocated for a parental disci-
plinary model that combines power-assertion and induction (used in the
proper sequence) to maximize the model’s positive influence on child de-
velopment. The model advocates using power assertion at the outset to get
the child’s attention and then using induction. This model is particularly ef-
fective when children commit misdeeds such as lying and stealing (Grusec
et al., 1982).

Parenting Style Typologies

Early work on parenting styles examined a myriad of dimensions

including: responsiveness/unresponsiveness (Baldwin, 1948; Freud, 1933;
Rogers, 1960; Sears et al., 1957; Schaefer, 1959), democratic/autocratic
134 Spera

(Baldwin, 1948), emotionally involved/uninvolved (Baldwin, 1948), con-

trol/noncontrol (Schaefer, 1959), acceptance/rejection (Symonds, 1939),
dominance/submission (Symonds, 1939), and restrictiveness/permissiveness
(Becker, 1964). Studies conducted by these early researchers found that
parents who provide their children with nurture (also described as warmth,
responsiveness), independence (also described as democratic), and firm
control had children with higher levels of competence and social adeptness
(see Baldwin, 1948; Sears et al., 1957).
Following this early work, Diana Baumrind conducted extensive ob-
servations and interviews with parents that resulted in the most well-known
and influential typological approach (Baumrind, 1971, 1978, 1989). Through
multiple studies, Baumrind identified three primary parental typologies: au-
thoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. Baumrind (1978) suggested that
authoritative parents are warm and responsive, providing their children
with affection and support in their explorations and pursuit of interests.
These parents have high maturity demands (e.g., expectations for achieve-
ment) for their children but foster these maturity demands through bidi-
rectional communication, induction (i.e., explanations of their behavior),
and encouragement of independence. For example, when socializing their
children (e.g., to do well in school), these parents might provide their chil-
dren with a rationale for their actions and priorities (e.g., “it will allow you
to succeed as an adult.”). Authoritative parents score high on measures of
warmth and responsiveness and high on measures of control and maturity
demands (Maccoby and Martin, 1983).
Baumrind (1978) suggested that authoritarian parents are neither
warm nor responsive to their children. They have high maturity demands
for their children primarily because they are intolerant of selfishness or in-
appropriate behavior. These parents are strict, expect obedience, and as-
sert power when their children misbehave. When socializing their children,
authoritarian parents express their maturity demands and expectations
through rules and orders, and do not communicate to their children the
rationale behind these rules. For example, authoritarian parents might in-
sist, “you better do well in school. . .because I said so.” These parents score
high on measures of maturity demands and control but low on measures of
responsiveness, warmth, and bidirectional communication (Maccoby and
Martin, 1983).
Baumrind (1978) suggested that permissive parents are moderate in
their responsiveness (i.e., some parents are high and some are low) toward
their children’s needs. These parents, however, are excessively lax in their
expectations for their children’s level of maturity and their tolerance of
misbehavior. When socializing their children, permissive parents are usu-
ally dismissive and unconcerned. These parents score moderately high on
Parenting and Adolescent School Achievement 135

measures of responsiveness and low on measures of maturity demands and

control (Maccoby and Martin, 1983). In review of and reflection on the
literature, Maccoby and Martin (1983) added a fourth dimension to the
Baumrind typology: indulgent. They described indulgent parents as similar
to permissive parents in their level of control and maturity demands but dif-
ferent than permissive parents in their level of responsiveness and warmth.
Indulgent parents score low on measures of responsiveness, warmth, and
After consistent documentation of these styles, Baumrind (1991) fac-
tor analyzed data on these typologies and reduced parenting styles into two
dimensions: demandingness and responsiveness. Demandingness refers to
the demands parents make on their children to become integrated into the
family and the society. Aspects of parental demandingness include the ex-
tent to which parents hold maturity demands for their children, provide
supervision, and enact disciplinary efforts when needed (Baumrind, 1991).
Responsiveness refers to parental behaviors that intentionally foster indi-
viduality, self-regulation, and self-assertion in their children. Aspects of
parental responsiveness include the extent to which parents are sensitive
toward and supportive of their children (Baumrind, 1991).



A host of research studies have found a positive relationship between

authoritative parenting styles and student achievement (e.g., Baumrind,
1967; Dornbusch et al., 1987; Lamborn et al., 1991; Steinberg et al., 1989;
Steinberg et al., 1991). One of the first studies to report this relationship was
conducted by Baumrind (1967). Following a longitudinal sample of children
from preschool through adolescence, Baumrind found that preschool chil-
dren of authoritative parents were more mature, independent, prosocial, ac-
tive, and achievement-oriented than children of nonauthoritative parents.
On the other hand, preschool children of permissive parents scored low-
est on measures of self-reliance, self-control, and competence. To examine
whether these findings were stable across time, Baumrind again examined
the relationship between parenting styles and school achievement during
adolescence. She found that parenting styles and their relationship to school
outcomes was consistent with the earlier preschool findings (Baumrind,
Following Baumrind’s early work, Dornbusch, Steinberg, and their col-
leagues conducted a series of studies to explore the influence of parenting
styles on adolescent achievement. These studies used data from large-scale
136 Spera

surveys of over 6000 adolescents in Wisconsin and California. One of the

first studies in this series found that parents who displayed higher levels
of authoritative parenting by providing their children with warmth, auton-
omy, and high maturity demands had children with higher achievement lev-
els (Steinberg et al., 1989). In another study, Steinberg et al. (1992) found
that authoritative parenting was related to adolescent grade point average
(GPA) and school engagement.
These findings have led researchers to ask why authoritative parenting
styles are associated with positive school outcomes. In a review of these
findings, Durkin (1995) cites three reasons why authoritative parenting
might be related to positive child outcomes. First, he suggests that authori-
tative parents provide a high level of emotional security that provides their
children with a sense of comfort and independence and helps them succeed
in school. Second, he suggests that authoritative parents provide their chil-
dren with explanations for their actions. Explanations provide children with
a sense of awareness and understanding of their parents’ values, morals, and
goals. The transmission of these goals and values equips these students with
the tools needed to perform well in school. Third, he suggests that authori-
tative parents engage in bidirection communication with their children. This
communication style nurtures skills in interpersonal relations and produces
better adjusted and more popular children. These interpersonal skills, he
suggests, helps children succeed in school, both socially and academically.
Despite the reasons cited by Durkin (1995) above, research has shown
that the relationship between authoritative parenting and school achieve-
ment is not consistent across families from diverse ethnic and socioeco-
nomic backgrounds. Several studies, for example, have found differences
for African American, Hispanic, and Asian children. Specifically, Baumrind
(1972) found that authoritarian parenting, although eliciting fear and com-
pliance in White children, elicited assertiveness in African American fe-
males. Dornbusch et al. (1987) found that authoritative parenting was asso-
ciated with GPA for White families but not for Asian, Black, or Hispanic
families. The researchers also found that authoritarian parenting was nega-
tively associated with GPA for Asian and White families but not for Black
or Hispanic families. In another study, Steinberg et al. (1992) found that
authoritative parenting was highly correlated with adolescent GPA and en-
gagement in school with two notable exceptions: (1) for African American
adolescents, there was no relationship between authoritative parenting and
adolescent achievement and engagement; (2) for Hispanic adolescents, au-
thoritarian parenting was highly related to adolescent engagement, whereas
the effect was relatively weak for other subgroups.
Research has suggested that socioeconomic status might play a role in
the relationship between parenting styles and adolescent achievement. For
Parenting and Adolescent School Achievement 137

example, Kelly et al. (1992) examined parental disciplinary styles and at-
titudes in a sample of low-income African American mothers. A total of
42 mothers were interviewed about their parenting disciplinary styles, the
goals they hold for their children, the fears they have about crime in their
neighborhood, and the fears they have about their child exhibiting antiso-
cial behavior. The researchers found that parental education and number of
parents in the home were related to parental disciplinary practices. Specif-
ically, younger, less educated mothers, who were raising their child alone,
were more likely to emphasize obedience (i.e., authoritarian) than parents
who were older, educated, and raising their child in a two-parent family.
These results suggest that socioeconomic factors play a role in parental dis-
ciplinary styles.
Research has also suggested that culture plays a role in the relation-
ship between parenting styles and adolescent achievement. For example,
Leung et al. (1998) examined the influence of parenting styles on chil-
dren’s academic achievement in four countries (United States, Hong Kong,
China, and Australia). To measure parenting styles, Leung et al. adapted
the survey items used to measure parenting styles by Dornusch and his col-
leagues (1987). They found that authoritarian parenting was negatively re-
lated to academic achievement in all countries except Hong Kong. There,
authoritarian parenting was related positively to academic achievement.
The researchers also found differences in the relationship between authori-
tarian parenting and adolescent academic achievement for parents with lit-
tle education. Specifically, for low educated parents in the United States
and Australia, authoritarian parenting was positively related to academic



In response to the literature suggesting that parenting styles are related

to varied school-related outcomes in children, depending on the particu-
lar culture and context in which the family resides, Darling and Steinberg
(1993) proposed the contextual model of parenting. The contextual model
of parenting suggests that the socialization goals parents hold for their
children (e.g., to attend college) lead to different types of parenting prac-
tices (e.g., parents helping with homework, parents monitoring after-school
activities), which in turn facilitate adaptive adolescent school outcomes
(e.g., high levels of school motivation, grade point average). For example,
the model contends that parents who have aspirations for their children
to perform well in school are more likely than parents who do not have
138 Spera

these aspirations to monitor their children’s after-school activities and get

involved with their children’s educational experiences. Furthermore, the
model advocates viewing parenting style as a context (i.e., emotional cli-
mate) in which parental socialization goals are emphasized and parenting
practices are exhibited. Therefore, the model suggests that parenting styles
moderate the relationship between parenting practices and adolescent out-
comes such that parents exhibiting a warm versus critical style while doing
homework with their child would yield different outcomes.
There are at least three ways that the contextual model of parenting
can be used as a framework to generate hypotheses about why authorita-
tive parenting has not been related to high levels of adolescent academic
achievement across all families. The first possibility is that parents of dif-
ferent ethnicities hold unique educational aspirations, goals, and values for
their children, and therefore enact distinct parenting practices. A second
possibility is that socioeconomic status (SES) moderates the relationship
between parental socialization goals for their children and parental prac-
tices. For example, low SES parents, who might have similar school-related
goals, aspirations, and values for their children as high SES parents, might
lack the educational resources and the time (i.e., due to long work hours
and higher prevalence of single parent families) to get involved with and
monitor their child’s school-related activities and progress. If so, parental
practices would affect adolescent outcomes differentially as a function of
SES. A third possibility is that parenting styles serve as a moderator be-
tween parenting practices and adolescent outcomes, resulting in distinct
outcomes depending upon the combinations of parenting styles and prac-
tices. A review of the empirical research to support each of these potential
mechanisms for explaining the discrepancies in the literature is presented

Parental Socialization Goals: Do They Vary by Ethnicity?

The contextual model of parenting uses parental socialization goals

and values as the point of departure in the parental socialization system (see
Darling and Steinberg, 1993). A key tenet of the contextual model is that
parents’ socialization goals influence their parenting practices. This tenet
suggests, for example, that parents who prioritize their children’s school
achievement are more likely to enact practices (e.g., helping with home-
work, attending parent–teacher conferences) that correspond to this so-
cialization goal than parents who do not prioritize their children’s school
achievement. Should this tenet hold true, parents with the same parenting
style but different socialization goals will enact unique parenting practices
Parenting and Adolescent School Achievement 139

that yield distinct outcomes in their children. As a result, this tenet could
provide a possible explanation for the discrepant findings in the parenting
styles and adolescent achievement literature.
If variations in parental socialization goals provide an explanation
for the discrepancies in the literature, an important next step is to de-
termine the parental and family characteristics associated with different
socialization goals. Ogbu (1981) suggests that parental socialization goals
might vary due to different societal demands faced by families. Specifi-
cally, he contends that parents define competence and socialize their chil-
dren differently depending on the culture in which the family resides. Simi-
larly, Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory (1989) suggests that the
larger cultural context, which he calls the macrosystem, influences the in-
terface of the adolescent’s family and school contexts (i.e., mesosystem).
Should particular characteristics such as family ethnicity play a role in the
formation of parental socialization goals, or play a role elsewhere in the
model, the contextual model of parenting would benefit from expanding its
notion of context to include the larger cultural context.
A review of the research on parental socialization goals with respect
to academic achievement, however, suggests that these goals do not vary
dramatically by ethnicity (De La Rosa and Maw, 1990; Muller and Kerbow,
1993; Stevenson et al., 1990; Spera and Wentzel, in press; Wentzel, 1998).
For example, Stevenson et al. (1990) found that both nonminority and mi-
nority parents highly value school and have high aspirations for their chil-
dren. In fact, Wentzel (1998) found that African American parents reported
stronger achievement values and educational aspirations for their children
than Caucasian parents. These findings do not support a hypothesis that
parental socialization goals vary by ethnicity.

Does SES Moderate the Relationship Between Parental

Socialization Goals and Practices?

If parental socialization goals do not differ by ethnicity, family SES

might, however, influence parents’ ability to enact parental practices con-
sistent with their goals. For example, it is possible that parents from low
SES backgrounds have achievement goals for their children similar to par-
ents from high SES backgrounds; however, low SES parents might be faced
with juggling multiple jobs and therefore might not have the time or re-
sources to enact parenting practices that correspond to their socialization
goals. Should future empirical research support this hypothesis, expanding
the contextual model of parenting to include the larger socioeconomic con-
text seems warranted.
140 Spera

Although this hypothesis has not been tested, research has shown that
SES influences parenting practices (see Hoff et al., 2002). For example,
low SES parenting is associated with higher levels of harsh punishment of
their children (Simons et al., 1991) and lower levels of parental involvement
(Luster et al., 1989). Specifically, in the Value of Children Study, Hoffman
et al. (1987) found that in families where the parents worked in a low SES
job (e.g., manual or service sectors), these parents had a higher likelihood
of enforcing strict rules than parents who worked in professional or man-
agerial jobs. In a study by the U.S. Department of Education (1998), re-
searchers found that 25% of schools reported that cultural and socioeco-
nomic factors were a major reason for low levels of parental involvement.
Although the studies cited above provide theoretical support for the
influence of SES on the parenting practices, they do not provide a clear pic-
ture of whether SES moderates the relationship between parental socializa-
tion goals and practices. Only one early study supports the possibility that
childrearing goals and parenting practices are more closely linked for high
SES parents than for low SES parents (Tulkin and Cohler, 1973). Future
research should examine whether SES moderates the relationship between
parental socialization goals and parental practices. Knowing this would de-
termine how the larger socioeconomic context plays a role in the parental
socialization of school achievement.

Does Parenting Style Moderate the Relationship Between Parenting

Practices and Adolescent Outcomes?

Another primary tenet of the contextual model of parenting is that

parenting styles moderate the relationship between parenting practices and
child outcomes (see Darling and Steinberg, 1993). This suggests, for exam-
ple, that parents who monitor their children’s homework under an author-
itative parenting style (high levels of responsiveness and demandingness)
likely facilitate their children’s school performance. Parents who monitor
their children’s homework under a parenting style that is authoritarian (low
level of responsiveness and high level of demandingness), however, likely
inhibit their children’s school performance.
Although Darling and Steinberg (1993) viewed parenting styles as a
primary contextual variable, little research to date has examined whether
parenting styles actually moderate the relationship between parenting prac-
tices and adolescent outcomes. It should be noted, however, that a few stud-
ies have found that the relationship between parental involvement practices
and high school achievement is strongest for students with authoritative
parents (Paulson et al., 1998; Steinberg et al., 1992). Therefore, to better
Parenting and Adolescent School Achievement 141

understand the parental socialization process, future research should exam-

ine the possibility that parenting styles moderate the relationship between
parenting practices and adolescent achievement.


In conclusion, the research reviewed indicates that parents have a sig-

nificant influence on the school achievement of their children. In terms of
parenting practices, the research suggests that when parents are involved in
their children’s education and monitor their children’s after-school activi-
ties, they facilitate their children’s academic achievement and educational
attainment. Several studies, however, report a decline in parental involve-
ment during the middle school years. This raises important questions about
why parental involvement in adolescence is declining and whether this de-
cline has a deleterious impact on children. Researchers have suggested that
the decline stems from parents’ recognition of an increased need for ado-
lescents to express their autonomy, however, it remains unclear whether
parents can provide autonomy to their children while remaining involved
in their children’s educational pursuits. As a result, future research on
parental school involvement and its potential decline during adolescence
is warranted.
In terms of parenting styles, the research indicates that authorita-
tive parenting styles are associated with higher levels of adolescent school
achievement. Several studies, however, have concluded that these findings
are not consistent across ethnicity, culture, and socioeconomic status. In an
effort to help explain the discrepancies, Darling and Steinberg (1993) pro-
posed a contextual model of parenting that suggests that parenting style is
a context (i.e., emotional climate) in which parental socialization goals are
emphasized and parental practices are exhibited.
Darling and Steinberg’s (1993) model provides three ways to help ex-
plain the discrepancies in the literature. The first possibility is that parents
of different ethnicities hold unique educational aspirations, goals, and val-
ues for their children, and therefore enact unique parenting practices. Re-
search indicates, however, that parental aspirations, values, and goals for
their children do not vary dramatically by ethnicity. A second possibility
is that socioeconomic status moderates the relationship between parental
socialization goals for their children and parental practices. Evidence to
support this hypothesis would suggest that the contextual model should ex-
pand its notion of context toward the larger cultural and economic context
in which families reside. Although this hypothesis seems plausible, little re-
search to date has examined its potential moderating effect. Finally, a third
142 Spera

possibility is that parenting styles serve as a moderator between parenting

practices and adolescent outcomes, resulting in distinct outcomes depen-
dent upon the combinations of parenting styles and practices. Similarly, lit-
tle research to date has examined this hypothesis.
As a result, Darling and Steinberg’s (1993) contextual model of parent-
ing provides a promising model to help resolve the discrepancies in the liter-
ature on the relationship between parenting styles and adolescent achieve-
ment. Although the model has had a significant impact on the field, aspects
of the model require further examination as to whether they can help ex-
plain the discrepancies in the literature. Therefore, further examination of
the major linkages in the contextual model of parenting is warranted in or-
der to increase knowledge of the parental socialization process.


The author acknowledges Dr. Kathryn R. Wentzel, University of

Maryland, for her thoughtful comments on earlier versions of this
manuscript, as reflected in the author’s doctoral dissertation.


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