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Disaster Mitigation Preparedness Response (DMPR)

Structural Safety Evaluators’ Manual

Module 4

1.0 Purpose and Scope

This Standard Operating Procedure shall set forth the guidelines on the mobilization of
DMPR [ˈdampər] Structural Safety Evaluation Teams (DMPR SSET) in support of various
stakeholders in the event of an earthquake or other natural disasters.

2.0 Definition of Terms

2.1 ASEP – shall mean the Association of Structural Engineers, Inc.
2.2 DMPR – Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness and Response Program – shall supersede
the titles EQRP, DQRP, NERAP and DQRST.
2.3 Volunteer – shall mean the person who is trained and qualified by ASEP to perform
structural safety evaluation
2.4 Team shall mean each group of volunteers that conduct rapid evaluation or detailed
evaluation of buildings in disaster affected areas.
2.5 Regional Response Network shall mean teams from various Regional Coordinating
Councils (RCCs) of ASEP in the Philippines and other countries.
2.6 DMPR Policy Group shall compose of the ASEP Officers and Board of Directors
2.6 DMPR Logistics, Response, Training and Research Groups are DMPR subgroups
tasks with specific functions in the DMPR program
2.7 Stakeholders shall mean the various organizations, agencies, local government units
that ASEP have formal agreements regarding the DMPR Program.

3.0 Concept of DMPR Actions and Operations

DMPR SSET volunteers shall be deputized by the ASEP and various stakeholders and shall
be trained by the DMPR Committee. The teams shall be trained on rapid evaluation and
detailed evaluation of damaged buildings and structures as well as planning, operation,
and coordination during disasters under the ASEP DMPR Program. They shall also be
trained to serve and act during the three phases of an emergency/disaster.

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP)

Disaster Mitigation Preparedness Response (DMPR)
Structural Safety Evaluators’ Manual

DMPR Structural Safety Evaluation Teams (DMPR SSET) shall be mobilized within the
scopes and limitations of the memorandum of agreements set upon between ASEP DMPR
and various stakeholders. As a matter of policy, the DMPR shall only be mobilized by the
Policy Group of the ASEP DMPR upon request from the National Government Agencies,
Local Government Units and other stakeholders who are in need of damage assessment
teams for pre-disaster, disaster and post-disaster events.

The ASEP DMPR Policy Group shall organize the composition of the SSET depending on
the needs of the stakeholders. The members of the DMPR shall come from the list of
accredited structural safety evaluators trained by the ASEP.

4.0 DMPR SSET Guidelines on Mobilization on

Various Phases of an Emergency or Disaster
4.1 General Guidelines on Volunteer/Team Mobilization

4.1.1 When DMPR SSET volunteers are required, the ASEP DMPR Chairman shall
inform and shall seek approval from the DMPR Policy Group of the impending
team mobilization.

4.1.2 The DMPR Chairman shall issue a Notice to Mobilize to the DMPR SSET

4.1.3 The DMPR SSET shall report to the representative of the requesting party to
conduct safety evaluation activities.

4.1.4 All reports, photos and other documents pertaining to the deployment of the
SSET shall be submitted to the ASEP DMPR Response Group. The Head of the
DMPR Response Group shall review the reports and recommend their approval
to the ASEP DMPR Policy Group who shall in turn authorize their release to the
concerned stakeholder/s. All reports, documents, photographs and other
information obtained during the activities of DMPR SSET shall be kept by the

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP)

Disaster Mitigation Preparedness Response (DMPR)
Structural Safety Evaluators’ Manual

4.2 Pre-Emergency/Disaster Phase

The DMPR program shall be involved, not only in the emergency/disaster phase, but
shall also be involved in disaster mitigation and preparedness. The DMPR SSET
volunteers shall undertake these activities:

4.2.1 Upon given a Notice to Mobilize by the Chairman of the ASEP DMPR, the ASEP
SSET shall report to the representative/s of the requesting party/parties for the
conduct of pre-emergency/disaster activities Conduct an inventory of masonry, reinforced concrete, and steel

buildings to include their historical background (e.g. date of
construction, location), particularly those that may be deemed
vulnerable. Undertake pre-disaster assessment/ inspection of structures following

established/approved procedures and methodology.

4.2.2 Strengthen technical skills on rapid evaluation and detailed evaluation of the
volunteers through training and retraining under the DMPR program.

4.3. Emergency/Disaster Phase

During this period, DMPR SSET volunteers shall be mobilized by the DMPR Chairman.
They shall proceed thereafter to the affected areas, and shall coordinate with the
representative/s of the stakeholders and shall perform evaluation activities as

Outside of Metro Manila , the ASEP RCC Chairman shall coordinate the activities of
the DMPR SSET in their respective areas of responsibilities. The RCC Chairman of the
affected area shall inform the DMPR Chairman of the present requirement for
evaluation teams. When deemed necessary, he/she may request the DMPR Response
Group for the additional teams of volunteers from other ASEP RCCs.

The ASEP DMPR SSET, during the emergency/disaster shall undertake the following
emergency operation activities:

4.3.1 Assist with technical advice on emergency rescue operations, particularly in

partial demolition of buildings where people are entrapped.

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP)

Disaster Mitigation Preparedness Response (DMPR)
Structural Safety Evaluators’ Manual

4.3.2 Conduct rapid evaluation of resulting damage, structural integrity, and

vulnerability of existing buildings and vital structures (e.g. schools, hospitals,
residential buildings, and business establishments).

4.3.3 Identify geotechnical hazards that can severely damage the structures (e.g. large
settlements, lateral spreading, or liquefaction of soil beneath buildings and

4.3.4 Prepare data for a GIS showing the damage status of buildings in the disaster

4.3.5 Assist international humanitarian teams or organizations which are providing

technical support during major disasters or emergencies.

4.3.6 Evaluate various structures in the affected areas and establish necessary posting,
INSPECTED, RESTRICTED or OFF-LIMITS after rapid evaluation procedures are
4.3.7 Prepare periodic reports (every 24 hours as necessary) for submission to the
DMPR Policy Group documenting the team activities, findings, and

4.4 Post-Emergency/Disaster Phase

4.4.1 Recommend measures for the detailed evaluation of buildings and structures
previously identified as RESTRICTED or OFF-LIMITS during rapid evaluation in
the Emergency Phase.

4.4.2 Update data for the Geographic Information System (GIS) documents showing
the damage status of buildings and structures in disaster areas.

4.4.3 Assist international disaster relief organizations providing technical support

4.4.4 Recommend appropriate approaches, methodologies, and interventions for

repair and reconstruction.

4.4.5 Advise on other technical concerns critical to reconstruction and rehabilitation

operations that are within the competence of the team assigned to particular
disaster area.

4.4.6 Prepare the Post-Emergency/Disaster Phase report documenting the activities,

findings, and recommendations, for submission to the DMPR Policy Group

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP)

Disaster Mitigation Preparedness Response (DMPR)
Structural Safety Evaluators’ Manual

5. Coordinating Instructions
5.1 The ASEP DMPR Policy Group shall serve as the overall coordinator relative to DMPR
SSET deployment or mobilization.

5.2 The Regional Coordinating Councils shall serve as regional DMPR coordinator,
reporting to the DMPR Policy Group.

6. Qualifications and Responsibilities of DMPR

Structural Safety Evaluator Volunteers
6.1 Structural Safety Evaluator

6.1.1 Must be an ASEP member in good standing as specified in the ASEP By-laws

6.1.2 Must attend the DMPR Training and Workshop and must successfully pass the
written examinations.

6.1.3 Must signify his/her willingness to become a Volunteer by signing the

Commitment Form.

6.1.4 Must be willing to accept responsibility as a DMPR SSET team leader.

6.2 DMPR Responder

6.2.1 Must be a Registered Architect, Engineer, or graduate students knowledgeable

in design and construction of structures, facilities and lifelines.

6.2.2 Must attend the DMPR Training and Workshop and must successfully pass the
written examinations.

6.2.3 Must signify his/her willingness to become a Volunteer by signing the

Commitment Form.

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP)

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