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Name of Brand/ Trade Indications Contraindications Side Effects Nursing

Drug Name Responsiblities

Vitamin K Aqua-  Anticoagulant-induced Hypersensitivity to any Transient"flushing
Mephyton, prothrombin deficiency component of this medication. sensations" and
Vitamin K caused by coumarin or "peculiar"
indanedione sensations of taste
derivatives; have been
observed, as well
 Prophylaxis and as rare instances
therapy of of dizziness, rapid
hemorrhagic disease of and weak pulse,
the newborn; profuse sweating,
 hypoprothrombinemia brief hypotension,
due to anti-bacterial dyspnea, and
therapy; cyanosis.

 hypoprothrombinemia Pain, swelling, and

secondary to factors tenderness at the
limiting absorption or injection site may
synthesis of vitamin K, occur.
e.g., obstructive
jaundice, biliary fistula, The possibility of
sprue, ulcerative allergic sensitivity
coilitis, celiac disease, including an
intestinal resection, anaphylactoid
cystic fibrosis of the reaction, should
pancreas, and regional be kept in mind.
 other drug-induced usually after
hypoprothrombinemia. repeated
indurated, pruritic
plaques have
occurred; rarely,
these have
progressed to
lesions that have
persisted for long
periods. In other
cases, these
lesions have
Folic Acid Folgard,  Folic acid tablets are Known hypersensitivity to any of Allergic sensitization
Folgard RX 2.2, indicated for the distinct the components in the product is has been reported
Foltx, nutritional requirements a contraindication. following both oral
Homocysteine of individuals under a and parenteral
formula physician's treatment for administration of
hyperhomocysteinemia; folacin (folic acid).
with particular emphasis Paresthesia,
for individuals with or at somnolence, nausea
risk for atherosclerotic and headaches have
vascular disease in the been reported with
coronary, peripheral, or pyridoxine. Mild
cerebral vessels, or transient diarrhea,
vitamin B12 deficiency. polycythemia vera,
itching, transitory
exanthema, and the
feeling of swelling of
the entire body has
been associated
NaHCO3 Bisacodyl  Sodium bicarbonate is  Known allergies to Adverse reactions to
Tablets, used in an aqueous polyethylene glycol or the administration
halfLytely solution as an antacid other components of of sodium
Tablets, taken orally to treat acid the kit bicarbonate can
Sodium indigestion and include metabolic
Bicarnbonate, heartburn  Gastrointestinal (GI) alkalosis, edema
TriLyte, Zegerid  An aqueous solution is obstruction due to sodium
sometimes administered overload, congestive
intravenously for cases of  Bowel perforation heart failure,
acidosis, or when there hyperosmolar
are insufficient sodium or  Toxic colitis syndrome,
bicarbonate ions in the hypervolemic
blood. It is used as well  Toxic megacolon hypernatremia, and
for treatment of hypertension due to
hyperkalemia. Since increased sodium.
sodium bicarbonate can In patients who
cause alkalosis, it is consume a high
sometimes used in to calcium or dairy-rich
treat aspirin overdoses. diet, calcium
Aspirin requires an acidic supplements, or
environment for proper calcium-containing
absorption, and the basic antacids such as
environment diminishes calcium carbonate
aspirin absorption in the (e.g., Tums), the use
case of an overdose. of sodium
Sodium bicarbonate has bicarbonate can
also been used in the cause milk-alkali
treatment of tricyclic syndrome, which
antidepressant overdose. can result in
It can also be applied metastatic
topically as a paste, with calcification, kidney
three parts baking soda stones, and kidney
to one part water, to failure.
relieve insect bites.
Bethanechol Uriflow,  Acute post-op & post- Hyperthyroidism, Malaise; abdominal
Bethanechol CI partum non-obstructive peptic ulcer, latent or cramps or
urinary retention; active bronchial, discomfort, colicky
neurogenic atony of the asthma, pronounced pain, nausea &
urinary bladder w/ belching,
bradycardia or
retention. diarrheaborborygmi
, salivation; urinary
vasomotor instability, regency; headache;
coronary artery fall in BP w/ reflex
disease, epilepsy & tachycardia,
parkinsonsism; recent vasomotor
urinary bladder surgery, response; flushing,
GI resection & sweating; bronchial
anastomosis; bladder constriction,
and GI obstruction or asthmatic attacks;
acute inflammatory lacrimation, miosis.
lesions of the GIT,
spastic GI
; marked vagotonia
omeprazole Acifre, Duodenitis, Duodenal Erosions, Hypersensitivity to Headache, diarrhea,
Farmazol, duodenal ulcers, gastritis, gastric omeprazole. constipation,
Gastriloc, erosions, gastric ulcers, abdominal pain,
Hovizol, symptomatic GERD w/ or w/o nausea, vomiting,
loprezol, Losec, erosive esophagitits, Zollinger- dizziness, rash.
Mepracid, Ellison syndrome & the
Omed 20, eradication of H. pylori
pron, Omez,
Omizac, Omiek,
OMZ 20, Opraz,
Peptisolv, Cipla
Pleom, Premio,
Puroxel, Risek,
Tansinel, Ulsek,
Wilom, Zomep-
20, Zosec,

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