Artificial Muscles

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ROBOTIC ARM driven by electroactive polymers may eventually

be pitted against a human’s in an arm-wrestling match.


Muscles By Steven Ashley

Novel motion-producing
devices — actuators,
motors, generators —
I t’s only a $100 toy— an aquarium of swimming robotic fish developed by
the Eamex Corporation in Osaka, Japan. What makes it remarkable is that
the brightly colored plastic fish propelling themselves through the water in
a fair imitation of life do not contain mechanical parts: no motors, no drive
shafts, no gears, not even a battery. Instead the fish swim because their plastic
based on polymers that innards flex back and forth, seemingly of their own volition. They are the first
change shape when commercial products based on a new generation of improved electroactive poly-
mers (EAPs), plastics that move in response to electricity.
stimulated electrically For decades, engineers who build actuators, or motion-generating devices,
have sought an artificial equivalent of muscle. Simply by changing their length
are nearing in response to nerve stimulation, muscles can exert controlled amounts of force
commercialization sufficient to blink an eyelid or hoist a barbell. Muscles also exhibit the proper-
ty of scale invariance: their mechanism works equally efficiently at all sizes,
which is why fundamentally the same muscle tissue powers both insects and ele-
phants. Something like muscle might therefore be useful in driving devices for
which building tiny electric motors is not easily accomplished.
EAPs hold promise for becoming the artificial muscles of the future. Inves-
tigators are already ambitiously working on EAP-based alternatives to many
of today’s technologies. And they aren’t afraid to pit their creations against na-
ture’s. A few years ago several individuals, including Yoseph Bar-Cohen, a se-
nior research scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif.,
posted a challenge to the electroactive polymer research community to drum up
interest in the field: a race to build the first EAP-driven robotic arm that could
beat a human arm-wrestler one on one. Later, they began searching for spon-
sors to subsidize a cash prize for the winner.
Perhaps the most promising of the current EAP efforts is being conducted
by SRI International, a nonprofit contract-research laboratory based in Men-
lo Park, Calif. Within a few months, SRI management hopes to complete ar-
ranging the initial $4 million to $6 million in investment funding needed to
launch a spin-off company— tentatively called Artificial Muscle Incorporated—
to commercialize the EAP technology it has patented. Even now, SRI is work-
ing on half a dozen R&D contracts with the U.S. government and companies SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 53

THE FUNDAMENTAL MECHANISM underlying new artificial muscle wires to a power source, the carbon layers serve as flexible electrodes
products is relatively simple. When exposed to high-voltage electric that expand in area along with the material sandwiched in the middle.
fields, dielectric elastomers—such as silicones and acrylics— This layered plastic sheet serves as the basis for a wide range of
contract in the direction of the electric field lines and expand novel actuation, sensory and energy-generating devices.
perpendicularly to them, a phenomenon physicists term Maxwell Dielectric elastomers, which can grow by as much as 400 percent
stress. The new devices are basically rubbery capacitors—two of their nonactivated size, are by no means the only types of
charged parallel plates sandwiching a dielectric material. When the electroactive materials or devices, although they represent some of
power is on, plus and minus charges accumulate on the opposite the more effective examples.
electrodes. They attract each other and squeeze down on the polymer The graph at the right compares the performance of various
insulator, which responds by expanding in area. classes of actuation materials and devices. These include well-
Engineers laminate thin films of dielectric elastomers (typically established motion-generating products driven by electric current as
30 to 60 microns thick) on the front and back with conductive carbon well as applied electrostatic and electromagnetic fields. Strain refers
particles suspended in a soft polymer matrix. When connected by to the amount of displacement or travel per unit length the devices can
Thickness contraction
Voltage off Voltage on

elastomer film
Compliant electrodes Area expansion

in the toy, automotive, electronics, med- the kind of thing you could pick up in find something that did.” Within a few
ical product and footwear industries to hardware stores.” years Bar-Cohen had learned enough to
bring artificial muscles to market. help establish the first scientific conference
The start-up firm’s goal? Only to re- Materials That Move on the topic, start publishing an EAP
place a substantial number of the myriad BAR-COHEN HAS SERVED as the un- newsletter, post an EAP Web site and edit
electric motors we use regularly, not to official coordinator for the highly diverse two books on the nascent technology.
mention many other common motion- community of international EAP re- Sitting among arrays of lab tables
generating mechanisms, with smaller, searchers since the mid-1990s. Back dur- strewn with prototype actuation devices
lighter, cheaper products using SRI’s ing the field’s infancy, “the electroactive and test apparatus in a low-slung research
novel actuators. “We believe this tech- polymer materials I read about in scien- building on the JPL campus, Bar-Cohen
nology has a good chance to revolution- tific papers didn’t work as advertised,” he reviews the history of the field he has
ize the field of mechanical actuation,” recalls, chuckling slyly. “And as I already come to know so well. “For a long time,”
states Phillip von Guggenberg, the lab’s had obtained NASA funding to study the he begins, “people have been working on

JAMIE KRIPKE (preceding pages); SARA CHEN (above and opposite page)
director of business development. “We’d technology, I was forced to look around ways to move objects without electric mo-
like to make the technology ubiquitous, to find who was working in this area to tors, which can be too heavy and bulky
for many applications. Until the develop-
Overview/Electroactive Polymers ment of EAPs, the standard replacement
technology for motors were piezoelectric
■ Physicists and chemists have long sought to develop lightweight materials ceramics, which have been around for
that grow or shrink significantly in length or volume when subjected to electric some time.”
stimulation. Such substances could serve as the drivers for novel motion- In piezoelectric materials, mechanical
generating devices (generally called actuators)— possible replacements for stress causes crystals to electrically polar-
the ubiquitous electric motor, which is often too bulky and heavy for smaller- ize and vice versa. Hit them with electric
scale applications. current and they deform; deform them
■ A new generation of electroactive polymer materials displays sufficient and they generate electricity.
physical response to electrical excitation to power new classes of actuators Bar-Cohen lifts a small grayish disk off
as well as innovative sensors and energy generators. Products based on this one of the lab benches, saying, “This one’s
“artificial muscle” technology are just starting to hit the market. made of PZT— lead zirconate titanate.”
He explains that electric current makes the


posites, conductive polymers and carbon says Ron Pelrine, the physicist-turned-
nanotubes) work on the basis of electro- mechanical engineer who leads the SRI
chemistry— the mobility or diffusion of team. Japanese officials were looking for
create. Actuation pressure/density is a measure charged ions. They can run directly off a new kind of micro-actuator technology.
of the force they produce. Dielectric elastomers batteries because even single-digit volt- A few SRI researchers started searching
can generate more strain and force than many of ages will make them bend significantly. for a motion-generating material that re-
the competing technologies. Their properties in The catch is that they generally need to be sembled natural muscle in terms of force,
this regard are similar to those of natural animal wet and so must be sealed within flexible stroke (linear displacement) and strain
muscle—hence the moniker “artificial muscles.” coatings. The other major shortcoming of (displacement per unit length or area).
many ionic EAPs (especially the ionomer- “We looked at a whole bunch of pos-
1,000 ic polymer-metal composites) is that “as sible actuation technologies,” Pelrine re-
Dielectric Acrylic
long as the electricity is on, the material calls. Eventually, however, they consid-
100 elastomers elastomers will keep moving,” Bar-Cohen notes, ered electrostrictive polymers, a class of
adding: “If the voltage is above a certain materials then being investigated by Jerry
Strain (percent)

10 level, electrolysis takes place, which caus- Scheinbeim of Rutgers University. The
muscles es irreversible damage to the material.” hydrocarbon molecules in those polymers
In contrast, electronic EAPs (such as are arranged in semicrystalline arrays fea-
ferroelectric polymers, electrets, dielectric turing piezoelectriclike properties.
actuators elastomers and electrostrictive graft elas- When exposed to an electric field, all
Piezoelectric and
0.1 magnetostrictive tomers) are driven by electric fields. They insulating plastics, such as polyurethane,
actuators require relatively high voltages, which contract in the direction of the field lines
0.01 can cause uncomfortable electric shocks. and expand perpendicularly to them. This
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 But in return, electronic EAPs can react phenomenon, which differs from elec-
Actuation Pressure/Density quickly and deliver strong mechanical trostriction, is called Maxwell stress. “It
forces. They do not need a protective had been known for a long time but was
coating and require almost no current to regarded generally as a nuisance effect,”
piezoelectric PZT shrink and expand by hold a position. Pelrine says.
a fraction of a percent of its total length. SRI’s artificial muscle material falls He recognized that polymers softer
Not much motion but useful nonetheless. into the electronic EAP classification. The than polyurethane would squash more
In an adjoining room, Bar-Cohen long, bumpy and sometimes serendipi- under electrostatic attraction and thus
shows off foot-long impact drills driven tous road to its successful development is would provide greater mechanical strains.
by PZT disks that he is building with his a classic example of the vagaries of tech- Working with soft silicones, the SRI sci-
JPL colleagues and Cybersonics. “Inside nological innovation. entists soon demonstrated quite accept-
this cylinder is a stack of piezoelectric able strains of 10 to 15 percent. With fur-
disks,” he states. “When activated with al- Electrifying Rubber ther research those numbers rose to 20 to
ternating current, the stack beats ultrason- “ S R I I N T E R N A T I O N A L began work on 30 percent. To distinguish the new actu-
ically on a mass that hops up and down at artificial muscles in 1992 under contract ator materials, silicones and other softer
a high rate, driving a bit into solid rock.” to the Japanese micro-machine program,” plastics were christened dielectric elas-
To one side sit piles of stone blocks into
which drill bits have cut deep holes.
As a demonstration of how effective-
ly piezoceramics can perform as actua-
tors, it is impressive. But many applica-
tions would demand electroactive mate-
rials that grow by more than just a
fraction of a percent.

Plastics That React

POLYMERS THAT change shape in re-
sponse to electricity, according to Bar-Co-
hen, can be sorted into two groups: ionic

and electronic types, each with comple-

mentary advantages and disadvantages.
Ionic EAPs (which include ionic poly-
mer gels, ionomeric polymer-metal com- INSECTLIKE ROBOT (named Flex) walks on legs powered by extension roll-type artificial muscles. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 55

tomers (they are also called electric-field- ly, the team developed compliant elec- the knob to its original position, the disk
actuated polymers). trodes based on carbon particles in an shrinks back immediately. He flashes a
Having identified several promising elastomeric matrix. “Because the elec- grin and repeats the sequence a few times,
polymer materials, the group focused for trodes expand along with the plastic,” he explaining: “Fundamentally, our devices
much of the remainder of the 1990s on the points out, “they can maintain the electric are capacitors— two charged parallel
nuts and bolts of building devices for spe- field between them across the entire active plates sandwiching a dielectric material.
cific applications. Much of the SRI team’s region.” SRI International patented this When the power is on, plus and minus
new external funding support and research concept, one of the keys to subsequent ar- charges accumulate on the opposite elec-
direction came at the time from the De- tificial-muscle technology. trodes. They attract each other and
fense Advanced Research Projects Agency Eager to demonstrate, Pelrine holds squeeze down on the polymer insulator,
(DARPA) and the Office of Naval Research, out what looks like a six-inch-square pic- which responds by expanding in area.”
whose directors were primarily interested ture frame with plastic sandwich wrap Although several promising materials
in using the technology for military pur- stretched tautly across it. “See, this poly- had been identified, achieving acceptable
poses, including small reconnaissance ro- mer material is very stretchy,” he says, performance in practical devices proved to
bots and lightweight power generators. pushing a finger into the transparent film. be a challenge. A couple of breakthroughs
As the elastomers began to exhibit “It’s actually a double-sided adhesive tape in 1999 drew considerable interest from
much larger strains, the engineers realized that’s sold at low cost in large rolls.” On government and industry, however. One
that the electrodes would have to become both sides of the middle of the sheet are arose from the observation that stretch-
expandable as well. Ordinary metal elec- the black, nickel-size compliant elec- ing the polymers before electrically acti-
trodes cannot stretch without breaking. trodes, trailing wires. vating them somehow vastly improved
“Previously, people didn’t have to worry Pelrine turns a control knob on the their performance. “We started to notice
about this issue, because they were work- electric power supply. Instantly, the dark that there seemed to be a sweet spot at
ing with materials that provided strains of circle of the paired electrodes grows to the which you get optimum performance,”
1 percent or so,” Pelrine notes. Eventual- diameter of a quarter. When he returns remembers engineer Roy Kornbluh, an-


POLYMERS THAT EXPAND in response to electricity make possible devices that bend on command. Researchers spray specially
roll actuators that extend— or bend— on command. Engineers first patterned electrodes onto the dielectric elastomer film in such a
roll up two layers of dielectric elastomer sheet (laminated on both fashion that the roll incorporates two independently energized
sides with flexible electrodes) into compact cylinders. Often the actuators on either side (split lengthwise). If only the left half
film materials are wrapped around a compressed helical spring receives voltage, the right one inhibits the resulting motion and
that holds a high circumferential prestrain on the films, thereby causes the device to bend toward the right (below). If only the right
enhancing device performance. So-called spring rolls can serve half is activated, the roll bends left. If both halves are energized,
in many applications, such as actuators for robotic the roll extends. More
and prosthetic mechanisms, valves and pumps, and Voltage off Voltage on complicated arrays of
wherever simple linear motion is required. To date, roll independent electrodes
actuators have produced up to 30 newtons of force can create more complex
(about 6.6 pounds), linear displacements (strokes) motion. Applications for
up to about two centimeters and cyclic speeds of bending rolls include
more than 50 hertz. To increase the mechanical snakelike robots and
output, the technology can be scaled up, V manipulators, steerable SARA CHEN (illustrations); JAMIE KRIPKE (photographs)

or multiple actuators can be placed in catheters and endoscopes,

series or in parallel. End cap legged robots, and pointing
Relatively simple Independently mechanisms for antennas.
modifications can yield actuated sections

polymer film

Voltage off Voltage on


other team member. “No one was sure
exactly why, but prestretching the poly- PUMP UP THE MEMBRANE
mers increased breakdown strengths [re-
sistance to the passage of current between DIAPHRAGM ACTUATORS are made by stretching dielectric elastomer films over an
electrodes] by as much as 100 times.” Ac- opening in a rigid frame. Typically the diaphragm is biased, or pushed up or down, by
tuation strains improved to a similar de- a spring, light air pressure, foam or other means. Biasing makes the diaphragm
gree. Although the reason is still unclear, actuate in one direction (up or down) rather than simply wrinkling randomly when
SRI chemist Qibing Pei believes that “pre- voltage is applied. Diaphragm actuators can displace volume, making them suitable
stretching orients the molecular chains for pumps or loudspeakers. Alternative drive technologies such as piezoelectric
along the plane of expansion and also materials have long been in use, but dielectric elastomer diaphragms offer larger
makes it stiffer in that direction.” To displacements. Some designs can deflect from an initial flat position to a convex
achieve the prestraining effect, SRI’s ac- shape (below).
tuator devices incorporate an external
bracing structure. Voltage off
The second key discovery came about
primarily because the researchers “were
testing every stretchy material we could
find— what we call an Edisonian ap-
proach,” Pelrine says with amusement.
(Thomas Edison systematically tried all
kinds of materials for suitability as light- Voltage on V
bulb filaments.) “At my home, we had Electrode-coated
placed a polymeric door lock on the re- polymer film
frigerator to keep my toddler from getting
in. As he got older, we didn’t need the
lock anymore, so I removed it. But since
it was made of a stretchy material, I de-
cided to test its strain properties. Surpris-
ingly, it gave very good performance.” more polymer or ganging up several de- voltage, and thus additional electric con-
Tracking down the material and deter- vices in series or in parallel. version circuits would be needed.” More-
mining its composition took no small ef- “Because the dielectric elastomers can over, at Pennsylvania State University,
fort, but in the end the mystery polymer be purchased off the shelf and we’d use at Qiming Zhang and his research group
“turned out to be an acrylic elastomer most only a few square feet of material in have managed to lower the activation
that could provide tremendous strains each device, the actuators would be very voltages of certain electrostrictive poly-
and energy output— as much as 380 per- low cost, particularly in volume produc- mers by combining them with other sub-
cent linear strain. These two develop- tion,” SRI’s von Guggenberg estimates. stances to create composites.
ments allowed us to start applying the di- The voltages required to activate di- When asked about the durability of
electric elastomers to real-world actuator electric elastomer actuators are relatively SRI’s dielectric elastomer actuators, von
devices,” the researcher says. high— typically one to five kilovolts— so Guggenberg acknowledges a need for
the devices can operate at a very low cur- more study but attests to a “reasonable
Making It Real rent (generally, high voltage means low indication” that they continue to work
THE SRI TEAM’S general approach is current). They also use thinner, less ex- sufficiently long for commercial use: “For
flexible, encompassing many designs and pensive wiring and keep fairly cool. “Up example, we ran a device for one client
SARA CHEN (illustrations); JAMIE KRIPKE (photograph)

even different polymers. As Pei says, to the point at which the electric field that produces moderate, 5 to 10 percent
“This is a device, not a material.” Ac- breaks down and current flows across the strains for 10 million cycles.” Another
cording to Pelrine, the team can produce gap [between the electrodes], more volt- generated 50 percent area strains for a
the actuation effect using various poly- age gives you greater expansion and million cycles.
mers, including acrylics and silicones. greater force,” Pelrine says. Although artificial-muscle technology
Even natural rubber works to some ex- “High voltage can be a concern,” can weigh significantly less than compa-
tent. In the extreme temperatures of out- Kornbluh comments, “but it’s not neces- rable electric motors—the polymers them-
er space, for example, artificial muscles sarily dangerous. After all, fluorescent selves have the density of water— efforts
might best be made of silicone plastics, lights and cathode-ray tubes are high- are ongoing at SRI to cut their mass by re-
which have been demonstrated in a vacu- voltage devices, but nobody worries about ducing the need for the external structure
um at –100 degrees Celsius. Uses that re- them. It’s more of an issue for mobile de- that prestrain the polymers. Pei, for in-
quire larger output forces might involve vices because batteries are usually low- stance, is experimenting with chemical SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 57

processing to eliminate the need for the small electric motors found in cars, such thus respond in a more linear (“one input
relatively heavy frame. as in motorized seat-position controls and yields one output”) fashion. Shuttling
in the valve controls of high-efficiency voltage from one device to the other can
Building Products camless engines. shift the position of the whole assembly
H A V I N G D E V E L O P E D a basic mecha- Bending rolls. Taking the same basic back and forth; activating both devices
nism, the SRI team soon began work on spring roll, engineers can connect elec- makes the assembly rigid at a neutral
a flood of application concepts: trodes to create two or more distinct, in- point. In this way, the actuators act like
Linear actuators. To make what they dividually addressed sections around the the opposing bicep and tricep muscles that
call spring rolls, the engineers wrap sev- circumference. Electrically activating that control movements of the human arm.
eral layers of prestrained laminated di- section makes its side of the roll extend, Loudspeakers. Stretch a dielectric
electric elastomer sheet around a helical so the entire roll bends away from that elastomer film over a frame that has an
spring. The tension spring supports the side [see illustration on page 56]. Mech- aperture in it. Expanding and contracting
circumferential prestrain, whereas the anisms based on this design could engage rapidly according to the applied voltage
lengthwise prestrain of the film holds the in complicated motions that would be dif- signal, the diaphragm will then emit
spring compressed [see illustration on ficult to accomplish using conventional sound. This configuration can yield a
page 56]. Voltage makes the film squeeze motors, gears and linkages. Possible uses lightweight, inexpensive flat-panel speak-
in thickness and relax lengthwise so that would be in steerable medical catheters er, whose vibrating medium is both the
the device extends. The spring rolls can and in so-called snake robots. driver and sound-generating panel. Cur-
therefore generate high force and stroke Push-pull actuators. Pairs of dielectric rent designs offer good performance in
in a compact package. Kornbluh reports elastomer films or of spring rolls can be the mid- and high-frequency ranges. The
that automakers are interested in these arranged in a “push-pull” configuration speaker configuration has not yet been
mechanisms as replacements for the many so that they work against each other and optimized as a woofer, although no ob-
stacle prevents it from operating well at
low frequencies [see illustration on pre-
Pumps. The design of a dielectric elas-
tomer diaphragm pump is analogous to
CHANGING the texture that of a low-frequency loudspeaker to
of a surface can be desirable in which engineers have added a fluid cham-
a variety of applications, such as ber and two one-way check valves to con-
“active” military camouflage trol the flow of liquid. Artificial muscles
materials that can alter their are well suited to powering microfluidic
reflectance. Surface texturing pumps, for example, on the lab-on-a-chip
can also help control air or devices prized by medicine and industry.
water flow over the surfaces of Sensors. Because of their nature, all
airplanes or ships. Touch-based, or SRI’s dielectric elastomer devices exhibit
haptic, displays could be based on a change in capacitance when they are
changes in texture. bent or stretched. Thus, it is possible to
Most dielectric elastomer make a sensor that is compliant and op-
actuators take advantage of large- Passive polymer
Compliant gel coating erates at low voltage. According to Korn-
scale deformations in the plane of the electrodes bluh, the team came close to getting an
Voltage off
film. Alterations in the thickness of the automaker to adopt the technology as a
film, on the other hand, are barely sensor for measuring the tension of a seat
SARA CHEN (illustrations); JAMIE KRIPKE (photograph)

perceptible. By coating the thin-film belt. Such sensors could similarly be in-
sheets and patterned compliant corporated in fabrics and other materials
electrodes with a much thicker and Dielectric
polymer as fibers, strips or coatings, he says.
softer layer of polymeric gel, however, Surface texturing and smart surfaces.
thickness changes can be greatly Voltage on
V If the polymers are imprinted with pat-
amplified so that they are readily terns of electrodes, arrays of dots or
apparent. As the film grows in the shapes can be raised on a surface on de-
plane, the gel spreads out along with mand. This technology might find use as
the expanding film and bunches up at an active camouflage fabric that can
the points at which the film Enhanced
bulge change its reflectance as desired or as a
compresses. mechanism for making “riblets” that im-
prove the aerodynamic drag characteris-


DIELECTRIC ELASTOMERS can produce electric power. In generate portable electrical power. This energy is free in the
generator mode, a voltage is applied across the dielectric sense that it does not place an additional burden on the wearer.
elastomer, which is deformed by external force. As the shape of The heel-strike generator effectively couples the compression
the elastomer changes, the effective capacitance of the device of the heel to the deformation of an array of multilayer
also alters and, with the appropriate electronics, electrical diaphragms.
energy is generated. The energy density of these materials SRI engineers expect that, with further development, a
when used as a generator is high, which means that they can device will be able to generate about a watt during normal
be made lighter than other technologies. walking. A unit in each shoe should provide enough electricity
Dielectric elastomers are well suited to applications in to power a cellular phone, for example. Such a device is being
which electrical power comes from relatively large motions, developed for the U.S. military to supply power to soldiers in the
such as those produced by wind energy, waves and human field, but the technology has civilian uses as well.
activity. Capturing the compression energy of a shoe heel when
it strikes the ground during walking or running is a good way to

Rigid grid Compressed

polymer film
Rigid base plate

tics of airplane wings [see illustration on to efficient, extremely small generators in by the progress the SRI group has made
preceding page]. the centimeter-or-less size range. on its actuator technology. But success
Power generators. Again, because But truly marketable products are still has also created problems in one regard:
these materials act as soft capacitors, vari- to come. “At this point we’re building the arm-wrestling challenge. “We expect-
able-capacitance power generators and turnkey devices that we can place in the ed it would take 20 years or so for anyone
energy harvesters can be built from them. hands of engineers so they can play with to develop a mechanical arm that would
DARPA and the U.S. Army funded devel- them and get comfortable with the tech- be strong enough to compete against a
opment of a heel-strike generator, a port- nology,” von Guggenberg notes. “We human,” he laughs. “Now SRI says they’re
able energy source that soldiers and oth- hope it’s just a matter of time before every ready to build one, and we haven’t raised
ers in the field could use to power elec- engineer will consider this technology as the prize money yet!”
tronic devices in place of batteries. An they design new products.”
average-size person taking a step each sec- Bar-Cohen says that he is impressed Steven Ashley is a staff writer and editor.
ond can produce about a watt of power
using a device now under development MORE TO E XPLORE
[see illustration above]. Von Guggenberg High-Speed Electrically Actuated Elastomers with Over 100% Strain. Ron Pelrine, Roy Kornbluh,
says this concept has caught the interest of Qibing Pei and Jose Joseph in Science, Vol. 287, pages 836–839; February 4, 2000.
SARA CHEN (illustrations); JAMIE KRIPKE (photograph)

Electroactive Polymer (EAP) Actuators as Artificial Muscles: Reality, Potential, and Challenges.
footwear companies. The devices could Edited by Yoseph Bar-Cohen. SPIE Press Monograph, Vol. PM98; 2001.
similarly be attached to backpack straps Polymer Actuators. Peter Sommer-Larsen and Roy Kornbluh in Proceedings of Actuator 2002.
or car-suspension components. In princi- 8th International Conference on New Actuators, Bremen, Germany; June 2002.
ple, this approach could also be applied to An All-Organic Composite Actuator Material with High Dielectric Constant. Q. M. Zhang et al.
wave generators or wind-power devices. in Nature, Vol. 419, pages 284–287; September 19, 2002.
Engineering a Muscle: An Approach to Artificial Muscle Based on Field-Activated Electroactive
SRI researchers recently tested a more Polymers. Roy Kornbluh et al. in Neurotechnology for Biomimetic Robots. Edited by Joseph Ayers,
radical concept—“polymer engines.” Pro- Joel Davis and Alan Rudolph. MIT Press, 2002.
pane fuel was burned inside a chamber, Smart Structures and Materials 2003: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD).
and the pressure from the resulting com- Edited by Yoseph Bar-Cohen. Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 5051; 2003.
Simple muscle demos are available online at and
bustion products distorted a dielectric
elastomer diaphragm, generating elec- The WorldWide ElectroActive Polymer Newsletter is at
tricity. Such designs might eventually lead SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 59


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