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BLGD LSB Monitoring Form 2:

Joint Meetings – Local Special Bodies

Joint Meetings – Local Special Bodies

Region: ________
Province: __________
City/Municipality: _________

List down all the conducted joint meetings of Local Special Bodies (LSBs) within the city/municipality. Indicate relevant information for each of the conducted joint meetings.

List of Sectoral Council/Committee/Board

No. Date Conducted Agenda/Objectives Agreements/Ways Forward
present during the Joint Meeting
(1) (2) (3) (4)
-Updates and reports on the
implementation of DILG MC 2017-105 with
-Agreements on the fiesta preparations
1 January 7, 2019 DILG MC 2017-168 MPOC, MADAC, MDRRMC, MDC
and assigned roles and responsibilities
-Meeting for the preparations for 2019
Fiesta starting on the 16th of January
-Updates on the LGUs Child Labor Cases
-Meeting for the implementation of
-An EO is to be passed in order to follow
Executive Order no. 70 institutionalizing
2 June 27, 2019 on the EO 70 directive by the President LCPC, MHB, MADAC, MPOC, MDRRMC
-Preparations to be done for TD EGAY
- Meeting for the preparations for Tropical
Depression EGAY
-Meeting for the CFLGA Validation
-Updates on the Road Clearing efforts of the -Required documents to be complied for
3 September 16, 2019 MSB, LCPC, MHB, MPOC, MADAC
LGU re: DILG MC 2019-121 dated July 29, the CFLGA Validation
-Updates on the Peace and Order situation
of the LGU
-POPSP Updating -Coordination with the barangays for the
-Meeting for the implementation of OPLAN implementation of OPLAN “Kaluluwa”
4 October 29, 2019 “Kaluluwa” for the Lenten Season -Scheduling for the continued MPOC, MADAC, LCPC, MHB
- Updates on the Road Clearing efforts of the implementation of DILG MC 2019-121
LGU re: DILG MC 2019-121 dated July 29, -Continued Monitoring of piggeries.
-African Swine Fever (ASF) actions Updates
BLGD LSB Monitoring Form 2:
Joint Meetings – Local Special Bodies

Prepared by:

Council/Committee Board Secretariat

Submitted by:

Municipal Local Government Operations Officer

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