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HITACHI CXPLOgIoN‐ PR00F l¬ spire the lNext
The Hitachi explosion― proof hOist/crane saddie is designed side ofthe containeris notignited′ guaranteeing the explo―

Sufficient consideration is given to for operation in a cheRliCal or coating plant using an

explosive gas.
The explosion― proofabilityofthehoisVcranesaddleisappli一
sion proof ofthe hoisVcrane saddle.
。 The explosion― proof ability of the hoisVcrane saddle is
deterrnined by the stipulations of either the‖ Explosion―
cable to a range of gas up to lgnition group G4 and Explosion proof Guideline for Electrical Equipmentin FactoriesW or
the safety and reliability「 since it is class 2.(Referto the Table of Explosion and ignition Ratings
for Explosive Gases,provided on Page 15.)
WExplosion― proof Standard for Gases and Vapor‖
the conditions vary by the ignition group and explosion
●The etectric― system of Hitachi explosion― proof hoist/crane ciass ofthe using gas and the place ofits existence.

used in a site using an exPIosive gasE saddle is tota‖ y enciosed. Even if an explosive gas
exploded vvithin the containettthe container vvithstands the
Not only the rnotottbutthe brake and terRlinal box are a‖
given the explosion― prooftreatment.(Product approved
pressure of such an explosion and the gas existing out― by the Ministry of Labor)

ExPIosiOn‐ proof Hoist ExplosiOn‐ Proof Crane Saddle

ciently,a nevv type emergency brake having a smaH
shock prevents the load from dropping down′ forming
The Hitachi explosion― proof hoist is a rational system a double― brake mechanism connbined vvith the brake 。 The brake torque adiustmentrange is a wide as O to 60%
consisting of functional units of brake′ motoLdrum and with automatic adjusting device. oftheratedmotortorquerfacihajngtheadjustmentwork.
emergency brake. 。 VVhen the load block is hoisted up to its upper linlit′ the ●Thecentettngmarkforcraneassemblingadiustmenthelps
It uses a brake vvith automatic adjusting device developed operating circuit of electromagnetic sh/vitch is cut― off′ substantia‖ y reducing the vvorking tirYle.
by Hitachi for the first time in the worid′ saving the time interrupting the load block operation. Even if the
and iabor on the troublesome brake adjustment′ ash/ve‖ operating circuitis shorted and the load block continues
as facilitating the maintenance. to riserthe safety is secured because of the‖ double― limit
by any chance′the rnain brake does not function suffi―
If′ system‖ that cuts offthe rYlain Circuit for the motoh


Drawing of assembled crane 卜
調。tor for traversing

Hitachi:s explosion― proof hoistis designed so thatit corre― As for the na向 ling and indication of type′ the indication of Hazardous locations are classified into three divisions of O‐

spondstothefo‖ ovving regulation categories ofthe Japanese explosion― prooFt comes first,and‖ ―XX‖ for the indication of location′ 1‐ location and 2‐ location by the frequency and time
的linistry of Laboh the type foWows the term. of an explosive atmosphere being generated.This ciassifica―
o Construction ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Pressre Proof d (Example)Explosion― proof Type Hoist:lHMイ 55-XX tion is provided to ensure taking technical rneasures that are
o ignition group・ … Ⅲ…・中 ●― ●… ●― Gl― G4 optimurn to the vvhole plant by selecting suitable explosion―
● Explosion ciass ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1′ 2 In requesting an estimate of cost or placing an order for the proof electrical equipment and wiring to each hazardous
● Division of hazardous locations ・。 2 explosion‐ proof hoist′ information concerning the foWowing location according to the degree of dange「
1n orderforthis explosion― proof hoistto the operated safely should be indicated in detail.
(Remarks:A hazardous locadon must be determined three―
O Kind ofgas.
even places vvith explosive gas′ its explosion― proof construc― dimensionally ratherthan as a plane.)
。 Concentration of gas.
tion should aways be effective so resonable care should be
。 Ventilation condions ofthe room where the gas exists. (1)Division O
taken in its maintenance・ メ ヽIso′ any building in which the
。 Working conditions (including frequency of hoist use). A location of Division O is defined as a place where an explo―
explosion‐ proof hoistis to be insta‖ ed should be equipped
。 VVhether electromagnetic svvitches or push buttons are sive atmosphere is generated continuously orfor a long time
with a dependable ventilation systenl so that explosive gas
can be cliRlinated erectively. instamedintherOomwherethegasexistsorwhetherthere in the normal operation state.
The standard ambient conditions for explosion― proof electri― isseparateroonnthatisfreeoftheeffectofthegas,
● Distance of traversing travel(AIsofindicate if any cuⅣ ed (2)Division l
cal equipment are as followsi
travelis included) A Iocation of Division l location is defined as a place lyvhere
Aititude Upto l,000m *Constructions of other electrical equipmentinsta‖ an explosive atmosphere may be generated cyctica‖ y or
Ambienttemperature -10∼ +40℃ ed in the
room where the gas exists(Indicate whether they are occasiona‖ y in the normal operation state.
Relative huRlidity 45∼ 85%
exposion‐ prooftypes or not).
(3)Division 2

r R
A Iocation of Division 2 1ocation is defined as a place vvhere
an explosive atmosphere rYlay be generated in an irregular


l The‖ iong tirYle‖ referred to in the Division O ciause means
mO cases Of a long tirne as the phrase meanslitera‖ y and
Explpsivegasesareciassifiedaccordingtotheirignitionrating (2)ExplosiOn class
a case in wvhich the generation is short but repeated often
and explosive rating which vary respectively depending on Explosion ciass is classified into the fb‖ owing depending on
during a long period oftirYle.
the degree of dange丘 the value ofthe gap through which the ignition spreads.
2 The‖ irregular state‖ referred to the E)ivision 2 ciause does
(1)ignitiOn group ExpiOsiOn ciass l: Value of caD OVer O,6mm notinctude such a case thatis outside ofthe range of
lgnition groups are classified as foHows according to the Expiosion ciass 2: Value ofqap Over 0 4 mm UnderO.6mm explosion― proof of electrical equipmentin a plant because
ignition Points ofthe individual gases,The Hitachi explosion‐ Exp10sion ciass 3: Value ofgap Under 0 4 mm of an earthquake or other accident exceeding norrnal
proof hoist can be used for gases of up to G4fOrignition
groups or up to 135℃ for ignition point. (3)Ciassification of explosive gases
Typical explosive gases classified by theirignition and explo‐ A hazardouslocation must be determined based on the ex‐
Iqnition group Gl:Iqnition point Over 450℃ sion ratings are as fo‖ ows: pansion of space′ quantity of hazardous rYlaterial′ types of
ignition group G2Jgnition point Over 300℃ ― Under 450℃ equipment and vvorkァ effectiveness of ventilation′ existence
(4)Upper limit of temperature rise
lanition tlrouo G3:IOnition DOint Over 200℃ ― Under 300℃ of hazard prevention device in the place and in fu‖ reviews
The upperlinlit oftemperature rise ofelectrical equipment
19nition grouo G4:19nition point Over 135℃ ― Under 200℃ using an explosive gas is as fo‖ ows.The standard ambient of explosion or a fire in the same type enterprise.The degree
lonition grouD G5:19nition DOint Over 100℃ ― Under 135℃ ten∩ perature in this case is 40℃ of danger may belowered orthe range of hazardousiocation

ignition group G6:ignition point Over 85℃ 一 Under loo℃ may be limited depending on the effectiveness of ventilating
西se lim■ (un■ :℃
ignition group Gl G⊇ G3 G4 G5 G6 or airing equipment.
Upperlimit oftemDerature rise 320 200 40

Classification of exlosive gases by ignition groups and explosiOn classes

Gl G2 G3 G4 G5

Acetone Ethanol Gasoline Acetaldehyde

Ammonla isomyl acetate Hexane Ethyl ether
Carbon monoxide Butanol
Ethane Butane
Acetic acid Acetic anhydride
Ethyl acetate
Coal gas Ethylene oxide
Water gas Acetylene Carbon disuifide
ame are those in vvhich Hitachi pressure― resisting and explosion― proof hoist can be or )erated


TVpe Standard head room type Lowv head room type Double― rail type

Capacity(ton) 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 2 3 5
Standard Specifications
8′ 12
Power supply 3-phase 200V 50/60Hzァ 220V60Hz(380V∼ 40げ Ч415V50Hz′ 400^J路OV 60Hz are available)
6′ 12′ 24′ 36 *24,36 6′ 12 6,11 12 6′ 12 8,12

Operating pushbuttons
8.4 7.5 6.7 8.4 7.5 6.7 8.4 7.5 6,7
2-point pushbutons(UP and DOWN inthe drawing)lbr suspension type
stationary type′ push― driven traversing type′ and chain― driven traversing type Dpじ cu(II]/11‖ nノ

。 C 下∽一
4-point pushbuttons(Utt DOWN′ LEFT and RIGHTin the drawing)for 60 Hz 13 10 9 8 13 10 9 8 10 9 8
electttc motottdttven traversing type

Duty raing 40%ED′ Number of statting 250 starts/hr(upto 3t) 50 Hz 1.9 2.9 4.2 5.9 1.9 2.9 4.2 5.9 2.9 4.2 5.9
(Duty radng 25%ED′ Number of starting 250 statts/hrfor 5 t) Motor(kVV)
By powercable (cable and fixing metal pieces are not attached.) 2.3 3.5 5.0 7,0 2.3 3.5 5.0 7.0 3.5 5.0 7.0
Use 3PNCT to supply the pOwerto explosion― proof hoist.
The standard cable stte is 4CX3.5mm2(lniShed Outer diameter φ19.1)fOr up to 2 t or 50 Hz 21
4Cx8mm2(lniShed Outer diameter ψ22.3)for3 and 5t,Specify separately ttthe cable

D C 〓Φ> ∞ド
size is different,
Exp10siOn― proof structure Explosion― prooftype d2G4 1ndoor use only

」IS C9620 Electttc hoist′ Crane structure standardsrSafety Reguladons of Crane and 0.30 0.63 0.63
Applicable standards 50 Hz *0.30x2 *0,30× 2 半0.63× 2 0.30 0.63 0,30 0.63
OtheRttExplosion‐ proof Guideline for Electrical Equipmentin Factories
60 Hz 0.36 0.75 0.75
*0.36× 2 ■0.36× 2 ■0,75× 2 0.36 0.75 0.36 0.75

2 4

0住 0﹂ 0と >>
Systenl diagram of explosion‐ prooftype hoist crane
6× Fi(29)一B 6xFi(29)一 B 3× W
*4xF(40)一 B *6x37-A (19)一 B
6 x Fi(29)一 B

Exp10sion―proof hoist φ12.5

φ8 φll.2 φ14 キ 18 φ6.3 φ8 φ10 φ12.5 φ8 φ10 φ12.5

。 C f ω匡
40%(25%for 5 t)

250 jmes/hour
RO′ SO′ T。 ′

● Main circuit 200V50/60Hz′ 220V60Hz(380V∼ 400Ⅵ 415V50Hzr400V∼ 440V60Hz are available)

Linlit switch
200V50/60Hz′ 220V60Hz(100V is avattable)
T 刊 2 3 4 E

T l 2 3 4 E

Operating push‐ button

Note)1.Low speed (half ofthe standard speed)for hoisting and/or

traversing is available′ on ordeL
2.VVe can accept a requestforthe capacity of 1/2t′ 2.8t′ 7.5tand
3.IThe number offaWs for 24m and 36m ofthe suspension type
is 2′ and the wire rope diameteris φ13

L ‐ ― ― ― ― ‐ ― l

― ― ― ― ― ―

Note)A connecting cable from the pushbutton switch to the saddle VVhen purchasing a cable ioca‖ Ⅵmake sure tO purchase a length
controi box is needed in the case of 6-point or 8-pOint push― taking the length from the pushbutton svvitch to the hoistintO
button swhch.Specify the length tamng the maximum distance consideration. Use the 3PNCT cable of 2C× 2mm2(■ niShed
from the hoistto the Saddle control box mounting position. outer diameter φ15.2)for 6-pOint swhch or 5C× 2mm2(■ niS
(The connecting cable must be estimated separately.) hed outer diameter φ18 6)for 8-pOint swた ch.

Standard Head roon■ ■ pe Standard Head roonl Ⅲ pe
Hoist with Motorized,olley Hoist with Chain・ Driven Trolley
Dimensional diagram Dimensional diagram

1,2,3 ton 5 ton


Lowver limit

(Note)in the case of lion hoist′ actual positions of motor and gear
case are opposite to those shown in the diagram.

(Note)The number offalis for 5 tis 4. (Note)in the case of lion hoist,actual positions of motor and gear case are opposite to those shown in the diagram.

Capacity(ton) 1 5
t Capacity(ton) 1

Type lM― T65-XX lHM T6S― XX 2M― T,s― XX 2HM― T75-XX 3M‐ T65 XX 3H卜1-T65-XX 5M― T55-XX 5HM―T55 XX TVpe lM― C65-XX lHM― C65-XX 2M― C75-XX 2H M―C75 XX 3M― C65-XX 3H M―C。 5 XX

L 6,000 12,000 6′ 000 12,000 12′ 000 12,000 L 6,000 12′ 000 6,000 12,000 6′ 000 12,000
H 985 1 珂90
呵′ H 775 985 1′ 150
A 570 740 625 660 690 730 890 1,000 A 570 625 660
B 475 435 B 475 435 475
Approx.dimensions E 430
(mm) K
45 K
156/140 45

Drive side/FoWowing side
W 200/290 200/290 230/310 250/330 W 189/350 231/350 231/350
hllin.curve radius(m) Min curve radius(m) 40 40 40
Dimensions of卜 beam(mm) F S T U E S T U F S T U F S T U Dimensions ofI― beam(mm) M R S T U M R S T U M R S T U
200× 100× 7 467 42 47 490 467 42 呵48 42 200× 100× 7 134 366 40
250× 125× 7.5 430 480 44 490 480 480 250× 125× 7.5 379
300x150× 11.5 430 493 493 530 493 540 225 300× 150× 11.5 376 147 392 392 210
450× 175× 11 530 102 540 223 450× 175× 41 405
Approx.weight(kg) 325 340 430 450 545 585 840 Approx.weight(kg) 345 435 455 540 580
(Note)Uniess otherwise specttied′ trolley is being assembled so as to meet smudged卜 beam. (Note)Uniess otherwvise specined′ troWeyis being assembled so asto meetsmudged i― beam

Stationary Hoist Hoist with Motorized¬ 卜o‖ ey
Dirnensional diagram Dimensional diagram

1,2,3 ton 5 ton

(Note)in the case of iL― T55-XX hOist′ actual positions of hoising′

troWey motor and gear case are opposite to those shown in this
(Note)in the case of l― ton hoist′ actual pOsitions ofrnotor and gear case are opposite to those shown in the diagram.
(Note)The numnrt offalis for 5 tis 4.

Capacity(ton) 1 Capacitv(ton) 1 2 3 5
TVpe l M6 XX lHM6 XX 2M7XX 2HM7 XX 3M6XX 3H Ms― XX 5M5 XX 5HM5 XX TVpe lL― T55-XX lHL― T55 XX 2L― T55-XX 2HL― T55-XX 3L― T55-XX 3HL― T55-XX 5L― T55-XX 5HL― T55 XX
6′ 000 ¬2′ 000 12′ 000 12′ 000 12′ 000 L 6′ 000 12′ 000 6′ 000 12′ 000 6′ 000 12′ 000 6′ 000 11′ 000
H 050
呵′ 1 H 425 515 520 650
A 570 740 625 660 890 1,000 A 730 830 1,000

B 615 660 690 635 700 690 800

430 530 540 370
255 220 245 F 360 465 565 575 660
Approx dimensions

G 500 555 (mm)
Y 770 760 820
dirnenslons K
(mm) 156/140
M Drive side/FoWowing side
N 139
W 200/290 200/290 230/310 230/410 250/330
O 47 198 Min cuⅣ e radius(m)
Q 32.5 355 4呵 .5 525 Dimensions ofi― beam(mm) S T U S T U S T U S T U
R 47 237 262 198 200× 100× 7
S 250× 125× 7.5 177
46 300× 150× 115 225
45 450× 175× 11 102 223
Approx.weight(kg) 320 345 425 625 Approx weight(kg) 420 435 530 600
(Note) Untess othervvise specified′ troWey is being assembled so as to meetsmudged i― beam


Double・ Rail ttpe


Dimensional diagram

Suspenslon Ⅲ pe Saddle Travei ng motor Frame

Highly stable type owing to adoption of a sturdy frame.

■ Dimensional diagram


200× 100× 7 49
250× 125× 7.5 74

卜C C∝
300× 150× 11.5 243
殿 Ⅷ Eq回 ■mckness chan嗣 載ed廿 Note)A support of atieast 50 mm high

T L  8
\ is necessary when using i― Beam of

― [-150X75× 65
臣 200× 100× 7 for the traveling rail.

1400 Unless othenvise specifiedihe sad―
1,816 dle is being assennbled so asto meet
Unl:mm smudgedi― beam size.

Unl:mm Saddle selection

Spedf e 28-XX
S脇 …
The Hitachi suspension type crane saddle uses
Maximum span(m)
卜beam forthe girder as the standard

t Maximum wheelioadt(wlh 2 wheeis)
Traveling speed(m/min′ 50/60Hz) 21/25 じ 3

Type 2HD― T55 XX 3D― T55 XX 3HD― T55 XX 5D― T55 XX 5HD― T55 XX Motor(ぷ.50/60Hz) 030/0.36× units with brake ぢ2
L 12′ 000 6′ 000 12r000 12′ 000 闘 鴫s
H 360 560 逐 0 02468101214珂
Power source(3-phase) 380笠400立 415V50Hz 400立 440V60Hz 6
A 890 1,000
Referto the Dimensional diagram =
B 570 690 800 Note) The capacity shovvn in the drawing atleft shows
(The dimensons atthe jme ofshipment
E 685 715 735
Applicable traveling i― beam h□ approxirnate capacity to the maximum span, In

F 600 鶏苦ittFttRユ聰解儡∵ the actual selection′ the wheelioad inctuding the

girder must be calculated
Approx.weight 130× 2
Note)l The saddle is coateru for rw代 十nrnvnntirln ani
K 560 565 TVpe SL6 28-XX
Q 40
Use 3PNCT forthe saddle motor vvire. 200× 100 250× 125 300× 150
R 900 1′ 150
The standard size of cable is 4C× 2mm2(■ niShed Outer diameter φ17.2).Specify
W 650 650 850
separately if the cable size is different.
Y 430 480
φd A control box forthe saddle is available on order. 05
φM 160 06
Rai 12kg ra‖ or 38 square steel
Approx.weight(kg) 830 Note)The卜 beam used as a girder must be reinforced
depending on the span iength,The values shown
above are tolerance values of overhang at a side

12 13
Top・ Run Ⅲ pe Saddle Table o舌 ExPIosiOn and lgnition Rating for ExPIosiVe Gases

Top― Run type saddle of h/vide application range・ Exp10siOn lgnition

This saddle is used for hoist crane in many cases.
hem ltem
rating 「ating

Dirnensional diagram Ethyl acrylate 1 G2 Cyciohexane 1 G3

Methyl acrylate 1 G2 Ethyl bronlide 1 Gl
AcrylonК rile 1 Gl Di― isopropyl ether 1 G2
Ethyl nitrite 1 G6 l′ 4-dioxane 1 G2
Acetylacetone 1 G2 l,2-dichioroethane 1 G2
Acetylene 3 G2 l,1‐ dichloroethylene 1 Gl
Acetaldehyde 1 G4 (rra173 )1′ 2-dichiorethylene 2 Gl
Acetonitrile 1 Gl Dibutyl ether 1 G4
Acetone 1 Gl Dirnethyl ether 1 G3
Ammonia 1 Gl Ethyl nitrate 3 G6
lsooctane 1 G2 Hydrogen 3 Gl
D(Gear outer diameter)
G2 Gl
屋     コ      住

isobutanol 1 Styrene 1

lsobutyl methyl ketone 1 Gl Thiophene 1 G2

lsoprene 2 G3 Tetrohydrofuran 1 G3
lsopentane 1 G2 Decane 1 G3
Carbon monoxlde 1 Gl l,2,4-trimethylbenzene 1 Gl
Ethanol 1 G2 Toluene 1 Gl
Unl:mm Ethane 1 Gl Carbon dioxlde 3 G5
Note) Open pair among theふ Ⅳo pairs for one unitis symmetrica‖ y identical to (Di)ethyl ether 1 G4 l′ 3‐ butadiene 2 G2
the one shown in this diagram. Ethyl methyl ketone 1 Gl Furan 1 G2
Ethytene 2 G2 l― butanol 1 G2
Ethylene oxide 2 G2 Butane 1 G2
Specifications Epichiorohydrin 1 G2 Butyl aldehyde 1 G3
TVpe ■ Table of di:Ⅵ ensions (Unl:mm) lsopropyl chioride 1 Gl 2-propanol 1 G2
TH5 10 XX TH5 28-XX TH5 30-XX TH5 56-XX
TH5 TH5 TH5- TH5 Vinyl chioride 1 G2 Propane 1 Gl
Maximum span(m) TVpe
10-XX 28-XX 30-XX 56-XX Butyl chioride 1 G3 Propylene 1 G2
Maximum wheeiload(t) 5.6(4.0)*
A 300 350 Octane 1 G3 Propylene oxide 2 G2
21/25 B 175 O― Xylene 1 Gl l― hexanol 1 G3
C Xylene Gl Hexane G3
r77‐ 1 1
0.70/0.84× 2
φD 229 229 299.6
跳 llぅ
0.30/0.36× 2 units with brake units vvith ρ ―Xylene 1 Gl Heptane 1 G3
brake 145
Chiorobenzene 1 Gl Zenzene 1 Gl
∽O C

)uty ratincI% F 525 565 565

Acetic acid 1 Gl Benzotrifluoride 1 Gl
岬 G 245 322

G2 penthanol G3

lsopentyt acetate
i的 I
1 l― 1

Povver source(3-DhaSe) 200ヽ 1380V′ 400V,415V50Hz 200V′ 220V,400V′ 440V60Hz 」 105 145 145 162 Ethyl acetate 1 Gl Pentane 1 G3
¬ravelinq rail(kq) 12′ 15 15,22 15,22 K Vinyl acetate 1 G2 Acetic anhydride 1 G2
Approx.weight(kg) 呵15× 2 145× 2 220× 2 325× 2 L 141 220 Butyl acetate 1 G2 Methyl methacrylate 1 G2
Note)1. The saddle is coated for rust prevention onty G2 Methanol
2, TH5 56-XX is for double rails
180 200 Propyl acetate 1 1 Gl
3 (4,0)*showsthe maximum whecl weight when using a mono― rail. 40 Pentyl acetate 1 G2 Methane 1 Gl
N Methyl acetate 1 Gl 2-methythexane 1 G3
M 140 Hydrogen cyanide 1 Gl 3-rnethylhexane 1 G3
Cyciohexanone 1 G2 Hydrogen suifide 2 G3
Saddle selection Q 1,340 1,800 2.535 2.965
Gasoline 1 G3
R 1,000 1,400 2,000 2′

Water gas Gl


Coal gas 2 Gl
Y (Except from Explosion― proof Guideline for Electrical Equipment in
φW 180 Factories,provided by the Technical institution of industriaI Safety′

φX 155 282 」apan)

Note)1.The motoris insta‖ ed in the right hand side

of the wheelon TH5判 0 XX and TH528-XX.
Span(m) 2 0ne pair among the two pairs for one unitis
symmetrica‖ y identicalto the one shown in
Note)The capacity shown above showsthe approximate weightto the maximum span this diagram.
in the actual selection′ the wheelioad including the girder rnust be calculated 3.Equarthickness channel steel is used for
TH5 10-XX and TH5 28-XX
14 15


The equipment shown in this catalogue is intended for industrial use onty and
should not be used to lift,support,or otherwise transport human cargo.

specricauOns in this catalog are sublecttO Change wtth or wtthout nouce,as Hhachi conunues tO develop the latest technologies and products for hs customers

OHhactt hdust面 』 Eq pment Systems Co日 ,Hdロ

F9r ryrt4θ r ttrorttβ ri9■ /θ vr β
ρルβδθθθηttθ ′ 翻汽汚r sβ /9s r9pttsθ ,協 汀孵

Printed in」 apan(H)SH‐ E091R0207

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