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Chemical Reaction Engineering I

1. For a reaction A + 3B ® 5C + 7D which one of the following in correct?

2. The dimension of the rate constant k for an n-th order reaction is

(a) (time) -1 (concentration) -1
(b) (time) 1-n (concentration) -1
(c) (time) -1 (concentration) 1-n
(d) (time) -1 (concentration) -n

3. Reactions in which the rate equation corresponds to a stoichiometric equation are

(a) elementary reactions
(b) nonelementary reactions
(c) heterogeneous reactions
(d) none of the above
4. Rate of a reaction depends on
(a) temperature only
(b) pressure only
(c) composition only
(d) temperature and composition

5. The rate expression for the reaction between H2 and Br2 to produce HBR (H2 + Br2

à HBR) is given by . The reaction is

(a) stochiometric (b) fundamental (c) elementary (d) non-elementary

6. For a certain gas phase reaction, The rate of reaction in terms of partial pressure may be
expressed as

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7. For an elementary reaction

(a) - rA = rB = k1CA (b) - rA = rB = k1CA
(c) - rA = rB = k1 (d) - rA = rB = k1CA

8. Consider the rate expression . The overall order of the

reaction is

(a) 0.7 (b) 0.3 (c) 0.4 (d) 1.0

9. For a zero order reaction the fractional conversion of the reactant is

(a) directly proportional to the initial concentration

(b) inversely proportional to the initial concentration

(c) independent of the initial concentration

(d) directly proportional to the square root of the initial concentration

10. For a first order reaction the plot of ln (CA/CAO ) vs. time

(a) is linear and passes through the origin

(b) is exponential and passes through the origin
(c) is linear but does not pass through the origin
(d) is exponential but does not pass through the origin

11. For a zero order reaction the plot of fractional conversion vs. time is

(a) a straight line parallel to the time axis (X-axis)

(b) a straight line passing through the origin
(c) a straight line which does not pass through the origin and is not parallel to
the time axis
(d) none of these

12. For an auto catalytic reaction A + R ® R + R, the plot of fractional conversion of A vs. time is

(a) a straight line parallel to the time axis

(b) a straight line passing through the origin
(c) an S-shaped curve passing through the origin
(d) an S- shaped curve that does not pass through the origin.

13. For an autocatalytic reaction A + R à R + R, the rate vs. concentration of A profile is

(a) linear (b) exponential

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(c) parabolic (d) none of these

14. A reaction of the type , conducted in a batch reactor is

characterized by

(a) a maximum in concentration of B with time

(b) a maximum in concentration of C with time
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)

15. For a certain reaction AàB, the rate is first order in A at low concentration of A, but zero order at high
concentration of A. The possible rate expression for such a case is

16. An isothermal gas phase reaction, A ® 5B is being conducted initially with pure A.
The expansion factor for this reaction, Î A=
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

17. An isothermal gas phase reaction, A ® 5B, is being conducted by taking 50% A and
50% inert at start. Î A=

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

18. When a reaction is conducted in a variable volume batch reactor, rate of reaction,
-rA, is given by

19. Half – life period for a first order reaction is

(a) t½ = 1/k (b) t ½ = 0.393/k (c) t½ = 0.473/k (d) t½ = 0.693/k

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20. For a certain reaction the following plot is given. Which of the following rate
expressions is correct ?

21. An isothermal gas phase reaction, A ® 3B, is being conducted by starting with pure
A in a variable volume batch reactor. Initially, the reactor volume is 1 L. When 50%
conversion of A has been achieved, reactor volume is
(a) 1 L (b) 1.5 L (C) 2.L (D) 3 L

22. A plot of lnk vs. 1/T is known as

(A) Bode diagram (B) Van’t Hoff plot
(C) Arrhenius plot ((D)) none of these

23. A homogeneous liquid phase reaction is conducted in a batch stirred reactor at a

speed of agitation of 500 rpm. If the speed of agitation is doubled,
(A) the reaction rate will double
(B) the reaction rate will be halved
(C) the reaction rate will remain unaffected
(D) the reaction rate will decrease by a factor less than two

24. Batch reactors are industrially used

(a) for production of fine chemicals

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(b) for production of heavy chemicals

(d) when relatively small amount of materials are to be treated
(d) for conducting fermentation

25. In fermentation processes, batch reactors are traditionally preferred because

(a) the interval between batches provides an opportunity to clean the system
thoroughly and ensure that no deleterious intermediates and foreign bacteria
build up and spoil the product

(b) products on fermentation do not have much demand and are, therefore,
produced only in small amounts for which the use of continuous flow reactors is
not justified

(c) no temperature and concentration gradients exist in batch reactors and

fermentation occurs under uniform conditions

(d) I do not agree with the statement that batch reactors are preferred for
fermentation. Fermentation is always conducted in flow reactors. So answers
(a), )b) and (c) are meaningless.

26. An ideal plug flow reactor should have the following characteristics
(a) no back mixing of the reactants and products
(b) complete back mixing of the reactants and products
(c) uniform temperature, pressure and composition across any section normal
to the fluid motion
(d) uniform temperature, pressure and composition at any location in the
longitudinal direction

27. For efficient heat transfer to and from a jacketed reactor, the reactor configuration
should have
(a) low surface-to-volume ratio
(b) high surface-to-volume ratio
(c) any surface-to-volume ratio because heat transfer does not depend on
surface-to-volume ratio

28. A homogeneous liquid phase reaction A ® B occurs in a batch reactor and a

conversion of 50% is achieved in one hour. If the same reaction is conducted in a plug

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flow reactor the space time necessary for 50% conversion is

(a) 1 s (b) 1 min (c) 1 hr (d) between 1 min and 1 hr

29. The dimension of "space velocity" is

(a) [ length ] [time-1]
(b) [ time-1 ]
(c) (either (©) or (©)
(d) none of (©), (©) and (©); it is dimensionless

30. A “space time” of 5 minutes means

(a) 100% conversion of the reactant is achieved in 5 minutes
(b) One reactor volume of feed at specified conditions is processed in 5
(c) 5% conversion is achieved in one minute
(d) none of these

31. If "space time" is denoted by t and "space velocity" by s, then

(a) t . s = 0 (b) t . s = 1
(c) t.s = 0.1
(d) t . s=any ter

32. One liter/min of liquid containing a reactant A at a concentration of 0.2 mol/l flows
into a continuously operated ideal flow stirred tank reactor. The outflow from the
reactor contains A at a concentration of 0.02 mol/l. If the volume of the reactor is 2 lit,
the rate of reaction of A realized in the reactor is

(a) 0.02 mol/l. min (b) 0.09 mol/l. sec

(c) 0.09 mol/ l. min (d) 0.18 mol/ l. min

33. A space velocity of 10 hr-1 means

(a) the linear velocity of the reactant through the reactor is 10 ft/hr
(b) it takes 10 hrs for complete conversion of the reactant to product
(c) ten reactor volumes of feed at specified conditions are being supplied to
the reactor
(d) none of these.

34. For a plug flow reactor,

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(a) axial diffusivity is infinite, radial diffusivity is zero

(b) axial diffusivity is zero, radial diffusivity is zero
(c) axial diffusivity is zero, radial diffusivity is infinite
(d) axial diffusivity is infinite, radial diffusivity is infinite

35. In order to realize a specified conversion for a zero order reaction, volume of a CSTR
(a) more than the volume of a PFR
(b) less than the volume of a PFR
(c) equal to the volume of a PFR
(d) twice the volume of a PFR

36. A second-order reaction is to be conducted in a battery of two mixed reactors of

unequal volumes in series. Now, under otherwise uniform conditions of flow rates and
temperature, etc., higher conversion of reactant can be realized if the battery is so
arranged that
(a) the bigger reactor comes first and the smaller reactor comes next
(b) the smaller reactor comes first and the bigger reactor comes next
(c) either (a) or (b) holds because total volume in both cases is the same and it
is the total reactor volume that matters in consideration related to conversion.

37. A first order reaction is to be conducted in a series of two mixed reactors. Total
volume of the two reactors is minimum when

(a) the reactors are equal in size

(b) the ratio of volumes of the first and second reactor is 2 : 1.
(c) the ratio of volumes of the first and second reactor is 1 : 2
(d) none of the above is true

38. A zero order reaction is conducted in a CSTR. If, under otherwise uniform
conditions, the reactant concentration in the fluid entering the reactor is halves, the
fractional conversion of the reactant will

(a) decrease by a factor of two

(b) increase by a factor of two
(c) remain unaffected because rate of a zero order reaction is independent of
(d) I do not agree with the problem statement; a zero order reaction is never
conducted in a CSTR. A PFR should be employed for this purpose.

39. A first order reaction is conducted in a CSTR. If, under otherwise uniform

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conditions, the reactant concentration in the fluid entering the reactor is doubled, the
fractional conversion of the reactant will

(a) increase by a factor of two

(b) decrease by a factor of two
(c) remain unaffected because fractional conversion of the reactant is
independent of concentration for a first order reaction

40. At present a zero order reaction is being conducted in a PFR of volume V and a
fractional conversion of 0.50 is realized. If a 2 nd PF reactor of volume V is now added to
the first reactor, the reactant concentration in the fluid exiting the battery of two PFRs
will be
(a) zero
(b) 25% of the reactant concentration in the fluid entering the first reactor
(c) 50% of the reactant concentration in the fluid entering the second reactor
(d) either (a) or (b)

41. In a recycle reactor the recycle ratio is zero. This means the reactor is basically a
(a) PFR
(b) CSTR
(c) PFR with zero radial mixing
(d) PFR with substantial axial dispersion

42. An autocatalytic reaction A + R ® R + R is best conducted in a CSTR provided

(a) the level of conversion is high
(b) the level of conversion is low
(c) the feed flow rate is low
(d) the feed flow rate is high

43. An autocatalytic reaction A + R ® R + R is to be conducted in a CSTR. Now

minimum CSTR volume results when the fractional conversion of A is
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.50 (c) 0.75 (d) 0.90

44. For a zero order reaction volume of a CSTR is equal to the volume of a PFR for the
same conversion level of the reactant. Identify from the following the case where CSTR
volume is equal to PFR volume :
(a) solid catalyzed vapour phase reaction of any order
(b) homogeneous reactions of fractional order
(c) autocatalytic reaction
(d) gas-liquid reaction

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45. For an autocatalytic reaction A + R ® R + R a fractional conversion (of A) of 90% is

desired. Which of the following will give minimum total reactor volume so as to achieve
the desired conversion level?
(a) a PFR up to a conversion level of 50% and subsequently a CSTR to achieve
final conversion
(b) a single PFR
(c) a CSTR up to a conversion level of 50% and subsequently a PFR to achieve
final conversion
(d) two CSTRs in series; the conversion level in the first reactor is 50%
46. Combustion of a fuel gas in an adiabatic furnace with cool reactants being fed into
the system is an example of an autocatalytic reaction. Which of the following sustains
the combustion process and hence, may be called product having autocatalytic
behaviour ?
(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Water vapour
(c) Fuel gas itself (d) Air supplied for combustion

47. For an autocatalytic reaction A + R ® R + R, maximum rate is realized at a

conversion level of
(a) 25% (b) 50% (c) 75% (d) none of the above

48. A certain process employs a recycle reactor and the recycle ratio is set at a value of
one. This suggests volume of fluid returned to the reactor inlet is equal to
(a) volume of fluid entering the reactor
(b) volume of fluid leaving the system
(c) half of the volume of fluid leaving the system
(d) zero

49. A zero order reaction is to be conducted in a battery of three reactors in series. The
battery consists of one small CSTR of Volume V/4 lit, a large CSTR of volume V lit, and a
PFR of volume V/2 lit. Which of the following arrangements will give highest conversion
of the reactant under otherwise uniform conditions ?
(a) PFRà Small CSTRà Large CSTR
(b) PFRà Large CSTRà Small CSTR
(c) Large CSTRà PFRà Small CSTR
(d) All arrangements shown above will give the same conversion

50. In question no. 49, if the order of the reaction is 0.5, which one of the arrangements
(a) to (d) will give highest conversion ?
(a) PFRà Small CSTRà Large CSTR
(b) PFRà Large CSTRà Small CSTR

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(c) Large CSTRà PFRà Small CSTR

(d) All arrangements shown above will give the same conversion

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