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Poblacion, Talisay City, Cebu

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Subject Department Reports of Student Achievement and

Results of Interventions

Subject: English
Date: First Grading – June to August 2019


Students are respectful, engaged in their learning and are being
supported by teachers’ strong subject-specialist knowledge. Teaching
practices in the lessons observed were generally of very good standard.
Effective questioning approaches were observed included guiding the
viewing of a film sequence, eliciting predictions based on text titles and
linking new concepts to prior learning and experiences.

However, the integration of a more questioning role for students in the

study of poetry was needed in a few lessons. Activities requiring
students to make meaning of unseen texts using comprehension
strategies such as mnemonics and to discuss the effects of poetic
techniques on readers’ personal and critical responses are
recommended. There was generally good integration of pair work
opportunities for collaborative learning. Where technology was used in
lessons, it was a significant support to students’ enjoyment, motivation
and engagement.

Practices observed in individual classrooms such as emailing notes

and/or homework tasks to students, enabling students to see peer
feedback to tasks and contextualizing the settings of studied texts are
also highly commended.

Differentiation should become a standing item at departmental

discussions and a focus for future peer observation work. The quality of
learning observed ranged from very good to satisfactory. Where
learning was very good, teachers were sharing specific learning
intentions with students at the outset of lessons, and were using them to
check students’ mastery and areas of difficulty during and toward the
end of lessons, to guide the framing of purposeful homework tasks and
to guide planning for the next lesson.

Effective written formative feedback was being provided by teachers,

guided by the criteria for assessment for English.
Teachers were leading students to examine exemplars of other students’
work and engage in peer assessment; this practice should be more
widely adopted within the department.

To support the development of students’ writing, the process of draft or

redraft should be introduced from first year onward, teachers should
agree and or negotiate success criteria with students for the writing of
substantial assignments and then use those criteria when providing
feedback for improvement.


The teachers of English meet on a number of occasions during the year,
supported by the management. They share resources using a common
server, rotate the role of subject coordinator, and have had an initial
peer observation experience. These strengths will support the
transformation of the current satisfactory level of departmental planning
into a reflection of the combined department’s subject knowledge and
pedagogical competence.

Capturing teachers’ reflections and self-evaluation observations within

the departmental plan would aid action planning for the subject. To
further support the development of subject schemes, three
recommendations are offered.

First, schemes should be planned in relation to the learning outcomes

specifically indicated for first year in the specification. Second, the time
being allocated to prescribed specification texts and assessments
modes must be mapped out strategically in terms of the week available
in each term. Third, the texts prescribed by the specification should be
approached, in planning and assessment, as vehicles for teaching the
learning outcomes.

Teacher’s Tutorial produced positive gains in performance for students,
regardless of their status as English Learners. In addition, the
intervention produced positive effects for both Writing and Vocabulary
outcomes for students as reflected in the curriculum based measures,
which reflected the material being taught in both the treatment and
control sections.

Results for vocabulary were somewhat more favorable, but still in this
same general range, although more toward the moderate.
These gains would be added to the annual gains due to instruction,
which in the present study produced gains for Vocabulary for native
speakers of English.

Peer Tutorial helps students enhanced their knowledge in all aspects in

English. The positive and high results rises especially on their sentence
construction and oral communication. They both learned in peer
although the level is different.

Prepared by:


English Teacher

Approved by:



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