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It should be noted that this Feasibility Study does not seek to endorse any

of the technologies mentioned. The final choice of which technologies to use in

specific experimentation will be for Innovator-Proponents to establish, based on

the study and experiment requirements within which a Solar-Powered Engine for

walk-behind or 2WT is expected to be deployed. All copyrights reserved by

Rannie C. Agustin.

In the Philippines, the 2WT is termed as “kuliglig” but used as

a vehicle composed of a two-wheeled trailer pulled by a 2WT similar to a rotary

tiller. It is powered by multi-purpose diesel or gasoline engine. The term kuliglig

traces its etymology from the Filipino term kuliglig, meaning "cicada" (a type of

noisy insect) which was adopted by one manufacturer as a brand for “innovated”

vehicle but not required by Land Transportation Office to register the vehicle due

to absence of serial number and has purposes other than simple transportation.

However, banned or prohibited from major roads in later times. Farmers in

Philippines rural areas began using 2WT for farming during the times of intensive

campaign of late former President Ferdinand Marcos against Joma Sison‟s

people‟s protracted war through land reform and KKK programs. The 2WT is

called by Filipino famers as “lanmaster” (synonymous to Sri Lankans‟

Landmaster) and mostly, are imported from Japan.

From Europe to America to Asia, from year 1910 to present, the 2WT

developed by a number of great inventors and manufacturers are commonly

powered by electric, gasoline and diesels.

Poor and small (landowners of 3 has. and below) veteran Filipino farmers

refrained from use while newly-bred farmers are reluctant to use the farm-

machine---2WT, due to high-cost of fuel and or rental fee for the tractor which

usually owned by merchants engaged in usurious cash-lending and rice trading.

They prefer the hard way of farming to save a little amount for the socio-

economically struggling family from tractor expenses contribution.

The researcher, Rannie C. Agustin, investigated the feasibility of

manufacturing cost-efficient solar-electricity powered 2WT to help the poor

Filipino farmers increase their farm productivity, easing the hard-way of farming

with efficient and effective farm technology as tools for strategic and engineered

timely land preparation and sowing, harvesting, threshing, processing and

transporting. All of which, according to Biggs & Justice (2015) lead to

productivity gains and increases in cropping intensification through quicker and

higher turn-around or turn-overs of production cycles.

Any successful outcome will be applied as well to fishing boat engines,

threshers, irrigation pump sets and other farm machines in a very short time for

agricultural revolutionary mechanization.

2. Technical Feasibility

2.1. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

2.1.1. Thermodynamic Cycle

The Classical thermodynamics focused on time-invariant

system. This includes, for example, efficiency, delivered power, and

similar factors, for a quasi-static thermodynamic process, finite-time

thermodynamics. Thermodynamic cycles include Carnot cycle; Otto

cycle; Diesel cycle; Brayton cycle; Stirling cycle.

The optimum thermal efficiency is approximated as the

average of the respective efficiency as suggested by Curzon and

Ahlborn but contrasted Novikov‟s finite-time thermodynamics. The

concept of finite thermodynamics earned a lot of followers and

works including Ondrechen et al.‟s work.

DeVos developed the idea of heat transfer with laws of

thermodynamics while Angulo-Brown developed the ecological

optimization criterion , as an objective function to optimize the

performance of a heat engine, taking into account the maximum

output power and the rate of production of entropy. Showed that the

production rate of entropy is greatly reduced by costing part of

output power (knowledge confirmation of the theory of dynamics

and speed of reactions, Cross-section Reaction-based Energy

production, H, C, N, O. we will discuss this in the following

theoretical framework in the proceeding pages).

Some engineers and scientist-product developers used the

Clausius inequality to modify the parameters as well as a linear

time-temperature relationship, and took into account the power

loss, to obtain analytic solutions for both the output power and the

thermal efficiency in Carnot Cycle.

Ibrahim et al.‟s irreversible parameters - the isentropic ratio of

the isothermal processes and thus optimized the Carnot cycle by a

more practical manner.

Chen and Yan‟s irreversible factors evaluated the maximum

output power with the consideration of the irreversible factors,

which are heat leakage, finite heat transfer between the heat

reservoir and the heat engine in the compression and expansion

processes while in an Atkinson cycle, the thermal efficiency at the

point of maximum power density is always better than that at the

point of maximum power. The position of irreversible principles

proposed a generalized Otto cycle and quantified the degree of

irreversibility in a study of performance optimization in various heat

transfer modes.

Ait-Ali considered the range of operating temperatures to

optimize the output power of an endoreversible Carnot engine while

Zhou et al. studied the effect of a generalized heat transfer law on

the optimization of power output of a generalized Carnot engine

with internal and external irreversibility. Hou proved that the

expansion ratio in an Atkinson cycle exceeds the compressive ratio

in an Otto cycle.

Lu et al. applied the energy equilibrium equation for a collecting

plate to optimize a solar power generating system, in which the

efficiency of the light collection unit of the solar concentrator was

optimized at such operating temperature corresponding to the

working fluid temperature;

The finite-time thermodynamics, as its name indicates,

applies in many range of fields, whenever heat transfer occurs in a

device or a system of finite extent or within a limited period. Under

some suitable assumptions, this work proposes a constrained

model to optimize the performance of a practical heat engines with

irreversible thermodynamic process. In finite-time thermodynamics,

the optimization of performance indices involves the optimization of

an overall system on the assumption of irreversibility. Comparing

with the classical thermodynamics, it is more adequate when

applied to practical applications, and is useful in studies of the best

use of energy (Chen, Ho & Yau, 2012).

Chen, Ho & Yau, (2012) investigated the maximum power

output design problem for a solar powered Stirling engine, where

the thermal efficiency and solar collector temperature are

considered as the design parameters. The heat transfer between

the solar collector to the engine and the surroundings is studied

such that the result can provide an adequate prediction for overall

system thermal efficiency in practice.

The findings of the Chen, Ho & Yau „s study ,for a given

solar intensity, the relation between the thermal efficiency of a

Stirling engine and the collector temperature include that Thermal

efficiency of an engine can be improved by either increasing T3 of

the isothermal heat addition process, or reducing T1 of the

isothermal heat rejection process. In general, the heat rejection

temperature will not fall below the ambient temperature, so the

intended thermal efficiency can only be improved by elevating T3.

Since the collector receives limited energy for a given solar

intensity and it loses heat to the surroundings by both radiation and

convection, a temperature upper bound will exist for the collector as

well as the T3 of the thermal process. Also, the temperature

difference between them will determine the heat been accumulated

by the engine from the collector. In this study, a solar powered

Stirling engine with the solar intensity = 4000 W/m2 is considered

with system parameters.

The law of conservation of energy (Isaac Newton) is used in

Chen‟s study to determine the heat loss from the collector to the

surroundings which can be used to determine a reasonable heat

available for the engine. Data gathered reveals the heat loss by the

collector with respect to collector temperature. When the collector

temperature exceeds 698 K, the heat loss from the collector

exceeds the amount of solar power can possibly been

accumulated. The simulation yields a maximum output power of

596 W at a thermal efficiency of 0.363 and a collector temperature

of 560.4 K.

The genetic algorithm is used to reveal the maximum output

power of a Stirling engine by determining the thermal efficiency, the

collector temperature, and their corresponding values of the

optimized parameters. The results of the simulation herein

described can be directly applied to optimize the design of a

practical solar powered Stirling engine. The proposed work

investigates the maximum power output of a Stirling engine under

the solar concentrated heat of 4000 W/m2. According to the optimal

design, it reveals that maximum power can be generated if the

engine is designed with efficiency 0.363 and temperature of

collector is kept to be about 560.4 K, which can be achieved using

a temperature regulating control loop.

The collector temperature-factor and any other parts of the

solar and engine systems may be valid with the data gathered and

analysed. However, the Electromagnetic fields and waves, and

distance were not considered in the studies as predictors of varying

or losing Energy.
The theory of electromagnetic waves has roots from atomic

reaction cycle theory in keeping the energy and temperature

efficient. This will be discussed in proceeding topic part of the

Theoretical and Conceptual framework of the study.

1.1.1. Cross-section Atomic Reaction-based Energy

Energy is the active capacity of environment or ecological system

available to a certain sector of elements, cells and atoms to perform expected

natural reactions, expected behaviors of compounds and neutrons. The active

capacity (Energy) is affected by changing (over) heat or temperature that makes

it consumed or inactive, further accelerate the deterioration of capacity due to

several activities or reactions happened caused by the changing heat and or

temperature. It is also important to note that the activity of the capacity of a

certain environment or ecosystem (Energy, for short) is dependent on the

complete presence of elements and any absence of one element or two affects

the capacity level (energy) of the environment or ecosystem which caused

everything to fail.

The theory of electromagnetic waves supports the validity of Agustin‟s

(2017) claim that it is not the heat nor temperature efficiency per se that affect

the performance of engines but the factors in the theory of optimization of Brown.

The electrons need to be accelerated to produce electric field of waves and these

waves in motion produces the waves of magnetic field. Perpendicularly oscillate

to each other in one direction. The 2 fields‟ waves become the electromagnetic

waves which usefulness is attributed to the energy efficiency. Failure to produce

positive behaviors from electrons causes the electromagnetic waves ineffective

in carrying or transferring the energy required by the receiver/collector and

modules which resulted to non-reaction of atoms that move or make the engine

work continuously. Electrons are dependent on the presence of required

elements and the absence of any vital elements caused by any delayed

replenishments creates a domino effect to the whole ecosystem, which affect the

successful travel of energy (active capacity or factor-enabling environment that

powers or makes the elements and electrons able to discharge the required


Electric /Magnetic



Figure 3. The Ecological Optimization Cycle (Agustin, 2017)

Some elements are not able to function or perform the required or

expected behaviors in an inactive environment (failed energy) while other

elements, like H, are “consumed” or came into extinction (after a few cycles,
CNO). H is a critical element for the reaction cycle in any given long running time

of operation. What do you think is the real usefulness of water in the engine‟s

dynamic? Is it really the cooling system level requirement alone (theory of

thermodynamic cycle) or it includes the continuous supply of H and continuous

fueling the fire (or complement fuel for combustion) with O₂ (theory of atomic

reaction cycle)? What is the purpose of Oxygen Sensor in an engine?


The Cooling System

1. Water cooling system—Thermosiphon, pressurized (how can it be a

cooling system if the water used for cooling is hot and with a

characteristic of a constant boiling point of 100 degrees centigrade? Or

it is properly termed as Heat Regulating System?, Agustin, 2017)

2. Air cooling system

1.2. Evaluation of Engine, Parts and Components to be powered

by electricity generated through Solar Modules

1.2.1. Single-cylinder diesel engine for conversion

The engine subject for the experiment will be the

Single-cylinder diesel engine for conversion.

1.2.2. Evaluation for Solarizabilty of Single-cylinder diesel

engine (including the sizes, weight, dimension, hp, etc.

for 2WT)

Note: For identification and description on

Experimentation process for documentation and evaluation.

1.2.3. Evaluation of Single-cylinder diesel engine for

conversion to solar (energy) and electricity (Solar-

charged battery)-powered engine

Note: For identification and description on

Experimentation process for documentation and evaluation.

1.2.4. Alternative Options, substitutes, hybrid

The alternative options, substitutes and hybrid parts

may be considered along the experimentation process as

need arises.
1.6.6. Stirling Solar Engine for reference and comparison

The design mechanization of Stirling engines,

according to numerous researches, is inspired by or within

the framework of thermodynamic cycle particularly Angulo-

Brown‟s theory of optimization of thermal engine

performance dependent on maximum output power and the

rate of production of entropy. Stirling engines, associated

and misinterpreted in most studies to Carnot Cycle of

thermal efficiency, perform instead within Angulo-Brown‟s

theory of ecological optimization which, according to Agustin

(2017), is founded on natural law of Atomic Reactions of H

processed or facilitated by H and CNO (Carbon, Nitrogen

and Oxygen) cycle as what we have discussed in our

preceding Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks.

Operating quietly due to a closed regenerative

thermodynamic cycle, Stirling engines are unique heat

engines in terms of performance due to engine construction

(look back at Conceptual Framework of Engine

Constructions of alpha, beta and gamma types of engines)

which affects the optimization of performance level by

directly affecting the speed of entropy (thermal energy)

reproduction (instead of thermal efficiency). The engine‟s

construction, design, sizes, etc. are part of ecological factors

that affect self-performance (Frankian, et. al., 2014). Loss of

heat along the process of transferring the heat from the

collector to the piston is not caused by absorption neither by

consumption (energy is rather consumed but not the heat).

The heat on travel, in fact, decreases in temperature and not

able to autonomically reproduce entropy as it is directly

affected by the construction, characteristics and

compositions of the environment. A typical automotive

application of the Stirling engine is illustrated in Figure 7:

Figure 7. Automotive Stirling Engine. Photo courtesy of _____________________?

As with all hot air engines, according to Frankian, et

al. (2014), Stirling engines require that their heat sources

and sinks are oriented to ensure a sufficient volume of the

working fluid is heated and cooled at the appropriate point in

the cycle. Since the Stirling engine works on a temperature

differential, any heat source can be used to bring heat for

atomic reaction to produce and or carry energy to power the


The size of the Stirling engine can also be adjusted to

affect or protect the heat (temperature survival) for the

conservation of energy. H must be sufficient enough to

produce He to keep the required level and stable high

temperature. Atomic Reaction Cycle must be in equilibrium

with other factors in a system (Agustin, 2017). Figure 8

illustrated the design of Stirling engine which is suited for

heat being transferred by solar receiver.

Figure 8. Electric generating Stirling engine. Photo courtesy of __________________?

1.8. Selection of Energy-carrier/transferor to determine

appropriate Solar technology to be used

1.8.1. Solar energy brought by Electromagnetic Waves

The solar heat is usually interpreted by the

mechanical engineering sector to be good as carrier of solar

energy to directly power up (with correct temperature, what

is the universal correct temperature in the first place?)

engines working in a theoretical framework of thermal


The solar energy, on the other hand, Energy is

brought by Electromagnetic waves and most likely to be

deficient by losing or decreasing efficiency (potential volts,

currents or potential electro-magnetic energy, in contrast to

temperature or thermal energy) in electricity transformation

through the solar receiver/collector or modules. If true, the

energy that travels through an input-for-electro-magnetic-

energy-loss-causing element (solar receiver/collector and or

modules) is not practical and logical if we are concerned of

efficiency and effectiveness particularly with the objective of

powering 2WT one-cylinder engine with components and

parts with small capacities (limited by the body-built size and

maneuverability of the 2W tractor) for the reservation and

storage of power for 2WT with a long running time of

workloads. Let us look at others works.

Solar energy brought by solar light

The project outcome of Dr. Richard Swanson (1985)

and his students in Stanford University (which resulted to a

multi-million dollars solar module listed-company) confirmed

favourably the knowledge about solar energy absorbed or

Volts‟ potential abilities to produce currents, when carried by

sunlight, and are lost due to high (over) temperature instead

(while Chen, et. al.‟s study, decreased heat or temperature

decreases energy efficiency). Dr. Swanson focused their

study on Photons, and exerted too much effort and

investments in capturing the sunlight for power and

electricity generation instead of temperature or thermal


Photons are very important in energy delivery for

generating Volts or in transforming solar energy to electricity

(expressed as E=hf). Photons are present mostly in gamma

rays which carry with highest amount of energy while the

radiowaves carry the lowest amount of energy.

The difference between gamma rays and radio waves

is the length of their respective waves that are correlational

to their frequencies. Gamma rays, with highest frequency,

have wave length which is too small (like a nucleus of an

atom) while radio waves, with lowest frequency, has

wavelength which size is likened to a soccer-field.

The EM waves (shared analysis of Agustin, 2017)

with their carried energy can travel on vacuum (medium less,

in contrast to other studies that claimed that heat or

temperatures carry or transfer energy successfully of

efficiently) are not dependent on temperatures but predictors

of temperatures or causes of changing temperatures.

The EM waves and energy are dependent on their

oscillating contacts with each other (atomic reactions

occurrence), wavelength and frequencies. With decreasing

interaction of waves, presence of waves and or energy,

everything‟s temperature, in relation and effect, will fall or

decrease not the other way around Thus, EM waves must be

captured as much as possible for energy efficiency (ibid.).

In power generation and electrical system of tractor

engine, choosing the right solar module is vital and critical to

the success of the experimentation.

Figure 10. The Solar Module


1.9.1. Essential Parts & Components

While Dr. Swanson acknowledged the fact that

“through a mechanism called “recombination,” some

electrons are lost before they ever reach the electrical

contacts”, he sought for answers to reduce the effect of

“recombination” which reduces the amount of power

generated by the solar cell. He developed a “passivating”

silicon dioxide-made modules and strategic structure of the

cell with unique all-back-contact technology. This suggests

that some of the energy carried by Photons are not lost but

were not able to absorb through the silicon but not allowed to

escape but “reserved” for second chance absorption. Thus,

energy efficiency is not lost due to temperature but disrupted

by surfaces which create bottleneck or traffic along the way

or process of creation of electrons to electricity (which,

consistent to our framework of The Ecological Optimization

Cycle (Agustin, 2017), farther develop EM waves through

lamps, bulbs to radio, microwave appliances, etc.).

1.15. Experiment Laboratory

The location of the experimentation shall be in EVSU

College of Technology Automotive Laboratory. The location for

experimentation is the most enable, secure and safe from

Patent infringements, “trade” (production in-process) secret

theft, pilferage, and saboteurs.

2. Organising Feasibility

2.1. Research & Experimentation Team Structure



Unit Functions







2.2. Staffing, Duties and Responsibilities

3. Conclusion & Recommendations

The conclusion of the study is quite feasible and the following

are highly recommended:

1. Immediate application for Grant or Funding mentioned in

subheading Source of Funding; and

2. Immediate preparation of Research and Experimentation Plan (see

Appendix D).


Outline of Experimentation Plan Program of Activities

3.1. Funding

3.2. Formulation of Rules & Guidelines, and Policy

3.3. Production Process General Policy

3.3.1. Assembly Procedures

3.3.2. Precautions

3.3.3. Standard Procedures

3.3.4. Factory Specifications and Instructions

3.3.5. Allowable Minimal and maximal limits

3.3.6. Adjustments

3.3.7. Troubleshooting
3.3.8. Disassembling Procedures

3.4. Organising

3.5. Procurement

3.6. Instrumentation

3.7. Experimentation & Data Gathering

3.8. Samples Test

3.9. Prototyping of the Feasibility Study and Tested Product


3.10. Overview & Summary Report of the Prototype,

10.1. Analysis of Performance;

10.2. Confirmation of Answers to statement of the Problem

10.3. Acceptance/Rejection of the Null Hypothesis and or

Synthesis of the Findings from Library Research/Related


10..4. Conformance/Deviance Functional/Non-Functional;

10.5. Constraints and pre-requisites on the models; and

10.6. Lessons learnt during implementation.

3.11. Refinement/Adjustments of Guidelines if necessary;

3.12. Corrective Actions----Process/Procedures, Technology

Substitute/Replacement, if any, Reprototype;

3.13. Commissioning;

3.14. Business Feasibility Study

7.12.1. Nationalised? Privatised?

7.12.2. Commercialised? Socialised?

7.12.3. Patent Ownership, Registration

7.12.4. License Fee, Royalty Fee

7.12.5. Distribution, Supply-chain, value-added Management

15. Entrepreneurial or Business?

3.15. Launching; and

3.16. Mass Production with Prototyped Product as Model


Question # 1: How can we substitute or replace the fuel (Diesel) by solar energy

carried/transferred by the heat? By generated electricity from solar energy stored

in a battery?

Question # 2: How can we “inject” (carry/transfer) the solar energy (directly) from

solar modules into the cylinder? Generated electricity from battery to the


Question # 3: What must be the correct engine operating temperature for the

solar energy, carried/transferred by heat, sustain or keep constant/stable the

working operation of the engine?

Principles of heated air is part of Atomic Reaction Principle.

Question # 4: Is it the air that gets lighter in weight if temperature increases? Or


Question # 5: What is it that rises up, air or piston?

Question # 6: What would happen to or be the movement of the Piston if the

water is circulated through the cylinder?

Atoms compress in low temperature and disengage (loose or spread) in high

Question # 7: How can we translate the theory of CNO Cycle to applied

Reaction-Based Cycle as usually demonstrated by the dynamics of Piston‟s up

and down movement?

Question 8: what is the rate of reproduction of entropy (unit amount of

energy/time) in any given temperature?

Question #9: how can we reconcile the natural law of atomic elements (CNO) vis

a vis optimum (best temperature with highest rate of entropy reproduction

sensitive to range of acceptable temperature) rate of entropy reproduction with

Isaac Newton‟s law of energy conservation?

Question # 10: If Diesel is used, what will be the required amount of Diesel for

consumption for standard or allowable compression ratio? If generated


Question # 11: If Diesel is used, what will be the required amount of energy for

consumption to produce 20 hp /hour? To run for 1 kmph? If generated electricity?

Sources of energy

1. Electromagnetic waves (v=Af, where v=c speed of light; A =wavelength; f

=frequency )

2. Photon (E=hf where E is Energy of a Photon; h = Planck‟s Constant of

6.63x10ᵌ ⁴ joules/second; f-=frequency of EM wave

3. Types of Electromagnetic waves:

a. Radio
b. Microwave

c. Infrared

d. Visible

e. UV (ultraviolet)

f. X-ray

g. Gamma ray

All EM waves have their own characteristics unique from each other.

The major characteristics of EM waves include the wavelength

measured in meters (m); frequency, measurable in Herz (Hz); and

energy, measurable in Joules (J).

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