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CFE 102 11-12 MWF

1) I would straight-up tell our teacher the truth that I allowed my best friend, Jhen, to
use some part of my paper since I knew that she was on a bad situation due to
the sudden death of her grandmother. Even though this would lead us both to a
worse situation than telling a lie, I, at least, told the truth which could give
enlightenment to our teacher about the reason behind our actions. With support
of the ninth commandment from the bible, letting our teacher know about the
truth could help him or her understand us more.

2) Before acting on the situation stated, I would first take a look on their relationship
whether they practice monogamy or polygamy. It would be possible that my best
friend is fine with the actions of her husband. If there is domestic abuse involved
within them coming from her husband, I would for sure tell the truth to my best
friend as soon as possible even though my job would be on the line. Time should
tell when to say the truth since sensitive information that comes from a company
with policies could be hard to handle and needs further thinking before acting on
it. Considering the morality of a human being, I would take a look on how the
truth could help preserve the dignity and relationship of the entities involved with

3) For my response, I would let my high school friend know that I understand his or
her situation wherein no one wants to be in and let him or her know that I would
be here to hear out with his or her problems. I would also let my friend
acknowledge that it is never his or her fault and let him or her know that things
would never be back to what they were but everything would become better as
time goes by. The loneliness and emptiness that my friend feels would eventually
be replaced with happiness and meaning made possible by the people around
him or her. I would add to my response that God does not only exist within the
church or the places that he or she knows where God is but also in people and in
nature. This could convince my friend to find meaning again in life with the people
that he or she would later meet instead of his or her parents.

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