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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Schools Division of Sipalay City
Brgy. Canturay, Sipalay City, Negros Occidental

Earth Science 11

I. Objectives

At the end of 60 minutes lesson, the student will be able to:

1. identify the causes of earthquake. (cognitive)

2. recognize the major cause of earthquake. (Affective)
3. explain the theories that cause of major earthquake.(Psychomotor)

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Causes Earthquake

B. Concept: Theory of plate tectonic and Elastic Rebound

C. Reference
Wikipedia, Earth Science Book pp.96- 106 , Physical Geology
Book pp. 243-255 , Google (

D. Materials

Projector Chalk Mini box

Screen/Tv Monitor Styro colored Paper

III. Procedure

a. Pre-activity

1. Checking of Attendance
2. Review
3. Motivation

Presentation of earthquake news (youtube)

b. Lesson Proper

1. Activity

Before going further with our lesson for today. We’ll have a Mini Experiment:

a) Divide the class into two (2) groups.

b)Setting of standards.
c) Distribute the materials (styro and pieces of paper and a folder)
 Each group will be will be given a styro and mini box with pieces of colored
Apply different forces to;
Mini Box
* shake the box with pieces of papers on top
* bend the styro up to its limit
 Choose a leader /reporter.
 The leader / reporter will share their observations in the class.

Guide Question:

What happened to papers inside the box when shaking?

What happened to styro after bending to much?

2. Analysis

 What are the causes of earthquake?

 Why tectonic movement is the major cause of earthquake?
 Why do earthquake occur?

3. Abstraction

1. Give the causes of Earthquake?

2. What is the major cause of Earthquake?
3. What are the theories that best explain to the cause of earthquake?


 As a students, can you explain the reason how earthquake occurs

when someone ask you?
D. Assessment

Write it on a 1/2 crosswise piece of paper.

TEST I - Identification
1. When magma rises up it exerts pressure causes the body of rock to break.
(what cause of earthquake is this?)
2. Mine blasting, Nuclear testing and construction are examples of what
earthquake causes?
3. It is the major cause of earthquake?
4. This theory explains that the earth’s crust is made of moving plates.
5. This theory explains the explanation of how energy is released during

Test II- Enumerate

1-3. Give the 3 causes of earthquake.

4-5. Theories that explain the major cause of earthquake.

Test III- Essay

Why tectonic movement is the major cause of earthquake?

Prepared by: MEL T. DIOLA


Secondary School Teacher II

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