Tanggang Drama

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Tanggang, Ungrateful Son

Scene 1

Captain : All board !!

Sailor 1 : Come, let’s pull the anchor together!

Sailor 1 & 2 : Pull… Pull… Pull… (Pulling the anchor)

Captain steering the wheel, manoeuvre the ship. The sailor 1 & 2 are pulling the ropes to
open the sails.

Scene 2

Tanggang and his wife stroll to the bow with their servants tailing them.

The servants are touching up Tanggang and his wife – polishing her nails and tidying his

Wife : Honey!

Tanggang : Yes my dear.

Wife : I am hungry. I want some appetizing cake.

Tanggang : Alright my dear. FOOD!!!

Two servants come in with plates of dishes. Wife looking so annoyed with the dishes on
the plates.

Wife : Euwww! What is this? (Throwing the plate to the floor)

Tanggang : Why… why my dear?

Wife : I don’t want these. These are rubbish. I said I want delicious food!

Delicious food you hear me! (pushing servants onto the floor)
Tanggang : (Looking angrily to the servants).

Guard!! Take these two and throw them to the sea!

Servants : (frighten and shivering, pleading for forgiveness)

Please Sir… Please madam… We are sorry Sir…soryyyyy…

Guards dragged them out. The servants struggling in fear, pleaded for forgiveness.

Scene 3

Sailor 3 was using a binocular, searching for any danger. He saw someone in perahu
coming to their ship. Shocking, he quickly ran to Tanggang to inform about the

Sailor 3 : Sir Tanggang, there’re intruders coming to our ship!

Tanggang : What??

Tanggang and his wife rushed to the edge of the deck. Tanggang was shocked, walking
back and forth anxiously.

From a far, a woman’s voice was heard calling for Tanggang.

Mother : Tanggang! Tanggang! Tanggang! (The voice getting louder and louder)

Whereas the father is keep rowing the boat as swift as he could.

Wife : Dear, who are they?

Tanggang : I don’t know (panicking). I had never met them.

Mother : Tanggang! I am your mother and he… he is your father. You’re our son,

Tanggang. (Crying)
Father : You don’t recognise us, Tanggang?

Tanggang : No! No! No! My parents had passed away long ago. I’m an orphan.

Mother : My son... (Disbelieving her son words, crying)

Oh God! Please show us the truth! I am his mother. His real mother.

I fed him with my own milk. Look! What he had done!

Oh God I curse them into stone. (Pointing to Tanggang and his wife)

Tanggang :Ahhhh, this old woman was bluffing. Agree?

Ship crews : Agreed!! Hahaha.. (laughing mockingly at Tanggang’s parents)

Promptly, the ship was shaking horribly. Some of them are running in chaos.

Tanggang : Mother, please forgive me.. (his voice sinking into the stiffness and he
turns into stone)

Everyone in the ship exclude the mother and father slowly turned into stones. Mother
and father look at all the statues, paddling away from the ship in tears.

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