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CE - 414 Methods of Research
Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus
College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts

The Baywalk is a seaside promenade overlooking the different island. Butong is
a known barangay of Taal that is located along the seaside. It is known for being
one of the most visited area in Taal were the people swim and experience a won- The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the Socio-Economic Impact of the Construction
derful vacation. As the proposed construction of baywalk located in Butong, it of Baywalk at Butong, Taal, Batangas; and to determine the benefits of this construction in terms
was estimated to beone hundred fifty meters ly fifty meters that is along the sea- of Tourism and Business Economy of the Municipality of Taal.
shore. It's proposed expense is a total of Phpf 1,005,789.50. The municipality de-
cided to construct this project to be able to remodel the location and able to pro-
mote a new scenery or a tourist spot that can a tourist can visit.

The researcher undertaken a study about the evaluation of Socio-economic impact of the construction of baywalk at Butong, Taal, Batangas. They conducted a survey using a question that
asks about the benefits of this construction to the tourism and business economy of the said municipality. The survey is done with forty (40) respondents which consists of 30 residents along the
area and 10 government officials or any person involved in the same project. After the data was gathered, the result was calculated and interpreted using a pie graph shown below.

This figure shows that out of 11 respond- This figure shows the opinions of the re-
spondents about the project in terms of Busi-
ents who are affected in the proposed con- ness. The partial percentage of the respondents

struction, 45 % of the respondents was plan who said that the project will be beneficial in
establishing a new business is 45 %, 32 % says
to move, 45 % also was no plans ad the re- that it is an increase income, then 9% for better
maining 10% will use the opportunity to sell. transportation and an increase in fish market for
9 % and the remaining 5% says that it will be
beneficial to nearby resort.

This figure shows that 100 % of the re- This figure shows that the 100% of the sample
spondents of Butong believes that the said size taken from the number of person behind
project will boost the tourism and business the construction that it will boost the economic
economy of Taal. status of Taal.

This figure shows that 63 % of the respondents This figure shows that 100% of the respond-
believe to create a new business and 37% be- ents believes that the construction of the bay-
lieves that it will boost old business. walk can attract the tourist.

Based from the results of the survey that was gathered by the researchers, the municipality of Taal is aware that there will be affected residents to the construction of the baywalk yet no as-
sistance will be given to the residents. However, the residents and the municipality of Taal are in favour of the construction of the proposed baywalk as it will boost the tourism and busi-
ness economy of Butong, Taal, Batangas. Most of the residents believed that the said project will attract tourists that will lead to the popularity of Butong and the promotion of other spots
found in Taal. In connection with these, the proposed construction is believed to result business growth to the residents and the Municipality of Taal by the establishment of new business and
increase in income to former businesses and resorts. From this conclusion, it is highly recommended to optimize the benefits of the construction in some aspects to the municipality in able
to understand the effects; to be able to re-evaluate the impact of the construction after it was constructed; to be able to inspect if the benefits of the construction was achieved after being

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