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In this diagram left hand side representing customer requirement, right hand side
shows planning matrix, the center region shows relationship matrix, bottom
colored area is showing priorities of technical requirement, upper area (ceiling)
representing the technical features and the roof top is showing the interaction
between the technical features.

In this process the relationship between customer requirement and technical

features is actually identified by allotting rating to their relation. Like relation
between speed and customer importance, do customer give importance to speed
if they give huge importance then relation is strong and that’s why 5 rating is
allotted to it. In this way against every requirement and technical feature rating is
allotted through the use of symbols. Against every symbol there is a numeric
value, add these values a give a combine rating for say rating allotted to speed is

Similarly now add up the values vertically it shows rating gained by customer
importance is 46. As bottom line showing the priority of technical feature so the
first priority is given to customer importance, then cost, sales factor, hard disk ,
internal memory, frequency, size of components and least priority is given to
materials as it hold less rating. On roof top the interaction between technical
features is identified like how customer importance is related to cost.

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