Tests Goldfish, Chandler

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Goldfish Raymond Chandler


1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 4 Who said this? Who did they say it to?
a Kathy Horne is a policewoman. Carol Donovan, Lutin, Sunset, Rush Madder, Mrs

b Sol Leander paid $25,000 for the pearls. Sype, Carmady.

c Peeler Mardo drank too much. a ‘Remember them? They cost this company
d Wally Sype killed a man. $150,000.’ ……………….. to ………………..
e Someone shot Peeler Mardo. b ‘I don’t like the way she does things.’

f Lutin wanted Carmady to find the pearls. ……………….. to ………………..

g Carmady likes water in his whiskey. c ‘Why didn’t Peeler come himself?’
h Carmady drove to Westport in his car. ……………….. to ………………..
i Wally Sype changed his name to Mr d ‘Slam it!’ ……………….. to ………………..
Wallace. e ‘Mister Wallace live here?’ ……………….. to
j The pearls in the goldfish were real. ………………..

20 marks 20 marks

2 Put the following events in the right order. Number 5 Where were they? Match a number from A with a
them 1–10. letter from B.
a Carmady caught the plane north. A
b Mrs Sype shot Carol Donovan. 1 Kathy’s husband was in . . .
c Kathy told Carmady about the pearls. 2 Peeler Mardo rented a room in . . .
d Carmady found Peeler Mardo’s body. 3 Carmady’s office was opposite . . .
e Wally Sype stole the pearls. 4 Sunset was playing pool at . . .
f Rush Madder and Carol Donovan caught 5 Wally Sype died in . . .
the plane north.
g Sol Leander bought two pearls.
a . . . the Smoke Shop
h Carmady found the pearls.
b . . . Westport
i Wally Sype went to prison.
c . . . Kathy’s house
j Carmady met Wally Sype.
d . . . prison
20 marks e . . . the Mansion House Hotel.

20 marks
3 Who in the story . . . ? Carmady, Peeler Mardo,
Sunset, Rush Madder, Carol Donovan, Wally Sype,
Kathy Horne. Total marks
a . . . was married to a crook? ………………..
b . . . talked in his sleep? ………………..
c . . . had a thin black moustache? ………………..
d . . . worked at a hotel? ………………..
e . . . gave Carmady something strange to drink?
f . . . had a map in his shoe? ………………..
g . . . shot a mail clerk? ………………..
h . . . told Carmady which town Wally Sype lived in?
i . . . shot Sunset? ………………..
j . . . shot Rush Madder in the knee?

20 marks

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Goldfish Raymond Chandler

Setting 15 _____ was once in the police and is now married

to a crook.
Choose the best answer.
a F Kathy Horne b F Carol Donovan
1 Carmady works in _____. c F Mrs Sype d F Sol Leander
a F New York b F San Francisco 16 _____ is a lawyer but also a crook.
c F Los Angeles d F Seattle a F Carmady b F Sol Leander c F Sype
2 Kathy Horne comes to talk to Carmady at his d F Rush Madder
_____. 17 Carol Donovan is a _____ woman.
a F shop b F golf club c F bar d F office a F funny and attractive b F warm and friendly
3 Kathy works at the _____. c F cold and hard d F quiet and sweet
a F Reliance Insurance Company 18 Carmady meets _____ in a bar in Olympia. He
b F Mansion House Hotel helps Carmady to find Sype.
c F nearest police station d F local fish shop a F Lutin b F Sunset c F Rush Madder
4 There are _____ of the Leander pearls. d F Sol Leander
a F two b F four c F six d F eight 19 _____ has a lot of money.
M U LT I p L e - C H O I C e

5 Sol Leander bought the pearls for his _____ . a F Mrs Sype b F Carmady
a F mother b F wife c F daughter c F Kathy Horne d F Peeler Mardo
d F girlfriend 20 Sype now uses the name of _____.
6 The pearls cost _____ dollars. a F Leander b F Murdo c F Wallace

a F twenty b F two hundred d F Westport

c F two thousand d F two hundred thousand
7 The mail-car robbery happened _____ years ago. 20 marks
a F two b F nine c F nineteen
d F thirty-nine
8 There is a _____ dollar reward for the pearls. Dialogue
a F five thousand b F twenty-five thousand
Who said or wrote this?
c F fifty thousand d F hundred thousand
21 ‘Well, listen to this. Peeler Mardo rents a room
9 Carmady gets on a plane and goes up north to a
in my house and he drinks too much and he
town called _____.
talks in his sleep.’
a F Leander b F Leavenworth
a F Carmady b F Kathy Horne
c F Sunset d F Olympia
c F Carol Donovan d F Rush Madder
10 Carmady goes into a bar called ‘Smoke Shop’
22 ‘I think he probably died quickly and didn’t say
and asks about _____.
very much. When I went there, I didn’t believe
a F goldfish b F pearls c F fish tanks
this story, but now I’m not so sure.’
d F cigarettes
a F Carmady b F Kathy Horne
20 marks c F Sol Leander d F Rush Madder
23 ‘They cost this company one hundred and
fifteen thousand dollars. Sure I remember them.’
Characters a F Carmady b F Kathy Horne
c F Lutin d F Sype
Choose the best answer.
24 ‘Here’s the deal, Carmady. We’ll cut it two ways
11 Carmady is a _____. – you and me. Not Carol. I don’t like the way
a F police officer b F hotel manager she does things.’
c F lawyer d F private detective a F Peeler Mardo b F Rush Madder
12 _____ was in prison for fifteen years. c F Sol Leander d F Kathy Horne
a F Wally Sype b F Rush Madder 25 ‘Don’t be stupid, Carmady. A few hours’ sleep
c F Kathy Horne d F Carol Donovan for you, a few hours’ start for us. Don’t make
13 _____ heard about the pearls in prison. me shoot. I will if I have to.’
a F Carmady b F Peeler Mardo a F Peeler Mardo b F Sype
c F Rush Madder d F Lutin c F Kathy Horne d F Carol Donovan
14 Peeler Mardo _____.
a F fights Carmady b F runs away
c F dies in bed d F finds the pearls

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Goldfish Raymond Chandler

26 ‘I think I’ll tie you up with rope, really hard. 40 the time when the sun goes down
Then me and my friend’ll go looking for some a F midday b F midnight c F sunset
pretty stones – pearls to you.’ d F sunrise
a F Sype b F Carol Donovan c F Sunset
d F Kathy Horne 20 marks
27 ‘Now I heard there was an old guy here with
hundreds of fish.’
a F Peeler Mardo b F Kathy Horne Plot
c F Sol Leander d F Carmady Choose the best answer.
28 ‘I did my time in prison. I know people aren’t 41 One day, Kathy Horne comes to tell Carmady
going to stop wondering.’ about some stolen _____.
a F Carmady b F Kathy Horne a F goldfish b F money c F gold
c F Sype d F Mrs Sype d F pearls
29 ‘The Moors, Hattie – the Moors.’ 42 Peeler Mardo rents a room in _____.
a F Sype b F Mrs Sype a F Kathy’s hotel b F Kathy’s house

M U LT I p L e - C H O I C e
c F Rush Madder d F Carol Donovan c F Carol’s house d F Carmady’s house
30 ‘They’re clever, don’t you think? They look very 43 Mardo is dead because somebody burned his
fine – just like the real thing. Of course I never _____.
saw any really valuable pearls.’ a F feet b F hands c F fingers d F arms

a F Carmady b F Mrs Sype c F Sype 44 Carmady goes to an insurance company to ask
d F Rush Madder about _____ the pearls.
a F the name of b F the colour of
20 marks
c F a photo of d F the reward for
45 Carmady learns that _____ also want to go and
find the pearls.
Vocabulary a F Kathy Horne and Peeler Mardo
Choose the best answer. b F Kathy Horne and Sol Leander
31 a very valuable jewel; a small white shiny ball c F Carol Donovan and Rush Madder
found inside oysters d F Rush Madder and Peeler Mardo
a F gold b F ring c F diamond d F pearl 46 When Carmady talks to Rush Madder, Carol
32 to shut a door quickly and make a loud noise Donovan comes out of the closet with _____.
a F slam b F pull c F lock d F turn off a F a gun b F a knife c F a goldfish
33 to have a big wide smile on your face d F the pearls
a F laugh b F grin c F cry d F shout 47 In Westport, Carmady _____ and then asks the
34 money that you get for finding something that is man about Sype’s house.
lost a F has a coffee b F has a lunch of ham and
a F deal b F crime c F reward d F rent eggs c F buys some fish d F buys a gun
35 when something or someone is bad or not nice 48 Rush Madder and Carol Donovan escape and
a F nasty b F famous c F funny arrive at _____ with guns in their hands.
d F wonderful a F the Snoqualmie Hotel b F the ‘Smoke
36 when a person is well-dressed or fashionable Shop’ bar c F Sype’s house d F Sype’s boat
a F dirty b F careless c F smart d F lazy 49 Carmady finds the pearls inside _____.
37 to hit something or someone with your foot a F Sype’s gun b F an empty fish tank
a F break b F kick c F knock d F shake c F two goldfish d F two black fish
38 an informal word for a police officer 50 At the end, Carmady understands that the
a F cop b F crook c F ex-con d F guy pearls are _____.
39 to breathe out slowly when you feel very sad or a F real b F not real c F not valuable
tired d F broken
a F smell b F say c F speak d F sigh
20 marks

Total marks

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