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Everyone wants to get to the first page of Google as soon as possible.
Some people hire specialists to do the technical SEO for their website.

They twitch the content and settings and tick all the rules in the books:
● use your keywords in texts, meta-descriptions, tags, image descriptions;
● improve your website load speed;
● create sitemaps and index them etc.

You have done all that, so why isn’t your website already high up there with
your competitors? And when will it get there?

Well, these on-site criteria can not be the guarantee for SEO success, since they
can be fulfilled by just about any website.

But Google is the most important search engine for a reason. It uses additional
criteria that ensure users only get the most relevant results.

Here are some of these criteria, that, unfortunately, keep you from growing your
rank overnight.

● If your domain is new, there are almost zero chances of it making the first page of Google, even for niche
search queries and long-tailed keywords.

● In fact, some recent research shows that domain names younger than 1 year rarely rank on the first page.
And in a way, it makes sense for Google to trust older domains more. They have proved to be legit and have
a track record of functionality.

● On the other hand, who is to say your new website will be reliable long term? Not much you can do about this
situation. Just wait and be patient.
● It is not enough to have an old domain. You also need to show a history of having constantly updated the
webpage on that domain.

● For one thing, web crawlers constantly search for new content to index.

● On the other hand, users also tend to look for websites with fresh content, who update regularly. This is why
it is very good advice to integrate a blog within your website. Once again, readers will not come flying in after
just 2 or 3 posts.

● Building an audience will take time and so will the growth of your website on the SERP.
● There are over 1.6 billion websites out there, and over 4.4 billion web pages indexed by Google.
● About 380 new websites are created every minute.
● Understandably, it is not easy to keep up with that.
● You can not expect any system (manual or automated) to instantly register and evaluate all of that information

● So your website or your new webpage will not instantly be indexed and ranked as you are writing it. It may take weeks or
months before a crawler actually finds your website.
● But you can speed up that process by setting up a Search Console account that will allow you to register your website
and invite Google to crawl it.
○ You should create and submit a sitemap.
○ Whenever you have new content, go to the fetch and render option and request indexing.
○ However, there are no guarantees about the time Google will take to do it.

● Even if you do everything else right, your website will lack relevance if other websites do not link to it
and/or talk about it.
● This is why SEO requires you to build a network of websites backlinking to your website.
○ But that needs to happen gradually and with good measure.
○ If you start spamming comment sections and forums or using too many web directories in a short time
span, Google might regard that as black hat SEO and you might end up being downgraded.

● The process of link building is a sort of public relations work, where you need to make sure other websites
have a constant interest in your content.
○ It can also take up a lot of resources, like many websites (such as media or blogs) will ask for money to
write advertorials about other websites.
○ Google will also take some time to notice the new links to your content.

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