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Teaching and Teacher Education 83 (2019) 87e98

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Neuroscience knowledge enriches pedagogical choices

Marc S. Schwartz a, Vicki Hinesley a, Zhengsi Chang a, 1, Janet M. Dubinsky b, *
University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Department of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

 Non-science teachers learned neuroscience and used educational neuroconcepts to modify teaching lesson plans.
 Educational neuroconcepts offer a promising strategy to encourage student-centered teaching practices.
 A neurobiology model of learning offers a promising scaffold in teacher training programs.
 This pilot study provides a framework for future empirical studies evaluating neuroscience in teacher education.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Teachers face a daunting challenge in balancing the demands of employing student-centered pedagogies
Received 14 August 2018 in contexts where mandated testing and district teaching expectations can easily constrain or compro-
Received in revised form mise their pedagogy. In this pilot study, we investigated how professional development based on the
11 February 2019
“neuroscience of learning” impacted non-science teacher understanding of basic neuroscience; and, in
Accepted 4 April 2019
turn, how that knowledge impacted their reflections on pedagogy. In a pre/post design, teacher un-
derstanding of neuroscience improved significantly after the 36-h course based upon a set of educational
neuroscience concepts. Furthermore, teacher revisions of their lesson plans after the course revealed the
integration of more student-centered pedagogies.
Neuroscience © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Student-centered learning
Conceptual change
Society for neuroscience neuroconcepts
Lesson planning

1. Introduction additional, novel approaches (Diamond & Amso, 2008; Howard-

Jones, 2014a). For example, the discovery of the mirror neuron
Over the last century research in the cognitive sciences has led system helps explain why mimickry and social interactions
to numerous and powerful models describing how humans powerfully effect learning, especially for language acquisition and
develop, learn and solve problems (Fischer, 1980; James, 1890; associated cognitive processing (Diamond & Amso, 2008;
Kahneman, 2011; Piaget, 1952,1983; Powers, 1973; Thelen & Smith, Pulvermuler 2017). In similar fashion, understanding how symbolic
1996; Vygotsky, 1980). However, despite this rich and insightful and non-symbolic quantities and numbers are represented in the
legacy (as well as recent contributions from the neurosciences), its brain in conjunction with socially communicated anxieties around
impact on classroom pedagogy has been very difficult to assess math learning has informed new pedagogies (Howard-Jones,
(Desimone, 2009; Penuel, Fishman, Yamaguchi, & Gallagher, 2007). 2014a). Additionally, neuroscience, psychological and educational
The educational and cognitive sciences have established a wealth of research have converged to support the concept that spaced
theories and associated best classroom practices (Hattie, 2012). learning promotes retention (McClelland, McNaughton & O'Reilly,
Neuroscience brings a biologically based, mechanistic approach 1995; Seabrook, Brown, & Solity, 2005). Many of these ideas have
that can explain why these practices work and may suggest been incorporated into online courses and resources that have been
variably evaluated on how well they help teachers make peda-
gogical decisions (Society for Neuroscience, 2012; Hornby, Jackson,
Jay & Howard-Jones, 2017; Annenberg Foundation, 2017).
* Corresponding author. 6-145 Jackson Hall, 321 Church St SE, Minneapolis, MN
Translating such advances into classroom practices requires
555455, USA.
E-mail address: (J.M. Dubinsky). professional development and the more difficult task of assessing
Current address, University of Dallas. its impact on teachers' reflections of their pedagogy. As Stoll, Harris,
0742-051X/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
88 M.S. Schwartz et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 83 (2019) 87e98

and Handscomb (2012) observed, “… the research doesn't always from the ongoing popularity of workshops and PD conferences
track exactly how professional development improved pedagogy or highlighting the “brain” in their titles. We have uncovered no ex-
what it was about the changed pedagogy that resulted in positive amples of pre-service psychology instruction that includes basic
pupil outcomes” (p. 2). This persistent problem in evaluating neuroscience explanation of learning and memory at the level of
improvement relates to the way change is measured. Studies single cell synaptic communication and plasticity or how these
consistently depend on surveys, interviews and teacher self-reports insights might inform the pedagogies advocated in classes. How-
that follow the intervention to evaluate the impact of professional ever, this is not surprising given the absence of neuroscience (or
development (PD) on pedagogy (Colbert, Brown, Choi, & Thomas, any neuroscience finding relevant to learning) in national teaching
2008; Garet, Porter, Desimone, Birman, & Yoon, 2001; Penuel standards (NBPTS, 2016; CCSSO, 2013). Furthermore, even if
et al., 2007; Ravhuhali, Kutame, & Mutshaeni, 2015). While teachers perceive a need to weave neuroscience into professional
teacher views are an important indicator of the perceived value of development, unique challenges remain in envisioning how
PD, their accounts are subjective, personal and influenced by what neuroscience can inform practice. One major issue is the numerous
they remember at the time of the survey or interview. Thus, re- levels of analyses separating research at the cellular level from
searchers, at best, can only search for trends and patterns in classroom research.
retrospective accounts of a prior experience. Another challenge is the added layer of complexity in under-
Equally important is the impact of the pedagogy used to deliver standing and using ENCs in meaningful or correct ways. As with
professional development. Penuel et al. (2007) point to the growing many new views, especially those in science, concepts can be easily
consensus that, “teachers need professional development that is misunderstood or taken out of context resulting in misconceptions
interactive with their teaching practice, allowing for multiple cycles e a recurrent observation in the context of neuroscience and ed-
of presentation and assimilation of, and reflection on, knowledge” ucation (Howard-Jones, 2014b; Weisberg, Keil, Goodstein, Rawson,
p. 929. Achieving these ends has been the focus of research on the & Gray, 2008). No matter the origin or content of misconceptions,
“student-centered” model from the cognitive sciences. In this they become part of a network of incorrect or outdated ideas that
model, students construct knowledge from their experiences; must be addressed to ensure understanding. However, mis-
increasingly more complex knowledge is constructed in a hierar- conceptions are not simply replaced with correct ideas, especially if
chical process, which requires practice, support, and scaffolding to they are popularized or feel intuitively correct. As revealed in fMRI
stabilize (NRC, 1999; 2000; 2005). A student-centered approach investigations, experts who correctly understand concepts must
requires that educators maintain their focus on what students need also engage inhibitory brain circuits to suppress existing mis-
instead of what the curriculum requires. The needs include devel- conceptions (Foisy, Potvin, Riopel, & Masson, 2015; Masson, Potvin,
opmental considerations, the amount of practice students require, Riopel, & Foisy, 2014). Any neuroscience curriculum must recognize
whether there are sufficient contexts to stabilize a concept, and and respond to the fact that initial understandings are not aban-
whether they have access to the appropriate resources, tools or doned or replaced but held in check when they conflict with new
possibly alternative pedagogies. knowledge (Dundar & Gunduz, 2016; Foisy et al., 2015).
However, the demands of student-centered instruction in Given the challenges discussed thus far, the curriculum in this
classrooms can easily be undermined if teachers must also keep in study (Supplemental Table 2) focused on helping teachers under-
mind mandated standards and local, national and international stand ENCs (Dommett, Devonshire, Plateau, Westwell, &
assessments (Kempf, 2016; Koretz, 2017; Lingard & Lewis, 2016). Greenfield, 2011; Dubinsky et al., 2013) through student-centered
These pressures easily constrain the time and focus necessary to activities supplemented with summative direct instruction. This
establish student-centered learning (Kempf, 2016). Thus, given conceptual framework is also consistent with models of best
these uncertainties, a model supporting student-centered learning practices that use student-centered activities (Schwartz & Sadler,
must be so compelling that teachers would always apply it to 2007; Ward, Sadler, & Shapiro, 2007). Thus, the course offered a
pedagogical decisions despite any pressure or demand that could series of activities to help teachers develop a personal meaning of
undermine learning. Neuroscience may provide such a model; its each ENC. For example, when learning about synaptic plasticity
biological explanations emphasize the importance of student teachers also explored how this ENC might impact learning or
experience and motivation which promote agency for learning. By pedagogy. In similar fashion, Yeager and Dweck (2012) taught
focusing on a small number of neuroscience concepts, we are of- synaptic plasticity to help learners shift from a fixed to growth
fering teachers a powerful heuristic to support their understanding mindset. In their work, synaptic plasticity was used to emphasize
of the learning process and the pedagogical choices that resonate individual malleability and student potential. We emphasize that
with this understanding. This pilot study used a framework of ten synaptic plasticity involves structural changes at the level of neu-
educational neuroscience concepts (ENCs) to develop a course to rons and circuits and accounts for the making of memories.
influence teacher thinking about learning and the pedagogy they Furthermore, this ENC underpins the idea that each individual
use in their classrooms. comes with and will produce a unique set of previously constructed
These ten concepts (Supplemental Table 1) were distilled from and future to-be constructed circuits and experiences. Finally, the
the Neuroscience Core Concepts developed by the Society for associative nature of synaptic plasticity is critically important, as
Neuroscience (Dubinsky, Roehrig & Varma, 2013; SfN, 2008). the more synapses that are active simultaneously, the more
Similar distillations have been previously proposed (Churches, robustly encoded is the information and the memory (McClelland,
Dommett, & Devonshire, 2017; Tokuhama-Espinosa, 2010). We McNaughton, & O'Reilly, 1995). This includes the simultaneity of
argue that these ten ENCs can contribute to operationalizing the emotional and cognitive circuit activation in the making of
meaning of student-centered learning and can strengthen the un- memories.
derstanding, reasoning, and commitment of teachers to a student- Thus, we posit that understanding the neuroscience of learning
centered approach (NRC, 1999; 2000; 2005). and memory will provide teachers the explanatory path to recog-
nize (and embrace) more effective student-centered pedagogies.
1.1. Neuroscience as an alternative framework Furthermore, teachers have the opportunity to consider their po-
tential in improving their pedagogy, as well as the importance of
Many teachers perceive they are missing important insights providing students similar opportunities to demonstrate their own
regarding how their students’ brains work, which we conclude agency. Through this agency, students develop their own neural
M.S. Schwartz et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 83 (2019) 87e98 89

networks, allowing them to coordinate relevant memories, expe- neuroscience using student-centered pedagogy, students learned
riences, senses and insights into richer understandings. Many brain neuroscience concepts better than a control group (Dubinsky et al.,
circuits contribute to and are necessary for this feat, including 2013). In similar studies, student-centered pedagogy was more
emotional, reward and social interaction circuits as well as execu- readily practiced by teachers (MacNabb et al., 2006; Roehrig et al.,
tive functioning (Lieberman, 2007). We predict when a teacher 2012). Thus, prior work speaks to the prospect that understanding
understands that their own neural network (which encodes a the neuroscience of learning and memory may impact any teacher's
particular understanding) is not their students’, then teachers will pedagogical choices to improve student outcomes.
focus less on sharing their personal understanding and more on Based upon these findings, we wanted to know if neuroscience
creating opportunities for students to develop their own knowledge could lead to pedagogical change among teachers who
understanding. would not be directly teaching neuroscience to their students and
A teacher-centered approach provides content and practice and were not necessarily science teachers. Given the compelling power
will undoubtedly activate synapses and circuits. However, teacher- of the ENCs to influence science teachers, we expanded the audi-
centered practices provide little opportunity for students to engage ence to include teachers representing a variety of disciplines and
in their own exploration, reasoning or strategic thinking. They do grade levels. Our research questions explored:
not provide contexts for increasing motivation and the emotional
buy-in needed for the associative nature of synaptic strengthening. C To what extent can teachers without a strong scientific or
Teacher-centered practices also do not engage peer social in- biological background understand the neuroscience of
teractions, preventing contributions from these circuits in learning?
strengthening the learning. Thus, understanding the basic neuro- C What meaningful links do non-science teachers recognize
science of plasticity and synaptic communication can provide between the ENCs and their pedagogy?
teachers with an explanation for why student-centered learning C To what extent are non-science teachers able to apply ENCs
can be effective. The explanation provides a basis for changing one's to their lesson plans?
model of the world (in this case teaching) by providing teachers an
accurate and accessible model of learning. To address these questions, we provided teachers a 36-h course
This role of neuroscience is represented in the mission of a new in the neuroscience of learning and memory taught using inquiry-
transdisciplinary field called Mind, Brain and Education (IMBES, based approaches. We pre and post tested their understanding of
2009). This mission was partly operationalized in a MBE master's basic neuroscience principles and assessed their ability to apply
program which, in this case, emphasized a set of cognitive and pedagogical strategies modeled during the course in a revision of
behavioral models to help teachers, such as those in this pilot study, one of their own lesson plans. In this cohort, non-science teachers
to design and test educational interventions. However, teachers significantly increased their understanding of neuroscience,
often struggled recognizing how or when to replace their peda- recognized the implications for teaching and learning, and were
gogical models with those that naturally follow from the cognitive able to apply these ideas to their own lesson planning. This pilot
science. Although the program presents general principles of brain study suggests that teaching neuroscience in formal teacher
function, teachers have few opportunities to see how neuroscience training programs may broadly benefit preK (children below the
informs the cognitive models they are required to use; and age of 5) to grade12 teachers across all levels and disciplines by
furthermore, they do not encounter any activities that substantiate providing them with a basis for understanding the benefits of
the neuroscience presented. Thus, this pilot study was a collabo- student-centered pedagogy.
rative effort to explicitly integrate basic neuroscience into an MBE
program to highlight how neuroscience informs the cognitive
principles teachers encounter. This research explores the degree to
which knowledge of the basic cellular processes studied in neuro-
science can scaffold teachers in their transition to using student- 2. Methodology
centered pedagogies and whether a working knowledge of ENCs
would help suppress older views of pedagogy. To this end an This pilot study employed a mixed methods approach using
experimental course, Neuroscience for Educators, based on ten ENCs both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze how non-
was offered during three weeks in May of 2016 as an elective to science teachers responded to an experimental curriculum
students in the master's program as well as to students in the employing ENCs as a conceptual framework. The qualitative
college of education. portion of the study was the principle method used to understand
the teachers’ reactions to the curriculum and was based on a
1.2. Research questions grounded theory approach (Creswell, 2013). This methodology
emphasizes that participants participate in a shared experience,
We argue that learning neuroscience in a professional devel- and that general findings in this case are extracted from teacher
opment program utilizing active learning strategies can influence thoughts and writings. The quantitative approach was generally
the pedagogical choices teachers make (MacNabb et al., 2006; descriptive with standard t-testing to distinguish the significance of
Dommett et al., 2011; Roehrig et al., 2012). Science teachers who changes in teacher understanding about the ENCs before and after
encountered the kind of PD used in this pilot study subsequently the pilot study.
enacted active, inquiry-based lessons in their classrooms and were While the primary purpose of the quantitative approach was to
observed to increase substantive conversations with students that evaluate the teachers' confidence in applying these concepts, we
reflected deep knowledge, higher order thinking, and applications recognize that anything measured could easily be perceived as
to real world problems (MacNabb et al., 2006). While neuroscience important, thus threatening the neutrality of the experience.
knowledge was not explicitly linked to pedagogical practice in this Therefore, we minimized what we measured as much as we could.
PD program, subsequent work focused on distilling a core set of For example, downplaying the ENCs or their definitions allowed us
concepts in neuroscience broadly applicable to teaching at all levels to emphasize the importance of the teacher's thoughts, hypotheses,
(Dubinsky et al., 2013). These are the ENCs used in the current actions and the feedback those actions generated. Grounded theory
study. When high school biology teachers were trained to teach facilitated the detection of patterns in the teachers' reflections.
90 M.S. Schwartz et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 83 (2019) 87e98

2.1. Participants Teachers saw the set of ENCs for the first time at the beginning of
the course with a survey they completed (see below). Subsequently,
Fourteen teachers (female 11, male 3) met for 12 days during an they requested a printed copy for their use (Supplemental Table 1)
intensive three credit summer program at a Midwestern university. and we complied. Again, we avoided any explicit instruction or
Teachers were already enrolled in (2), about to begin (2), about to formal introduction of the ENCs, telling teachers the ENCs were for
graduate or had graduated from (3) a master's program in Mind, our use in designing the course and the survey instruments.
Brain and Education (8) or were enrolled in another program (1).
Participants included eight PreK and elementary teachers, one 2.3.1. Neuroscience content knowledge test
middle school teacher (student ages 12e14), three high school Teacher neuroscience content knowledge was measured using a
teachers, and two curriculum specialists or administrators. Subject two-part pre-posttest. Part one consisted of eight multiple choice
specializations included special education, American Sign Language questions focused on general knowledge about neurons and the
(ASL), social studies, elementary math, algebra, and chemistry. The brain. Performance on these questions has been consistent across
chemistry teacher's data was included as we found no difference in use with approximately 300 teachers in five different cohorts since
prior neuroscience knowledge, quantitative and qualitative data 2000 (Dubinsky et al., 2013; 2019). Part two required teachers to
between this teacher and others in the cohort. All teachers formally draw and label two connected neurons. This task has also been used
consented to participate in this study, agreeing to share with re- to assess both teacher and student knowledge of neurons and
searchers their daily reflections, lesson plans and reactions to synapses across three different studies over 10 years (Dubinsky
course activities and to complete the pre-post survey. Course per- et al., 2013). The drawings were scored by a neuroscientist ac-
formance ratings included turning in daily reflections and revision cording to a 48-point rubric for the presence or absence of a specific
of their lesson plan but were not dependent upon their content or list of structures covered in class. The drawing rubric included 4
ideas expressed. points for each structure (1 for drawing and 1 for labeling on each of
2 neurons) plus additional points for indicating type and direction
2.2. Program context and content of information flow.

The neuroscience class drew largely from a teacher professional

2.3.2. Lesson plan surveys
development program previously implemented in another state
Teachers’ confidence in applying neuroscience to lesson plan-
(MacNabb et al., 2006). However, the content was streamlined to
ning was first assessed in a pre-post Qualtrics survey. Teachers
focus principally on the neuroscience of learning and memory and
evaluated how easily they thought each of the ten ENCs could be
other nervous system activity known to influence learning such as
applied to lesson planning in general. Prior to deployment, four
emotions and stress. Specific topics included general brain struc-
cognitive interviews were conducted to assess the clarity of the
ture and function, neurons and circuits, synaptic plasticity, memory
survey questions. For each ENC, the survey first asked, “Does this
and learning, brain development, emotions and stress, mirror
statement make sense to you?” A negative response directed the
neurons, and effects of drugs on learning and memory
respondent to the next ENC. A response of “Yes” or “Maybe”
(Supplemental Table 2). Teachers’ initial questions were largely
directed the respondent to rank how confident they were that this
answered in covering these topics (Supplemental Table 3,
concept could be used in lesson planning. Confidence ratings were
Supplemental Figure 1). Active learning pedagogies were employed
collected on a slider ranging from 0 to 100.
(Dubinsky et al., 2013) to highlight the nature of all ten ENCs
In a second use of the survey teachers considered the usefulness
(Supplemental Table 1), which were also used to develop the
of each ENC in regard to one of their own lesson plans.
evaluation instruments and assessment assignments for this study.
However, teachers were never explicitly taught the ENCs, nor were
2.3.3. Revision of a personal lesson plan
they formally discussed. They were only acknowledged in class in
At the end of the course, teachers evaluated a lesson plan of
relation to the assessment assignments that students completed.
their choosing and recommend changes based upon their current
Again, our objective was not to unintentionally convince teachers
understanding of neuroscience. Teachers revised the lesson as a
that learning “names and definitions” of the ENCs was our goal. We
Word document using track changes to annotate changes and
wanted teachers to build a personal meaning of each from their
explain why they made these changes. Both the lesson plan changes
experiences during the course.
as well as the teachers’ justifications were separately analyzed as
described in section 2.5.
2.3. Instruments and assessments

Quantitative data was collected on the teachers' acquisition of 2.3.4. Daily reflections
neuroscience content knowledge as well as their confidence in Daily during the course, participants responded outside of class
recognizing the use of the ENCs in the pedagogy described in their to the same three prompts: (1) If colleagues asked what you
lesson plans. Qualitative data included the teachers’ daily re- learned in class today, what would you tell them; (2) How might
flections on class activities and a final revision of a personal lesson the lesson impact your teaching practice; and, (3) Additional
plan of their choice. comments and concerns. The responses to the second prompt were
While teachers described how the neuroscience they encoun- analyzed qualitatively as described in section 2.5.
tered influenced their thoughts about learning and teaching (as
research cited earlier exploring the impact of PD on pedagogy), we 2.4. Quantitative analysis
also assessed the impact of those thoughts in the final revisions of
their lesson plans. In surveys at the beginning and end of the Two-tailed paired t-tests were carried out to detect any signif-
course, teachers considered how the neuroscience they understood icant change before and after the course on the knowledge survey
theoretically influenced or could improve their lesson planning. described above. For all data analyses, the significance level was set
The actual changes they made to their lesson served as an artifact to at two-tailed p < .05. Cohen's d was reported as effect sizes.
evaluate the impact of the course on teacher's thoughts about Shapiro-Wilk tests were conducted to examine the normality of the
pedagogy. difference between pre-test and post-test data.
M.S. Schwartz et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 83 (2019) 87e98 91

2.5. Qualitative analysis concepts. For the four items focusing upon synaptic plasticity, the
KR20 was 0.76, suggesting good internal reliability. Teachers suc-
Two of the authors separately used a constant comparative cessfully learned neuroscience content, improving significantly on
method (Creswell, 2013) to code the teachers’ daily responses to the multiple-choice test between pre-test (Raw Score Mean ¼ 4.79,
generate categories describing course connections to their class- SD ¼ 1.67) and post-test (Mean ¼ 6.07, SD ¼ 1.07, t (13) ¼ 2.86,
room practice. Where there were disagreements, the two met to p < .05, d ¼ 0.76. Changes in conceptual understanding were also
discuss and resolve differences. This process was iterated until they supported by changes in the accuracy of drawings of neurons
reached full agreement. As a second step, the agreed upon cate- before (Mean ¼ 28.85%, SD ¼ 20.30%) and after the course
gories were independently aggregated into themes, followed by (Mean ¼ 60.42%, SD ¼ 7.70%, t (12) ¼ 5.87, p < .001, d ¼ 1.63, Fig. 1).
meetings to resolve differences and iterating until full agreement
was reached. A third author reviewed all categories and, again, 3.2. Teacher confidence in applying educational neuroscience
where there were disagreements, the three met to resolve concepts
A similar collaborative process was followed for analyzing the All teachers in the study evaluated their confidence in applying
changes teachers made to their lesson plans. Only the text portions their neuroscience understanding in pedagogical settings by esti-
representing changes teachers made in the revised lesson plans mating their confidence (from 0 to 100) that each of the ten ENCs
were analyzed qualitatively. The ways in which ENCs were used or could be applied to lesson planning in general (Fig. 2A) as well as
described in lessons were not judged as correct or incorrect. Most their own personal lesson plan (Fig. 2B). One teacher said a few
lesson plan changes were clear and generated little debate between concepts did not make sense on the pre-survey. However, on the
raters. Thus, the raters transitioned from working separately to post-survey all respondents said the ENCs made sense.
working together to more efficiently identify changes and create The change in their confidence ratings (pre to post course) was
categories to classify changes. Two investigators (a teacher and a normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk Normality test, p ¼ .61 for
neuroscientist) jointly read each change and categorized how the generic application and p ¼ .42 for their own lesson plans). Teacher
change would play out in a classroom. If a deletion was accompa- confidence ratings in applying the set of neuroscience concepts to
nied by an insertion, both changes were categorized together for their lesson plans improved: precourse (Mean ¼ 76.20%,
their combined intent. When tallying results, comparable changes SD ¼ 11.54%) to postcourse (Mean ¼ 88.41%, SD ¼ 7.50%), t
were counted more than once (i.e., removal of a specific vocabulary (13) ¼ 4.08, p < .01, d ¼ 1.09 (Fig. 2). Teacher confidence ratings in
word), if they were in separate paragraphs. Once all the changes in applying ENCs to lesson planning in general also improved signif-
the 14 lesson plans were categorized, codes were generated to icantly: precourse (Mean ¼ 72.39%, SD ¼ 13.36%) to postcourse
group the changes across lessons. These codes were then combined (Mean ¼ 89.52%, SD ¼ 9.03%), t (13) ¼ 6.21, p < .001, d ¼ 1.66. A
into broad themes. A third author reviewed these codes and themes Bonferroni correction was applied to all calculations to control for
as described earlier with the teacher's daily reflections. family-wise error rates. The significance level was calculated as
To analyze the teachers’ justifications of lesson plan changes, p < .025 (0.05/2 tests).
coding was done jointly by two authors so that consensus could be
reached more rapidly. Because these codes were similar to those 3.3. Daily reflections on pedagogy
developed for the analysis of the daily reflections, the same set of
themes were adopted. Finally, in a follow-on analysis, one author Analysis of the qualitative data was a lengthy process of revis-
used a top-down classification scheme to explore whether the iting strategies we thought promising to identify patterns in
justifications invoked a pedagogical argument, a neuroscientific teacher reflections and revisions. We began by using the ENCs as a
argument or both. The neuroscientific classification was further rubric, but determined that this approach yielded little consensus
broken down into whether an ENC was explicitly or implicitly between researchers. As this outcome aligned with our desire to
invoked. To be categorized as explicit, exact wording in the justi- downplay the ENCs with teachers, we recognized the need to shift
fication had to match one of the ENCs. Less precise language or to a bottom-up approach where we assessed and discussed the
paraphrasing of an ENC counted as implicit. A second author strength and robustness of patterns noted. This process eventually
reviewed this coding, and, after joint discussion, the classifications led to the identification of themes and categories detailed below.
were accepted or modified until agreement was reached. To consider how or if teachers' pedagogical views were influ-
enced by learning neuroscience, they responded to three prompts
3. Results in their daily reflections: (1) What had they learned; (2) What
connections they had made between the day's neuroscience ac-
3.1. Neuroscience content knowledge tivities and their teaching practices; and, (3) Any additional com-
ments they chose to share. Analysis of responses to the first prompt,
Teachers convincingly acquired a working knowledge of the “what had they learned” underscored the teachers' claims that they
neuroscience of learning and memory as demonstrated by their understood the major neuroscience ideas presented each day (data
improved performance on both the multiple choice and free not shown). This observation is consistent with the teachers'
response drawing test of two interconnected neurons (Fig. 1). The increased knowledge of neuroscience (Fig. 1). The second prompt
differences between pre and post-test multiple-choice scores were provided a richer range of findings.
normally distributed, as examined by Shapiro-Wilk Normality test,
p ¼ .17. The distributions of drawing scores also satisfied a 3.3.1. Analysis of responses to the second prompt
normality assumption, p ¼ .49. Item difficulty and discrimination In regard to the second prompt, “connections to practice”,
indices were calculated on the pre-test scores for each item of the teachers produced a wide range of ideas (336 in total, see Fig. 3).
knowledge test (Matlock-Hetzel, 1997). The average item discrim- The ideas were divided into three overarching themes: Theme 1:
ination for the test questions was 0.50 ± 0.35. Average item diffi- Instructional Strategiese178 comments; Theme 2: Insights into
culty was 0.65 ± 0.10. The internal consistency reliability (Kuder learninge140 comments; and, Theme 3: Insights into teacher roles,
Richardson 20, KR20) for the entire test was 0.40 (Urina, 2014) as requirements and responsibilitiese18 comments. All ideas
might be expected for a test that covered a mixture of neuroscience extended well beyond the pedagogy they observed in any activity
92 M.S. Schwartz et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 83 (2019) 87e98

Fig. 1. Performance of teachers on neuroscience content assessments. A) Responses on an eight-question multiple choice test of neuroscience knowledge covered in the course. B)
Responses to a prompt to draw two connected neurons with labels. Individual data points, mean and one standard deviation are shown. Pre indicates prior to the course (blue);
post, after the course (red); N ¼ 14. C, D) Example of drawings from a single teacher on the pre- (10 out of 48 points) and post-tests (34 out of 48 points), respectively. Images of the
pencil drawings were background subtracted in FIJI and contrast enhanced in Photoshop. ***p < .001, 2 tailed t-test.

Fig. 2. Teachers self-assessment of their confidence in applying ideas from neuroscience in the abstract (A) and to their own lesson plan (B) prior to the course (blue) and after the
course (red). ***p < .001, 2 tailed t-test.

during the course. Only four comments specifically related to the Theme 1: instructional strategies. The majority of comments
possibility of repeating one of the modeled activities in their within this theme focused on how to structure lessons. Teacher
classrooms. In a fuller description of the three themes that follow, suggestions included both theoretical ideas (70) and concrete
the number of comments in each category or theme appear in techniques or elements to include in a lesson (108).
parentheses. Theoretical considerations included the benefits of Active
M.S. Schwartz et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 83 (2019) 87e98 93

stabilization of new concepts and skills. Smaller categories of sug-

gested strategies included Lesson Templates and Specific Lesson
strategies (16) such as “jigsawing” or using a “critical response
protocol” (Ellingson, Roehrig, Bakkum & Dubinsky, 2016) and
Assessment (13), which according to one teacher,
“created an environment where data could be collected, and
students could question whether the experiment and results
were valid and significant.” Theme 2: insights into learning. The second theme featured

three broad areas, biological contributions to learning, how
learning occurs in classrooms and pedagogical considerations
(Fig. 3). In the category Biological Contribution to learning (43),
comments covered the importance of basic synaptic plasticity, the
building of new cortical networks with both mental (thinking,
reasoning) and physical skill development, and an appreciation for
how physiological states and environmental factors impact
learning. Many teachers’ thoughts aligned with the following
Fig. 3. Representation of ideas encountered in teachers' daily reflections regarding
connections between the neuroscience that was covered and their own practices. “the more practice involved, the stronger the synapses become
Colors represent the categories grouping the ideas across all class meetings. The and the more easily activated the next time the information is
numbers of ideas encountered in each major category are shown. presented.”

Learning (26) using concrete examples and sensorimotor experi-

Teacher comments on how learning occurs in classrooms
ences (Fig. 3). One educator noted, dissection.
encompassed the specific categories that Learning Takes Time (22)
“emphasized the use of hands-on activity to keep students and students must Engage to Learn (12). Numerous teachers
engaged because it involved manipulatives and real-life exam- recognized that the amount of time and effort necessary for
ples, students' content retention will be enhanced.” learning can vary and engaging students is an essential instruc-
tional consideration. Furthermore, they recognized that individual
Students Learn Differently (10) and Thinking Processes (5) range
The Authentic Understanding (15) ideas were student-centered,
from automatic low-level skills to abstraction and creativity in
encouraging students to construct their own ideas, and to direct
problem solving.
and become accountable for their own learning to develop critical
Teacher understanding of the neuroscience of learning was
thinking skills. Six Attitude comments highlighted the distinction
evident in the comments on pedagogy, under Social Emotional
between student versus teacher-centered approaches (6), where
Support (36). Most importantly, 12 of 14 teachers commented on
one teacher wrote,
providing Social and Emotional Support for students. Insights here
“I am impressed with how engaged and mindful people are included leveraging social interactions of group work to promote
when they have some level of autonomy in what and how they learning and responsibility, teaching emotional control, and uti-
learn. We are just now realizing how essential this is to moti- lizing mirror neuron pathways to help students read social cues.
vation and students’ willingness to dig deeper in establishing Other Pedagogies (12) included the importance of preventing
their own understanding.” cognitive overload as well as the need to address misconceptions.
For example, one educator reflected on the need to,
Inquiry (23), the second largest category of theoretical consid- “use my prior misconceptions to help me anticipate the mis-
erations, emphasized the teacher's use of problem solving, obser- takes my students may make because I realize going over in-
vations, analysis and synthesis. One educator pointed out that these formation once doesn't mean the students learned it.”
practices were “engaging ways to work on social skills, incorpo-
rating problem solving, math, and science into the entire project.”
The more concrete comments focused on changes that could
improve a lesson. Lesson Elements (52) included ideas such as Theme 3: insights into teacher roles. Teachers commented
providing clear visualizations, relating to prior knowledge and less on their own roles (Fig. 3). They reflected upon the importance
connecting to student interests, as evidenced by many teachers of Experience (6) in either being trained to use student-centered
who recognized that, “learning occurs when there is a relationship practices or to experience learning as their students regularly do.
between what has been taught with students’ prior knowledge and Teachers identified with specific Roles (5); “teacher as facilitator” in
interests.” student learning and collaborating with colleagues. They also
Several mentioned that student manipulation of models and identified specific Responsibilities (4) such as figuring out student
demonstrations, rather than teacher-only demonstrations needs, integrating pedagogy and content, and communicating
increased questions asked and memory retention. The second effectively to both students and parents. Concerning the issue of
largest group of concrete suggestions involved Sequencing (27) Time (3), and how it could be used more effectively, teachers
where lessons included spiraled practice, spaced learning, scaf- expressed a need for either a professionally designed curriculum or
folding, or intermittent play and practice. Teachers claimed that more time to design lessons incorporating best practices. One
this focus provided time for processing complex information and educator effectively summarized five teachers’ sentiments by
94 M.S. Schwartz et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 83 (2019) 87e98

writing, “My job as the teacher is to facilitate an environment so

students make their own discoveries and develop their own un-
derstandings of concepts-not to deliver them my own under-
standing through lecture. It takes a lot of prior planning, but it truly

3.4. Revision of a personal lesson plan

As a final course assessment, teachers used their neuroscience

understanding to revise the pedagogy in their chosen lesson plan.
Teachers were instructed to describe as well as justify changes to
their lessons. These two objectives led to three sets of observations:
(1) lesson plan changes (Fig. 4), (2) justifications for the changes
(Fig. 5); and, (3) attribution of the justifications to either neuro-
science or pedagogy (Fig. 6).

3.4.1. Lesson plan changes

The range of lesson plans reflected the breadth of teaching
specialties and grade levels among the teachers. For example, an
elementary teacher chose a lesson introducing equivalent additions
(2 þ 8 ¼ 5 þ 5) while a high school social studies teacher chose a
lesson on the relationship between capital and GDP. Lesson plans Fig. 5. Representation of justifications teachers made for the changes to their own
varied in length from a single hour to an 8-day unit. Teachers did lesson plan. Colors represent the categories (same as in Fig. 3) grouping the ideas
not follow directions perfectly as not all changes were separately across all class meetings. The numbers of ideas encountered in each major category are
justified. Teachers also provided comments on both changed and
unchanged portions of the lesson plans. One teacher made no
changes but made 7 comments while another teacher made 7 text
discussing ambiguities, and adding jigsaws or wrap-ups. Synthesize
changes but no comments. A total of 225 changes to fourteen lesson
(9) emphasized students categorizing ideas to generate their own
plans were coded with an average number of changes per teacher
understanding, interpreting data, making connections, and draw-
per class session of 16.1 ± 6.1. Codes were then sorted into three
ing conclusions. Idea generation, discussion, and synthesis all
types of changes: Student Actions (99), Teacher Actions (86), or Text
represent increases in student participation in the intellectual work
Only (40), (see Fig. 4). Text Only changes included everything from
of the class.
correcting spelling to adding information to materials or standards.
Additional Student Actions included Increasing Social (and
emotional) Interactions (13) or Metacognitive Reflection (16). Social
3.4.2. Student actions or emotional interactions included group work, sharing, using
The majority of the proposed lesson plan changes involving games to motivate, evaluating social interactions of characters in
Student Actions (99) focused on increasing active student partici- books, or discussing self-confidence. Various forms of documenting
pation and agency in class (Fig. 4). In the first category, teachers
increased student involvement by providing them opportunities to
Generate Ideas, Questions and Predictions (22). An equal number of
new or additional opportunities allowed students to Apply, Build,
Do or Solve (22), such as building a model, creating a game or
challenge for students, solving a problem or helping students exert
their own agency. Opportunities to Discuss (17) varied in form, by
replacing whole class discussions with small group discussions,

Fig. 6. Proportion of lesson plan comments (justifications) related to neuroscience,

Fig. 4. Representation of actual changes teachers made to their own lesson plan. pedagogy or both. Neuroscience justifications were subcategorized by those that
Colors represent the categories grouping the ideas across all class meetings. The explicitly used language from the ten ENCs or those that implicitly referred to the
numbers of ideas encountered in each major category are shown. concepts using other terms.
M.S. Schwartz et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 83 (2019) 87e98 95

work, reflecting upon experiences, and comparing and evaluating complex levels. Twenty-five comments focused upon physiological
work comprise the last category, Metacognitive Reflection. variables by adding an Emotional Stamp (14) to lessons and using a
Sensorimotor Activity (9) to engage students. In the category
3.4.3. Teacher actions Miscellaneous Physiology (2), teachers recognized the importance
The majority of 86 changes noted within this theme involved of stress and decreasing cognitive load. Numerous comments cited
two categories. The first focused on ways to Add Activities to engaging students’ Reasoning Powers (11) to recognize patterns (5),
Support Learning (31) (Fig. 4) by allowing for more open-ended to apply and transfer concepts (2), to reason and revise their own
answers (5), adding scaffolding (11), applying concepts to new thinking (3), and to make analogies (1).
contexts (7), adding formative assessments (5), using alternative
materials or sequences (2), and integrating across topics (1). The 3.4.7. Invoking neuroscience as a justification for changes
second category coalesced around increasing opportunities for Altogether 68.3% of the justifications and 13 out of 14 teachers
students to Practice (19). In over a fourth of the lesson plan changes, invoked an idea aligned in some manner with the ENCs. Of the 168
teachers Removed Teacher-Centered Activities (24) by replacing comments 45.5% invoked neuroscience explicitly or implicitly.
initial teacher explanations with a final wrap-up discussion or Twenty-seven comments (16.1%) explicitly utilized the wording in
removing teacher reading, talking, or listing vocabulary. In Add an ENC (see Fig. 6). This outcome is not a surprise as the lexicon of
Teacher Actions or Promote Learning (12), teachers assessed prior ENCs was infrequently used during the course; however, a few
knowledge and added illustrations, prompts, directions, or exceptions are worth noting. For example, one teacher specifically
feedback. identified ENC #9 (Supplemental Table 1: Nervous system
complexity produces reasoning, communication, creativity, curi-
3.4.4. Justification for changes osity.) as the justification for leading the class to discover the
The 185 lesson plan changes coded as Teacher or Student Actions meaning of “critical attributes”. Using the concept of a chair, she
in Fig. 4 were accompanied by 168 comments or justifications asked students, “What features represent a chair? What parts
(Fig. 5). All comments were coded by the rationales provided. The might be eliminated or added, and we would still consider the
coded justifications were grouped into the same set of themes used structure as a chair?” Students were given the opportunity to
in the analysis of daily reflections (Fig. 3): Teacher Roles (9), reason through the concepts of representativeness and critical
Instructional Strategies (79) and Insights in Student Learning (80). attributes.
Within the theme, Teacher Roles, justifications included holding Implicitly, 29.3% (50) of comments aligned with the ENCs but
students accountable for their ideas through in-class writing, were expressed in the teachers' own words as justification for
teachers expressing their feelings and modeling behavior. For lesson plan changes. For example, one justification, “Experiences
example, one teacher demonstrated ASL signs to engage students’ with an emotional stamp are more easily remembered” clearly
mirror neuron systems. Another teacher assessed class opinions by referenced ENC #6 (Supplemental Table 1) but did not use the exact
taking the temperature of beliefs students held about her topic. wording. Teachers added opportunities for students to practice
skills highlighted in their lesson plans which reflect an implicit
3.4.5. Instructional strategies understanding that practice strengthens synaptic and circuit
Justifications for instructional changes followed two general development. For example, after explicitly invoking the concept
strategiese those focusing on pedagogical reasons alone (47) or, that revisiting an idea strengthens synaptic change in one
alternatively, strategies providing students additional social and comment, a teacher justified additional uses of review as “Practice
emotional support (32) (Fig. 5). Instructional strategies included in a different context.” Justifications focusing on just pedagogy
Increase Student Agency (13) allowing students to generate ideas were present in 31.7% (53) of the comments, including rationales
and make more connections, increase Inquiry and Student Dis- such as generating ideas, building on others' ideas, and making
covery (8), provide opportunities for Problem Solving (6) and personal connections to increase engagement and motivation.
identify students’ Prior Knowledge (6). Teachers also acknowledged Several teachers noted that giving students more control to
that Student Goals (5) differed from than those of teachers, and demonstrate their understanding was important. One teacher said,
pedagogy should become student-centered. A smaller but varied “I do not want students to just copy my labeling, so they attempt
number of specific pedagogical changes were grouped under their labeling and then compare it to the teacher's labeling.”
Miscellaneous Pedagogy: increase visualization (3), stimulate in- Ideas attributable to both neuroscience and pedagogy repre-
terest through games (3), scaffold learning (2) and identify mis- sented 22.8% (38) of comments. For example, sensorimotor activ-
conceptions (1). ities were categorized under both neuroscience and pedagogy due
The 32 remaining justifications represented three different to the derivation of these ideas from both developmental models
categories, all focused on increasing social and emotional support (Fischer, 1980; Piaget, 1983) and neural models that describe
for students. Over half of lesson changes involved Social In- learning as the combined engagement of sensory, motor, and
teractions (17) to improve student learning by capitalizing on stu- cognitive brain circuits (Fuster, 2009). Teachers also noted that
dents sharing curiosity, providing their peers with feedback, allowing students to initially experience new knowledge at the
engaging in discussions and building on others' ideas. Teachers also sensorimotor level was essential to constructing deep conceptual
attempted to make the lesson environment Safe (8) so that stu- understanding. In the middle of a multi-part lesson on simple
dents could share ideas without judgment. Lesson change justifi- machines, a teacher provided students with a long pole and the
cations also recognized the importance in making Connections to challenge to move a big box. She justified this change as an example
Students’ Lives (7), which included acknowledging how external of “Direct sensorimotor experience, context sensitive, apply and
circumstances impacted students. transfer skills and understanding across situations.”

3.4.6. Insights into student learning 3.5. Impact of prior courses

The largest subgroup of justifications concerned the role of
synaptic plasticity in learning (44) (Fig. 5). Teachers noted that To examine whether the number of MBE courses taken affected
Synapses Change with Practice (20), and that Practice Builds Neural the quantity of lesson plan changes or comments, we compared
Circuits (24). As a result, learning is stabilized at increasingly them to the number of text changes per lesson, the number of
96 M.S. Schwartz et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 83 (2019) 87e98

comments, and the percentage of Neuroscience-related comments The majority of changes and justifications in teachers' lesson
that teachers made in lesson plan revisions. The Krushal-Wallis test plans demonstrated more student-centered practices. Where
assessed the effect of the number of courses taken (0, 4 or 9 cour- pedagogical changes were noted, the teachers’ promoted student
ses) on the three variables. A Bonferroni correction was used to agency and provided support for learning, as opposed to offering
control family-wise error with a significance level at p < .017 (0.05/ additional explanations. Overall, the changes in the revised lesson
3 tests). No significant differences in the number of text changes plans reflected how teachers used the ENCs to reconsider their
(Chi square ¼ 3.55, p ¼ .17, df ¼ 2), the number of comments (Chi initial lessons. Their questions to students became more focused on
square ¼ 0.46, p ¼ .79, df ¼ 2), or the percentage of Neuroscience understanding how students thought about the content. Teachers
comments (Chi square ¼ 2.59, p ¼ .27, df ¼ 2) were found among used more class time to allow students to learn from other stu-
teachers who had taken 0, 4 or 9 MBE courses. dents, consider alternative points of view, combine ideas heard in
discussions, and to summarize and synthesize ideas. The lesson
4. Discussion plan changes were consistently non-trivial, featuring how teachers
were challenging assumptions and refining or reconsidering their
This pilot study addressed three questions. The first focused on beliefs about pedagogy. Furthermore, the lesson revision justifica-
whether an experimental course could improve non-science tions demonstrated that teachers understood the ENCs and they
teacher's understanding of basic neuroscience concepts. On recognized that they were not the sole repository of knowledge.
average, the teachers demonstrated a significant increase in Rather they sought opportunities to allow students to experience
knowledge on both multiple choice and free response assessments concepts, support collaborative meaning-making, and help stu-
administered before and after the course. This foundation appeared dents make sense of these experiences.
to serve teachers well, as they described meaningful links between In a separate analysis of the justifications, teachers balanced
the neuroscience that was taught and their pedagogy in daily re- purely pedagogical explanations, neuroscientific explanations or
flections, addressing the second question. Additionally, self-ratings combinations of the two. The proportions of justifications in the
of teacher confidence increased significantly when applying ten first two categories were roughly equivalent, suggesting that
ENCs to lesson planning in general and to their own lesson plans. teachers could also distinguish between them. Neuroscience ex-
Finally, we measured the extent to which non-science teachers planations were not used universally, nor were there mis-
applied the ENCs to their pedagogy. An extensive analysis of the attributions or improper applications of the neuroscience concepts.
teachers' lesson plan revisions revealed a rich and varied number of These observations suggest that given proper neuroscience
student-centered instructional practices that teachers suggested as training, teachers do not initially misapply the concepts.
Justifications for these changes included both pedagogical and 4.2. Usefulness of ENCs
neuroscience-based reasons. Moreover, teachers could translate
the modeled inquiry-pedagogy used in this study to student- Neuroscience has broad appeal, which we used as an underlying
centered pedagogy relevant to their content specializations. These framework to add validity to the models of learning from the
outcomes demonstrated the teachers’ ability to understand the cognitive sciences. While the ENCs influenced our curriculum, they
relevant neuroscience and appropriately apply the ideas in their were only obvious to the teachers as part of our assessments. We
own educational settings. never formally introduced them so that teachers could actively
construct personal meanings of the ENCs from their experiences,
4.1. Impact of the course through class discussions or in their daily reflections. This student-
centered approach allowed teachers to reflect on the salience and
The concrete explanation of learning at the synaptic level pro- meaning of the neuroscience in their daily reflections about
vided by contemporary neuroscience offers teachers a foundational pedagogy. To that end the ENCs provided a useful framework for
understanding for building sound practices (Owens & Tanner, designing a curriculum to enrich our teachers’ pedagogical thinking
2017). Teachers consider “knowledge of students, how they learn, and action over time.
and what motivates student learning” as central to their knowledge Future iterations of Neuroscience for Educators might consider
about teaching (Fives & Buehl, 2014). In focusing upon the neuro- introducing and discussing these concepts towards the end of the
science of learning, this pilot Neuroscience for Educators course course to generate additional thinking about the application of
provided the fundamental understanding of learning at the cellular, neuroscience to pedagogy. Such discussions would help identify
synaptic and circuit levels, apparently satisfying this perceived which ENCs resonate most powerfully with teachers, and which
need. This biological knowledge was accurately perceived as con- empower and motivate them to alter their practice.
crete and not theoretical. The neuroscience taught also provided In this course, class time was spent modeling inquiry pedagogy
teachers insights into the social and emotional behaviors that in- to teach neuroscience. At the end of each class, participants
fluence peer interactions, attention, and motivations. engaged in conversations evaluating the day's pedagogy. In pro-
By course-end, teachers were acquainted with key ideas, fessional development, teachers generally value practical class-
structures, functions and vocabulary in the neuroscience of room implementation strategies over theoretical constructs, which
learning and how these could contribute to teaching and learning. do not appear to motivate their own learning about pedagogy
Teachers were not as expert as neuroscience graduate students, nor (Fives & Buehl, 2014). The lack of perceived connection between
were they expected to be. Similarly, after taking an educational theory and practice may derive from the abstract nature of many
psychology course, often part of preservice training, teachers are learning theories (e.g. Fischer, 1980; Piaget, 1983; Powers, 1973;
not as knowledgeable as psychology graduate students. Rather Thelen & Smith, 1996), which many teachers had been exposed to
teacher understanding of ENCs was sufficient to embrace the ideas in prior coursework. Consciously weaving theory and practice in all
of student-centered pedagogy. Whether or not educational psy- activities appears to increase the usefulness of ENCs to teachers.
chology courses should provide teachers with this basic neurosci- More importantly, neuroscience may be the foundation that
ence knowledge remains a matter of debate (Bowers, 2016; teachers need to appreciate the models of behavior that are the
Gabrieli, 2016; Howard-Jones et al., 2016; Im, Cho, Dubinsky & legacy of the cognitive sciences.
Varma, 2018). Self-regulated learning is another behavioral model that
M.S. Schwartz et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 83 (2019) 87e98 97

addresses student agency. (Bjork, Dunlosky, & Kornell, 2013). This mostly on the impact of cognitive and behavioral models of
model highlights how students’ self-knowledge of their ability to learning in their pedagogy. Success in knowing when and how to
learn influences their initiative in exercising control in learning use the models in their classrooms could take as long as the pro-
(Bjork et al., 2013; Zimmerman & Schunk, 1989). By focusing on the gram duratione two years, sometimes longer given student com-
biological changes underpinning learning in the brain, neurosci- ments after they completed the program. Thus, looking for
ence supports personal responsibility (Bjork et al., 2013). Use of strategies that weave together models that account for behaviors
student-centered pedagogies by teachers promotes self-regulated with those that reveal the underlying neuroscience that support
learning among students (Paris & Paris, 2001). Teachers in this behavior is a promising direction for teacher professional devel-
sample demonstrated their intent to include more student- opment. Recognizing the relative impact of both behavioral and
centered pedagogies in their lessons. Thus, understanding neuro- neuroscience models in influencing pedagogy can lead to more
science might also be expected indirectly to promote student gains effective teacher professional development.
in self-regulated processes. Teaching neuroscience content to stu-
dents was not a goal of this course, although some teachers re- 5. Conclusion
flected that they would share their new knowledge with their
students informally. The conjunction of self-regulated learning The main purpose of this pilot study was to explore the rela-
ideas with neuroscience merits further exploration. tionship between understanding of neuroscience and the educa-
Also clear is the potential of a neuroscience framework to in- tional choices among non-science teachers. Even though student-
fluence pedagogy for a wide variety of teachers, not just science centered activities are emphasized as critical to student learning
teachers (MacNabb et al., 2006; Roehrig et al., 2012). The findings by the National Resource Council (1999; 2000; 2005), motivating
from this pilot study demonstrate neuroscience content was teachers to enact active learning is difficult. Viewed collectively,
accessible to teachers who did not have an in-depth biology or these data present a promising case for teaching neuroscience to all
science background. The variety of teachers in this cohort high- teachers in PD or university settings. The course appeared to sup-
lights the potential for further testing and evaluation of this port a diversity of willing teachers in using the ENCs to reconsider
approach with a greater range of teachers across disciplines and and adjust the pedagogy they used in initial lesson plans. The
student age groups. teachers’ ability to reiterate and apply the neuroscience content
triangulated with the increased knowledge they displayed on the
4.3. Limitations of the study post tests. Teachers not only want to know what the best practices
are as proven in actual classrooms, but why these strategies and
To conduct this exploratory study on how neuroscience processes are effective, and why they are worth the time and en-
knowledge influences teacher confidence and lesson planning, ergy needed to implement them. Thus, teachers may seek out and
teachers in a Master's Program in Mind, Brain, and Education were apply ENCs both practically in their classrooms and to satisfy their
recruited. Given their voluntary participation, one might expect own needs to understand theoretical models of learning. We found
that these teachers were primed to provide more student-centered that teachers both understood the neuroscience of learning and
approaches. However, no relationship was found between the memory and were able to provide explanations for why active-
number of MBE courses taken and the quantity of lesson plan learning engages students, and that this outcome may motivate
changes or comments. Teachers entering the program with no prior them to plan more social and emotional support and scaffolding in
coursework responded as did those who had completed the degree their classrooms.
program, indicating that the impact of this combined neuroscience
and pedagogy class was independent of previous theoretical cour- Acknowledgements
sework. Given the small number of teachers in this study, this
observation merits confirmation in a larger investigation, which The authors would like to thank Dr. S. S. Guzey for critical
includes teachers that are not self-selected. reading of earlier versions of the manuscript. This work was sup-
While our goal was to establish a proof of concept, we remain ported by the Steffen Palko Endowment for the SW Center for Mind,
extremely cautious given the variety of factors that can influence Brain and Education.
the outcomes described here. Teachers in this study were enrolled
in a master's program, clearly invested in their ongoing professional Appendix ASupplementary data
development. Whether teachers from the general population
would respond similarly to a neuroscience program brought to a Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
school district remains to be tested. Furthermore, we cannot easily
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