BSBHR506Written Knowledge Questions Answers

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BSBHRM506 Managing recruitment selection and induction processes

Written Knowledge Questions:

In an organisation strategic plans are company common goals. That show the direction of the company
where wants to succeed in a given period. This consists with work priorities, human resources, strength
and operations.
Organisation operational plans describe the details of required actions and how, who, when need to be
accomplish company goals.
To analyse strategic and operational plans in an organisation
 First have to assess current workforce, by identifying current employees' knowledge, skills, their
abilities in support company strategic plan and required skills to be improved.
 Then need to conduct a Performance gap analysis- by developing a performance improvement
plans, professional development plans, self-evaluations, 360-degree meetings and measure the
progress of results are meeting the company objectives.
 Review company policy, procedures, organisational plans and objectives to identify specifically
related to HR management. By using documents of company business plans, strategic plans and
objectives, budget, operating procedures.
 Consult department managers and operational mangers.

Recruitment - attract required individuals to open positions by advertising the details of the vacant
positions to be applied by suitable employees according to company guidelines in the Human resource
Selection - Employer need to take recruitment decision in according to company position descriptions
and selecting process. Which are developed to be use at the recruitment process for judge candidates,
in terms of meeting the selection measures and also to be qualified at the selection stage.
Induction - Employer is responsible to ensure that each new employee is provided with relevant
information about the desired work, rules and processes by supporting with company induction policy
and procedures which describes desired work, rules and responsibilities to be follow within the
Recruitment policy and procedures – develop by considering such as
 Organisational plan
 Results of job analysis
 Anti-discrimination act
 Methods of advertising
 Use of external agencies
 Evaluation methods to identify suitable candidate internally or externally,
 Identify the responsible person and his responsibilities
 Create supportive documents to facilitate induction policy and procedure under
the privacy act.

BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management

BSBHRM506 Managing recruitment selection and induction processes

Internet based recruitment- Which is an ideal option for company recruitment process as it’s
inexpensive. When an advertisement posted on a website there’s no other cost involved and its efficient
way of attracting more candidate because most people are trend to search open vacancies on
through online.
For example, commercial sites like, indeed .com, recruitment agencies websites, and
Australian commonwealth job sites, etc.
Social networking and Blogs- it is a time effective way of recruitment as it would help to identify
applicants’ values, qualities, social behaviours which would benefit to identify and select right personal
to organisation as well as it helps to share information to among the public, more efficiently.
For example, the platforms like Facebook, twitter, snap chat for exchange their ideas, opportunities.
Recruitment agencies – This is a Human resource effective and time effective way as it would not need
allocate any time and money to train hiring managers in the company. Because recruitment agencies
provide all the relevant information to candidates to apply for the open positions and they provide
details of short-listed candidates to make easer to identify suitable individual to the required position.
And they also do all the reviews, contacting applicants and organising for interviews, which may be
benefit to organisation achieve efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment process.

In an organisation it is important gain support from senior managers to get approval and enforce the
implanted policies. Therefor, in an organisation there is a procedure to for get approvals
This can be done by
 Presenting the new policy details to senior managers by required supporting documents
 Explaining the policy details in a brief explanation.
 Describing the Implementation plan on which outcomes of the policy and procedure are
designed to gain.
 Discuss administration issues and request for advice
 Requesting details of established responsibilities in each level of management
 Get recommended suggestions for conclusion for policies to be accepted.

Trial forms are making sure the templates and formats that are utilised in the organisation are effective
to achieve desires outcomes in the recruitment process.
- Therefore, first it has to review by other relevant persons in the organisation such as by other
team members, mangers, senior mangers
- And then have to obtain their suggestions and feedbacks on the parts need to be alliterate
- Then need to get feedback from the applicants how they recognised the application, does the
application make them easer to fill out etc.
- Once the all the information collects from internally and externally it has to utilize for make
- Finally, it needs to send human recourse department for review and get the final approval.
- How ever its been utilized in the organisation it should constantly review and comply with
company changing policy, procedures and legislations.

BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management

BSBHRM506 Managing recruitment selection and induction processes

Q 6.
Effective communication is most important when communicating policies and procedures. All new
introduced policies need to be explaining to all staff members and the new staff members will get that
information with the induction. However, there are certain steps need to be followed when
communicating new policy or procedure.
 Explanation about current position and reason for change
 Introduce new objectives
 Discussing implementing procedures
 Demonstrate the effects of the new policy
 Explain about processors and how staff can address them to achieve targets.
After above steps it has to be follow up with a training and mentoring sessions to make sure that every
staff member will admire the changes to achieve organisational objectives
Formal communication methods - By Feedback reports,
by Training- Identify gaps mentoring, coaching, get feedbacks
Informal communication– company website, prepare induction manuals, display on notice bored,
organise meetings

Workforce planning is important when identifying future human resource needs and it will create
workplace stability and control in various aspects. In the planning process it has to be identified that the
skills match against the shortage to verify organisational objectives. This can be include following,
 Determining future skills needed
 Develop priorities
 Creating cross links
 Analysing current staff and their skills and capabilities
 Organising funding needs
 Identify and analyse gaps for current and future staff needs
Finally, it has to be making sure that company met all necessary requirements to full fill future staff
There are always a set of procedure to follow by position descriptors and person specifications and
which also involved in recruitment, selection and induction.
 Selection panel is convene managers and senior staff
 Follow position description
 Follow interview and testing procedures and methodologies
 Follow legal procedures

BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management

BSBHRM506 Managing recruitment selection and induction processes

The panel involved in the selection process include human resource person, department heads, leaders
and managers and they should have certain experience in the field. Therefore, specific training need to
be conducted before you interview or a member of the committee. Some common areas of training is
include following,
 Pre interview – consist with description, maintaining currency, writing techniques, short listing etc.
 Interview
 Testing – is methodology use to test various skills and knowledge

Comply with organisation policies is vital when advertising a vacancy in your company. Discriminatory
advertising is not acceptable in the industry and it can be basic of sex, disability, physical features and
so on.
However, some medical conditions and personal characteristics and inabilities can be considered when
filling some position vacancies.
Therefore, when you are writing an advertisement to get filled vacant position there are certain
procedures that can obey to ensure you are follow policies.
 Language – is most important in use plain English with appropriate key words
 Information requirements – this can be include job description, eligibility requirement,
opportunities, and salary and other benefits
 Policy requirements
 Appearance

Sometimes utilise specialists are important in recruitment and outsourcing agencies can find suitable
candidates from outside. Remunerations specialist are provide packages which provide best options for
companies to choose their employee and the other hand employee also can develop their own
package to dealing with future employer. This also include,
 Superannuation
 Associate and written leases
 Allowances
 Financial planning
 childcare

BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management

BSBHRM506 Managing recruitment selection and induction processes

Depending of the type of the vacancy the procedures can be varying. This usually involves preparing
selection criteria and the panel, testing, short listing candidates and analysing referee list.
The company selection policies are giving directions to those procedures to find the best candidate to
the position. Those procedures are include justice measurement such as
 Informing in advanced,
 fair testing,
 giving chance to demonstrate their abilities and
 provide feedback and so on
This has to be included legal requirements such as commonwealth laws with privacy act, age
discrimination policy, work health and safety act, disability act and so on. It also the training for selection
staff members panel to make sure everyone aware
Review the current policies and legislation and also update is necessary and need prepare check list to
asses them ensure every applied.

After the interview and testing the short-listed candidate it has to be providing appropriate evidence to
support the decision.
It includes number of applicants, selection processes and criteria, type of appointment and so on. In a
complex situation this can take few months but in an emergency it can be done in two weeks.
Successful candidates are then notify and phoning them and if get accepted them advice in written. If
there are unsuccessful internal applicants they can assist with counselling and suitable person can be
nominated to do that.

Monitoring the process is mostly a duty of a manager and also it includes explaining duties and
environment. By offering appointment and follow up with the job contract the new employee will be
welcome to the company.
The job contract is a documentation which consist information about start date, contract type, position
description, goals during probationary period, salary and so on.
The candidate also can provide information booklet consist with terms and conditions, training and
development opportunities, offers, etc.

BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management

BSBHRM506 Managing recruitment selection and induction processes

The induction is a basic presentation for a new employee, and it has to be ensuring that the new
employee aware legal obligations that need to be followed. Some companies this is done my grope of
people with various skills and in different fields and they are responsible in providing proper induction
related to their area.
There are several important consideration has to be followed including,
 Check record
 make sure all are up to date
 make aware about obligations
 involve WHS officers in induction programmes
 Organise training session for induction staff

Monitoring and getting feedback is important in induction process to ensure that the correct
procedures are following.
Motivating and communicating with the staff is important by providing appreciation, giving directions
and assist work. By becoming better leader you can achieve those outcomes in positive ways.
The indicate checklist can be follow with processes and records. That can be include follows,
 process – date, name of a person, place, time, induction kit provided, completed time
 record – signatures including new employee, inductor and manager

New employees are usually getting one to six week’s probationary period to prove their abilities and to
adjust the new environment. At the start of a probationary period every new employee will allocated to
a supervisor in the same department.
Supervisor is responsible to follow up the new employee to check whether they meet expectations or
not. Supervisor also provide necessary feedback to them also sometimes provide formal counselling
when necessary.
The probation report is then generally decided the employee is confirmed or terminated after the
probationary period. This typically include,
 Observations
 Reports about the employee
 Ask for feedbacks ex360 degree
 Analyse performance result
 Test results

BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management

BSBHRM506 Managing recruitment selection and induction processes

There are various ways that can get the feedback from participants on extend induction. Getting
feedback under the demand of policies can be done with managers, supervisors, workers, professionals
and so on.
With different stakeholder there are some different methods can be use and time of the feedback is
important such as during induction, after a week or months.
Methods can be include followings,
 Online questioners or 360 degree feedback
 Feedback forms directly – face to face meetings
 indirectly – performance review


Before made any adjustment, the feedbacks need to be analysed. It can be done by referring previous
data with similar inputs. It also clarify unnecessary information, insufficiencies of given information has to
be avoided.
 Improving induction can be done by adjusting the time frame of an induction, changing the
delivery methods and also by providing additional information.
 When making adjustment it has to provide evidence to the change by justifying it and providing
anticipated results.
 Then after getting an approval you have to create a draft with relevant forms and template. It
also needs to include all policy and procedure manuals.
 Review the induction process policies and procedure are always ongoing but need to be up to

BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management

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