Course Syllabus

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A. Basic concepts
a. Moral vs non-moral standards
b. What are dilemmas
c. Three levels of moral dilemmas
i. Individual
ii. Organizational
iii. Systemic
d. Foundation of morality: Freedom-responsibility for one’s act and to others
e. Minimum requirement for morality: Reason and impartiality

Expectations and Guides

PART I: The Moral Agent
A. Culture in moral behavior
a. Culture and its role in moral behavior
b. What is cultural relativism? Why is it not
tenable in ethics?
c. Are there an Asian and a Filipino
understanding of moral behavior?
Strengths and weaknesses

B. The moral agent: Developing virtue as habit

a. How is a moral character developed? The
circular relation of acts that build
character and acts that emanate from
b. Moral development
i. The stages of moral development
ii. How do we get to the highest level,
conscience-based moral decisions?

PART II: The Act *Lecture – feelings, importance of

A. Feelings and moral decision-making feelings and disadvantages
a. Feelings as instinctive and trained
response to moral dilemmas *Lecture- Discuss different
- Why they can be obstacles principles/theories/ideas/studies
to making the right that may have been
decisions developed/published.
- How they can help in
making the right decisions *Sample at least 2 cases and class
to critique the behavior and
responses of agents. Cases to
highlight 1 for emotional response
and the other highlighting rational

*Answer given questions

Reason & Impartiality
B. Reason and impartiality as minimum requirement *Lecture: What is Reason, what is
for morality Impartiality
a. Reason and impartiality defined *Lecture- Discuss different
b. The 7-Step moral blessing model principles/theories/ideas that may
C. Moral courage have been developed.
a. Why the will is as important as reason
b. Developing the will *Sample at least 3situations and
class to critique the behavior and
responses of agents. Cases to
highlight emotional response and
the other highlighting rational
3 situations:
1. end of life involving a dying
2. payment of facilitation fee to
a customs officer
3. use of an official car to bring
one’s son to school everyday

*source: James Rachels, Elements

of Moral Philosophy, 4th ed
*Answer the ff questions:
 How can we make reasoned
and impartial decisions?
 Why is reason not enough
in carrying out moral

7-step moral blessing model

*Class discussion to solve a case

Rae, Scott B. & Kenman L. Wong, A
Model for Moral Decision Making,
Chap 16, Beyond Integrity: A Judeo-
Christian Approach to Business

Que, Nemesio S. “Notes on Moral

Deliberation. Intro to Course Notes
for PH104: Foundations of Moral
Value. Ateneo de Manila

Moral courage
*Lecture: Reason and will
Reference: Werhane, Patricia.
Moral Imagination and
Management Decision Making,
*Discussion highlighting that a
good rational moral decision is not
always executed, and then analyze
PART III: Frameworks and Principles Behind our Moral *Introduction: Discuss and explain
Disposition Frameworks what are moral theories and
A. Virtue Ethics mental frames and why they are
a. Aristotle important.
i. Telos
ii. Virtue as habit *Lecture and Discussion:
iii. Happiness as virtue Virtue Ethics
b. St. Tomas: Natural Law a. Aristotle – telos, virtue as
i. The natural and its tenets habit, happiness as virtue
ii. Happiness as constitutive of moral Reference: Books I-II in the
and cardinal virtues Nicomachean Ethics.
Translated by Martin
Oswald Indianapolis, 1983
b. St Tomas: Natural Law
Reference: Aquinas,
Thomas on Law, eternal law
and natural law. Summa
Theologiae vol 28 edited by
Thomas Gilby, 1996

*Provide case on virtue and discuss

*Class discussion using Aristotelian

(mean between two extremes) and
Thomistic perspectives on gay

*Critique virtue ethics

B. Kant and right theorists *Lecture and Discussion:
a. Kant a. Kant:
i. Good will i. good will
ii. Categorical imperative ii. “Categorical Imperative
b. Different kinds or rights Reference: Groundwork of the
i. Legal Metaphysic of Morals, translated
ii. Moral by H. J. Paton, 1964
C. Utilitarianism
a. Origins and nature of theory b. Different kinds of rights
b. Business’s fascination with utilitarianism c. What is legal is not always
*Provide cases/examples on the
good will and Categorical

*Provide case and class to analysis

(Informed consent: Right of the
Dying and rights of the family)

*Provide other cases and

discuss/analyse the case using the
rights theory
d. Utilitarianism
*Provide cases and class to
e.g. Ford’s problems with the
PART III: Frameworks and Principles Behind our Moral *Lecture and Discussion
Disposition Frameworks 1. Justice and Fairness
A. Justice and fairness: Promoting the common good a. Nature of the theory
a. The nature of the theory b. Distributive justice
b. Distributive justice (Egalitarian, Capitalist,
i. Egalitarian Socialist)
ii. Capitalist *Provide cases for class to analyse
iii. Socialist using the framework.
1. The state and citizens:
responsibilities to each *Student discussion and debate
other: The principles of - Social housing – Who should pay
taxation and inclusive for the cost?
growth - Who should carry the burden of
taxation? Who should benefit from

Reference: Rawls, John “A Theory

of Justice” in Reason at Work:
Introductory Readings in
Philosophy, edited by Steve M.
Cahn and George Sher, 1996
CONCLUSION: Ethnics through Thick and Thin, and Ethics *Lecture and Discussion
and Religion a. Globalization
A. The challenges of pluralism and fundamentalism: b. Pluralism
The search for universal values c. Moral Challenges
a. Globalization and pluralism: New
challenges to ethics References:
b. Challenges of filinnials Knicker, Nicole. “McDonalds:
Winning at Global Marketing
Strategies”. Global E Brands, 2013

Friedman, Thomas. The Lexus and

the Olive Tree: Understanding
Globalization, 2000

d. Millenials and filinials: Ethical

challenges and responses
-What are issues that cause
moral friction between
Millenials/Filinnials and their
parents? (e.g. pre-marital sex,
-How should we resolve the
friction? Who is right?
*Discussion/Analysis of
responses of Baby boomers
and Milennials/Filinnials on
moral dilemmas

“Filipino American Millenials”.
MakilalaTV, October 4, 2014

Note: Have more references to

have a rich discussion on said
c. The religious response: The role of religion *Lecture and discussion
in ethics 1. Religion
2. difference of ethics from religion
3. role of religion in ethics

Reyes, Ramon. :Relation between
Ethics and Religious Beliefs” in The
Moral Dimension : Essays in Honor
of Ramon Castillo Reyes, edited by
Nemesio, Que et al, 2003

Campbell, W. Keith “The Narcissism

Epidemic. Interview by Steve
Paikin. The Agenda with Steve
Paikin, 2013
Group Reporting:

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