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PMN Activity Report of Week 24th, 2018

A. General
Period : June 8th ~ 14th, 2018
Progress of maintenance schedule
Duration : 46 %
Work Volume : 56 %

B. Schedule

1. Cleaning/flushing works with results good:

- Cleaning Slipring set at SGP for unit No.4, No.2 and No.1 have been
completed on June 11th,13th and 14th. Result is good.
- Cleaning oil mist collector at SGP for unit No.4, No.2 and No.1 have been
completed on June 11th,13th and 14th. Result is good.
- Flushing cooling tube and air cooler at SGP for unit No.4, No.2 and No.1
have been completed on June 11th,13th and 14th. Result is good.
2. Inspection/patrol/repair works with results good:
- Inspection of protection relay station service 1 for 1HT and 1 LT at SGP
have been completed on June 13th and 14th. Result is good
- Weekly patrol of fire alarm system SGP A/G, U/G, Meidensha, and
Paritohan (June 9th, 2018).
- Repair of support paging at TNP S/Y have been completed on June 14th.
- Replacement of V-Belt of Fan No.28 at TNP have been completed on June
- Cleaning alfa laval at TNP have been completed on June 9th.

3. Renewal works and others:

- Additional fuel tank at DAMs has been completed on June 11th.
- Preparation material for simulation PLTMH at RGD is still continue.

C. Present Problem and Solution

1. On 8.44 Am, June 12th POP informed that alarm 49WP occured for unit 4
MWSP. After we checked it directly to MCC NO.4, we found that power
cable from MCC to MWSP was burnt, with corresponding to 49WP
operated and NFB tripped. However, standby WSP not operate
automaticly while MWSP tripped. For that trouble we have done
following : 1. Measurement of motor’s coil to body insulation resistance
indicated that was no short circuit, 2. Measurement insulation resistance
between control to body indicated there was no internal short circuit.
After that we decided to replace power cable from spare MWSP to that
existing MWSP. In other that, in case for standby WSP not operated
automaticly we did sequential individual test without connected to
motor. We found timer permisible (88ST1) for aux.relay 88SL1 not
operate, we tried to changed that timer and did sequantial test again,
standby MWSP operate automaticly.Result is good.
2. On June 12th, POP informed that water leakage occured at Air cooler No.7
for unit 4 W/T Gen TNP, while MWSP operation test. We decided to
replaced that air cooler with ex. Air cooler No.1, before we replaced it,
we did pressure test about 5 kgf/cm2- 10 minutes.
Finaly, after we replace that air cooler, we asked POP to operate MWSP to
ensure no more leakage occured. Result is good

D. Previous Problem and Solution

1. Speed sensor for W T/Ge No. 4 SGP has not been replaced yet due to
unavailability of new spare parts.
2. Deteriorated auxiliary relays in SGP and TNP for W T/Ge auto control have
not been replaced due to unavailability of new spare parts. This unavailability
may be caused by obsolete technology or discontinued manufacturing.
However, procurement will be processed immediately.

E. Next Idea

1. Replacement FL lamp to LED lamp

2. Cleaning slipring set,oil mist collector at SGP No. 3
3. Flushing cooling tube and air cooler at SGP No.3
4. Ordinary Inspection of RGD
5. Weekly patrol fire alarm system
6. Equipment patrol at SGP and TNP.
7. Preparation for Ordinary Inspection RGD

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