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School of Humanities

Department of Culture and

Language Studies

MU4 34TLCS2 – Team Leadership and Community Service



The Project Proposal should include the standard cover sheet, a one-page table of contents and
not more than 5 pages (including any charts or diagrams). The Project Budget Information Sheet
should be fully completed and the Proposal in typed form.


Proposed Project Duration : One hour and 30 minutes

Total Project Cost (if any) : RM200.00

Team Members/Role :

1) AARON LAJA ANAK ENJOP Email/Hp: 016-8895713

2) CASANDRA ANAK JOHN Email/Hp: 01110818842

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies

3) RUSTER TRIDA ANAK SUMBANG Email/Hp: 0138333795

4) AARON BIN ABDULLAH Email/Hp: 0128841928

5) VINNAYAG RAM SEGARAN Email/Hp: 0174350696

6) GRACE LEE TING PING Email/Hp: 0168923355

7) KELLY PUI CHEN CHEN Email/Hp: 0194998519

8) YONG LEONG CHONG Email/Hp: 0168789226

9) NITISH SUNASSEE Email/Hp: 0137247468

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies



1.1 Executive Summary

1.2 Objectives & Expected Outcome

1.3 Approach

1.4 Implementation Plan and Time-frame

1.5 Risks to Successful Implementation

1.6 Monitoring and Evaluation


2.1 Income and Expenditure

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies


1.1 Executive Summary

This project is aimed to raised awareness in the community of the existence of those who are suffering from deprived
needs in their daily lives. We as a whole in the group discovered that some individuals still lives through hardship and
are planning to at least give support through our own competency of affordability.

Our community service includes us as a whole joined in together to come up with a plan to counter this issue. The
individual that we raised fund for agreed to our kind offerings. We raised fund through our own intuition and managed
to buy some daily supplies for him and his family who are residing in an actual home that is literally a place of hardship
as comfort is not provided.

The individual that we are lending a hand to help with is a man name Thias Adrian, he is residing in a 10 feet x 10 feet
home while raising a toddler and is living under the same roof with his wife and two more or his family member. They
have been residing in that home for the past six months and their daily needs is limited due to monetary capabilities.

As a group we work together to give an opportunity to Mr Thias and his family to have a better comfortable life at the
same time we raised awareness to the community to have an open mind of those people in need where even a small
contribution can help someone in need.

The trip to Mr Thias’ home gave us an opportunity to learn many thoughtful lessons on how to be grateful as well as
teaching us to be more charitable. We also get to open the eyes of the public on the importance of helping others out
since not everyone is as lucky as others in this life. Our group also feels happy and blessed as we are also given the
opportunity to help a toddler be at more of a comfortable state.

At the end of the day, everyone in the group felt very satisfied with the contribution we did as we manage to carve a big
smile on the faces of the family that we contribute to. We hope that our little form of kindness goes a long way to the
community and the family of Mr Thias.

1.2 Objectives and Expected Outcome

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies

1.2.1. The project was carried out to give an helping hand to those who are in need.
1.2.2. 1. To understand the importance of community engagement.
1.2.3. 2. To be able to work with people from different cultural background.
1.2.4. 3. To instill sense of empathy and compassion towards the wellbeing of the community.
1.2.5. The results from the project will evaluated in three different outcomes which are the learning
outcomes, social outcomes and personal outcomes.

Problems and Solution


 Fail to meet target and goals

 Rejection
 Venue

Problems include fail to meet target and goals, rejection from the public and selecting the most suitable venue
for the bundle sales. Our team had set our target market to the teenagers and adults and the goals of collecting more
than 100 ringgits Malaysia for this project. However, there is the possibility that we would fail to meet these target and
goals. Next problem that we might encounter is to received rejection from the public. Due to the economy and the
mindset of the community nowadays, people might refuse to buy our products. Last but not least, there is a great
influence by selecting the venue for the bundle sales. Therefore, we need to choose a venue that are most suitable for
the bundle sales.


 Setting target market and proper items to contribute

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316
School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies

 Apply creative ideas

 Providing house delivery

To deal with the problems above we propose a few solutions. First of all, our team set our target market to
teenagers and adults based on their best interest to verify the product we are selling. Which helps us to reach our team
target and goals. Other than that, we applied few creative ideas to avoid rejection. For example, we promote our
products through our friends and family. Besides that, to overcome rejection, we set reasonable price for our products
to attract people to buy from us. Lastly, due to our venue issue, we set it at one of our team member house and also
provide house delivery to our customers who buy our products in certain amount.

1.3 Approach - Description of project activities

Date Person in Charge Remarks Possible Outcomes

04/01/2020 Ruster Trida, Aaron Laja Meeting with Mr. Thias to Get the approval from Mr.
and Casandra John explain about entire project Thias and discussing with
him regarding his life and
05/01/2020 – 15/01/2020 All members Fund raising Collect money so that we
can purchase daily
necessities for him and
14/01/2020 All members Groceries shopping Purchasing the groceries
items based on his needs
18/01/2020 All members House visits Delivering the groceries
items and get to know Mr.
Thias and family
19/01/2020 Aaron Laja and Casandra Video Editing Creating and editing video
John footages taken during
groceries shopping and
house visits

1.4 Implementation Plan and Time Frame

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316
School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies

Project Work plan and Monitoring Schedule

Objective No. 1: Raise funds

List the activities necessary to fulfil this objective. Indicate Duration of Activity in Days
who is responsible for each activity and an indicator of activity
accomplishment.Responsible Party Indicator/ Target Dd/m 05/0 06/0 07/0 08/0 09/0 10/0 11/0 12/0 13/0 14/0 15/0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1.1 Selling All members RM 100      
preloved items
1.2 Selling All members RM 100     
foods and
Objective No. 2: Preparation and approach to Mr. Thias Adrian

List the activities necessary to fulfil this objective. Indicate Duration of Activity in Days

who is responsible for each activity and an indicator of activity

Activity Responsible Party Indicator/ Target Dd/m 14/1 15/1 16/1 17/1 18/1
2.1 Buying Aaron Laja, Cassandra Buying the things from 
stuff Anak John, Ruster the checklist
Trida Anak Sumbang,
Aaron Bin Abdullah,
Vinnayag Ram
Segaran, Yong Leong
Chpng, Kelly, Nitish
2.2 Visitting All members Pass the items and chit 
Mr. Thias chatting with them and
Adrian understanding their live

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies

1.5 Risks to Successful Implementation

No. Identified Risk Low Med High Remarks for Med & High Risk
1 Dangerous area X Make contact with the family we are
visiting and they will guide us into
We might be seen as intruders by there home.
the inhabitants of that area.
2 Health risks X To prevent any of our team members
from catching a contagious
A member of the family might be sickness(eg:fever, common cold) we
sick,(eg:fever, common cold) with a will ask the family if there’s any health
contagious sickness. related problems we should be
concerned about in there household.
3 Pollution X Bring face masks for every team
4 Team member gets injured X Have a first aid kit on stand by in case
of any accidents.
5 Operational risks X Form a group chat to know about each
other’s location while launching the
Operational risks include team outside school meeting or go to those
members being unavailable for duty recipients’ s houses.
6 on day, orrisk
Financial lack of planning. X Our group have also budgeting capital
before buying the grocery.
Financial risks include inaccurate
and insufficient financial
information, inadequate reserves
7 Rejection
and limited income sources. X Our team have regard for others,
concern for their welfare and focus on
Difficulty to find a poor family in communication with them to reflect
Miri. Some may refuse to accept the the intention of donation.

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies

8 Other Risks X Each individual team member will

have there cell phones to call for
emergency services if they are ever

1.6 Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and Indicator

The performance of the project is monitored and advised by Yong Leong Chong based on

project’s timelines to ensure our project is going smoothly on track. The Implementation Plan is

always revised based on designated dates from time to time. The rest of team members will be

informed regarding the To Do lists so that they will aware of their assigned roles. We will be able

to achieve the project’s objectives by meeting Mr. Thias and providing what he is lacking at

home such as daily necessities.

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies


[The following important principles should be kept in mind in preparing a project


 Include only costs which directly relate to efficiently carrying out the
activities and producing the objectives which are set forth in the proposal.

 The budget should be realistic. Find out what planned activities will actually
cost, and do not assume that you will be able to make do for less.
 The figures contained in the Budget Information Sheet should match the total
project cost figure on the Proposal Cover Sheet.

2.1 Projected Income and Expenditure

Income (RM) Remarks

1. Fund Raising RM100 Selling old clothes
RM100 Selling food and beverages
Expected Income RM200
Expenditure Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Remarks


1. RM5.70 1 RM5.70
6. SALT RM1.80 2 RM3.60
8. LIPTON TEA RM9.30 1 RM9.30

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies

10. WHITE RICE RM26.38 1 RM26.38

11. BODY SOAP RM2.98 2 RM5.96
12. CLOTH DETERGENT RM12.28 1 RM12.28
14. FRESH EGG RM9.88 1 RM9.88
7. Contingency (10%) - - -
Cost of Project RM200.00

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies


Note: This section is to be completed only upon completion of the project.

1.1 Summary of Project Reflection

At the start of the project we as a whole notices many needed to be done. We believed that
the project will causes a lot of challenges such as that the project requires us to look for a
family that is in need and we will help them ease their daily challenges.

We started by stated by listing list of families that we will offer our humble help to and as
well listing what kind of help we could offer to give support to their current living situation.
From this we learned to work together as a team tackling what we have and learn to be
great-full over what we have and that we have to raise a fund between ourselves through
selling our unused pre-loved clothes to raise some humble funds to be used to help the
chosen family.

Through the project as well we learned that many family out there are still living in hardship
so we go through family by family and managed to choose a family which is Mr. Thias’ family
whom we believed needed the most help as he is living in a small box house while raising a

From this project we realize that what we have is enough and what we have extra is what we
should give to others that is in need. By doing such actions we believed as a whole it will
impact the community and we hope our humble and small actions will wake those who are
like us to approach those in need and offer them a little sympathy such as help support their
daily needs as well give them job opportunity to start them off in this growing community to
be independent and in hopes in the future will be much more self-reliance on their day to
day basis.

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies

1.2 Objectives and Expected Outcome

1.2.1 To give and helping hand to those who Mr. Thias was very happy grateful to receive
are in need. the small offering from us as he believes it
has come at right time due to the rough
patch that his family and him are going
through lately.

1.2.2 The objective planned for the project was

achieved, we as a group understood the
1. To understand the importance pf
importance of community engagement when
community engagement.
we meet Mr. Thias and his family. We
2. To be able to work with people from understood the struggle people go through
different cultural background on a daily basis. Our group members are
made of people from different background
3. To instill sense of empathy and compassion and this allowed us to learn from each other
towards the wellbeing of the community and also learn about cultures. After the
project was completed, we as a group could
feel the sense compassion as we all agreed
that we will do more community
engagement work in the future.

1.2.3 1. Learning outcomes

Results were measured in three different  Positive impact on members

outcomes: academic learning
 Improve member’s ability to
1. Learning outcomes
understand the struggle of the real
2. Personal outcomes world
 Understanding the importance of
3. Social outcomes
giving back to the society

2.Social outcomes

 Greater sense of care towards the

 Improves member’s inter-cultural
 More involvement in community

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies

service after graduation

3. Personal outcomes

 Develop leadership skills and ability

to work with others.
 Improve communication skills.
 Greater sense of empathy and care
towards the society.

This unit has been an eye-opener in many

ways. It has made the group members
understand the importance of helping the
community especially the less fortunate. It
has made the members more eager to go out
there and contribute to the society upon
graduating from university.

1.3 Approaches undertaken: The overall approaches and the activities

timelines planned is relevant to achieving the
1. Meeting with Mr. Thias
objectives and targets set. We managed to
2. Fund raising for Mr. Thias complete the project within estimated
3. Groceries shopping

4. House visiting and delivering the items

1.4 The work tasks have been done perfectly.

Everyone in the group putting 100% effort to
- 3 days of discussion and planning.
make sure the project gone smoothly. Each
- One and a half week of raising funds of the members also helping each other to
make sure the work can be done perfectly.
- One day of buying stuffs.

- One day of visiting to Mr. Thias Adrian

1.5 No risk was identified upon reaching the Our members were always on standby in
venue. case any risks were detected. Nothing of
concern occurred during the visit.

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies

1.6 The review monitoring and evaluation process was effective as the planned schedules for
the project is completed within expected time frame and we managed to help Mr. Thias and
his family by providing the groceries items.

2.1 Projected Income and Expenditure The total income is RM200. The total cost of
project is RM157.15, the remaining cash
which was RM42.85 used to subsidies fuel
for Aaron Laja as he was providing
transportation for us. Our team had no
problem managing the available resource as
we were earning more than expected from
selling used clothes and food and as well as
beverages. We learn to manage the
resources based on allocation process of
identifying what resources are needed for
Mr. Thias and family. Besides that we also
learn about aggregation of resources on a
daily basis shows the amount of Items
consumed by the less fortunate family.

Additional observations if any:

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies

Sign off by team members :

1) ruster trida Name: RUSTER TRIDA ANAK SUMBANG

2) casandra Name: CASANDRA JOHN

3) aaron laja Name: AARON LAJA ENJOP

4) yong leong chong Name: YONG LEONG CHONG

5) aaron abdullah Name: AARON BIN ABDULLAH

MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

School of Humanities
Department of Culture and
Language Studies

6) vinnayag ram Name: VINNAYAG RAM SEGARAN

7) grace lee ting ping Name: GRACE LEE TING PING

8) kelly pui chen chen Name: KELLY PUI CHEN CHEN


MU4 Project Proposal and Project Report LEC 080316

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