Yambot, Chaila Reflection Paper-1

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Yambot, Chaila Mae D.

March 17, 2019

NSTP1 -Sec1

The First video entitled “What is culture?”

Tackled about the different kind of culture so we can have insights or broad scope of what
is culture about. There are 7 aspects of culture describe in the video:

Social organization- smaller groups, each group has set of rules like example in your
family, relative and people that surrounded you.

Language- it is the core of every culture, you perceive or share specific meanings.
Language is not only through verbal but It can be also be informal language through your
actions and the manners you shared in your community.

Customs and tradition- this are the unwritten, laws and norms., that we practice in specific
country, like in the Philippines we have different set of customs and traditions compared
to western countries

Arts and literature- They use this to express themselves and they pass it through
generations, and teach cultural values that involve music and arts and folktales

Religion- culture of like Christianity, Taoism, Hinduism, Atheist those people who do not
believe in God.

Form of government- societies form it to protect the people or help them to follow the
rules, some countries practice democracy or dictatorship or even communist it depend
on their form of government they have.

Economic systems- Traditional, culture is not stagnant

The second Video Entitled “What is Art for?” Discussed that many people do not know
how to interpret an artwork and they don’t know what it is for, some can know the
meanings but some think that it is so complicated. 5 things Art is For:

Arts keep us hopeful. ”Pretty things” one of the very famous painting are involved in
landscapes, beautiful sceneries and flowers, that remind us to be hopeful even though
the reality is not like that, there are wars everywhere. We need preety things for us to
have hope for us not to remember or be depressed In things

Art makes us less lonely. This world if full of sadness that we cannot express, but they
use art to express their sadness to lessen the pain, our life is full of sadness but we should
not keep it in all our selves, we need to express it either in the form of music or arts. So
art is use for them to express their sadness so that it will be lessen.

Art Rebalance us. Some of us is too intelligent some are to emotional, too masculine, too
feminine but in art it compensates us on what we lack and counterbalance us. Art might
infure in different situations either your love problems, in family, you appreciate it beautiful
because you are the one who are experiencing it or getting the message of the art

Art help us to appreciate stuff. Art tell us what is glamorous , an artist draw different things
that we may perceive to be beautiful art make things glamorous rather that being ignore
even though there are no special about that thing, or neglected. Highlighting things that
are needed to be appreciated

Art is propaganda for what really matters. Tools that motivates us to express the feeling
in the propaganda, it is platform or voice for us to understand it true meaning.

The Third video explained to us by Roland Augustine “Why art matter?”

The video talked about his experience and discuss to us how Art do matter in our
civilization. Why is art relevant? Why do artist make pictures? Why do we look at them?

He talk to share his faith in the civilization today, through the pictures he saw he was
greatly moved by the message of the pictures, artist paint, sculp and take pictures to tell
stories their stories and remind us not to do the mistakes they did before. Even though it
is decades ago but if we saw an art of that scene, we can connect to the reality far from
our time.

The Fourth video entitled “Why arts and culture should be given priority in the
Philippines?” Discussed to us the 5 reasons why arts and culture should be given priority
in the philippines
First, It defines who we are. It serves as message for us and to know our roots or where
we came from. Second, It shapes our culture. Third, it provides avenues for self-
expression. Fourth, It prevents stagnation of society

Fifth, It makes life more interesting, vibrant flavorful and beautiful

Contemporary Filipino Artist: The Article entitled “The enlightenment of Andres


He talks about the music he likes than his art, it also express the reason why he won so
many award because of the structure of the song, it lyrics might be angry but the molody
is melancholic. He said when he paints he pays music so that he can thinks an get
inspirations. In his room it dispayed different kind of portraits with different stories.

When Barrioquinto will preset his painting in novemner he even go to different countries
to complete his portfolio. He is also always inclined in paiting odd figures eve early of his

When he is still living in Hong Kong and he often bawls with gangter, and being In that
kind of environment is one of his early works and the people can see what he is coming
from through his works. But now he is much lighter in state of mind that maybe through
paintings it helped him to express himself.

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