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SPE 73931

Drilling and Waste Management

Anne Morillon/TotalFinaElf, Jean-François Vidalie/TotalFinaElf, Udi Syahnudi Hamzah/MPS-Pertamina ,
S.Suripno/TotalFinaElf Indonesie, Eddy K. Hadinoto/TotalFinaElf Indonesie

Copyright 2002, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

- Treatment of drill cuttings: set up of a cuttings
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE International Conference on Health, management plan, inerting (stabilisation, solidification,
Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production held in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, 20–22 March 2002. encapsulation), incineration, controlled landfill, thermal
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
desorption, cuttings re-injection, biological treatment.
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as This paper aims at demonstrating that there is no unique
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any solution for managing the drilling wastes.
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Our Company with the collaboration of its Indonesian
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper affiliate gives constant and careful consideration to all
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 treatment processes and, through various research projects, has
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
a wide range of possibilities associated with the flexibility
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. required to find the right answers to the questions raised by the
“drilling waste” issue.
Oil and Gas Companies are increasingly confronted with
problems related to the disposal of drilling waste. To be in As a general trend in the industry and particularly in oil and
compliance with regulatory constraints, and also to respect the gas activities, the problem of the waste disposal is becoming a
concept of environmental responsibility, Oil and Gas key element of a good environmental management system.
companies need to set up a comprehensive environmental Four principal factors contribute to this:
management system. The following paper presents the - Regulatory constraints are becoming stricter, both on an
TotalFinaElf approach for the management of wastes produced international and regional level, and all countries have
by drilling activities. now environmental regulations, that are revised regularly.
This approach implemented in all affiliates and particularly - A basic principle that has common practice, is the
by the Indonesian affiliate, includes a management plan accountability of the producer of waste “from cradle to
establishing appropriate procedures, environmental awareness, grave”, i.e. full responsibility for wastes from time they
training of personnel, and a whole set of technical measures: are produced through their elimination or recovery.
- Installation of the site: all equipment must be designed so - Ever stronger pressure from the media on the theme that
that any effluent is caught and avoid it to be discharged is ultra-sensitive and where the explicit but restrictive
directly in the environment. concept of “zero discharge” is evident.
- Protection of surface and ground water: protection - Greater scientific knowledge, making it possible to really
through an accurate knowledge of the local geology and grasp the true environmental impact, especially trough
hydro-geology validated by survey undertaken during the increasingly effective analytical techniques, with a finely
environmental baseline study. tuned ecotoxicological approach.
- Choice of drilling fluids: recommendation about the use
of Water Base mud or Low Toxicity Oil Base mud. In this context, which is both complex and constantly
- Management of chemicals: an effective management evolving, Oil and Gas companies have to establish limits of
system of authorised chemicals is set up with a storage flexibility, monitor trends and discover the ways open for
system, safety data files and a good stock management optimum progress.
system. A pro-active methodological approach for drilling waste
- Reduction of waste volumes at source: water management is to be set up. This approach includes :
consumption, optimised recycling of mud, reduction of - An organisation chart with responsibilities and
cuttings volumes. accountabilities clearly defined,

- A method for keeping watch on regulatory development, concentration on standard species of fauna and flora),
- An environmental impact and risks evaluation, updated aerobic biodegradability (% in 28 days), anaerobic
operational procedures, monitoring program, schedule for biodegradability (% in 60 days), bio-accumulation
environmental audits and improvement plan. (POW log).
The purpose of this paper is to present an example of Oil The results of these environmental criteria should be in
and Gas Company approach, describing all the environmental compliance with regulation, if any, and with the Company
aspects that have to be considered in order to set up an adapted specifications.
and consistent drilling waste management. - The health criterion is also taking into account. The use of
fluids with high content of aromatics should be avoided:
Installation of the site the “working environment” becomes a real
important issue.
Offshore, the drilling rig must be fitted with a leak proof deck, - The safety criterion has to lead the final fluid selection.
a means of recovering drips and slops and recycling wash When the fluid comes out from the well the temperature
water, plus an integrated solids treatment line. could actually be very high. Consequently the mud must have
Onshore, the drill pad has to be fitted with a separate a high flash point to avoid problem of fire. Typically the gas-
drainage network for the various fluids : oil flash point is around 60°C and the OPF flash point is above
- Drain system for collecting leaks and drippings from 90°C.
machinery spaces. Finally, the choice of the most adapted drilling fluid takes
- Recovery network connected to the mud pit part of the “Best practices to work” and it will facilitate the
- A peripheral network collecting rainwater from the site cuttings management and disposal.
and fitted with a de-oiling tank.
These installations must be designed to catch all the Management of chemicals
effluents and avoid them being discharged directly into the
natural environment. The design of the basins or tanks Alongside the “black-listed” products which operators must
receiving the effluents, used mud or cuttings must be carefully obviously know, an effective management system of
studied and correctly sized. They must be completely leak authorised chemicals must be set up with:
proof (use of a PEHD liner or geo-membrane, protected by a - A storage system with clear products identification and a
geo-textile). retention pond
On certain sites, in particular in regions with high rainfall, - Safety data files for each product handled (MSDS:
these basins must be covered to avoid dilution and material safety data sheet), the manufacturers and
overflowing. suppliers must be in position to provide the operator with
up-to-date sheets which comply with international
Protection of surface and ground water standards.
- A good stock management system in order to avoid any
This protection is provided not only by taking the proper pointless surplus by setting up a system whereby unused
measures when installing the site and the drilling rig, but also stocks are returned to the supplier.
through an accurate knowledge of the regional and local
geology and hydro-geology. Reduction of waste volumes at source
This knowledge is often completed and validated with the
survey undertaken at the time of the point zero environmental Actions can be undertaken at three levels:
baseline study. The drilling program (choice of fluids, casing, - Reduction of water consumption: a water-saving policy
etc.) also covers these parameters. can be established based on simple solutions such as the
use of high pressure hydro-jets for washing the rig floor
Choice of drilling fluids or the reuse by recycling treated water.
- Optimisation recycling of drilling mud (closed loop
The environmental problems related to drilling fluids mainly system): it is fundamental that the rig be fitted with
come from the use of Oil Base Mud (OBM). The evolution of complete systems for treating solids with effective shale-
regulations concerning oily cuttings disposal has led the shakers and a set of centrifuges in order to optimise the
development of new products more environmental friendly: recycling of mud and separation of ultra-fine particles.
the OPF (Organic Phase Fluids) which include SBM (synthetic - Reduction of cuttings volumes: this can be achieved by
base mud), LTOBM (Low Toxicity Oil Base Mud) and esters. using small diameter drilling programs and by using more
The choice of drilling fluids is now based on one hand on horizontal development wells.
technical drilling criteria and on the other hand on HSE
(Health, Safety and Environment) criteria.
- The environmental criteria include several characteristics
of the fluid: eco-toxicity (determination of lethal

Drill cutting management Biological treatment

This process makes use of the biodegradation capacity of
The cutting treatment and their disposal are an important issue micro-organisms (bacteria and fungi) on hydrocarbons and
in the drilling environmental waste management plan. Cuttings makes it possible to transform oily cuttings into non-toxic
have to be identified and characterised (volume, oil content residues, which can often be recovered for use in the domain
etc.). The “5R’s” strategy from OGP guidelines should be of agronomics.
adopted (fig.1). Recent experiments of TotalFinaElf carried out on
The choice of treatment solutions will obviously differ, farmland demonstrated the feasibility of the land farming
depending on whether the drilling operation is onshore or process. It is possible to overcome the large surface areas
offshore. Decision regarding this choice will be made on the required for land farming by pre-treating the materials by
basis of several criteria which, in addition to the regulatory composting and activating aerobic biodegradation by regular
recommendations, are: turning (windrows) or by forced ventilation (biopiles).
- The nature of the cuttings (OBM, WBM, clay, sand, A first experiment of this type was carried out successfully
granulometry, etc.), with the assistance of IFP (Institut Français du Pétrole) and the
- The environmental specificity of the site of disposal Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. An industrial pilot
(sensitivity, natural resources), available logistics, local capable of processing several hundreds of cubic meters is
possibilities (onshore), as well as associated costs. being installed on our Indonesian affiliate site. This three
At the present time, a large range of treatment methods is year-program (2000-2002) is underway in close co-operation
available. These methods could be classified as follows: with the Indonesian Authorities and the University
laboratories, (fig.6-fig.7).
Inerting methods
The principle of these methods is to trap strongly the oil in Cuttings re-injection
order to avoid any leachate release in the environment. It is a This solution is operational in the North Sea, and our
basic and efficient technique that can be classified in experience is based on the re-injection of cuttings from
two processes: Dunbar and Alwyn platforms. The cuttings re-injection (CRI)
- Stabilisation (fig.2) which simply means mixing the consists in a slurrification phase with cuttings crushing and
cuttings with hydraulic binders such as lime, cement or mixing with sea water and polymer, followed with the re-
pozzolana. This method is used in Venezuela, on the field injection of the slurry at high pressure, either directly into the
of Jusepin. well annulus or into a suitable formation using hydraulic
- Solidification which consists in setting the cuttings in a fracturing technique. An research and development project is
solid matrix of cement for limiting as possible the on going with the objectives of improving the procedure of re-
leachibility. injection and anticipating the capacity of disposal.
Laboratory tests are necessary to develop and optimise the
formula and check its efficiency through standardised Controlled land filling (fig.8)
leaching tests. This is not actually a method of treatment, but rather a system
The inert materials can be reused for road foundations, for disposing of ultimate wastes produced by physical or
backfill for earthworks or, in certain cases, as building thermal pre-treatment.
materials. This option was applied in Indonesia on the site of The stockpiling of inert, or partially inert, wastes can be
Handil (fig.3). considered, as long as the landfill has been designed according
to good E&P practices regarding the leak proof qualities and
Thermal methods the leachates.
- Incineration used on several sites in particular in In the Mabruk field (Libya), a controlled landfill was
Argentina in the Cañadon Alpha field (fig.4), consists in designed and set up. A combination between a bottom liner
eliminating the organic components adsorbed on the overlaid by a geological barrier was set up to prevent
mineral phase. A rotating oven incinerator can reach contamination of soil. A top liner was drawn over the waste
temperatures of 1,200 to 1,500°C and treat several tons during the non-active period and will be installed permanently
per day of cuttings producing ashes; a combustion unit after fill up and closure of the compartments. Two collection
chamber should be used to re-treat the smoke and fume. pits have been installed to ensure efficient collection of
- Thermal desorption (fig.5) is less radical than incineration possible rainwater and subsequent leachates. The case of
and consists in heating the cuttings in a rotating oven to Mabruk illustrates the possibility for a remote site to
about 400°C in order to desorb the organic pollutants. compensate for the absence of local utilities by integrating an
Gases are treated by “post-combustion”, the treated inexpensive controlled landfill in its waste management plan
cuttings could be recycled and the base oil is recovered.
This treatment is used in Kazakhstan, in the Kashagan
field, with the objective of removing the oil from the
cuttings before disposal.

The issue of drill cuttings discharged on the seabed and possibilities of flexibility, we think that we can find the
appropriate answers to the questions raised by the drilling
Within the scope of the evolution of the regulations regarding waste issue.
the dismantling of platforms at the end of their useful life, Oil
and Gas companies are now required to deal with the cuttings Acknowledgements
piles that have accumulated at the bottom of the platform legs. Our special thanks to the Drilling department and particularly
It is within this framework that the association of the North to Alain Duchesne, for having shared his experience in drilling
Sea oil companies ,“UKOOA”, launched an operation named fluids and cuttings disposal, to Claude Chaineau and Jean-
“Drill Cuttings Initiative”. This scientific and technical Claude Settier, for valuable discussions about biological
study address: treatment, and finally to our Indonesian affiliate for receiving
- A site status survey, our biological pilot.
- A program with the purpose of understanding the
behaviour and the environmental impact of existing References
cuttings piles,
- An evaluation of technical options (re-injection, 1. 7th annual international conference
biodegradation, encapsulating or just leaving alone), to Minimizing the Environmental Effect of Drilling Operations-
issue recommendations on the best options. Aberdeen 25-26 march 1999.
Oil and Gas Producers association (OGP) co-ordination 2. Ph Geneste, M Grandprat, C Sutton, JF Vidalie and M Drapier
meetings are also monitoring the progress of this project, Site Specific and Integrated Waste Management Plan for Oil and
which integrates university research work. On our side, we are Gas Exploration Production- SPE conference (49544)
launching a research program on the drill cuttings piles re- Abu Dhabi- Oct.1998.
colonisation. 3. A Ladousse, C Tallec, C Chaineau and JF Vidalie
This research and development project, applied to existing Landfarming of Drill Cuttings – SPE conference (358979)
piles around platforms in warm seas will complete the drill New Orleans – June.1996.
cuttings behaviour study of the UKOOA program. 4. UKOOA decommissioning committee
Drill Cutting Initiative: R&D program – March 1999.
5. Jean-François Vidalie
As can be seen, waste management in the drilling activity is La Gestion des Déblais de Forage
Pétrole et technique n°422- Oct.1999.
the real issue regarding environmental concerns. Our
experience has shown that the best way to optimise technical 6. JA Veil
parameters, environmental parameters and costs is to consider Innovative Regulatory Approach for Synthetic–based Drilling
every steps (installations, drilling fluids, cuttings disposal…) Fluids- SPE Texas (52737)- March 1999.
since the drilling program preparation. 7. C Chaineau, JF Vidalie, P Geneste, J Ducreux and D Ballerini
There is no unique solution. The objective consists in Bioremediation of a Crude Oil-pollutes clay soil in a temperate
finding the best option perfectly adapted to the specificity of zone – SPE 61282- Stavanger- June 2000.
the drilling campaign considered. For this purpose,
TotalFinaElf with the collaboration of its Indonesian affiliate
gives constant and careful consideration to the study of each
solution. Through various research and development projects
we try to find or to improve new technical options.
Feeling that we are responsible of the waste that we
produce and considering the wide range of technical option

Fig.1 : Key waste handling, minimisation and disposal decision , “5 R’s strategy”





Is there a residue ?
«5 R ’s»
strategy Yes
STOP Treatment required ? TREATMENT


Fig.2 : Inerting treatment : lime stabilisation



400 Leachate oil content (ppm )

300 Standardsppm)



référenc 10% 15% 15% 15% LHF 15%
Lime Lime cemen pozzolan

Fig.3 : Inerting treatment : solidification and treated cuttings re-use in Indonesian affiliate

Fig.4 : Cuttings incineration in “Terra del fuego” (Argentina)


Fig.5 : Cuttings thermo-desorption

Fig.6 : Industrial pilot of oily cuttings composting (IPOC) : Senipah- Indonesia

Sump tank Oil trap

Control + Impermeable surface
Discharge Rain waters (peripheral ditch) (liner + concrete)

Water recycling on the biopile Open drain (oily waters) Biofilter Material storage

Aspersion Air

Slope WINDROWS (410 m3) BIOPILE (300 m3) WINDROWS (150 m3)

0---5 m



Fig.7 : Industrial pilot of oily cuttings composting (IPOC) : Senipah- Indonesia

Storage pit
Windrow preparation
OBM Drilling cuttings

Windrow construction


Fig.8 : landfill design layout










[Thickness : 5 m, permeability : 1.10-9m/s]

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