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in association with

The Science, Tech, and Cultural Fest

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Smart City Development Modules

Workshops on
Embedded Systems & Project Development for Smart Cities

Workshop Delivery Partner
Workshop Topics Page Number
1 Why we need Smart Cities? 2
2 Embedded Systems for Smart Cities 3
3 Automobile Assisting Technologies in Smart City Transportation 5
4 Contact 7

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Why we need smart cities?
All over the world, concrete steps are being taken to make a special type of city, we call them a smart city.
Smart Cities use new technologies to help them reach their diverse goals more efficiently. Some cities are
being made smarter, and some new cities are being designed to be smart from their very beginnings. The
fundamental of designing a smart city is to provide cost efficient services to their residents and sometimes
goal is to make cities that are attractive from a variety of viewpoints which includes, making of cities that are
both economically vibrant and also environmentally friendly. As environmental and energy problems grow
increasingly severe, and the need for sustainable growth increases, smart cities are becoming more necessary
and more popular.

An international consensus is emerging on creation of Low-

carbon society?
The global warming caused by the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane
by industrial activity has been identified as a major factor in climate change. Through global summits held in
1992 and 2002, and measures such as the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol at the Third Conferences of the
Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1997, steps are being taken
toward establishing mechanisms to encourage a reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases to minimize and
mitigate global warming. The creation of a low-carbon society has become an international consensus and
represents one of the most important challenges facing the development of new cities.

So here in this workshop we will be making various embedded systems which will help us to reduce carbon
footprint by saving electricity(energy) or even help us in controlling of city traffic using technologies like RFID,
one of the basic needs to have a smart city.

World Smart City Form 2011: Conceptual Framework

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Embedded Technologies for Smart Cities
A two days hands-on workshop on Sensors, Electronics
& Embedded Systems with projects for Smart City Development.
[Course : A]

SESSION 1: Introduction to Basic Electronics

Expected Duration of Session: 30 mins- 1 hour
• Basic Electronics Components
• Fundamental of Electronics Components
• Resistors
• Transistors
• Capacitors
• Diodes

SESSION 2: Basics of Electronics to Electricals

Expected Duration of Session: 1.5 hours- 2 hours
• Voltage Regulators
• Analog to Digital Convertors
• Digital to Analog Convertors
• Relays
• Operation of Relays
• Circuit Designing

SESSION 3: Introduction to Microcontrollers

Expected Duration of Session: 1.5 hour- 2 hours
• What is microcontroller?
• Difference Between microcontroller & microprocessor?
• Introduction to Atmega 8 /16 microcontroller
• Architecture of the AVR Microcontroller
• How can we use an own microcontroller in our own circuit?
• Pin description of the microcontroller
• How to use I/O of the microcontroller

SESSION 4: Introduction to Embedded C Programming

Expected Duration of Session: 1.0 hour- 1.5 hours
• Embedded C Programming for the Microcontroller
• Introduction to AVR Studio and Win AVR
• Introduction to C , Flow Control and function
• Program structure and debugging
• How to program a microcontroller?
Project 1: Simple LED Blinking Program for understanding purpose.
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SESSION 5: Introduction to Sensors
Expected Duration of Session: 1.5 hour- 2.0 hours
• IR Sensors
• Light Dependent Resistors
• Smoke Sensors
• PIR Sensors
Project 2: Understanding I/P & O/P using IR Sensors.

SESSION 6: Automatic Street Light Management for Smart Cities

Expected Duration of Session: 1.0 hour- 1.25 hours
• Understanding Wastage of Electrical Energy due to street lights mis-management.
• Traffic Light Management Automation System
• LDR as a sensor for automation purpose
Project 3: Working Prototype of Automatic Street Light Management System

SESSION 7: Fire/Smoke Detection Facilities in public buildings

Expected Duration of Session: 1.0 hour- 1.25 hours
• Understanding tragedies which may happen due to fire taking place in public
• buildings.
• Smoke Detector Sensor based alarming system
• Extension of Smoke Detector Sensor as a response system
Project 4: Working Prototype of Fire Detecting System

SESSION 8: Power Saving System in Smart City Homes & Officespaces

Expected Duration of Session: 1.0 hour- 1.25 hours
• Understanding Power Dissipation in homes and office buildings
• Sensing Presence using motion detection
• Usage of PIR Sensors in making of automated power saving systems
Project 5: Working Prototype of Automated Power Saving System

SESSION 9: Traffic Management Solution for Smart Cities

Expected Duration of Session: 1.0 hour- 1.25 hours
• Understanding traffic congestion problems due to auto-rickshaws breach of rules.
• Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID)
• Implementing Traffic Information Gathering System using RFID
• Presentation on above system.
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Automobile Assisting Technologies in
Smart City Transportation
A two days hands-on workshop on
Automobile Technology Sensor Systems and traffic assisting systems for Smart Cities.
[Course : B]

SESSION 1: Introduction to Basic Electronics

Expected Duration of Session: 30 mins- 1 hour
• Basic Electronics Components
• Fundamental of Electronics Components
• Resistors
• Transistors
• Capacitors
• Diodes

SESSION 2: Basics of Electronics to Electricals

Expected Duration of Session: 1.5 hours- 2 hours
• Voltage Regulators
• Analog to Digital Convertors
• Digital to Analog Convertors
• Relays
• Operation of Relays
• Circuit Designing

SESSION 3: Introduction to Microcontrollers

Expected Duration of Session: 1.5 hour- 2 hours
• What is microcontroller?
• Difference Between microcontroller & microprocessor?
• Introduction to Atmega 8 /16 microcontroller
• Architecture of the AVR Microcontroller
• How can we use an own microcontroller in our own circuit?
• Pin description of the microcontroller
• How to use I/O of the microcontroller

SESSION 4: Introduction to Embedded C Programming

Expected Duration of Session: 1.0 hour- 1.5 hours
• Embedded C Programming for the Microcontroller
• Introduction to AVR Studio and Win AVR
• Introduction to C , Flow Control and function
• Program structure and debugging
• How to program a microcontroller?
Project 1: Simple LED Blinking Program for understanding purpose.
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SESSION 5: Introduction to Automotive Sensors
Expected Duration of Session: 1.5 hour- 2.0 hours
• IR Sensors
• Ultrasonic Sensors
• Alcohol Sensors
• Smoke Sensors
• PIR Sensors
Project 2: Understanding I/P & O/P using IR Sensors.

SESSION 6: Driver Alcohol Detection for Smart City Public Automotives

Expected Duration of Session: 1.0 hour- 1.25 hours
• Understanding tragedies which may happen due to consumption of alcohol by
• public transportation automotive drivers.
• Alcohol Detector Sensor based alarming system.
• Extension of Alcohol Detector Sensor as a response system.
Project 3: Working Prototype of Alcohol Detecting System in automobiles

SESSION 7: Pollution Detection Facilities in Smart City Automotives

Expected Duration of Session: 1.0 hour- 1.25 hours
• Understanding consequences which may happen due to pollution by automotives.
• Smoke Detector Sensor based alarming system
• Extension of Smoke Detector Sensor as a response system
Project 4: Working Prototype of Smoke/Air Pollution Detecting System

SESSION 8: Automatic Park Assist System for Automobiles

Expected Duration of Session: 1.0 hour- 1.25 hours
• Advantages of Assisting Parking Systems.
• Usage of Ultrasonic Sensors in automobiles.
• Conceptualisation of Automatic Park Assist System.
Project 5: Working Prototype of A.P.A. System

SESSION 9: Speed Monitoring & Location Tracking Solution for Automobiles

Expected Duration of Session: 2.0 hour- 2.5 hours
• IR Sensor Counter.
• Global Positioning System with GSM Module
• Locational Coordinates Tracking
• Automobiles Speed Tracking or extending the system for automatic response.

Project 5: Working Prototype of Speed Monitoring System

Project 6: Working Prototype of Location Tracking System
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We ensure that you will find this outreach workshop and competition program extremely
beneficial for your students and for your prestigious institution itself. If you have any queries
kindly get back to us. We are looking forward to a quick and positive response from you and a
long term association with your esteemed organization.

Kit Details will be provided on request.

Thanks & Regards,

Bhavna Kashyap
Manager, Workshops & Competition
SmartCityContest - Pravega’15 IISc Bangalore
+91 9250402132

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