The Community Gardener: Easement Preserves Tommy Thompson Community Garden

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The American Community Gardening Association’s

The Community Gardener

Growing Community through Gardening and Greening Across the U.S. and Canada
Volume V Issue IV WINTER 2006

Easement preserves Tommy Thompson Community Garden

by Jim Flint, Friends of Burlington Gardens, Burlington, Vermont

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Last summer a news story circulated on the ACGA listserv regarding the pending sale of
public land in Burlington’s Intervale, the city’s prime agricultural area and home of the
1 A Garden Tommy Thompson Community Garden, the largest community garden in Vermont.
Preservation Success
Story The five-acre garden site was first marked out in 1979 by Tommy Thompson, who
2 ACGA founded Gardens for All, predecessor of the National Gardening Association. Thompson
President- hoped that a well managed community garden would be the first step in restoring the
Elect’s Message Intervale flood plain as a vital agricultural resource for the people of Burlington.
The following spring, the
3 A Handy Guide to Intervale Community Garden
Not Growing opened with 20 garden plots,
25 feet by 30 feet each.
Gardeners were required to use
4 organic gardening methods,
Building Community which at the time was
in the “Off” Season considered revolutionary. By
1988, when the site was
5 renamed in honor of its
Book Review
founder, the community
Gardening When It
Counts garden had grown to 80 plots.
Today there are 150 plots
serving an estimated 500 Tommy Thompson circa 1980
people who walk, bicycle, and
6 Bulletin Board drive down an urban dirt road to reach the fertile site.
Tommy Thompson had a dream that community gardens could have long term security.
7 OH Conference
He negotiated a 20 year lease with the Burlington Electric Department, which had
MI Conference
Board of Directors purchased the land a few years earlier. In subsequent years, B.E.D. leased additional
acreage in the flood plain to the nonprofit Intervale Center, which subleased the fertile
National Summit on
fields to organic farmers.
Garden Policy When B.E.D. determined in 2006 that some of its Intervale holdings were not needed for
future power generation, public service guidelines stipulated that the utility should sell the
9 A Who’s Who in the land for the benefit of ratepayers. With the blessing of city officials, the Intervale Center
Gardening World applied for a $200,000 grant to purchase 199
acres of agricultural fields and wetlands from
10 Seeking Garden SAVE THE DATE B.E.D. As a condition of the sale, an easement
Mosaics Weed
Watchers ACGA’s 28th Annual would be established to conserve the land in
11 Magazines and More While the proposed sale was deemed a positive
to Check Out August 9-12, 2007 move for the city’s organic farmers, the situation
with the Tommy Thompson Community
12 Give the gift of
Boston, MA Garden was not as straightforward. The initial
(Continued on page 11)

A Message from ACGA President-Elect, James Kuhns

A new year is just around the corner – and it promises to be an exciting
one for the ACGA. We continue to settle nicely into our new home at
the Franklin Park Conservatory in Columbus, Ohio. Our Operations
Administrator Lexie Stoia is full of energy and good ideas, and is a
pleasure to work with. In January, the Columbus staff doubles, when
Sarah Alexander begins work as the Programs Manager. Welcome to
the ACGA Sarah!
Speaking of Columbus, the second annual Ohio Community
Gardening Conference will be held on March 16 – 17 at Franklin Park
Conservatory in Columbus. Two keynote speakers are not to be missed
– motivational speaker Rosemarie Rossetti and Keith Tidball speaking
about the Garden Mosaics program. If you live in the Midwest, why
not take a mid-winter get-away and get primed for the upcoming
growing season? Still on the conference theme, please mark on your
calendars the annual ACGA conference – Beantown Digs Community
Gardens – from August 9 to 12.
When I look back on 2006, I think of the incredible contributions that ACGA members make to the organization.
From participating on committees, teleconferences, writing articles, making donations or telling friends and colleagues
about the ACGA, members make an invaluable contribution. If you have special skills you wish to share with us, please
contact Betsy Johnson, our tireless executive director. We’re especially on the outlook for someone with Microsoft
Publisher experience who could help out with the newsletter.
The New Year will see three valuable people leaving the board of directors. It was a pleasure working with Gerard
Lordahl, Martha Egnal and Rebecca Ferguson. Your work as president, in the youth and advocacy committees was
much appreciated. Please stay involved!
I wish everyone a safe and healthy holiday season and pleasant gardening dreams for the New Year.

The Community Gardener is published by the American

Community Gardening Association, growing community through
gardening and greening across the United States and Canada.
The American Community Gardening Association
(ACGA) recognizes that community gardening improves the
quality of life for people by providing a catalyst for
neighborhood and community development, stimulating social
interaction, encouraging self-reliance, beautifying
neighborhoods, producing nutritious food, reducing family
food budgets, conserving resources and creating opportunities
for recreation, exercise, therapy and education.
American Community Gardening Association
c/o FPC, 1777 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43203
877-ASK-ACGA (877-275-2242);
Newsletter: Betsy Johnson, Executive Director; James
Kuhns, Ted Zerger, Shandal Grayson, Zazel Loven, John
Hershey, Don Lambert, Don Boekelheide, Donald Loggins,
ACGA Communications Committee

A Handy Guide to Not Growing Radishes

Celebrating lessons learned in a season of gardening
By John Hershey, Denver, Colorado
As another community gardening season winds down, we labor, they’ll wander off and become addicted to video
have a lot to celebrate. We grew delicious food, we enjoyed games before their love of gardening has a chance to take
the company of our fellow gardeners, and we were the only root.
people in the country who could safely eat spinach this
Following this expert consensus, I planted radish seeds with
Daniel this spring. He was so excited as he eagerly turned
But for me, the greatest reward is the fun I have with my the soil with his little shovel, added compost, and carefully
kids. Gardening with children, especially in a community planted the seeds in a neat row. Imagine his joy when little
garden, is a wonderful experience for everyone. This year sprouts sprang from the ground after just a couple days.
my sons met many nice people from various places and And the boy’s attention span never faltered. He proudly
cultures. Our garden friends shared delicious heirloom watered, weeded, and admired his row. The fun and
tomatoes and funky loofah gourds with us. And gardening anticipation grew apace with the plants.
with my 3-year-old son Daniel has finally allowed me to
Finally, yet only about three weeks later, the big day arrived.
achieve the elusive “knee high by the Fourth of July”
Harvest time! Daniel was beside himself with excitement
standard for my corn. Hey, nobody ever said it had to be my
about eating something he grew himself. These gardening
books are right on target, I thought. The reward comes so
But we also celebrate the soon, he’ll surely be hooked on gardening for life.
things that went wrong in the
Daniel triumphantly pulled up a big radish. Rinsed off with
garden. Celebrate failure? Oh
the hose, it glistened beautifully in the morning sun. Its rich
yes. We cherish our
red color must have made it look more delicious than candy
gardening screw-ups because,
to him. I snipped off the root tip and leaves, and Daniel
unlike most other failures in
beamed with admiration at his creation. Here comes the
life, garden disasters are
payoff for both of us, I thought. He gets to enjoy a
temporary. The first frost
delicious vegetable he grew himself, and I get to celebrate
wipes the slate clean, and we
successfully instilling the values of working with nature and
start fresh next year,
eating healthy local food.
empowered to do better by
the lessons we've learned My sweet little boy wanted so much to like the taste of his
from our missteps. home-grown treat that he exclaimed “Yum!” as soon as he
popped the radish into his mouth. But then he bit into it,
One error I made this season was taking the garden for
and an instant later the smile fell away, and his face
granted as a safe and nurturing place for children. It is such
contorted into a grimace of shock and betrayal.
a place, of course. But you still have to be careful. One day
I was tending our plot with the kids. I hunted for ripe “Oh!” he screamed. “It burns! It burns!”
tomatoes while they picked and played in the bean tepee
nearby. Suddenly it was a little too quiet. “Daniel?” I called. He frantically spat out the spicy chunks with one of those
Hearing no reply, I looked up, and there he was, straddling “How could you do this to me, Daddy” looks on his face.
the top of the chain-link fence around the garden, teetering Lesson #2: Don’t believe everything you read in
8 feet above the concrete sidewalk on the other side. newspapers and gardening books.
Lesson #1: Determined children can find something After that experience, he wouldn’t even try the cherry
dangerous to do in any environment, no matter how safe it tomatoes, which really are sweet as candy. When I offer
seems. them, he replies with a “Yeah, right” expression that shows
But by far my biggest blunder this year was growing he doesn’t want to get burned again. So I’ll wait for next
radishes. I did it in good faith, following the advice of all year, hoping his memory of this trauma will fade and he’ll
the authoritative books on gardening with children. Plant regain his desire to explore the garden and taste its delights.
radishes with kids, they all say, because they grow fast I can picture him out there already, wandering among the
enough to hold a toddler’s attention. Be careful with carrots foliage, choosing from all the shiny, inviting treats hanging
and corn, the garden gurus caution. If you make the kids from the plants, and happily popping one into his…
wait so long to enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of their “No Daniel! Stop! That’s a jalapeño!”

Building Community in the “Off ” Season

By Ted Zerger, Salina, Kansas
Gardening as such is over in central Kansas around mid- Of course, others in the neighborhood and church folks
October i.e. first frost. The last of the sweet potatoes have know he does this and drop off their cans at his place.
been dug and a few peppers and green tomatoes have been Marlon and I go to Dollar General and he buys small gifts
salvaged. What now? for the children. He wraps them, dons his Santa hat and
the party begins.
Clearly, only community remains when gardening is
removed from community gardening.
Now is the time to bring the people together for activities
other than gardening. From the beginning, it became
apparent that there was as much need for park
atmosphere/open space as there was for gardening space at
the Peace Garden. It is now about 50-50.
Post gardening season activities at the Peace Garden
include a Halloween party and a Christmas party.
October 29 was our
Halloween Party Ha llo ween p a rt y.
at the Abo ut thirty-five
Peace Garden children showed up
along with many
Sunday, October 29, 2006
at parents and
4:00 p.m. grandparents.
Pumpkins were
Pumpkin and Gourd decorating Children make ornaments and hang them from trees,
Hot dogs, other food, drinks
decorated (not carved)
Halloween treats with vegetables, small shrubs, and rose arbors. People bring lights which are
marshmallows, and strung around the storage building and rose arbors. Of
All are Welcome raisins. In addition, course, there is food and hot chocolate. This party is all
the children enjoyed outdoors. Some years, the weather has been miserable, but
Halloween Party
at the painting dried gourds. it takes more than bad weather to dampen the community
Peace Garden If activities don’t bring spirit.
growing boys, food Is it worth all the time and energy spent in planning and
Sunday, October 29, 2006
will. Church folks, carrying out the event.? You be the judge. After last year’s
4:00 p.m. most of whom do not party, it was getting dark and most of the people had left;
live in the Marlon said, “There would be a lot fewer problems in this
Pumpkin and Gourd decorating neighborhood, and
Hot dogs, other food, drinks world if there’d be more things like this going on.”
Halloween treats neighborhood folks
bring food. Invariably,
All are Welcome
a football or soccer Examples of Community Garden Events
ball shows up and a game breaks out. A good time was had from the October & November ACGA
by all. Teleconference Workshops

Several years ago, Marlon, who lives across the street from Gateway Greening, St. Louis: Great Perennial Divide
the garden told me that children in the neighborhood don’t and Chefs in a Garden
get many gifts, if any, at Christmas time. He suggested we Wasatch Community Gardens, Salt Lake City: Tomato
have a Christmas party. Now Marlon doesn’t have much of Sandwich Party
earthly things. He gets a modest military pension which Denver Urban Gardeners, Denver: Jack-o-Launch &
pays his rent, food, other bills and maintaining his bicycle, Pumpkin Fest and Community Garden Tours
his only means of transportation.
Marlon started a Christmas fund by picking up aluminum GardenWorks, Minneapolis & St. Paul: Parade of
cans. Last year, he had $60 saved up. To save you doing Gardens
the math, at 40 cents a pound, that’s 150 pounds of cans.

Steve Solomon’s Gardening When It Counts: Growing Food In Hard Times

Book Review By Don Boekelheide, Charlotte, North Carolina

No book can teach you to garden. That said, every good Solomon’s propensity for ranting has pluses and minuses.
gardener has a couple of favorites on the bookshelf, with When he fumes on about the “American Sanitary System”
pages worn from years of serving as reference and (ASS) with its unrealistic insistence on bug and hole-free
reminder. My guess is that Steve Solomon’s Gardening When produce, it’s all in good fun. His dismissal of John Jeavons
It Counts - Growing Food In Hard Times is headed for this and intensive gardening has a nasty edge that is harder to
iconic status, at least for home vegetable growers. stomach, though intensive gardening techniques demand
much more water, nutrients, attention and human energy,
Solomon wants to be ‘the gardening grandfather you never
and do not always pay off in high yields.
had’, and his unpretentious volume of good advice and
curmudgeonly rants aren’t far off the mark. A child of the Solomon’s blustery self-confidence doesn’t mean you can
1960’s, he joined the intensive gardening movement, trust everything he says, however. Occasionally, he gets the
inspired in part by John Jeavons, keynote speaker at scientific basics wrong, for instance in his discussion of the
ACGA's 2006 Conference in Los Angeles. Seeking a right symbiotic bacteria that grow on legume roots. Nor does he
livelihood for an organic gardener, Solomon started have much positive to say about community gardening. He
Territorial Seed in the early 1970’s, and then wrote a d i s m i s s e s A m e r i c a n
popular book on gardening in Cascadia. community gardens,
claiming that they “haven't
Following his personal gardening path, Solomon ultimately caught on yet” in this book
came to question key tenets of Jeavon’s-style intensive published in 2006, and
gardening, particularly after years of conscientiously testing scoffing at plot sizes as
vegetable varieties in Territorial’s trial garden. Solomon “too small for a serious
became equally disenchanted with the whole garden gardener”. He never really
consumer industry, with its glossy magazines promising answers the question of
instant success, and big box centers full of expensive how people can find land.
landscape gadgets and weakly rooted transplants. He The notion of cooperation
returned to the simple, straightforward gardening methods among gardeners seems
of earlier times, based on a good rake, a good shovel, and o ut s i d e h i s vi si o n .
wider spacing to allow plants to grow with less water, less Solomon himself gardens
work, and much less obsessive fretting about it all. on a large lot in Tasmania,
Solomon believes that his down-to-earth methods are ideal where he and his wife now
for the hard times ahead, an unavoidable crisis brought on live. Bottom line - in
synergistically by the end of the petroleum economy, reading this book, it is important to be just as skeptical of
shrinking household incomes in ‘developed countries’ due Solomon as he is of “Everyone Else”, his term for all who
to globalization, and scarcity of water. He thinks families disagree with him.
will respond to lean budgets as their grandparents did, by None of this diminishes the value of the wealth of
cultivating food gardens using the no-frills, mostly organic gardenworthy information Solomon’s book offers.
garden techniques in this book. Following chapters discussing veggie-by-veggie review of
Gardening When It Counts is packed with practical varieties and techniques that have worked for him. This
information. Most of it is, in fact, good sensible advice, final chapter alone makes the book worth owning.
especially about the use and care of simple hand tools. In spite of being billed as a book for beginners, my sense is
Solomon isn’t a Luddite - he hires a tractor to work up his that intermediate to advanced gardeners will get the most
own garden - but rightly debunks the necessity and out of it. It is an ideal holiday gift for the gardeners on
effectiveness of power tools such as garden rototillers or your list, and it might make a great ‘garden book group’
compost turners. He suggests growing from seed rather pick, sure to spark lively discussions. Community gardeners
than buying transplants (coming from the founder of can find lots of practical, money-saving, yield-increasing
Territorial Seed, this isn’t surprising), with minimal reliance ideas here, in spite of Solomon’s geezerly dissing of our
on any purchases from Garden Centers. His list of movement. But what good garden doesn’t have a few rock
recommended seed suppliers is especially helpful, and and briers? Amidst all his grouching, Solomon, like his
covers many of my own favorites, including Johnny’s and Biblical namesake, have plenty of wise things to say.
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. (New Society, 2006—ISBN: 086571553X)



Join ACGA’s Advocacy Alert 2007 USDA Community Food

ACGA to Support “RECIPE” Projects Grants
Encouraging community gardening and greening is at Teleconference on January 11
the core of ACGA's mission. An expanded Advocacy As in 2006, applicants for the U.S. Department of
section of the ACGA website coming in early 2007. Agriculture Community Food Projects grants will need to
Meanwhile, sign up for ACGA Action Alerts & Policy submit a letter of intent in early February. In 2007, all
Updates at final applications must be submitted electronically.
By signing up you will receive emails about national and
local community garden and urban agriculture policy issues Participate on ACGA’s next Teleconference workshop on
and simple ways you can take action, individually or as part January 11 at 4 PM eastern to learn about the three
of an organization. We will also send occasional ‘tool kit’ different funding opportunities, how the proposals must
pieces and advocacy related research. be submitted, and how they will be evaluated.

In 2007, ACGA will be leading an effort to get passage of To register for the January 11 Workshop, email
legislation that has been introduced by Rep. Carol Maloney
of Manhattan. Revitalizing Cities through Parks Enhancement Check the ACGA website for a complete 2007
Act (RECIPE) would authorize funds from the Housing & Teleconference Workshop schedule. New in 2007 will be
Urban Development (HUD) to make grants to nonprofit Saturday workshops. Also now available online are
community organizations for development of open space recordings of the prior workshops on fundraising,
(including community gardens) on municipally owned community garden events, farmers’ markets, immigrants,
vacant lots in urban areas. and community gardens and parks departments.
ACGA Growing Communities
Workshops in Salt Lake City, Denver, 2007 Ohio Community Gardening
Atlanta, Dallas, & Portland Conference in Columbus, OH:
The next ACGA Growing Community Workshop will be in: Growing Neighborhood Leaders
Salt Lake City: January 26-27, 2007 March 17-18, 2007
Denver: February 10-11, 2007 Mark your calendars now for the 2007 Ohio Community
Atlanta: February 23-24, 2007 Gardening Conference. Plan on attending both days for
Dallas: February 19, 2006 great community gardening workshops and learning how to
Portland, OR: March 2-3, 2006 grow your leadership skills for garden sustainability.
This highly participatory workshop involves attendees in Programs are presented by Franklin Park Conservatory’s
attending and presenting workshops on community community gardening program, Growing to Green, and the
organizing, leadership development, fundraising, American Community Gardening Association.
communication planning, coalition building, and more. ForInformation:
more information, call 877-275-2242. Bill Dawson, Growing to Green Coordinator
Other workshops are being planned for Minneapolis, San 614-645-5952
Francisco, and Virginia. Contact ACGA at 877-275-2242 if
your organization is interested in hosting the workshop. John Jeavons Workshop in Detroit, MI
John Jeavons is teaching a GROW BIOINTENSIVE
Join an ACGA Committee Sustainable Farming Workshop & Economic Mini-Farming
ACGA Committees generally meet monthly by toll-free course in Detroit from March 30 - April 1, 2007. These
conference call. Members are welcome to join the events will be hosted by the Garden Resource Program
Communications, Advocacy, Youth, Program, Research, Collaborative.
Social Justice, and Membership committees. To join a Information:
committee, contact the board chair (see page 7) or email Ashley Atkinson at the Greening of Detroit or call 877-275-2242. 313-237-8736


On September 29 Martha Stewart Omnimedia Feel free to contact board members with questions about ACGA or com-
sponsored a garden festival fundraiser in New York munity gardening. For complete contact information, go to:
City. The proceeds of an auction of photographs are
being used to support the Council on the Environment Kate Chura, Treasurer
New York, New York
of New York City to develop a new community garden
opposite Mt. Sinai Hospital. Additional funds are being Amanda Maria Edmonds, Research Committee Chair
donated to ACGA. Martha Stewart Living would like to Ypsilanti, Michigan
replicate this arrangement in other cities.
Martha Egnal, Youth Subcommittee Co-Chair
Silver City, New Mexico
Rebecca Ferguson, Advocacy Committee Chair
Brooklyn, New York
Cheryl Foster, Youth Subcommittee Co-Chair
Columbus, Ohio
Anne Gachuhi
Hoffman Estates, Illinois
Shandal Grayson, Social Justice Committee Chair
Boston, Massachusetts
Gwenne Hayes-Stewart, Secretary
St. Louis, Missouri
David King, Membership Committee Chair
Los Angeles, California
ACGA President Gerard Lordahl provides gardening
advice at Martha Stewart Event. Rory Klick, Development Committee Co-Chair
Lake Villa, Illinois
Organic Gardening & Aveeno James Kuhns, President-Elect & Communications Chair
Sponsor WaterWorks 2007 Toronto, Ontario
Don Lambert
Dallas, Texas
Charles Levkoe, Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee Chair
Kennetcook, Nova Scotia
Gerard Lordahl, President
New York, New York
Zazel Loven
New York, New York
Bill Maynard, Vice President
Sacramento, California
Keith Tidball, Garden Mosaics Subcommittee Chair
Ithaca, New York
Teague Weybright
Los Angeles, California
Daniel Winterbottom, Development Committee Co-Chair
Seattle, Washington
Lenny Librizzi of CENYC demonstrates a rainwater Ted Zerger, Nominations Committee Chair
harvesting system. ACGA is teaming with Organic
Salina, Kansas
Gardening & Aveeno to develop rain water harvesting
demonstration programs in 5 cities in 2007.

National Summit on Garden Policy – Gardens for All: People, Plants and Policy:
A Who’s Who in the Gardening World
by Rory Klick, Lake Villa, Illinois
September 7-8, I attended the 2006 National Summit on what his organization is doing to preserve and grow our
Garden Policy at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. heirloom seeds. Christine Flanagan of the U.S. Botanic
Professor Neil Hamilton of Drake University Law School Garden discussed reclaiming environmental connections,
and president of the National Gardening Association was and the role botanic gardens play in educating the public
the driving force behind the event. Leading experts in the about the value of plants. Kimberly Winter from the
country spoke on a wide range of topics, from school North American Pollinator Protection Campaign reminded
gardening and wellness to public policy and the future of us about the fundamental link of pollinators to our gardens.
gardening in America. Gardens can play a key role in helping save and preserve
Day 1) Sessions began with several presentations on the
power and potential of gardening. Charlie Nardozzi of The final sessions of the first day dealt with the role of
NGA spoke on the big picture issues addressed by NGA’s gardening in America’s health and wellness. Joel Kimmons
programs and how they are building corporate partnerships of the Centers for Disease Control’s Nutrition and Physical
to reach people with the gardening message at all levels of Activity Division ran through some startling statistics:
daily life. Catherine Sneed, founder of the Garden Project Bangladesh has a lower rate of malnutrition than the U.S.,
in San Francisco spoke eloquently on the and only 10% of Americans meet the daily
power of gardening to truly change people. fruit and vegetable consumption
The prison gardening effort that she began Why shouldn’t we have guidelines. The CDC is trying to obtain
25 years ago has effected real change, with political lobbyists solid data on the impact of community
75% of program participants not returning advocating for plants gardens and farmers’ markets on actual
to prison once released, versus 34% not and the people-plant public health. Rick Brooks from
returning for the traditional prison connection? University of Wisconsin Extension showed
population. Lynn Fredericks from Les up still breathless, literally just having
Dames d’Escoffier International’s Green Table Initiative arrived from Sri Lanka where he was researching the
spoke about the transformation of young people through connections between food, community and sustainability.
food, particularly growing food directly, and how it all He highlighted global thinking from his recent experiences,
started for her as she cooked with her own children. but mentioned Midwestern resources like the “Got Dirt”
and “Growing Gardens, Growing Minds” curricula. Mary
On the topic of children’s gardening, California has set the
Meyer, a member of the National Extension Master
bar high. Rose Hayden-Smith from the University of
Gardener Committee from the University of Minnesota,
California Garden-based Learning Workgroup provided an
talked about the role and value of Master Gardeners to local
overview of California’s “Garden in Every School Initiative”
gardening efforts. The first day concluded with a visit to a
launched in 1995, and how the effort has evolved to have an
local school garden at the Martin Luther King Science
inclusive and integrated message about food systems.
Magnet School and a reception at the Meredith Corporation,
Approximately 35% of CA schools now have a garden.
publishers of numerous gardening magazines and books.
Janet Brown of the Center for Ecoliteracy then followed up
on the theme and talked about the integration of school Day 2) Our second day began with a brief address from
food and wellness, and how the nutrition education and Sally Pederson, the Lieutenant Governor of Iowa, who
physical activity requirements of the new federal wellness thanked everyone for coming to Iowa and reminded us that
policies are being addressed through school gardens. Chef good public policy depends on community input. Then,
Kurt Friese from Slow Food USA in Iowa discussed ACGA’s Executive Director, Betsy Johnson. provided an
celebrating food at the local level and changing our whole overview of community gardening. Unglamorous issues like
American perspective on food. John Ellison from The liability insurance, water and utilities, soil testing and taxes
Eden Project in Cornwall, UK, introduced us to the are often critical challenges for community gardening sites,
“Tinkerbell Theory,” if you get enough people to believe in and land trusts can provide the legal entity to address these
the magic, it will work! matters. Teva Dawson from Des Moines Parks and
Recreation talked about how her work as Neil Hamilton’s
After a locally grown/produced lunch, the keynote speaker
student grew into an actual position with the parks
was Will Raap, founder and chair of Gardener’s Supply and
department. Des Moines has evolved a municipal program
Intervale Foundation in Burlington, VT. Afternoon sessions
that supports community gardening.
addressed gardening and biodiversity. Kent Whealy from
(Continued on page 9)
the Seed Savers Exchange talked about genetic erosion, and

(Continued from Page 8) Gardens Special Interest Publications talked about the
Cathy Wilkinson-Barash of the Garden Writers perceptions of gardening media. Meredith’s reader
Association Foundation presented on the “Plant-a-Row” feedback also shows that while people are spending more
program and how much food they are raising nationally for time in the garden, they are doing less. While there is a
donation. Steve Davies from the Project for Public Spaces slow move toward more organic practices, most know little
presented tools and resources for creating public spaces. about basic horticulture and are hungry for information,
especially since our big box store facilities provide little
The next series of presenters, moderated by Dan Stark of expertise with their products. Suzy Bales, author and
the American Public Garden Association, spoke on public senior gardening editor for Better Homes and Gardens
policy. Dan asked who is speaking for the plants, and said it talked about the American obsession with green lawns,
seemed appropriate for APGA to look more closely at their contrasted to Canada’s movement in several major cities to
role in plant advocacy. Ashley Atkinson from the Detroit actually ban pesticide use on ornamental plantings. She
Agricultural Network highlighted the education and called for a paradigm shift where we connect sustainable
connections among community gardeners in very low- gardening practices to public and environmental health.
income, challenged neighborhoods.
Their recent successes included City of Now to garden myself is not By this point, after two days of major
Detroit policy wording that presenters and incredible information, I
acknowledged community gardens and felt like the old Far Side cartoon where
Everyone should have the student is raising his hand to be
sustainable agriculture as part of the
access to healthy food. excused because his brain is full. The
City’s official open space designation.
Steve Cohen from the Office of Everyone should understand entire two days concluded with an open
Sustainable Development, Food Policy and experience the discussion by all speakers and attendees
and Programs in Portland Oregon fundamental connection to on the principles of garden policy, and
presented the work that earned the earth that growing food what we as a collective of various
Portland the designation of the and gardening represent. agencies, organizations and companies
“Diggable City,” or the most need to say to policy makers. Neil
sustainable city in the U.S. He outlined the research, Hamilton provided an initial draft of
policies and programs that make urban agriculture a priority ten principles of garden policy for feedback. From the
and provide city-owned land for local residents to grow resultant discussion five major headings emerged on what
food. Michael Berkshire from the City of Chicago was now page 26 of my notes: Education, Land Use,
Department provided examples of sustainable city policy Government, Health & Wellness, and Media.
with their greenroofs, green permitting, green urban design When I pause now some two months later to consider the
and all kinds of practical economic incentives to make sure summit, I think we must honestly acknowledge that politics
developers went green – all with strong support from matter. Presenting an informed, organized voice to policy
Mayor Daley. makers at the local, state and federal level is essential for
Our keynote speaker at Friday’s lunch was Theresa gardening and gardeners. Why shouldn’t ACGA, NGA,
Marquez, Chief Marketing Executive from Organic Valley APGA and so on have political clout? Why shouldn’t we
Farms. She discussed how gardening has influenced have political lobbyists advocating for plants and the
organics. While the growing public awareness of choosing people-plant connection? Oil companies have political
healthier foods has helped build their company, it still connections, drug companies have lobbyists, why not us?
comes down to the company having a network of gardeners Before I became a professional horticulturist, long before I
who care about what they grow. became a board member of ACGA, I was simply a
The final series of speakers tackled the future of gardening gardener. Now to garden myself is not enough. I have
in American society, with TV celebrity Rebecca Kolls become an educator and advocate, teaching and presenting
moderating. She cautioned us about semantics, saying that on behalf of my beliefs and passions. Everyone should
“gardening” is perceived as old and fuddy-duddy, but have access to healthy food. Everyone should understand
design is hot. If we think in terms of green design or and experience the fundamental connection to the earth
landscape design, then gardens become more marketable. that growing food and gardening represent. Advancing
Echoing this, Dr. Bruce Butterfield of NGA presented the these tenets means getting smart about how to use and
latest statistics from NGA’s national gardening survey, influence the political system. Bravo to Neil Hamilton
including that while 110 million households in the U.S. do for organizing this incredible group of folks. And here’s to
some type of lawn and gardening activity, only 25% grow the results leading to the next level of research, action and
food. Doug Jimerson, editor-in-chief of Better Homes and policy.

Seeking Weed Watch Participants

ACGA Partners with Weed Science Society of America
ACGA is partnering with the Weed Science Society of America to expand participation in the Garden Mosaics Weed
Watch program. We are seeking community garden programs to conduct Weed Watch, particularly with youth. Weed
Watch can be used as an educational activity for youth and students in rural or urban, vegetable or flower gardens. It
provides an opportunity for students to apply many topics they learn in science
classes, including classifying and identifying organisms, taking measurements, and
testing hypotheses. Weeds are plants growing
where they are not
Weeds are one of the most frustrating problems gardeners face. Through the wanted. Weeds are a big
Weed Watch i·m·science investigation, participants collect important data about weeds problem for gardeners
and weed control methods. You then submit your data using the online Weed because they compete with
Watch Forms, where it is used by Cornell scientist Antonio DiTommaso and his crops for light, water,
colleagues to develop ways to control weeds in gardens. Participants also gain a
space, and nutrients.
better appreciation for the beauty and diversity of these often-times pesky plants.
Garden Mosaic Weed Scientist, Dr. Antonio DiTommaso, is a professor of weed science in the Department of Crops
and Soil Sciences at Cornell University. He helps farmers with their weed problems and hopes to
be able to help urban gardeners control weeds in the future. But first he needs to learn more
about vegetable garden weeds in cities. You can help Dr. DiTommaso by taking measurement of
weeds in urban gardens.
In addition to Dr. DiTommaso, other weed scientists from throughout the U.S. and Canada want
to volunteer with local community garden programs to help educate gardeners
and Weed Watch participants about weeds. Weed Watch first involves becoming
familiar with common weeds. A WSSA scientist in your area will help with this.

The basic Weed Watch steps are:

1) Background research — this is where WSSA can help
2) Gather information — measuring weeds on a regular basis in a specified area of a community garden
3) Record the information — complete three Weed Watch Data Forms
4) Enter the data — onto the online Garden Mosaics Weed Watch database.

Instructional materials for Weed Watch are found at :

Weed Resources
Garden Mosaics Science Pages: includes fact sheets on seven common
weeds. Available in English and Spanish
Weed Identification, Biology and Management CD ordered at
Weed Science Society of America

For more information about participating in the

ACGA/WSSA Weed Watch Initiative, email or call

(Continued from page 1) stakeholders. Mayor Bob Kiss, himself a long term Tommy
agreement proposed that the community garden parcel be Thompson community gardener, proposed a compromise.
transferred from B.E.D., which is owned by the city, to the Kiss suggested a permanent easement allowing the garden
Intervale Center, which is a private nonprofit organization. to be included in the land sale, but with continued
And while the draft agreement included the garden’s management by Burlington Parks and Recreation, which
existing lease, a proposed clause would allow the has overseen the community garden program since 1987.
community garden to be relocated when the lease expired
During the public hearing process, the agreement was
in 2015. For many of the gardeners at the Tommy
further strengthened. On October 23, by a vote of 7 to 6,
Thompson site, this would prove to be a crucial negotiating
the City Council passed a resolution approving the land
sale. The final draft included a perpetual easement
In July, a resolution to approve the land sale came before protecting the Tommy Thompson Community Garden in
the Burlington City Council and was wisely tabled for its existing location, a clause allowing future expansion of
discussion. During the next four months, a vigorous debate the garden in response to public needs, and provisions that
played itself out in the news media and before the City surrounding fields and wetlands would be conserved
Council. At public hearings, community members discussed forever.
whether it was better to maintain the land in city ownership
Now that a legal mechanism is in place to protect the land,
with the protection of a long term lease, or sell the 199
it’s up to Burlington’s gardeners and farmers to honor the
acres of land to the Intervale Center for $200,000, a price
legacy of Tommy Thompson by continuing to invest their
questioned by several residents.
hearts and hard work into maintaining and sustaining the
When an August 6 Burlington Free Press story, “Dissent Intervale for present and future generations.
Grows in the Intervale,” expressed the concerns of
For more information about community gardening in Burlington and
community gardeners about the proposed land sale, city
across Vermont, please visit
officials realized that the gardeners were important

Magazines and More to Check Out

Touch the Soil Sierra
ACGA welcomes another partner publication: Touch the Check out the November/December 2006 issue. The
Soil. Publisher Ben Gisin has asked ACGA to submit a entire issue is about Green Cuisine. “Produce to the
column for each issue. ACGA Operations Administrator People” by Constance Matthiessen and Anne Hamersky
Lexie Stoia’s first piece, “The New Town Commons” was features the Fresno community gardens. The articles can
in the November/December 2006 issue. Another article be viewed at
in the issue, “The Community is Gardening” featured Leslie
Pohl-Kosbau and the Portland Community Gardens.
Lexie’s second piece on the pre World War community
Meatrix 2.5 Now Online
gardens in the U.S. will be in the January/February issue. Have you read or seen Fast Food Nation? Three online videos help educate consumers about our predominant
meat and poultry industry. In addition to the videos, check
Organic Gardening out The Eat Well guide.
At least one community garden is featured in each issue. In
the December 2006/January 2007 issue, four school
gardens in Osceola County, Florida are the focus of a Free Downloadable Book
research project by Dr. Arthur Agatston. He wanted to For Hunger-Proof Cities: Sustainable Urban Food Systems
study how to help elementary schools serve more nutritious
school lunches and how to teach students about healthy
living. For more information about the study, contact
Danielle Hollar at Free Downloadable Game
Teach children (and adults) about world hunger.
Thanks to Rodale’s Organic Gardening if you JOIN or
Download the Food Force Game from the United Nations
RENEW with ACGA, you will receive a one year
World Food Programme.
subscription to Organic Gardening magazine as part of your
annual ACGA membership fee.


During this holiday season, consider giving a donation in honor of a family
member or friend. You will receive a colorful card to give to that person. For
donations of $25 or more, they will receive a one-year subscription of Organic
Gardening magazine. Donate online at or send a
check to ACGA, c/o FPC, 1777 East Broad St. Columbus, OH 43203.

A donation in your honor has been

made to the

American Community
Gardening Association
whose mission is to build community by increasing and
enhancing community gardening and greening across the
United States and Canada

American Community Gardening Association

c/o FPC, 1777 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43203

To join or renew with ACGA, go to

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