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Refrigeration contributes to raising in living standard' for the people
of all lands. The advancement made in refrigeration in recent years
are the result 'of a team approach' in which techniciams, craftmen,
engineers, scientists and other people pool their skills and knowledge ..
The health, welfare, comfort and productivity of nations areconnected
with new developments in both Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
field. Refrigeration is essential for .food preservation, production and
storage of fruits, vegetables and medicines.
The application of Refrigeration and Air conditioning is 'limitle'ss.
The most common use is 'the preservation-of food. Almost all the
prcducts .in home, in' firm, in business, iaduetries and in Iaboratories
are in some
- ..... way' affected by refrigeration.
This refrigeration has become an essential commodity' in modern

After studying this unit, you will ,, to. :
'. recall early and present days uses of Refrigeration and Air
conditioning; .
• describe the history of Refrigeration andAir Conditioning:
• define Refrigeration and Air conditioning:
:I : : Relri •• ratlon "and Airconditlontnc

• mention the applications of Mechanical Refrigeration;

• explain the laws and principles of Refrigeration.

1. History of Refrigeration
2. Refrigeration
3. Air Conditioning
4. Scope of Refrigeration/Air Conditioning
5. Different kinds of machines
6. Principles of Refrigeration
7. Laws of Refrigeration
8. Conversion Table


The story of ice dates back 'as far as recorded history. There was no
thought about using it to preserve food. Thousand years later the
Chinese learned that ice improve and keep the, taste of drinks and
other food, stuffs. So they cut the ice in winter, packed in straw and'
chaff, and use it during summer.
'The Egyptians found that water can be cooled by placing it in porous
jars, musks and on roof tops at sunset, The night breezes.' evaporated
the, moisture which seeped through the jars, making the water inside
jars cooler.
Ope of the first patent for a practical ice making machine was
generated by .Jocab Perkins an Americ~n Engineer .in 1834.
While progress was being .made in producing ice by artificial ways,
by the' end of 19th century ice and refrigeration became common
place in American homes. In 1885 a 'German Engineer produced
first absorption type refrigeration machine.
First mechanical domestic refrigerator was introduced-in 1:910.: A
manually operated domestic refrigerator was introduced in 1913 and
au tomatic domestic refrigerator' in '1918. Kelvinator of USA company
introduced first time automatic refrigerator equiped with .hermatic
unit' in 1926.
The firat scientific Air conditioner was built in 1904 by' Dr. Willis H
Casrier who is known as Ia.ther 01 Air Conditioning.
Now let us define the refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
••"...rau.a : : a,

Fie. 1.1 :

(a) Refrigeration
it is the process of removing the heat from a body or confined space for
the purpose of reducing and maintaining the temperature below than the
atmospheric temperature.
A low boiling substance is used to remove the heat from ,one' place to
another.You would have seen that 'evaporation' causes boiling. In
fact this is' the principle of refrigeration.

(b) Air conditioning

Air Conditioning is'a process of controlling certain. conditions of air such as
• Temperature control
• Humidity control
• Air filteration
• Air movement
Air' Conditioning does all of the functions at the same time on a year
round basis.


The following are the laws of refrigeration.
1. Fluid absorbs, heat while changing their form· of liquid state to
vapour state (evaporation/vaporization) and gives up heat while
changing their state from vapour to liquid state' (condensation).
2 .. The temperature at which the change of state occura is always
constant during change of state, butthis temperature will vary
with the change in pressure.
3. Heat always flows from higher temperature level to lower
temperature level.
4. Selection of material of. high conductivity convection tends to
equalize the temperature of the bodies adjacent to .another.
·4 ': : lterriler~tioD _nel Airconelitioning

5. Heat energy and all other energies are mutually convertible.


Mechanical Refrigeration is widely used almost in every field.

Domestic refrigerators,. commercial refrigerators and comfort air
conditioning systems are such applications for homes, offices, banks,
shops, cinemas, theatres, hotels and restaurants, . Hospitals, cold
storage, milkplants, food processing units and in manufacturing

A Few machines have been listed below in which the principle of

refrigeration or air conditioning is used.
1. Domestic refrigerators
2. Deep freezers
3. Water coolers
4. Bottle coolers
5. Display cases
6. Cold stores
7. Window Air Conditioners
8. Split Air Conditioning system.

(a) Rerd,erator (b) Deep Freue Cabinet fC) Dllplay Ca••

Fil 1.2 : Machin •• which work on the princi"le or refd,eratlon


State true or false :

1. Ice was always used by man for preserving food .

. . -..."
Water was cooled by evaporating moisture which seeped through
RetrlJeraUoD : : S

3. Refrigeration is a process of removing heat.

4. Evaporation causes heating.

5. Air Conditioning controls the air conditions of air.

• The early refrigeration was used primarily for cooling liquid and
for the preservation of food.
• The earlist method of refrigeration was packing the food with natural
• Refrigeration is the process of transferring the heat from one place
to another.
• Evaporation causes cooling, 'is the principle of refrigeration.


1. Name the founder of 1st refrigerator and air conditioner.
2. What is refrigeration?
3. What is Air conditioning ?
4. Define laws of Refrigeration.

Answers to Intext Questions

1. True 2. True 3. True
4. Fal se 5. True

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