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One of the areas that has been most affected by the coming of the Crystal Energy and
the shift to Multi-Dimensional living, has been that of relationships. Many people are
experiencing heartbreak and pain as longstanding relationships disintegrate. Or they
find themselves alone and without a partner, despite a sincere desire to be in a loving
relationship. Or they enter into a series of relationships that just don't seem to "work
out", and then they tend to give up and lose interest in the whole process.

What is going on?

Why are relationships under such extreme pressure at this time?

Surely this transitional time would be when we need relationships the most?

Yes, we do need relationships, and we will have the support that we need, even if it
sometimes doesn't feel like it. But relationships are one of the key areas where the tidal
wave of change is being most intensely felt. Maybe this is because the need to relate
and to be loved and accepted is such a key human need. And it has become a place
where old energies need to be released to allow for new forms and structures.

The Indigo Children, in their roles as "Systems Busters" have been instrumental in
helping to initiate these shifts, and the Crystal Children will help us to consolidate new
ways of relating.

In the wake of the Indigo children, we have moved from a society that only accepts
male/female monagamous relationships within marriage, to a society that is more
prepared to accept different kinds of relationships. The importance is the need to relate,
not what sex or class or race the person with whom one is relating belongs. This is a
revolution that is opening up a whole new way of thinking about what relationships are,
what it means to relate, and how we conduct our relationships.

The Old Ways of Relating : Relationships, Archetypes and Karma

In the old third-dimensional energy, relationships were often based on physical

attraction or magnetism. The concept of "chemistry", "love at first sight" and many other
romantic concepts fostered by endless movies and novels was the motivating force. It
was all about what you looked like. And this was accompanied by whole industries to
ensure that you stayed youthful, slim and sexually attractive in order to ensure that you
would "attract" a suitable partner. This, it was argued, was nature's way, and the best
looking humans attracted a partner and reproduced their genes. Well, maybe so. But
human relationships are not just about reproduction. They no longer need to be. There
are enough people on the planet to allow us to begin to remodel relationships as about
something other than sex and reproduction.

Also, when two people enter into a conventional marriage, the force of the archetypal
energy is often so strong that they are almost compelled into predetermined roles. Many
people who swore they would never end up replicating their parents marriages, did just
that. Why? Because despite good intentions, the archetypal impetus of the marriage
system, built up over thousands of years, tends to take over and create the reality. Men
and women fall into "provider" and "nurturer" roles, or they enter into power games to
see who can dominate and who will submit. Or they play out victim, abuser, rescuer
dramas. And quite often, they pattern these dramas on their parental models.

These patterns are learnt in childhood, as the child observes the parents in their dance
of relationship, and the subconscious records all the details for future reference. In
Metaphysics we call this the "Inner Child Drama" and it contains all the unresolved
issues of both that family experience, and probably many past life family experiences
where the soul has played out all the roles in the "family drama".

We have learnt to explain this process of soul roles as "karma", and we tell ourselves
that we have to go through this experience in order to learn. The partner in the
relationship is seen as a mirror of our issues, and we diligently work to assimilate
whatever "learning" there may be for us. And probably just as diligently reincarnate in
order to continue with this supposed "learning".

But one of the things that Indigo and Crystal have taught us is that "karma" is an
outdated concept. KARMA IS FINISHED! And this doesn't just mean that now you have
graduated karmic school to become a wiser being. It probably means that there was no
such thing anyway. It was just another "system" that humans invented to help to explain
why all the other systems they had invented, including the "system" called "marriage",
were uncomfortable and had to be endured and worked at and persevered with.

As we enter into the Crystal state, we begin to understand that relationships are about
creative partnerships. They are about soul bonding, experiencing the self and the self
as other, and about co-creating. They are not prisons, and were never meant to be.
They are about FEELINGS. Being able to share and communicate the full spectrum of
feelings to and with another person. And this can be done within the parameters of
loving parental and family relationship, but there are many other ways that this can also
be explored and enjoyed.

The Multi-Dimensional Relationship

The new forms of partnership are very different. They are based on different criteria and
needs, and are played out in different ways. As we become more at ease with the
Crystal state, we will become far more accustomed to these new kinds of relationships.
 Soul Resonance rather than Physical Attraction

People will be attracted to each other on the multi-dimensional or soul level,

rather than the physical. The physical will still be a part of a Crystal relationship,
but it will not be the primary focus anymore.

More and more people are looking for a "Soulmate". Whatever beliefs we might
hold about whether or not soulmates exist, it does seem that there is a deep
longing in most people to blend energies with a compatible soul.

And it is at the level of the soul that there must be resonance and "compatibility".

This does not mean that the partners will agree on everything. In fact, if they did
the relationship would probably not work. Rather there will be a healthy balance
of agreement and disagreement.

Crystal people operate from the heart, and will always allow their partner to be
exactly who or what he or she is. They will not need to change the person or
make them "better" or rescue them or provide for them. They will share with them
and support them in their adventure of growth and self-exploration, and expect
the same in return. But there will be an "allowing" and a freedom that will enable
each partner to grow and to blossom into their full potential within the

 Planetary Partnerships

This is a phenomenon that I have personally noticed in recent years, especially

among Indigos in their twenties and early thirties. Their relationships are often
trans-global or planetary.

With the easy access we now have to the Internet and to air travel, we have
become global citizens. We now take airplanes from continent to continent like
we use to take buses around town. And we can send an e-mail that is answered
within hours, rather than writing a letter that would take weeks. And so we are
enabled to "relate" across the planet. And,as all Crystal people know, all that
loving energy being sent around the planet is creating a web of love and joy that
can only have positive results in the long term.

So it is becoming quite normal for people to source soul partners from different
continents and countries.

And, the magic of the Internet is that it can transmit feelings as well as ideas and
concepts. Again, all Crystals know that they can transmit heart energies through
the Internet. The Internet is a "nervous system" for the planet that transmits
messages as light impulses through silicon/crystal chips. And so, it is becoming
an extension of the human resources for locating a resonant soul with whom to

 Equality in the Partnership: Keeping the Balance

In a multi-dimensional relationships it is essential to keep the balance between

the partners. There needs to be complete equality in the relationship.

Old relationship patterns of dominance, control and attachment have to be


If one partner dominates or controls the other, then an imbalance is created that
will undermine the relationship. Anger will arise that will have no outlet for
expression, since it will be assumed that this is the pattern for the relationship. In
a Crystal relationship, each partner consciously watches to ensure that they are
neither disempowered nor that they disempower the other. Rather, they look for
ways of empowering themselves and their partner in positive ways.

When there is no dominance of one by the other, and there is an allowing of what
the other person is, then there is no reason for the approval seeking behaviour
that is so often part of old energy relationships, where one partner constantly
seeks the approval of the other. There is no emotional neediness or fear, just
acceptance and love.

And, if the relationship reaches its end, then there must be a willingness to let go,
and not be attached to that particular relationship. Even soul resonant
relationships may end when the partners outgrow each other or find the need to
explore who they are in other ways and directions. And then the best thing to do
is let go, allowing each of the partners to grow into new and different energies.
And to allow the sadness that is felt when something ends, but also the
anticipation as something new begins. Even if that something is a period of
aloneness, as we adjust to the new person we are becoming.

 Allowing the Full Spectrum of Feelings

This will probably be one of the most difficult things for us to negotiate in the
future. So many of us believe that a "good" relationship is one in which you are
always positive and happy and joyful. Where the other person always makes you
feel good about yourself. But, in the multi-dimensional state, relationships are
about self-exploration and growth. And your partner may need to challenge you
in order to help you to grow, or you may need to challenge them.

This challenge may include playing out anger and frustration, and allowing the
partner to be in these emotions and feelings without feeling personally
threatened, or that the relationship is threatened.
Multi-dimensional relationships will always play through the full spectrum of
feelings - not only the positive ones. The challenge, for us, is to allow these
darker energies and to handle them in a creative and compassionate way,
knowing that if so handled they will help us to grow and experience ever more of
who and what we are in this particular relationship.

The importance again, is balance. Too much negativity, and the relationship will
swing into negativity and become violent and destructive. Too much positivity,
and the creative tension that enables growth is unlikely to be there and the
relationship will probably stagnate.

 The Key Elements: Communicate and Co-Create

The important thing to remember in the new multi-dimensional relationships is

that they are primarily adventures of self-exploration in which we discover
ourselves through relating and creating with another being.

So there are two key elements that need to be always present. The first is
COMMUNICATE. In whatever way works best for you. There are many ways to
communicate in a multi-dimensional relationship, from talking to telepathy, and
they can all be explored and played with creatively. But where two people are
constantly communicating, they are expressing themselves and discovering
themselves through what they express.

The second key is CO-CREATE. There must be a reason for the partnership.
Together you must be creating something, even if it is only your own spiritual
growth. But, in order for a multi-dimensional relationship to flourish, there must
be a place for all that wonderful higher frequency creativity to find expression on
the physical level.

And it may even be that the creative comminication that happens between
partners will enable and empower each of the partners in their own creative
projects. The creativity does not have to be expressed in co-dependent ways, but
is used as empowerment for each person's individual creative projects and

The Sacred dance : the Spiritual Principles of Relating

There are many ancient Creation myths and legends that tell how the original
God-force created two beings out of its essence. These two beings, in turn, went
on to create All That Is.

So the basic spiritual principles behind creation are Unity (the Oneness of All

That Is), Duality(the One exploring itself through the tensions of opposites)
and Multiplicity (the replication of this basic dance of creaitivity many times over
into complex and wonderful forms).
Relationships allow us to rediscover that original dance of the TWO who are in
fact ONE. The movement is always towards discovering Harmony and Unity, and
then discovering that in fact there is also disharmony and duality because the two
are now unique individual beings. But the key to this dance is to balance and flow
from unity to duality and back again.

There are also many ancient myths that speak of the original deities "dancing"
through the heavens as they spin out creation in the wake of their dance. The
myth that comes to mind is that of Shiva and Shakti, whose union and "dance"
represents the union of the Sacred Masculine and Feminine energies in the
ongoing dance of creation.

In our relationships in the new multi-dimensional energies, we need to

understand the steps of the sacred dance of Shiva and Shakti, if we are to
replicate them in our own lives. The dance had three primary steps or

o The first movement is always towards Harmony and Unity. Two people are
attracted together and seek to discover in what ways they are alike. This is
the movement towards the Divine Force, or the movement of the Two
seeking the state of the Original One. Because this movement is towards
the Divinity, this phase of a relationship is always ecstatic and joyous and
creative, as the two beings feel the flow of light and energy between them.
They discover each other and find the best parts of themselves mirrored in
the other in this part of the sacred dance.
o The second movement is always away from Unity and into Separation.
The One becomes Two, who are each separate and unique. In this phase
of the relationship dance the two people discover in what ways they are
different, and because this stage of the relationship is AWAY from divine
source and towards separation and duality, there is often anger and
anxiety in this phase, and a need to exert control inorder to maintain the

This is because in our spiritual culture we have become afraid of duality.

We see it as something bad, and we strive for Unity consciousness and
we seek to move "beyond duality". But we can never move beyond duality
while we have a separate and unique identity. In our highest state of
consciousness we will always be a part of this dance of energies between
Unity and Duality. To be conscious is to be aware of the dance, and to be
able to let go and enjoy the dance knowing that the flow will always be
back and forth between these two states of being.

In a relationship, this means that we must be prepared to experience

times of challenge and discord. There may be anger, frustration and other
negative energies. These must be handled with elegance and the
knowledge that, if so handled, they will not be destructive. This is what we
call the SHADOW side of the relationship. It will always be there. How it is
handled and integrated will determine the quality of the relationship. If both
partners or "dancers" know how to cope with the dance of anger and
negativity, then it can be negotiated without creating such an imbalance
that the relationship/dance is disrupted and destroyed. I have always
found that the key here is to allow anger and negativity to be expressed
and released, without taking it personally, or needing to defend yourself in
destructive ways if there is equal anger on both sides. This just creates a
spiral of negative energy that prevents the dance from taking its next step
or movement.

o The third or last movement is always back to Unity and Harmony. The
Two once again discover, through their separate journeys, that they are
indeed One. In fact, they rediscover each other and their oneness, since
they have learnt something more about the self and the other, and are
now reuniting on a higher spiral of evolution and consciousness. And
having learnt this particular new thing, there is no need to go back and do
it again and again, this being how destructive patterns arise within a
relationship. Skilled cosmic dancers know how to let go and move to new
levels of experiential dancing, by keeping the relationship in a state of
growth and new movement.

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© 2004-5 Celia Fenn

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