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Q1. What is difference between (a) Brand Image (b) Brand Identity (c) Brand
Personality (d) Brand Salience and (e) Brand Leverage? Support each concept with
an example?

Q2. Explain Keller’s Brand Equity Model and how it is different from Aaker’s Brand
Equity model. Discuss both models by selecting an appropriate brand?

Q3. What is difference between Name, Brand and Power Brands? Support each
concept with practical example?

Q4. What is brand Resonance in Marketing? Explain with an example?

Q5. How can the principles of (a) classical conditioning theory and (b) instrumental
conditioning theory be applied to the development of marketing strategies?
Q6. Which theory of learning (i.e., classical conditioning, instrumental conditioning,
observational learning, or cognitive learning) best explains the following
consumption behaviours: (a) buying a six-pack of Aquafina water, (b) preferring to
purchase jeans at a Petrol Pump Store, (c) buying a digital camera for the first time,
(d) buying a new car, and (e) switching from one cell phone service to another?
Explain your choices.
Q7. Discuss the differences between low- and high-involvement media. How would
you apply the knowledge of hemispheric lateralization to the development of TV
commercials and print advertisements?
Q8. Describe the type of promotional message that would be most suitable for each
of the following personality market segments and give an example of each: (a) highly
dogmatic consumers, (b) inner-directed consumers, (c) consumers with high
optimum stimulation levels, (d) consumers with a high need for cognition, and (e)
consumers who are visualizers versus consumers who are verbalizers.
Q9. How does the family influence the consumer socialization of children? What
role does television play in consumer socialization?

Q10. The Citrus Growers of America are planning a promotional campaign to

encourage the drinking of orange and grapefruit juices in situations where many
consumers normally consume soft drinks. Using the Rokeach Value Survey
(researcher identify) “family security” (providing for loved ones) as promising
“terminal value” and “honest” (trustworthy or believable) as a likely “instrumental
value” to stress in their future advertising campaign for citrus juices as an alternative
to soft drinks. What are the implications of these values for an advertising campaign
designed to increase the consumption of citrus juices?

Q11. Should Head & Shoulders shampoo be sold worldwide with the same
formulation? In the same package? With the same advertising theme? Explain your
Q12 Sony has introduced a 65” Ultra HD Smart T.V that has a higher screen
resolution than other TV’s and advanced signal processing. The TV’s introductory
price is US$ 10000.
(a) Who should be Sony’s initial target market? What are the target consumer’s
demographics and Psychographics?
(b) How would you identify the innovators for this product?
(c) Is the new model a continuous, dynamically continuous, or discontinuous
innovation? Explain your answer.

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