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Things I should mention before I tell this story: 1.

My house was realativly modest

in size 2. We had a chain link fence bordering the backyard. 3. Behind the house is
a few miles of woodland. Okay so I was in 5th grade at the time coming home on
Valentine's day weekend. It was a pretty typical day, my mom was at work and our
family friend who we will call Tyler was "babysitting" us. My eldest sister was
coming down with the flu and my mom had to work over night, so Tyler had stay
overnight. Around 7:30 my younger sister (who i shared a room with) was sent to
bed, a few hours after probably around 9 or 10 I decided it was time for me to
sleep too. My younger is woken up by some banging outside and goes to get Tyler, he
concluded that the noise was just her imagination and that she could come in the
guest room with him if she wanted, he told me that if I hear something I should
come get him and me and my sisters should hide. I go back into my room and lay on
my bed, a little on edge, and then I hear the thumping. I dashed out of my room and
told Tyler he woke up my older sister who was on the couch and told us to go into
the bathroom with a kitchen knife and lock the door. Tyler went to my parents room
to grab the rifle my step dad kept in the closet, I couldn't help but follow him I
then stopped when he walked out on the back porch as I was scared, he yelled some
threats out and told me it was safe to come out with him. First he walked to my
window to find the board that blocked off under the house was standing vertically
and there was dirty shoe marks from where someone tried to climb through the
window. Second he checked the fence to find it had been cut by pliers and the gate
to lead out of the backyard had been kicked open. This is not the best story ever
(as it happened 6 or 7 years ago) it is also my first one. If I need to clarify on
anything please tell me, and thanks for reading!

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