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Use deductive reasoning to show the result of the given procedure

1.Solution: Let r be the number


Pick a number r

Add 4 to the number r+4

Multiply the sum by 3 (r+4)3=3r+12

Subtract 7 3r+12-7=3r+5

Decrease this difference by triple of the original 3r+5-3r=5


2.Solution: Let k be the number


Pick a number k

Multiply the number by 6 6k

Add 8 6k+8

Divide the sum by 2 6k+8÷2=3k+4

Subtract twice the original number 3k+4-2k=k+4

Subtract 4 k+4-4=k

II. Use polya's four step problem solving strategy to solve the following problems
1. The bacteria in a petri dish grow in a manner such that each day the number of bacteria be half of the
number present on the 12th day?

Step 1: Understand the problem

 Let x be the day that the number of Bacteria be half of the number present on the 12th day.
 Let n be the number of bacteria in the petri dish
 Let g be the number of generation/days

Step 2: Devise a plan

 Making an equation using a variable

Step 3: Carry out the plan

 x= 2gn ;[x=2gn]1/2
 x=gn
 x=12n
 x=[2 (12)n]1/2
 x=(24n)1/2
 By deriving the formula x=2gn; We substitute x=12n to get the day (g) divide both sides by 2n

Step 4: Review the solution

 The day that the number of bacteria be half of the number present in the 12th day is on the 6th

2. Twenty-four points are placed around a circle. A line segment is drawn between each pair of points.
How many line segments are drawn?

Step 1: Understand the problem

Step 2: Devise a plan

 Making an illustration or drawing

Step 3: Carry out the plan

 24×23=552
 552÷2=276

 Based from the illustration or drawing the total of the line segments is 276.

Step 4: Review the solution

 The number of the line segment drawn is 276.

3.A true or false quiz contains 10 questions. In how many ways can a student answer the question if the
student answers two of the qustiom with false and the rest with true?

Step 1: Understand the problem

Step 2: Devise a plan

Step 3: Carry out the plan

Step 4: Review the solution

III. Solve the following problems below. Show your complete solutions. You may use any approach
or strategy for as long as it is mathematically sound (i.e. you may not used Polya's four-step
problem solving strategy?

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