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Legal Medicine Witness

• Branch of medicine which deals with • Section 20 Rule 130 Rules of Court
the application of medical (and o Witnesses; their
paramedical) sciences as demanded qualifications. — Except as
by law and to aid the administration provided in the next
of justice. succeeding section, all
persons who can perceive,
Medical Jurisprudence and perceiving, can make
• Comprises of all laws, rules, their known perception to
doctrines and principles, legal others, may be witnesses.
opinions and decisions of competent Religious or political belief,
authority regarding the governance interest in the outcome of the
and regulation of the practice of case, or conviction of a crime
medicine. unless otherwise provided by
• Hallmark: Negligence law, shall not be ground for
disqualification. (18a)
Legal Medicine Medical • Section 36 Rule 130 Rules of Court
Jurisprudence o Testimony generally confined
Branch of Medicine Branch of Law to personal
Medicine applied to Law applied to knowledge; hearsay
law and justice practice of health excluded. — A witness can
professionals testify only to those facts
Based on the Based on the which he knows of his
principle of principle of personal knowledge; that is,
coordination (of subordination which are derived from his
medical sciences and -Health practitioner own perception, except as
law) should obey the law otherwise provided in these
an should practice rules. (30a)
within the premise of
law Subpoena
-Study of rights, • Section 1 Rule 21 Rules of Court
duties and obligation o process directed to a person
of a practitioner requiring him to attend and to
testify at the hearing or the
trial of an action, or at any
investigation conducted by
competent authority, or for
the taking of his deposition.
• Subpoena duces tecum
o Person is required to produce
books, documents, or other
things under his control or
possession that are pertinent
to the case


• Subpoena ad testificantum both, if it be a lower court.
o Person is required to appear (1a)
before a trial or investigation
• Indirect (Section 3 Rule 71)
Contempt o Indirect contempt to be
• Section 9 Rule 21 punished after charge and
o Failure by any person without hearing. — After a charge in
adequate cause to obey a writing has been filed, and an
subpoena served upon him opportunity given to the
shall be deemed in contempt respondent to comment
of the court from which the thereon within such period as
subpoena is issued. If the may be fixed by the court and
subpoena was not issued by a to be heard by himself or
court, the disobedience counsel, a person guilty of
thereto shall be punished in any of the following acts may
accordance with the be punished for indirect
applicable law or Rule. contempt;

• Direct (Section 1 Rule 71) (a) Misbehavior of an officer

o Direct contempt punished of a court in the performance
summarily. — A person of his official duties or in his
guilty of misbehavior in the official transactions;
presence of or so near a court
as to obstruct or interrupt the (b) Disobedience of or
proceedings before the same, resistance to a lawful writ,
including disrespect toward process, order, or judgment
the court, offensive of a court, including the act
personalities toward others, of a person who, after being
or refusal to be sworn or to dispossessed or ejected from
answer as a witness, or to any real property by the
subscribe an affidavit or judgment or process of any
deposition when lawfully court of competent
required to do so, may be jurisdiction, enters or
summarily adjudged in attempts or induces another
contempt by such court and to enter into or upon such real
punished by a fine not property, for the purpose of
exceeding two thousand executing acts of ownership
pesos or imprisonment not or possession, or in any
exceeding ten (10) days, or manner disturbs the
both, if it be a Regional Trial possession given to the
Court or a court of equivalent person adjudged to be
or higher rank, or by a fine entitled thereto;
not exceeding two hundred
pesos or imprisonment not (c) Any abuse of or any
exceeding one (1) day, or unlawful interference with
the processes or proceedings


of a court not constituting do during the possible cause of the
direct contempt under section patient’s hospital injury?
1 of this Rule; stay?
A: After stabilizing A: Your honor, this
(d) Any improper conduct the patient, I can be caused by a
tending, directly or proceeded to bullet that failed to
indirectly, to impede, perform exploratory exit the patient’s
obstruct, or degrade the laparotomy to body possibly a 45
administration of justice; remove the metal caliber pistol
fragments from the depending on the
(e) Assuming to be an patient’s abdomen. I height and relative
attorney or an officer of a observed that there distance of the
court, and acting as such was a 3x5cm assailant.
without authority; perforation
traversing the **The witness was
(f) Failure to obey a Ileocecal valve. not present when
subpoena duly served; the injury happened
**Note that this is but can give an
(g) The rescue, or attempted still ordinary even if opinion on how the
rescue, of a person or couched in medical victim sustained it
property in the custody of an terms
officer by virtue of an order ***2 Important
or process of a court held by Questions to
him. discredit the witness
1.Were you present
Physician may be asked to be an ordinary when the injury was
witness, expert witness, or both. sustained?
2. Is it possible that
*note: always offer your witness before accident or a self-
presenting. inflicted wound
could cause the
Ordinary Witness Expert Witness injury?
Only allowed to state Allowed to give his Witness need not be Witness must be
the facts which come inference, deduction, skilled on the line he skilled on the art,
to his own conclusion or is testifying because science, or trade he
perception (based on opinion based from it is based on his is testifying
five senses) the facts presented to perception
Who are disqualified to be a witness
Enlightens the court • Section 21 Rule 130 Rules of Court
on matters of his
expertise Disqualification by reason of mental
Example: Example: incapacity or immaturity. — The
following persons cannot be
Q: Doctor, what Q: Doctor, what can witnesses:
procedures did you you say about the


o (a) Those whose mental Plastic surgeon
condition, at the time of their finished general
production for examination, surgery for 5 years
is such that they are § *** note that there is
incapable of intelligently no law prohibiting a
making known their non specialist to
perception to others; practice technical
o (b) Children whose mental fields of medicine but
maturity is such as to render highly unethical.
them incapable of perceiving ***GP can still be
the facts respecting which qualified as an expert
they are examined and of witness but you can
relating them truthfully. (19a) discredit by
presenting a specialist.
• Children of tender age (can be o Consultant
discredited by opinions of experts • Other qualifications
such as child psychologist or o Teaching appointments
psychiatrist o Author of books
• Senile o Previously called to be an
• Insane expert by the court
• Those previously convicted of o Professional affiliation
perjury § Must be recognized
by PMA or PRC as a
How to qualify physician as expert specialty society
• Present credentials § Members of affiliate
o 4-5 years of undergraduate societies are not
o 4 years of medicine proper recognized as
o 1 year of post graduate specialists
internship training in hospital
or institution of choice PHYSICAL INJURIES
o Medical Board Passer
o 3-5 years of Residency Physical injury
training (ex. Surgery, • Effect of some form of stimulus on
Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, the body
OB etc) o Effect of the application of
o Fellowship/Diplomate stimulus may be immediate
§ 2-3 years of (ex. Stab) or delayed (ex.
subspecialty training Bruises)
§ A doctor who finished
residency training and Wound
passed the exam and • The effect of application of physical
would want to further violence on a person
subspecialize • Dissolution or break in the natural
§ Ex. Cardiology fellow continuity of any tissue of a living
finished internal body
medicine for 3 years,


Legal Classification of Physical Injuries • Stab wound (saksak)
(RPC) o caused by a sharp pointed
• Mutilation (Art. 262) instrument followed by a
• Serious physical injuries (Art. 263) sharp edge.
• Less serious physical injuries (Art. o Ex. Knife, saber, dagger,
265) scisors, samurai, balisong
• Slight physical injuries (Art. 266)
• Administering injurious substances • Hacking wound (taga)
and beverages (Art. 264) o Large incise wounds
• Physical injuries inflicted in a o Ex. Bolo, axe, machete, blade
tumultuous affray (Art. 252) of propeller

Type and Nature of Injury (Wounds) • Abrasion (gasgas)

o contact with a rough surface /
Open Wounds friction or scratching
• Lacerated wound / tear (putok) o superficial portion of the skin
o open wound caued by a blunt is removed due to rubbing or
object or instrument. friction against a hard, rough
o Tear of the skin or underlying surface
tissues due to forcible contact o ex. Skinned knees, graze,
with a blunt object scratch.
o ex: baseball bat, fist blow to o Note: could be indicative of
face, bump of the car, lead struggle or a chase
pipe. o Types:
o note: rape injuries are usually § Linear (scratch)
lacerations • Long but not wide
• Caused by a sharp
• Punctured wound (tusok) or pointed object,
o caused by a sharp pointed not sharp enough
instrument or object. to incise, but
o ex: Syringe, needle, pen, ice pointed enough to
pick, nail, tip of the knife scratch
(</=.5cm.) • Caused by
fingernails across
• Incised wound (hiwa/cut) the skin
o caused by a sharp edged § Multilenear
(cutting) or sharp linear edge § Multiple
of the instrument. § Confluent (tapyas)
o ex: blade of the knife, razor, • “Road rash”
scalpel • Usually in motor
o surgical scars are usually vehicular
incised wounds accidents when
§ ex. Post caesarian skin is grazed by
section, pavement
appendectomy scar)


Incised wound Lacerated o Size of contusion is usually
wound bigger than the size of the
Edges Clean cut, Roughly cut, object causing it.
regular, well irregular, ill-
defined defined • Hematoma (bukol)
Swelling None Yes o Blood cyst or tumor
Contusion None Yes o Extravasation or effusion of
Healing Faster Delayed blood in a newly formed
Scar Linear Irregular cavity
Caused Sharp edged Blunt o caused by a blunt object/
by instrument instrument trauma or a break in the wall
of a blood vessel
Closed Wounds
Contusion (pasa) Hematoma (bukol)
• Scalding Effused blood are Blood accumulates
o Caused by boiling liquid accumulated in the in a newly formed
tissues underneath cavity under the skin
• Burns Slight to no Skin is always
o Caused by flame elevation elevated

• Contusion (bruise, pasa) Special types of wounds

o Effusion of blood into the
tissues underneath the skin • Patterned wounds
due to rupture of blood o Injury in which a pattern or
vessels as a result of blunt imprint is transferred from
force or violence the impacting object
o Ex: bumps, hitting, black eye o Nature and shape of wound
(periorbital contusion) transfers to injured area
o Color progression: o Can be used to identify
§ Red-purple – soon weapon used
after its complete o Present in domestic violence
development cases
§ Blue o Ex. Cigarette burns, paddle
§ Brown marks on arms or thighs, belt
§ Green – 4-5 days post marks on buttocks
§ Yellow – 7-10 days • Defense/Defensive wounds
§ Gradual o Instinctive reaction for self-
disappearance after preservation to minimize
more or less 2 weeks impact or injury
o Note: bruises do not appear o Ex. When assailant is about
immediately after injury but to hack you, natural reaction
area may be tender or painful is to cover self with forearm
to touch, or warm. or catch blade with hands.
Resulting injury would be
hacking wounds to such parts.


• Self-inflicted wounds functions of the brain, heart,
o Wounds caused by self to and lungs
cause death or to aggravate o It occurs the moment a
injury physician declares that the
o Note handedness of victim person has expired
§ Ex. A right handed
person will likely • Molecular
have cuts on the left o Cellular death
side of the body o After the cessation of the
vital functions of the body,
• Suicide wounds cells are still “alive”
o Mortal wounds causing death o Death of cells occurs usually
§ Usually inflicted on 3-6hours after a person dies
vital organs
o Hesitation cuts/wounds • Stage of suspended animation /
§ Superficial cuts, Apparent death
usually multiple o Merely a transient loss of
§ Shows intent but consciousness or temporary
abandoned or was cessation of vital functions
prevented from o “Freezing” or cryogenics
proceeding o those in a state of catatonia
o Note handedness of victim
§ Can possibly rule out Muscular changes following death
suicide if victim is left • Legal importance – determination of
handed and GSW time of death
entry is on the right
side of the temple • Stages
1. Stage of Primary Flaccidity
DEATH • Post mortem irritability
• Occurs immediately after
Death (Organ Donation Act of 1991) death
• Irreversible cessation of circulatory • Lasts about 3-6 hours or
and respiratory functions less
• Irreversible cessation of all functions • Body is warm and flaccid
of the entire brain, including the • Muscles are relaxed and
brainstem. capable of contracting
• Complete, persistent, permanent, when stimulated
irreversible cessation of all
cardiopulmonary functions and/or 2. Stage of Post Mortem Rigidity
brain activity • Rigor Mortis or Cadaveric
Kinds • The whole body becomes
• Somatic rigid due to the contraction
o Clinically dead of the muscles.
o Complete, persistent and • Starts in 3-6 hours and is
continuous cessation of vital completed in 6 to 24 hrs


(to 36 depending on • Kinds
climate) o Hypostatic –blood is still
fluid and accumulating inside
3. Stage of Secondary Flaccidity the blood vessels
/ Onset of Decomposition: o Diffusion – blood has started
• Commencement of to coagulate inside the blood
putrefaction vessels
• After disappearance of
rigor mortis AUTOPSY
• Muscles become relaxed,
flaccid and soft but with Autopsy
foul odor • A comprehensive study of a dead
• Does not respond to body, performed by a trained
mechanical or electrical physician employing recognized
stimulus dissection procedure and techniques
• Beyond 24-36 hrs • Includes removal of tissues for
further examinations
Changes in blood following death • Most comprehensive method of
examination of the dead
Post-mortem lividity • Objective is to determine the cause
• Extravasation of blood on dependent of death
portion of body • Negative Autopsy
• Livid = purple on dependent part o If after an autopsy was done
• Blood accumulates in the most cause of death still not
dependent portions of the body with determined
superior area pale or while the • Negligent Autopsy
dependent portions are dull red or o Cause of death still
purplish undetermined because of
• Importance errors in procedure or
o One of the signs of death handling of autopsy
o Relative position of the
victim when killed, or when Autopsy Post-Mortem
body was moved Examination
o Color of lividity may indicate Indicates that, in Refers to the
cause of death addition to an external
§ Asphyxia or external examination of a
suffocation lividity examination, the dead body without
may be dark colored body is opened and incision being made,
§ Carbon monoxide an internal although blood and
poisoning lividity examination of the other body fluids
may be dark pink organs are conducted may be collected for
o May determine how long the examination
person has been dead


Kinds of Autopsy o The State gives the consent
• Hospital / Non-official / Elective for the autopsy. Consent of
Autopsy relatives not needed
o Autopsy done on a human o Medicolegal deaths
body with the consent of the § Trauma, stab, and the
deceased person’s relatives like
o Purpose: determining the § Industrial accidents
cause of death, clinical § Domestic abuse cases
diagnosis, effectiveness of § Child abuse cases
therapy, studying the natural § Unknown cause of
cause of the disease, death
educating students and § Dead on arrival or
physicians death within 24 hours
o Done in hospitals by of admission
pathologists on patients who § Suspected medical
died of natural causes like negligence
disease § Burns
o If done without the consent § Drowning
of the next of kin, may be § Suspected toxic
charged with poisoning
§ Theft (of internal
organs) Who are authorized by law to perform
§ Desecration of the autopsies (PD856 Code on Sanitation)
dead (Art. 309 NCC) • Health officers;
• Any person who o Ex. Municipal health officers
shows disrespect to • Medical officers of law enforcement
the dead, or agencies; and
wrongfully o Ex. NBI or PNP Crime lab
interferes with a • Members of the medical staff of
funeral shall be accredited hospitals.
liable to the family o Ex. Hospitals in partnership
of the deceased for with NBI or Crime lab
damages, material • Note: PAO not accredited to do
and moral. autopsies

• Medicolegal / Official Autopsy

o Mandatory autopsy done on
medicolegal deaths
o Purpose: to determine the
cause, manner, and time of
death; recovering, identifying
and preserving evidence;
providing factual, objective
medical report; separating
death due to disease from
death due to external causes


GUN SHOT WOUNDS (GSW) Kinds of Ballistics

Gun shot wound 1. Internal – from the time you pull the
• Injury sustained from firearm trigger or before the bullet is
Kinds of Firearm 2. External – from the time it leaves the
o Short – revolver, pistol barrel of the gun
o Long – rifle, shotgun 3. Terminal – effect of the bullet on an
object when hit
Parts of Firearm 4. Medical – when a bullet hits human
o Barrel (DNA of gun) body.
o Handle Products of Combustion
o Trigger
o Percussion cap • Smudging smoke or soot
o Firing Pin o Temporary marks left on the
o Muzzle skin of the victim
o Distance of shooter is <12 in
Parts of Ammunition (bala) • Singeing of hair
o Shell / cartridge case o Hair got burned
o Gun powder – inside the shell • Tattooing, stippling
o Primer – made up of lead, o Blackish deposits on skin of
antimony, barium which victim
functions to transform the o Distance of shooter is <24 in
mechanical energy by the hit • Contusion/Abraision collar
of the firing pin on the o Pressure of the bullet on skin
percussion cap to chemical as it enters the body
energy by rapid combustion o Used determine the relative
o Projectile (tingga) position between the assailant
or the victim and or the
Firearm Identification Ballistics trajectory of the bullet.
o When the bullet or the shell
or both has been recovered Paraffin testing
and a suspected firearm has • Done to determine gun powder
been found in the possession residue on hands of suspected
of a suspect, the procedure is shooters
to fire the suspected firearm • Dorsum of the hand is used
and compare the bullet or • Results only presumptive
shell from that which was • Obsolete in most countries because
recovered may lead to false positive and false
negative results
o False positive
§ Recently shot a gun
(in a firing range) but
not the shooter
§ Chronic smoker will
most likely have


nicotine and tar SEXUAL CRIMES
(carbon containing)
stains on the hands Virginity
§ Farmers who use • Female who has not experienced
carbon based sexual intercourse and whose genital
fertilizers organs have not been altered by
o False negative carnal connection
§ Paraffin test done • Hymen – thin fold of mucus
after 3 days membrane in the external orifice of
§ Shooter wore gloves the vagina
§ Incessant washing
with soap and water Types of Virgins
or vinegar
• Moral Virgin
Entry wound v. Exit wound
o State of not knowing the
Entrance Exit nature of sexual life and not
Size in Smaller Always having experienced sexual
comparison bigger relations
with the o Applies only to CHILDREN
bullet below age of puberty and
*Edges Inverted Everted whose sexual organs have not
Shape Usually oval Does not yet fully developed
or round manifest • Physical Virgin
depending definite o A woman who is conscious
on the angle shape of the nature of sexual life
or approach but has not experience sexual
*Contusion Positive, None intercourse
collar Contact ring o Applies to women who have
may also be reached physical sexual
present maturity
*Tattooing Positive Always o No conclusive medical
or smudging when shooter absent findings t show that a woman
is near is physically virgin
o Types:
Underlying Do not May seen
o True Physical virgin
tissues protrude protruding
§ Hymen is intact and
from the
opening is small to
barely admit the tip of
Presence Always May be
the smallest finger of
after fire present absent if
the examiner
bullet is
o False Physical Virgin
lodged in the
§ The hymen is intact
but the orifice is wide
*Paraffin test May be Always
and elastic to admit 2
positive negative
or more fingers
**Significance: position of the assailant and
the victim, if attended by treachery etc.
• Demi-Virgin Rape
o Hymen is intact but permits • Rape is commited by having carnal
any form of sexual liberalities knowledge of a woman under the ff
except actual intercourse circumstances
• Virgo Intacta o Use of force or intimidation
o A truly virtuous woman o When woman is deprived of
o No structural changes in reason or otherwise
organ to infer previous sexual unconscious
intercourse o Woman is under 12 yo
o Foreign object is inserted in
Defloration genetalia
• Laceration or rupture of the hymen o Genitals inserted in the
as a result of sexual intercourse. mouth
• All other lacerations of the hymen
which are not caused by sexual act Significant changes in new rape law (not in lecture)
are not considered as defloration. • Rape is no longer a private crime –
can be prosecuted de officio
Other causes of Hymenal Laceration: • Rape now transcends genders – man
1. Passage of clotted blood during v man, woman v woman
menstruation (not all the time) • Now includes rape through sexual
2. Ulceration due to disease like assault
diphtheria o now includes insertion of any
3. Jumping or Running ; Aerobics / object or instrument in the
biking / gymnastics genitals of a woman or in the
4. Trauma to the genitalia or falling on anal orifice of any person
hard sharp object o by a man who would insert
5. Medical instrumentation his penis n the mouth of any
6. Self-scratching or irritation person, or in the anal orifice
7. Masturbation of any person
8. Insertion of foreign bodies • now includes rape through fraudulent
9. Previous operation machination or abuse of authority
10. Horseback riding • effect of pardon extended by the
offended party to the offender would
Carnal knowledge no longer result to the extinction of
• Act of a man having sexual bodily the criminal action
connection with a woman o only a subsequent valid
• Present if there is the slightest touch marriage between offender
or penetration of the penis in labia and offended extinguishes
not only the criminal action
Sexual Intercourse but remits the penalty as well
• Actual sexual contact


Acts of Lasciviousness Adultery (Art. 333 RPC)
• acts which tend to excite lust; • Committed by any married woman
conduct which is wanton or with who shall have sexual intercourse
lewd designs with a man not her husband and by
• ex: mashing of the breasts (not the man who has carnal knowledge
always), placing of penis over of her knowing her to be married,
woman’s genitals even if clothed even if the marriage be subsequently
declared void.
Seduction – with consented sexual • Elements
intercourse o Woman is married
o Has sexual intercourse with a
Qualified Seduction man not her hurband
• seduction of a virgin over 12 under o Man knows her to be married
• committed with abuse of trust or by a Concubinage (Art. 334)
person in authority, priests, domestic, • Any husband who shall keep a
guardian or any person entrusted mistress
with the custody of the woman o in the conjugal dwelling, or
seduced (teacher-student) o shall have sexual intercourse,
Simple Seduction under scandalous
• seduction of a woman who is single circumstances, with a woman
or widow of good repute who is not his wife, or
• committed by means of deceit o shall cohabit with her in any
Incestuous Seduction other place
• woman seduced need not be a virgin
or may be over 18 years
o there is sexual act bet
offender and offended
o ascendant who seduces his

• woman is taken away by the
abductor with lewd designs
Forcible Abduction
• victim is a woman
• abduction is against her will
• abduction is with lewd designs
Consented Abduction
• offended party must be a virgin
• over 12 under 18
• carrying away is with her consent
• with lewd designs



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