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BBT-1-18049 26-11-2019

Practical 1 and 2
Title – Presentation of data

1. Install SPSS 19 onto your network profile
2. Install Analysis ToolPak to Microsoft Excel
3. Locate the Excel Data File “Workshop 1 Data.xls” and SPSS File “ practical 1 and 2”
4. Creating Charts with Excel and /or SPSS for different types of DATA.
5) Creating Tables with Excel and /or SPSS for different types of DATA.

Task 1: Install SPSS 19 onto your network profile

During the course of this workshop series we will be using the computer programme SPSS 14.

SPSS is a popular data analysis programme that is used widely in academic and industrial
environments to quickly and simply generate descriptive and inferential statistical outputs from
large amounts of data.

Your first task is to download SPSS 14 onto your University network profile. Once downloaded
the programme may be used on any University network computer.

1. Open the start menu

2. Select ‘All Programs’ then ‘Install a Program From the Network
3. Once the list appears (this may take a few minutes) select ‘SPSS 14’ and click ‘OK’
4. Follow the on-screen prompts to download and install the programme.

Task 2: Install Analysis ToolPak to Microsoft Excel

We will be doing some of our work using Microsoft Excel. Excel has some useful statistical tools
which we will use from time to time in our workshops. To unlock these tools, we need to enable
the Analysis ToolPak Add-In, as follows:

1. Open Microsoft Excel

2. Under the ‘File’ tab, select ‘Options’
3. On the left hand menu, select ‘Add-Ins’
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4. In the list, click on ‘Analysis ToolPak’ and then click the ‘Go…’ button.
5. In the next window, tick the box next to ‘Analysis ToolPak’ and click ‘OK’
6. Close and restart Excel
7. The Add-In will be enabled (Check under the ‘Data’ tab to see if you have a button
labelled ‘Data Analysis’

Task 3: Locate the Excel Data File “Workshop 1 Data.xls”

Practical 1 Data.xls contains a fictional set of marks from a second year assignment. You will use
this data set to practice your data presentation.

1. Go to Desktop and find the above said file.

(Remember where you put it!)

Task 4: Charts in Excel

Generate a Histogram:

The Analysis ToolPak also allows us to generate histograms quickly and simply.

1. Under the ‘Data’ tab, click the ‘Data Analysis’ button

2. Select ‘Histogram’ and click ‘OK’
3. In the ‘Input Range’ box, enter your data range by highlighting it on the chart as before
4. You CAN select the title cell; just remember to tick the box that says “labels” (leave ‘bin’
5. Under ‘output options’, tick output range, and select a new cell
6. Tick ‘Chart Output’ (because this is what you want to get out of the programme) and
click ‘OK’.
7. A histogram and frequency table are now displayed
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BBT-1-18049 26-11-2019

INTERPRETATION - The above graph represent marks of second year students in their
assignment. The x axis represents marks of students and the number of students is
depicted on y axis. 4 students have scored minimum marks that is 30 and 7 seven
students have scored more than 70 marks that is the highest marks. Maximum students
have scored 45 marks. 35 students have successfully scored above 50. 38 students have
scored less than 50 marks.

Question- Draw the suitable chart for following data.

course Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10
BBT-1 6 9 5 3 1 4 6 10 3 1
BBT-4 4 5 7 6 3 7 2 7 4 2
BBT-7 8 3 10 9 6 1 5 3 6 8
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INTERPRETATION – The above graph depicts feedback ratings given to teachers by

students. This feedback rating is given every semester by the students with reference to
teaching skills of teachers in that particular semester. Total ratings of three semesters is
depicted in the above shown graph. Rating for Q1 are 6, 4, 8. For Q2 9, 5, 3 are the
ratings. Q3 has ratings 5,7,10. Ratings for Q4 are 3,6,9 . Q5 has ratings 1 ,3 ,6 . Q6 has 4,
7 , 1. For Q7 6, 2, 5 are the ratings. Q8 has 10, 7 ,3 . Q9 has 3, 4, 6 . Ratings for Q10 are

Descriptive statistics in excel

Use the data set practical 1 data set to practice the descriptive statistics
and interpret it.
BBT-1-18049 26-11-2019


Mean 51.8235294 51.82352941

Standard Error 1.34634857 1.346348571
Median 50 50
Mode 45 45
Standard Deviation 12.4127205 12.33948847
Sample Variance 154.07563 152.2629758
Kurtosis -0.8795619 -0.87956192
Skewness 0.2250739 0.225073901
Range 45 45
Minimum 30 30
Maximum 75 75
Sum 4405 4405
Count 85 85

The above table shows the assignment marks for students. Average marks of the
students are calculated using formula for the total number of students. Mean,standard
m,maximum,sum,count were calculated.The average marks are 51.82.The standard
error calculated was 1.346.Median calculated was 50 marks.The standard deviation was
found to be 12.412.The sample variance was calculated to be 154.0756.Kurtosis was
calculated to be -0.087956.Skewness was calculated to be around 0.22507. 30 marks
where the minimum marks calculated. The maximum marks calculated to be 75. The
total marks obtained by all students was calculated to be 4405. Total students were 85.

Task 5: Descriptive Statistics in SPSS

SPSS is designed for analysing data sets. It is therefore easier to generate statistical outputs in
SPSS than in Excel.

Opening SPSS 19:

1. Open the start menu

2. Click ‘All Programs’
3. Click on ‘ SPSS for windows’
4. The programme will load
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Inserting data:

With SPSS, you can either type your data directly into the worksheet (as for excel), or open a
variety of pre-existing file types, including Excel files.

To open an excel file in SPSS:

1. In the first SPSS dialogue box, check ‘open an existing data source’ and double click
‘more files’
2. In the ‘files of type’ box, select Excel
3. Find where you downloaded “Workshop 1 Data.xlsx” and click‘Open’
4. Tick the box “read variable names from the first row of data”, click ‘OK’
5. The data will open in the SPSS Data Viewer:

Notice that the words “class marks” are now in the blue column heading. It is here that we can
give our columns (variables) names. Spaces are not permitted.

Click on the ‘variable view’ tab at the bottom left hand corner of the screen.

Variable View:

In this screen you can change the name of your column (variable), define under ‘measure’
whether the data are scale (continuous), ordinal or nominal [note, SPSS has automatically
detected that these data are scale values], and make various other changes.

Try changing the variable name, then click on ‘data view’ in the bottom left-hand corner to see
the results. You can always use the undo button to reverse any changes you make!

Performing Descriptive Statistics:

1. Go back to data view

2. Open the ‘Analyze’ menu
3. Select ‘Frequencies’
4. Click on the purple arrow button to input ‘Class Marks’ into the variable window (this
selects which variable we want to analyse and is important when we have more than
one set of data)
5. Click the ‘Charts’ box
6. Select ‘histograms’ and click ‘Continue’
7. Your Output will be displayed in a new window, the SPSS Statistics Viewer
8. You can delete any text, tables and graphs you do not require (e.g. the code
information) by clicking on it and pressing delete. Again you can lick undo if you go
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9. You can edit charts and tables by double-clicking on them. You can also opt to copy
charts and tables and paste them into another programme e.g. word, powerpoint,
photoshop etc. (right click on the object, select ‘copy special’, uncheck all boxes except
‘Image’, paste into the chosen program as normal)

Task 3: Generate Box Plots

You will now learn how to generate graphical representations of data in SPSS.

1. In data view, open the ‘Graphs’ menu

2. Select ‘Chart Builder’. A new window will open
3. In the lower box, select the ‘Gallery’ tab (if it is not already open)
4. Click on ‘Boxplot’
5. Select ‘Simple Boxplot’ (Left hand example – see below
6. Drag the ‘Simple Boxplot’ example into the chart preview area
7. Find ‘Chest circumference’ in the variables list
8. Click and drag ‘chest circumference’ to the y-axis
9. Click ‘OK’
10. Your boxplot will be generated
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 What do you notice about the boxplot? Are there any outliers?
A box plot of chest circumference of various patients was created. The lowest chest
circumference was found to be 80cm. On the other hand, the highest circumference was
120cm. The median value of the chest circumference was 100cm. The value of Q1 is about
95cm and the value of Q3 is around 105cm.Two outliers were obtained from the data.

 Can you explain what each part of the box means?

There are 4 parts of boxplot mainly Maximum outlier, minimum outlier, 25 th and 75th
outlier Minimum outlier is the minimum value of data and maximum value is the
maximum value of data.
Q1=25% of the observations, Q2= Median of the observations and Q3=75% of the

 Repeat for the ‘Neck Circumference’ variable.

 How do the two plots compare?

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The chest circumference lies between 90-110cm and the lowest lies between 70-80cm
and highest circumference lies between 120-130cm while the lowest neck
circumference lies between 35-40 cm. The lowest lies between 30-35 cm. The highest
lies between 40-45 cm.

Question- Draw the box plot for the data set namely data3_3a which contains the
stress at different job levels and interpret it.

INTERPRETATION- The above shown box plot shows the data representation for different levels
of stress experienced while pursuing education. Highest level of stress was experienced during
college years. Old university had lowest level of stress experience. The stress experienced
during college is similar to that of during primary school if compared together. At secondary
school level the stress experienced was average.
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Task 4: Alter the appearance of your graphs and export to word

Your graphs are of little use stuck in SPSS. In the future you will need to move your graphs and
tables into documents you are producing (e.g. your final year project write-up). You will now
learn how to do this, and also how to alter the appearance of your chart.

1. Double click on the plot to open the chart editor.

2. Double click the body of the boxplot (the ‘box’ part)
3. Change the colour of the box. WARNING: Vibrant colours are seldom appropriate in
scientific documents. Try and stick to grey shades (professional looking and cheaper to
print) or muted/subdued colours.
4. Click ‘Apply’and ‘Close’
5. Double click the background of the chart and change the colour to white (always
6. Double click the y-axis title – here you can change the title, font, size, colour etc.
7. Have a play with your chart – make it look the way you think is appropriate

To export your chart to Microsoft Word

1. Open Microsoft Word

2. Return to your chart
3. Right-click on it and select ‘Copy Special’
4. Uncheck all boxes, except ‘Image (JPG, PNG)’
5. Click ‘OK’
6. Your chart is saved to the clipboard as an image
7. Return to Word
8. Select where you want the chart to be placed
9. Paste the chart to the document (Right click and select ‘Paste’, OR press ‘control’ and
‘V’, OR on the top ‘home’ menu, select ‘paste’)
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A similar protocol can be followed to insert your chart into Powerpoint or any other program.

** Similarly you need to draw line charts, Scatter plot and Frequency tables with interpretation.

NOTE: Your SPSS outputs are not automatically saved. Remember to save them manually (File
→ Save As)!

NOTE: A good guide to SPSS (SPSS: Practically short and simple) can be downloaded free from to

Another good, free resource for stats is ‘Statistics at Square One’, available online at

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