Letter To Conduct Interview

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Business Name of Chosen Business


Dear Sir/Ma’am:

Our group is currently enrolled in the course CBME2 (Strategic Management) in the
University of Cordilleras. As part of the course requirements, we are tasked to simulate a
Strategic Plan for an Organization we have chosen. We believe that (put here the
business name) is a excellent choice for the conduct of our study, and that collaborating
with you would enhance our leaning process to be research-based and authentic.

We would appreciate the opportunity to spend 45 minutes to 1 hour with you for an
informational and interview about the strengths and weaknesses of the Organization
and the opportunities and threats it encounters. Rest assured that all information being
gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will be solely used for academic

We look forward to your favorable response on this matter. Thank you.

Very truly yours,

Name of the Group Coordinator

Group Coordinator


Janice D. Castillo, MBA

Adviser, CBME 2


Renee Rose B. Flores, MBA

Program Chair, College of Business Administration


Nolan L. Guillao, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Business Administration

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