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PMN Activity Report of Week 25th, 2018

A. General
Period : June 18th ~ 21th, 2018
Progress of maintenance schedule
Duration : 48 %
Work Volume : 58 %

B. Schedule

1. Cleaning/flushing works with results good:

- Cleaning slipring set and oil mist collector for unit No.3 SGP have been
completed on June 18th.Result Normal.
- Flushing cooling tube and air cooler for unit No.3 SGP have been
completed on June 18th.Result normal.
- Cleaning alfa laval, Y-type strainer at SGP and TNP have been completed
on June 18th and 19th.Result is good.
2. Inspection/patrol/repair works with results good:
- Main and aux. Equipment patrol at SGP U/G and A/G and TNP P/H and
S/Y have been completed on June 20th and June 21st, no abnormal
condition found.
- Measuring earth resistance at TNP S/Y have been completed on June 19th,
the value of resistance below 5 ohm. In other that, we plan for measure
earth resistance between rain season and dry season.
- Adjusting reducing valve Brake Air Tank at SGP U/G have been completed
on June 19th, we adjust the pressure about 11.1 kg/cm2.
- Check air leakage at air compressor unit No.4 SGP have been completed
on June 19th, we observed air leakage occured from control brake at GOV
cabinet. However, for repair that leakage we need outage of unit, thus
we it will be done for the next outage schedule.
- Inspection of AC split No.51 and 52 at TNP have been completed on June
20th.Result is good.
- Inspection of Domestic Water Filter at SGP U/G start from June 21 st, and
expected will be done on June 22nd.
- Check and Repair power supply for radio and control for solar cell have
been completed on June 19th, result is good.
- Check and repair telp at TNP and Lan cable at Humas room have been
completed on June 18th, result is good.
- Check and repair radio at post 1 RGD have been completed on June 21st.
Result is good.
3. Renewal works and others:
- Replacement FL lamp to LED at SGP U/G,service shaft and cable culvert
have been completed on June 20th, for SGP office is still on progress. This
work item belongs to IPP management energy program.
- Preparation for Ordinary Inspection Regulating Dam have been
completed on June 20th.
C. Present Problem and Solution
D. Previous Problem and Solution
1. Speed sensor for W T/Ge No. 4 SGP has not been replaced yet due to
unavailability of new spare parts.
2. Deteriorated auxiliary relays in SGP and TNP for W T/Ge auto control have
not been replaced due to unavailability of new spare parts. This unavailability
may be caused by obsolete technology or discontinued manufacturing.
However, procurement will be processed immediately.
3. Alarm 14F (Fan failure) for AVR Unit No.2 TNP was occurred on April 11 th,
2018. So PMN checked and found magnetic contactor and Thermal relay for
Fan B was burned. Other than that motor fan B insulation and winding
resistance out of normal value. While we looking for the materials, suddenly
at 5 pm W/T Ge no 2 TNP was trip caused 2 fans failure indication. Found
the same trouble with fan B, magnetic contactor and Thermal relay Fan A
was burned. We replace the contactor and thermal relay for both fan with the
materials which is difference type with the existing, and make modification
wiring. And replace motor fan B with spare unit no 3. Result good. Cause of
trouble remains unclear. TA of AVR from Japan had investigated the trouble
on April 13th - 14th, 2018 and official report from Mitsubishi (softcopy) is
received on May 14th, 2018.
4. SCADA Main Server B SGP had broken and repaired by Logi Kreasi Medan
but did not successful. This is being one of PME’s critical risk and budgeted
in RKAP 2018. Besides, Consulting for Scada Service by PT Cinovasi has
been conducted as other program to know the condition of our Scada System
and finding out the best and the latest technology as a solution for next Scada
specification. Final report of this project was received by Inalum.
5. HMI at MCR was hank on May 11th, 2018. After checked, found 1 of 2 hard
disks were corrupted. Some countermeasure conducted is copy disk but it still
cannot operate due to different data base number. We inform this condition to
Toshiba, but still no replied yet. Our Staff (Mr. Eka) try to copy any file for
acknowledge database number by try and error and success.

E. Next Idea

1. Renewal Syncronizing system at TNP

2. Ordinary Inspection for RGD
3. Replacement of FL lamp to LED lamp
4. Weekly Patrol fire alarm system
5. Execution of Request for repair

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