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--------- beginning of main

11-27 01:05:04.142 D/XgStat (15711): [XgStat(437): ProGuard:698] - send Event sucess:LBS

11-27 01:05:04.143 D/XgStat (15711): [XgStat(437): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 01:05:04.528 D/XgStat (15711): [XgStat(437): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 01:10:04.089 D/XgStat (15711): [XgStat(437): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 01:10:04.941 D/XgStat (15711): [XgStat(437): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 01:11:46.615 E/WeexCore( 3428): script_bridge_in_multi_process.cpp:72, original owner
has die
11-27 01:11:47.817 I/HyLog (29695): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 01:11:47.817 D/HyLog (29695): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 01:11:47.817 I/HyLog (29695): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 01:11:48.082 I/MultiDex(29695): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 01:11:48.082 I/MultiDex(29695): Installing application
11-27 01:11:48.082 I/MultiDex(29695): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 01:11:48.369 I/FirebaseInitProvider(29695): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 01:11:48.450 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider(29695): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping
11-27 01:11:48.594 V/FA (29695): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 01:11:48.634 E/linker (29695): readlink('/proc/self/fd/21') failed: Permission denied
11-27 01:11:48.634 E/linker (29695): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 01:11:48.653 I/DynamiteModule(29695): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 01:11:48.653 I/DynamiteModule(29695): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 01:11:48.666 V/DynamiteModule(29695): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 01:11:48.721 I/DynamiteLoaderV2(29695): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 01:11:48.759 D/XgStat (29695): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 01:11:48.759 E/linker (29695): readlink('/proc/self/fd/22') failed: Permission denied
11-27 01:11:48.760 E/linker (29695): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 01:11:48.768 I/FA (29695): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 01:11:48.769 I/FA (29695): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 01:11:48.769 W/System (29695): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 01:11:48.769 I/FA (29695): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 01:11:48.769 I/FA (29695): adb shell setprop
11-27 01:11:48.824 I/TpnsSecurity(29695): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 01:11:49.394 W/XINGE (29695): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 01:11:49.493 E/NihaotalkApplication(29695): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 01:11:49.493 D/HTLOG (29695): create write log thread
11-27 01:11:49.501 E/LogFileWriter(29695): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 01:11:49.505 D/LogFileWriter(29695): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {84824b1}
11-27 01:11:49.506 D/LogFileWriter(29695): MSG_INIT log
11-27 01:11:49.668 E/LoginConfigHelper(29695): load config cache
11-27 01:11:49.684 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil(29695): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 01:11:49.695 V/LGRssiData(29695): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 01:11:49.697 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(29695): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 01:11:49.699 E/NihaotalkApplication(29695): app initied
11-27 01:11:49.702 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(29695): try parsing
11-27 01:11:49.703 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(29695): [parse] Load xml
11-27 01:11:49.710 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(29695): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 01:11:49.710 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(29695): [parse] Load xml
11-27 01:11:49.719 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(29695): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 01:11:49.719 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(29695): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 01:11:49.719 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(29695): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 01:11:49.719 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(29695): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 01:11:49.720 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager(29695): Construct
11-27 01:11:49.722 E/linker (29695): readlink('/proc/self/fd/36') failed: Permission denied
11-27 01:11:49.722 E/linker (29695): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 01:11:49.775 I/WCDB (29695): Initialize JNI module (1/12) CursorWindow...
11-27 01:11:49.776 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(29695): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/CursorWindow
11-27 01:11:49.778 I/WCDB (29695): Initialize JNI module (2/12) FileUtils...
11-27 01:11:49.778 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(29695): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/FileUtils natives
11-27 01:11:49.779 I/WCDB (29695): Initialize JNI module (3/12) ChunkedCursorWindow...
11-27 01:11:49.779 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(29695): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/ChunkedCursorWindow natives
11-27 01:11:49.779 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(29695): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteAsyncQuery natives
11-27 01:11:49.779 I/WCDB (29695): Initialize JNI module (4/12) SQLiteConnection...
11-27 01:11:49.781 I/WCDB (29695): Initialize JNI module (5/12) SQLiteDebug...
11-27 01:11:49.782 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(29695): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDebug natives
11-27 01:11:49.782 I/WCDB (29695): Initialize JNI module (6/12) SQLiteDirectCursor...
11-27 01:11:49.782 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(29695): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDirectQuery natives
11-27 01:11:49.782 I/WCDB (29695): Initialize JNI module (7/12) SQLiteGlobal...
11-27 01:11:49.783 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(29695): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteGlobal natives
11-27 01:11:49.783 I/WCDB (29695): Initialize JNI module (8/12) MMFtsTokenizer...
11-27 01:11:49.783 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(29695): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/extension/fts/MMFtsTokenizer natives
11-27 01:11:49.784 I/WCDB (29695): Initialize JNI module (9/12) DBBackup...
11-27 01:11:49.784 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(29695): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/BackupKit
11-27 01:11:49.784 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(29695): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RecoverKit
11-27 01:11:49.784 I/WCDB (29695): Initialize JNI module (10/12) DBDumpUtil...
11-27 01:11:49.785 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(29695): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/DBDumpUtil natives
11-27 01:11:49.785 I/WCDB (29695): Initialize JNI module (11/12) DBRepair...
11-27 01:11:49.785 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(29695): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RepairKit$RepairCursor natives
11-27 01:11:49.787 I/WCDB (29695): Initialize JNI module (12/12) Log...
11-27 01:11:49.787 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(29695): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/support/Log
11-27 01:11:49.790 E/CoreConfiguration(29695): getHTDBName
11-27 01:11:49.805 I/WCDB.SQLiteConnectionPool(29695): Max connection pool size is 1.
11-27 01:11:49.823 I/WCDB.SQLiteConnection(29695): Opened connection 0x7f7e63bb08 with
label '/data/user/0/com.hellotalk/databases/100245412_ht.db'
11-27 01:11:49.841 E/linker (29695): readlink('/proc/self/fd/43') failed: Permission denied
11-27 01:11:49.841 E/linker (29695): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 01:11:49.860 E/linker (29695): readlink('/proc/self/fd/43') failed: Permission denied
11-27 01:11:49.860 E/linker (29695): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 01:11:49.907 W/System.err(29695): java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"" on path: DexPathList[[zip file
m64, /data/app/com.hellotalk-1/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]
11-27 01:11:49.909 W/System.err(29695): at
11-27 01:11:49.909 W/System.err(29695): at
11-27 01:11:49.909 W/System.err(29695): at
11-27 01:11:49.909 W/System.err(29695): at java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
11-27 01:11:49.909 W/System.err(29695): at java.lang.Runtime.doLoad(
11-27 01:11:49.909 W/System.err(29695): at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(
11-27 01:11:49.909 W/System.err(29695): at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
11-27 01:11:49.910 W/System.err(29695): at
11-27 01:11:49.910 W/System.err(29695): at$
11-27 01:11:49.910 W/System.err(29695): at$
11-27 01:11:49.910 W/System.err(29695): at
11-27 01:11:49.910 W/System.err(29695): at
11-27 01:11:49.910 W/System.err(29695): at android.os.Looper.loop(
11-27 01:11:49.910 W/System.err(29695): at
11-27 01:11:49.910 W/System.err(29695): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
11-27 01:11:49.910 W/System.err(29695): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native
11-27 01:11:49.910 W/System.err(29695): at
11-27 01:11:49.910 W/System.err(29695): at
11-27 01:11:49.910 W/System.err(29695): at
11-27 01:11:49.910 W/System.err(29695): ... 12 more
11-27 01:11:49.910 W/System.err(29695): Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
Class not found using the boot class loader; no stack trace available
11-27 01:11:49.911 E/weex (29695): tryUseRunTimeApi ? false
--------- beginning of main
11-27 09:43:32.851 I/MultiDex( 8394): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 09:43:32.852 I/MultiDex( 8394): Installing application
11-27 09:43:32.852 I/MultiDex( 8394): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 09:43:33.004 E/NihaotalkApplication( 8394): onCreate startApp isMain:false
11-27 09:43:33.005 D/HTLOG ( 8394): create write log thread
11-27 09:43:33.024 E/LogFileWriter( 8394): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 09:43:33.035 D/LogFileWriter( 8394): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {35f1e1f}
11-27 09:43:33.041 D/LogFileWriter( 8394): MSG_INIT log
11-27 09:43:33.240 I/HyLog ( 8440): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 09:43:33.240 D/HyLog ( 8440): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 09:43:33.240 I/HyLog ( 8440): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 09:43:33.317 I/MultiDex( 8440): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 09:43:33.317 I/MultiDex( 8440): Installing application
11-27 09:43:33.317 I/MultiDex( 8440): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 09:43:34.044 I/FirebaseInitProvider( 8440): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 09:43:34.190 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider( 8440): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping initialization
11-27 09:43:34.375 V/FA ( 8440): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 09:43:34.468 E/linker ( 8440): readlink('/proc/self/fd/20') failed: Permission denied [fd=20]
11-27 09:43:34.468 E/linker ( 8440): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 09:43:34.470 D/XgStat ( 8440): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 09:43:34.475 I/DynamiteModule( 8440): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 09:43:34.475 I/DynamiteModule( 8440): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 09:43:34.571 V/DynamiteModule( 8440): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 09:43:34.618 I/DynamiteLoaderV2( 8440): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 09:43:34.623 E/linker ( 8440): readlink('/proc/self/fd/29') failed: Permission denied [fd=29]
11-27 09:43:34.623 E/linker ( 8440): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 09:43:34.628 I/TpnsSecurity( 8440): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 09:43:34.633 W/System ( 8440): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 09:43:35.181 I/FA ( 8440): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 09:43:35.181 I/FA ( 8440): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 09:43:35.182 I/FA ( 8440): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 09:43:35.182 I/FA ( 8440): adb shell setprop
11-27 09:43:35.273 W/XINGE ( 8440): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 09:43:35.410 E/NihaotalkApplication( 8440): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 09:43:35.410 D/HTLOG ( 8440): create write log thread
11-27 09:43:35.419 E/LogFileWriter( 8440): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 09:43:35.420 I/TpnsSecurity( 8394): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 09:43:35.421 D/LogFileWriter( 8440): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {dddf0aa}
11-27 09:43:35.423 D/LogFileWriter( 8440): MSG_INIT log
11-27 09:43:35.676 V/LGRssiData( 8440): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 09:43:35.676 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8440): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 09:43:35.677 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8440): try parsing
11-27 09:43:35.677 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8440): [parse] Load xml
11-27 09:43:35.679 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8440): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 09:43:35.679 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8440): [parse] Load xml
11-27 09:43:35.680 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8440): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 09:43:35.681 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8440): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 09:43:35.681 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8440): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 09:43:35.681 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8440): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 09:43:35.816 E/NihaotalkApplication( 8440): app initied
11-27 09:43:35.831 E/LoginConfigHelper( 8440): load config cache
11-27 09:43:35.903 D/XgStat ( 8394): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 09:43:35.953 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil( 8440): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 09:43:36.031 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager( 8440): Construct
11-27 09:43:36.054 E/linker ( 8440): readlink('/proc/self/fd/43') failed: Permission denied [fd=43]
11-27 09:43:36.054 E/linker ( 8440): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
--------- beginning of main
11-27 09:43:57.693 I/HyLog ( 9630): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 09:43:57.694 D/HyLog ( 9630): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 09:43:57.694 I/HyLog ( 9630): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 09:43:57.745 I/MultiDex( 9630): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 09:43:57.746 I/MultiDex( 9630): Installing application
11-27 09:43:57.746 I/MultiDex( 9630): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 09:43:57.983 I/FirebaseInitProvider( 9630): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 09:43:58.039 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider( 9630): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping initialization
11-27 09:43:58.103 V/FA ( 9630): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 09:43:58.130 E/linker ( 9630): readlink('/proc/self/fd/19') failed: Permission denied [fd=19]
11-27 09:43:58.130 E/linker ( 9630): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 09:43:58.145 I/DynamiteModule( 9630): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 09:43:58.145 I/DynamiteModule( 9630): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 09:43:58.154 V/DynamiteModule( 9630): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 09:43:58.186 D/XgStat ( 9630): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 09:43:58.187 I/DynamiteLoaderV2( 9630): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 09:43:58.189 E/linker ( 9630): readlink('/proc/self/fd/22') failed: Permission denied [fd=22]
11-27 09:43:58.190 E/linker ( 9630): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 09:43:58.200 W/System ( 9630): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 09:43:58.233 I/TpnsSecurity( 9630): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 09:43:58.439 I/FA ( 9630): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 09:43:58.439 I/FA ( 9630): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 09:43:58.439 I/FA ( 9630): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 09:43:58.439 I/FA ( 9630): adb shell setprop
11-27 09:43:58.525 W/XINGE ( 9630): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 09:43:58.606 E/NihaotalkApplication( 9630): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 09:43:58.606 D/HTLOG ( 9630): create write log thread
11-27 09:43:58.614 E/LogFileWriter( 9630): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 09:43:58.616 D/LogFileWriter( 9630): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {7cda795}
11-27 09:43:58.617 D/LogFileWriter( 9630): MSG_INIT log
11-27 09:43:58.757 E/LoginConfigHelper( 9630): load config cache
11-27 09:43:58.770 V/LGRssiData( 9630): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 09:43:58.774 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9630): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 09:43:58.780 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9630): try parsing
11-27 09:43:58.781 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9630): [parse] Load xml
11-27 09:43:58.786 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9630): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 09:43:58.786 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9630): [parse] Load xml
11-27 09:43:58.788 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9630): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 09:43:58.788 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9630): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 09:43:58.788 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9630): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 09:43:58.788 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9630): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 09:43:58.842 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil( 9630): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 09:43:58.842 E/NihaotalkApplication( 9630): app initied
11-27 09:43:58.882 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager( 9630): Construct
11-27 09:43:58.895 E/linker ( 9630): readlink('/proc/self/fd/38') failed: Permission denied [fd=38]
11-27 09:43:58.895 E/linker ( 9630): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 09:43:59.004 I/WCDB ( 9630): Initialize JNI module (1/12) CursorWindow...
11-27 09:43:59.005 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9630): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/CursorWindow
11-27 09:43:59.007 I/WCDB ( 9630): Initialize JNI module (2/12) FileUtils...
11-27 09:43:59.007 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9630): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/FileUtils natives
11-27 09:43:59.008 I/WCDB ( 9630): Initialize JNI module (3/12) ChunkedCursorWindow...
11-27 09:43:59.008 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9630): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/ChunkedCursorWindow natives
11-27 09:43:59.008 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9630): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteAsyncQuery natives
11-27 09:43:59.008 I/WCDB ( 9630): Initialize JNI module (4/12) SQLiteConnection...
11-27 09:43:59.015 I/WCDB ( 9630): Initialize JNI module (5/12) SQLiteDebug...
11-27 09:43:59.020 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9630): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDebug natives
11-27 09:43:59.020 I/WCDB ( 9630): Initialize JNI module (6/12) SQLiteDirectCursor...
11-27 09:43:59.020 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9630): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDirectQuery natives
11-27 09:43:59.020 I/WCDB ( 9630): Initialize JNI module (7/12) SQLiteGlobal...
11-27 09:43:59.021 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9630): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteGlobal natives
11-27 09:43:59.021 I/WCDB ( 9630): Initialize JNI module (8/12) MMFtsTokenizer...
11-27 09:43:59.021 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9630): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/extension/fts/MMFtsTokenizer natives
11-27 09:43:59.021 I/WCDB ( 9630): Initialize JNI module (9/12) DBBackup...
11-27 09:43:59.021 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9630): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/BackupKit
11-27 09:43:59.021 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9630): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RecoverKit
11-27 09:43:59.022 I/WCDB ( 9630): Initialize JNI module (10/12) DBDumpUtil...
11-27 09:43:59.022 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9630): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/DBDumpUtil
11-27 09:43:59.022 I/WCDB ( 9630): Initialize JNI module (11/12) DBRepair...
11-27 09:43:59.023 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9630): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RepairKit$RepairCursor natives
11-27 09:43:59.024 I/WCDB ( 9630): Initialize JNI module (12/12) Log...
11-27 09:43:59.024 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9630): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/support/Log
11-27 09:43:59.025 E/CoreConfiguration( 9630): getHTDBName
--------- beginning of main
11-27 09:44:39.334 I/HyLog (11656): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 09:44:39.334 D/HyLog (11656): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 09:44:39.334 I/HyLog (11656): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 09:44:39.985 I/MultiDex(11656): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 09:44:39.985 I/MultiDex(11656): Installing application
11-27 09:44:39.985 I/MultiDex(11656): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 09:44:40.556 I/FirebaseInitProvider(11656): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 09:44:40.739 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider(11656): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping
11-27 09:44:40.864 V/FA (11656): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 09:44:40.908 E/linker (11656): readlink('/proc/self/fd/19') failed: Permission denied
11-27 09:44:40.909 E/linker (11656): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 09:44:40.924 I/DynamiteModule(11656): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 09:44:40.924 I/DynamiteModule(11656): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 09:44:40.937 V/DynamiteModule(11656): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 09:44:40.969 I/DynamiteLoaderV2(11656): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 09:44:40.990 E/linker (11656): readlink('/proc/self/fd/19') failed: Permission denied
11-27 09:44:40.991 E/linker (11656): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 09:44:41.025 W/System (11656): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 09:44:41.148 D/XgStat (11656): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 09:44:41.212 I/TpnsSecurity(11656): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 09:44:41.237 I/FA (11656): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 09:44:41.237 I/FA (11656): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 09:44:41.237 I/FA (11656): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 09:44:41.237 I/FA (11656): adb shell setprop
11-27 09:44:41.688 W/XINGE (11656): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 09:44:41.857 E/NihaotalkApplication(11656): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 09:44:41.858 D/HTLOG (11656): create write log thread
11-27 09:44:41.865 E/LogFileWriter(11656): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 09:44:41.869 D/LogFileWriter(11656): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {7cda795}
11-27 09:44:41.870 D/LogFileWriter(11656): MSG_INIT log
11-27 09:44:42.156 E/NihaotalkApplication(11656): app initied
11-27 09:44:42.166 E/LoginConfigHelper(11656): load config cache
11-27 09:44:42.192 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil(11656): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 09:44:42.204 V/LGRssiData(11656): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 09:44:42.221 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11656): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 09:44:42.227 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager(11656): Construct
11-27 09:44:42.228 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11656): try parsing
11-27 09:44:42.229 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11656): [parse] Load xml
11-27 09:44:42.229 E/linker (11656): readlink('/proc/self/fd/36') failed: Permission denied
11-27 09:44:42.231 E/linker (11656): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 09:44:42.241 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11656): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 09:44:42.241 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11656): [parse] Load xml
11-27 09:44:42.245 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11656): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 09:44:42.245 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11656): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 09:44:42.245 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11656): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 09:44:42.245 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11656): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 09:44:42.319 I/WCDB (11656): Initialize JNI module (1/12) CursorWindow...
11-27 09:44:42.321 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11656): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/CursorWindow
11-27 09:44:42.322 I/WCDB (11656): Initialize JNI module (2/12) FileUtils...
11-27 09:44:42.322 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11656): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/FileUtils natives
11-27 09:44:42.322 I/WCDB (11656): Initialize JNI module (3/12) ChunkedCursorWindow...
11-27 09:44:42.322 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11656): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/ChunkedCursorWindow natives
11-27 09:44:42.323 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11656): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteAsyncQuery natives
11-27 09:44:42.323 I/WCDB (11656): Initialize JNI module (4/12) SQLiteConnection...
11-27 09:44:42.325 I/WCDB (11656): Initialize JNI module (5/12) SQLiteDebug...
11-27 09:44:42.325 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11656): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDebug natives
11-27 09:44:42.325 I/WCDB (11656): Initialize JNI module (6/12) SQLiteDirectCursor...
11-27 09:44:42.325 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11656): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDirectQuery natives
11-27 09:44:42.326 I/WCDB (11656): Initialize JNI module (7/12) SQLiteGlobal...
11-27 09:44:42.331 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11656): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteGlobal natives
11-27 09:44:42.331 I/WCDB (11656): Initialize JNI module (8/12) MMFtsTokenizer...
11-27 09:44:42.331 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11656): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/extension/fts/MMFtsTokenizer natives
11-27 09:44:42.331 I/WCDB (11656): Initialize JNI module (9/12) DBBackup...
11-27 09:44:42.331 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11656): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/BackupKit
11-27 09:44:42.332 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11656): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RecoverKit
11-27 09:44:42.332 I/WCDB (11656): Initialize JNI module (10/12) DBDumpUtil...
11-27 09:44:42.332 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11656): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/DBDumpUtil natives
11-27 09:44:42.332 I/WCDB (11656): Initialize JNI module (11/12) DBRepair...
11-27 09:44:42.332 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11656): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RepairKit$RepairCursor natives
11-27 09:44:42.335 I/WCDB (11656): Initialize JNI module (12/12) Log...
11-27 09:44:42.335 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11656): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/support/Log
11-27 09:44:42.337 E/CoreConfiguration(11656): getHTDBName
11-27 09:44:42.345 I/WCDB.SQLiteConnectionPool(11656): Max connection pool size is 1.
11-27 09:44:42.349 E/linker (11656): readlink('/proc/self/fd/40') failed: Permission denied
11-27 09:44:42.349 E/linker (11656): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 09:44:42.359 I/WCDB.SQLiteConnection(11656): Opened connection 0x7f8c31c608 with
label '/data/user/0/com.hellotalk/databases/100245412_ht.db'
11-27 09:44:42.385 E/linker (11656): readlink('/proc/self/fd/40') failed: Permission denied
11-27 09:44:42.385 E/linker (11656): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
--------- beginning of main
11-27 13:03:46.676 I/HyLog ( 8149): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 13:03:46.676 D/HyLog ( 8149): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 13:03:46.676 I/HyLog ( 8149): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 13:03:47.076 I/MultiDex( 8149): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 13:03:47.076 I/MultiDex( 8149): Installing application
11-27 13:03:47.076 I/MultiDex( 8149): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 13:03:47.307 E/NihaotalkApplication( 8149): onCreate startApp isMain:false
11-27 13:03:47.311 D/HTLOG ( 8149): create write log thread
11-27 13:03:47.323 E/LogFileWriter( 8149): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 13:03:47.347 D/LogFileWriter( 8149): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {f9d6b79}
11-27 13:03:47.356 D/LogFileWriter( 8149): MSG_INIT log
11-27 13:03:47.481 I/HyLog ( 8203): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 13:03:47.481 D/HyLog ( 8203): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 13:03:47.481 I/HyLog ( 8203): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 13:03:47.534 I/MultiDex( 8203): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 13:03:47.534 I/MultiDex( 8203): Installing application
11-27 13:03:47.534 I/MultiDex( 8203): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 13:03:48.290 I/FirebaseInitProvider( 8203): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 13:03:48.420 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider( 8203): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping initialization
11-27 13:03:48.565 V/FA ( 8203): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 13:03:48.604 E/linker ( 8203): readlink('/proc/self/fd/18') failed: Permission denied [fd=18]
11-27 13:03:48.604 E/linker ( 8203): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 13:03:48.618 I/DynamiteModule( 8203): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 13:03:48.618 I/DynamiteModule( 8203): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 13:03:48.627 V/DynamiteModule( 8203): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 13:03:48.728 I/DynamiteLoaderV2( 8203): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 13:03:48.732 E/linker ( 8203): readlink('/proc/self/fd/26') failed: Permission denied [fd=26]
11-27 13:03:48.732 E/linker ( 8203): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 13:03:48.736 W/System ( 8203): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 13:03:48.747 D/XgStat ( 8203): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 13:03:48.817 I/TpnsSecurity( 8203): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 13:03:48.942 I/FA ( 8203): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 13:03:48.942 I/FA ( 8203): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 13:03:48.942 I/FA ( 8203): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 13:03:48.942 I/FA ( 8203): adb shell setprop
11-27 13:03:49.223 W/XINGE ( 8203): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 13:03:49.331 E/NihaotalkApplication( 8203): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 13:03:49.331 D/HTLOG ( 8203): create write log thread
11-27 13:03:49.344 E/LogFileWriter( 8203): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 13:03:49.346 D/LogFileWriter( 8203): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {2c6b67f}
11-27 13:03:49.348 D/LogFileWriter( 8203): MSG_INIT log
11-27 13:03:49.360 I/TpnsSecurity( 8149): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 13:03:49.523 V/LGRssiData( 8203): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 13:03:49.524 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8203): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 13:03:49.524 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8203): try parsing
11-27 13:03:49.524 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8203): [parse] Load xml
11-27 13:03:49.526 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8203): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 13:03:49.526 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8203): [parse] Load xml
11-27 13:03:49.527 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8203): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 13:03:49.528 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8203): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 13:03:49.528 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8203): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 13:03:49.528 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8203): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 13:03:49.549 E/NihaotalkApplication( 8203): app initied
11-27 13:03:49.570 E/LoginConfigHelper( 8203): load config cache
11-27 13:03:49.591 D/XgStat ( 8149): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 13:03:49.636 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil( 8203): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 13:03:49.699 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager( 8203): Construct
11-27 13:03:49.704 E/linker ( 8203): readlink('/proc/self/fd/33') failed: Permission denied [fd=33]
11-27 13:03:49.704 E/linker ( 8203): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 13:03:49.776 I/WCDB ( 8203): Initialize JNI module (1/12) CursorWindow...
11-27 13:03:49.781 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 8203): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/CursorWindow
11-27 13:03:49.782 I/WCDB ( 8203): Initialize JNI module (2/12) FileUtils...
11-27 13:03:49.782 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 8203): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/FileUtils natives
11-27 13:03:49.782 I/WCDB ( 8203): Initialize JNI module (3/12) ChunkedCursorWindow...
11-27 13:03:49.782 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 8203): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/ChunkedCursorWindow natives
11-27 13:03:49.783 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 8203): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteAsyncQuery natives
11-27 13:03:49.783 I/WCDB ( 8203): Initialize JNI module (4/12) SQLiteConnection...
11-27 13:03:49.788 I/WCDB ( 8203): Initialize JNI module (5/12) SQLiteDebug...
11-27 13:03:49.788 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 8203): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDebug natives
11-27 13:03:49.788 I/WCDB ( 8203): Initialize JNI module (6/12) SQLiteDirectCursor...
11-27 13:03:49.788 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 8203): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDirectQuery natives
11-27 13:03:49.789 I/WCDB ( 8203): Initialize JNI module (7/12) SQLiteGlobal...
11-27 13:03:49.790 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 8203): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteGlobal natives
11-27 13:03:49.790 I/WCDB ( 8203): Initialize JNI module (8/12) MMFtsTokenizer...
11-27 13:03:49.790 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 8203): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/extension/fts/MMFtsTokenizer natives
11-27 13:03:49.791 I/WCDB ( 8203): Initialize JNI module (9/12) DBBackup...
11-27 13:03:49.791 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 8203): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/BackupKit
11-27 13:03:49.791 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 8203): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RecoverKit
11-27 13:03:49.791 I/WCDB ( 8203): Initialize JNI module (10/12) DBDumpUtil...
11-27 13:03:49.791 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 8203): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/DBDumpUtil
11-27 13:03:49.791 I/WCDB ( 8203): Initialize JNI module (11/12) DBRepair...
11-27 13:03:49.791 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 8203): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RepairKit$RepairCursor natives
11-27 13:03:49.792 I/WCDB ( 8203): Initialize JNI module (12/12) Log...
11-27 13:03:49.792 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 8203): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/support/Log
11-27 13:03:49.796 E/CoreConfiguration( 8203): getHTDBName
--------- beginning of main
11-27 13:04:10.716 I/HyLog ( 9953): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 13:04:10.716 D/HyLog ( 9953): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 13:04:10.716 I/HyLog ( 9953): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 13:04:10.777 I/MultiDex( 9953): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 13:04:10.777 I/MultiDex( 9953): Installing application
11-27 13:04:10.777 I/MultiDex( 9953): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 13:04:10.879 I/FirebaseInitProvider( 9953): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 13:04:10.891 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider( 9953): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping initialization
11-27 13:04:10.993 V/FA ( 9953): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 13:04:11.016 E/linker ( 9953): readlink('/proc/self/fd/23') failed: Permission denied [fd=23]
11-27 13:04:11.016 E/linker ( 9953): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 13:04:11.020 I/DynamiteModule( 9953): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 13:04:11.020 I/DynamiteModule( 9953): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 13:04:11.027 V/DynamiteModule( 9953): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 13:04:11.049 D/XgStat ( 9953): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 13:04:11.089 I/DynamiteLoaderV2( 9953): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 13:04:11.107 I/TpnsSecurity( 9953): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 13:04:11.110 E/linker ( 9953): readlink('/proc/self/fd/24') failed: Permission denied [fd=24]
11-27 13:04:11.110 E/linker ( 9953): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 13:04:11.116 W/System ( 9953): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 13:04:11.351 I/FA ( 9953): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 13:04:11.352 I/FA ( 9953): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 13:04:11.352 I/FA ( 9953): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 13:04:11.352 I/FA ( 9953): adb shell setprop
11-27 13:04:11.400 W/XINGE ( 9953): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 13:04:11.485 E/NihaotalkApplication( 9953): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 13:04:11.485 D/HTLOG ( 9953): create write log thread
11-27 13:04:11.491 E/LogFileWriter( 9953): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 13:04:11.501 D/LogFileWriter( 9953): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {2c6b67f}
11-27 13:04:11.501 D/LogFileWriter( 9953): MSG_INIT log
11-27 13:04:11.670 V/LGRssiData( 9953): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 13:04:11.670 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9953): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 13:04:11.671 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9953): try parsing
11-27 13:04:11.671 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9953): [parse] Load xml
11-27 13:04:11.673 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9953): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 13:04:11.673 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9953): [parse] Load xml
11-27 13:04:11.674 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9953): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 13:04:11.674 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9953): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 13:04:11.674 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9953): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 13:04:11.676 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9953): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 13:04:11.700 E/NihaotalkApplication( 9953): app initied
11-27 13:04:11.701 E/LoginConfigHelper( 9953): load config cache
11-27 13:04:11.742 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil( 9953): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
--------- beginning of main
11-27 13:04:37.242 I/HyLog (11219): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 13:04:37.242 D/HyLog (11219): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 13:04:37.242 I/HyLog (11219): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 13:04:37.365 I/MultiDex(11219): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 13:04:37.365 I/MultiDex(11219): Installing application
11-27 13:04:37.365 I/MultiDex(11219): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 13:04:37.477 I/FirebaseInitProvider(11219): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 13:04:37.497 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider(11219): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping
11-27 13:04:37.566 V/FA (11219): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 13:04:37.632 E/linker (11219): readlink('/proc/self/fd/21') failed: Permission denied
11-27 13:04:37.632 E/linker (11219): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 13:04:37.640 I/DynamiteModule(11219): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 13:04:37.640 I/DynamiteModule(11219): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 13:04:37.643 V/DynamiteModule(11219): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 13:04:37.672 I/DynamiteLoaderV2(11219): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 13:04:37.696 E/linker (11219): readlink('/proc/self/fd/22') failed: Permission denied
11-27 13:04:37.697 E/linker (11219): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 13:04:37.705 W/System (11219): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 13:04:37.709 D/XgStat (11219): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 13:04:37.743 I/TpnsSecurity(11219): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 13:04:37.862 I/FA (11219): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 13:04:37.863 I/FA (11219): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 13:04:37.863 I/FA (11219): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 13:04:37.863 I/FA (11219): adb shell setprop
11-27 13:04:38.073 W/XINGE (11219): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 13:04:38.143 E/NihaotalkApplication(11219): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 13:04:38.144 D/HTLOG (11219): create write log thread
11-27 13:04:38.155 E/LogFileWriter(11219): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 13:04:38.158 D/LogFileWriter(11219): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {2c6b67f}
11-27 13:04:38.159 D/LogFileWriter(11219): MSG_INIT log
11-27 13:04:38.287 V/LGRssiData(11219): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 13:04:38.290 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11219): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 13:04:38.292 E/LoginConfigHelper(11219): load config cache
11-27 13:04:38.295 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11219): try parsing
11-27 13:04:38.296 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11219): [parse] Load xml
11-27 13:04:38.301 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11219): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 13:04:38.301 E/NihaotalkApplication(11219): app initied
11-27 13:04:38.301 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11219): [parse] Load xml
11-27 13:04:38.304 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11219): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 13:04:38.304 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11219): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 13:04:38.305 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11219): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 13:04:38.305 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(11219): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 13:04:38.306 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil(11219): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 13:04:38.334 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager(11219): Construct
11-27 13:04:38.371 E/linker (11219): readlink('/proc/self/fd/36') failed: Permission denied
11-27 13:04:38.371 E/linker (11219): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 13:04:38.406 I/WCDB (11219): Initialize JNI module (1/12) CursorWindow...
11-27 13:04:38.406 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11219): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/CursorWindow
11-27 13:04:38.407 I/WCDB (11219): Initialize JNI module (2/12) FileUtils...
11-27 13:04:38.407 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11219): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/FileUtils natives
11-27 13:04:38.407 I/WCDB (11219): Initialize JNI module (3/12) ChunkedCursorWindow...
11-27 13:04:38.407 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11219): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/ChunkedCursorWindow natives
11-27 13:04:38.407 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(11219): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteAsyncQuery natives
11-27 13:04:38.408 I/WCDB (11219): Initialize JNI module (4/12) SQLiteConnection...
11-27 13:04:38.413 I/WCDB (11219): Initialize JNI module (5/12) SQLiteDebug...
--------- beginning of main
11-27 13:40:15.535 V/XGLogger( 8149): have writable external storage, write log file!
11-27 13:40:16.178 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:698] - send Event sucess:LBS
11-27 13:40:16.179 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 13:40:16.560 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 13:43:36.635 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 13:43:37.402 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 13:46:50.049 E/WeexCore(11291): script_bridge_in_multi_process.cpp:72, original owner
has die
11-27 13:47:01.107 I/HyLog (16084): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 13:47:01.107 D/HyLog (16084): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 13:47:01.107 I/HyLog (16084): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 13:47:01.297 I/MultiDex(16084): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 13:47:01.297 I/MultiDex(16084): Installing application
11-27 13:47:01.297 I/MultiDex(16084): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 13:47:01.500 I/FirebaseInitProvider(16084): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 13:47:01.547 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider(16084): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping
11-27 13:47:01.641 V/FA (16084): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 13:47:01.662 E/linker (16084): readlink('/proc/self/fd/21') failed: Permission denied
11-27 13:47:01.662 E/linker (16084): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 13:47:01.674 I/DynamiteModule(16084): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 13:47:01.674 I/DynamiteModule(16084): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 13:47:01.680 V/DynamiteModule(16084): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 13:47:01.697 I/DynamiteLoaderV2(16084): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 13:47:01.698 I/FA (16084): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 13:47:01.698 I/FA (16084): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 13:47:01.698 I/FA (16084): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 13:47:01.698 I/FA (16084): adb shell setprop
11-27 13:47:01.706 D/XgStat (16084): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 13:47:01.710 E/linker (16084): readlink('/proc/self/fd/21') failed: Permission denied
11-27 13:47:01.710 E/linker (16084): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 13:47:01.718 W/System (16084): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 13:47:01.762 I/TpnsSecurity(16084): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 13:47:02.046 W/XINGE (16084): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 13:47:02.132 E/NihaotalkApplication(16084): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 13:47:02.133 D/HTLOG (16084): create write log thread
11-27 13:47:02.139 E/LogFileWriter(16084): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 13:47:02.143 D/LogFileWriter(16084): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {2c6b67f}
11-27 13:47:02.144 D/LogFileWriter(16084): MSG_INIT log
11-27 13:47:02.289 E/LoginConfigHelper(16084): load config cache
11-27 13:47:02.304 E/NihaotalkApplication(16084): app initied
11-27 13:47:02.307 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil(16084): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 13:47:02.344 V/LGRssiData(16084): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 13:47:02.356 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(16084): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 13:47:02.368 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager(16084): Construct
11-27 13:47:02.369 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(16084): try parsing
11-27 13:47:02.369 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(16084): [parse] Load xml
11-27 13:47:02.372 E/linker (16084): readlink('/proc/self/fd/39') failed: Permission denied
11-27 13:47:02.372 E/linker (16084): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 13:47:02.373 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(16084): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 13:47:02.373 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(16084): [parse] Load xml
11-27 13:47:02.377 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(16084): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 13:47:02.377 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(16084): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 13:47:02.377 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(16084): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 13:47:02.377 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(16084): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 13:47:02.416 I/WCDB (16084): Initialize JNI module (1/12) CursorWindow...
11-27 13:47:02.417 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(16084): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/CursorWindow
11-27 13:47:02.418 I/WCDB (16084): Initialize JNI module (2/12) FileUtils...
11-27 13:47:02.418 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(16084): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/FileUtils natives
11-27 13:47:02.418 I/WCDB (16084): Initialize JNI module (3/12) ChunkedCursorWindow...
11-27 13:47:02.418 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(16084): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/ChunkedCursorWindow natives
11-27 13:47:02.418 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(16084): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteAsyncQuery natives
11-27 13:47:02.419 I/WCDB (16084): Initialize JNI module (4/12) SQLiteConnection...
11-27 13:47:02.420 I/WCDB (16084): Initialize JNI module (5/12) SQLiteDebug...
11-27 13:47:02.420 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(16084): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDebug natives
11-27 13:47:02.420 I/WCDB (16084): Initialize JNI module (6/12) SQLiteDirectCursor...
11-27 13:47:02.420 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(16084): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDirectQuery natives
11-27 13:47:02.421 I/WCDB (16084): Initialize JNI module (7/12) SQLiteGlobal...
11-27 13:47:02.421 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(16084): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteGlobal natives
11-27 13:47:02.421 I/WCDB (16084): Initialize JNI module (8/12) MMFtsTokenizer...
11-27 13:47:02.421 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(16084): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/extension/fts/MMFtsTokenizer natives
11-27 13:47:02.422 I/WCDB (16084): Initialize JNI module (9/12) DBBackup...
11-27 13:47:02.422 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(16084): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/BackupKit
11-27 13:47:02.422 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(16084): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RecoverKit
11-27 13:47:02.422 I/WCDB (16084): Initialize JNI module (10/12) DBDumpUtil...
11-27 13:47:02.422 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(16084): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/DBDumpUtil natives
11-27 13:47:02.423 I/WCDB (16084): Initialize JNI module (11/12) DBRepair...
11-27 13:47:02.423 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(16084): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RepairKit$RepairCursor natives
--------- beginning of main
11-27 14:19:04.265 V/XGLogger( 8149): have writable external storage, write log file!
11-27 14:19:04.268 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 14:19:05.546 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 14:22:05.587 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 14:22:06.385 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 14:25:07.024 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 14:25:07.939 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 14:28:08.513 V/XGLogger( 8149): have writable external storage, write log file!
11-27 14:28:08.545 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 14:28:10.621 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 14:31:09.386 I/HyLog (20554): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 14:31:09.386 D/HyLog (20554): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 14:31:09.386 I/HyLog (20554): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 14:31:09.612 I/MultiDex(20554): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 14:31:09.612 I/MultiDex(20554): Installing application
11-27 14:31:09.612 I/MultiDex(20554): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 14:31:09.953 I/FirebaseInitProvider(20554): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 14:31:10.039 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider(20554): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping
11-27 14:31:10.093 V/FA (20554): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 14:31:10.151 E/linker (20554): readlink('/proc/self/fd/19') failed: Permission denied
11-27 14:31:10.151 E/linker (20554): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 14:31:10.188 I/DynamiteModule(20554): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 14:31:10.188 I/DynamiteModule(20554): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 14:31:10.195 V/DynamiteModule(20554): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 14:31:10.247 I/DynamiteLoaderV2(20554): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 14:31:10.276 E/linker (20554): readlink('/proc/self/fd/19') failed: Permission denied
11-27 14:31:10.276 E/linker (20554): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 14:31:10.291 W/System (20554): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 14:31:10.299 D/XgStat (20554): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 14:31:10.468 I/TpnsSecurity(20554): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 14:31:10.609 I/FA (20554): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 14:31:10.609 I/FA (20554): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 14:31:10.610 I/FA (20554): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 14:31:10.610 I/FA (20554): adb shell setprop
11-27 14:31:10.888 W/XINGE (20554): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 14:31:11.006 E/NihaotalkApplication(20554): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 14:31:11.007 D/HTLOG (20554): create write log thread
11-27 14:31:11.019 E/LogFileWriter(20554): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 14:31:11.022 D/LogFileWriter(20554): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {b835695}
11-27 14:31:11.025 D/LogFileWriter(20554): MSG_INIT log
11-27 14:31:11.219 E/LoginConfigHelper(20554): load config cache
11-27 14:31:11.241 E/NihaotalkApplication(20554): app initied
11-27 14:31:11.252 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil(20554): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 14:31:11.256 V/LGRssiData(20554): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 14:31:11.257 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(20554): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 14:31:11.263 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(20554): try parsing
11-27 14:31:11.264 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(20554): [parse] Load xml
11-27 14:31:11.267 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(20554): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 14:31:11.268 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(20554): [parse] Load xml
11-27 14:31:11.272 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(20554): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 14:31:11.272 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(20554): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 14:31:11.272 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(20554): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 14:31:11.272 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(20554): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 14:31:11.284 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager(20554): Construct
11-27 14:31:11.289 E/linker (20554): readlink('/proc/self/fd/38') failed: Permission denied
11-27 14:31:11.289 E/linker (20554): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 14:31:11.355 I/WCDB (20554): Initialize JNI module (1/12) CursorWindow...
11-27 14:31:11.355 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(20554): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/CursorWindow
11-27 14:31:11.357 I/WCDB (20554): Initialize JNI module (2/12) FileUtils...
11-27 14:31:11.357 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(20554): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/FileUtils natives
11-27 14:31:11.357 I/WCDB (20554): Initialize JNI module (3/12) ChunkedCursorWindow...
11-27 14:31:11.357 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(20554): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/ChunkedCursorWindow natives
11-27 14:31:11.357 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(20554): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteAsyncQuery natives
11-27 14:31:11.358 I/WCDB (20554): Initialize JNI module (4/12) SQLiteConnection...
11-27 14:31:11.371 I/WCDB (20554): Initialize JNI module (5/12) SQLiteDebug...
11-27 14:31:11.372 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(20554): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDebug natives
11-27 14:31:11.372 I/WCDB (20554): Initialize JNI module (6/12) SQLiteDirectCursor...
11-27 14:31:11.372 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(20554): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDirectQuery natives
11-27 14:31:11.372 I/WCDB (20554): Initialize JNI module (7/12) SQLiteGlobal...
11-27 14:31:11.375 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(20554): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteGlobal natives
11-27 14:31:11.375 I/WCDB (20554): Initialize JNI module (8/12) MMFtsTokenizer...
11-27 14:31:11.375 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(20554): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/extension/fts/MMFtsTokenizer natives
11-27 14:31:11.375 I/WCDB (20554): Initialize JNI module (9/12) DBBackup...
11-27 14:31:11.375 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(20554): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/BackupKit
11-27 14:31:11.375 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(20554): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RecoverKit
11-27 14:31:11.376 I/WCDB (20554): Initialize JNI module (10/12) DBDumpUtil...
11-27 14:31:11.376 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(20554): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/DBDumpUtil natives
11-27 14:31:11.376 I/WCDB (20554): Initialize JNI module (11/12) DBRepair...
11-27 14:31:11.376 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(20554): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RepairKit$RepairCursor natives
11-27 14:31:11.378 I/WCDB (20554): Initialize JNI module (12/12) Log...
11-27 14:31:11.378 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(20554): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/support/Log
11-27 14:31:11.381 E/CoreConfiguration(20554): getHTDBName
11-27 14:31:11.384 E/linker (20554): readlink('/proc/self/fd/43') failed: Permission denied
11-27 14:31:11.384 E/linker (20554): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 14:31:11.394 I/WCDB.SQLiteConnectionPool(20554): Max connection pool size is 1.
--------- beginning of main
11-27 15:12:42.720 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 15:12:43.149 V/XGLogger( 8149): have writable external storage, write log file!
11-27 15:12:43.531 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 15:17:28.041 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:698] - send Event sucess:LBS
11-27 15:17:28.046 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 15:17:28.554 D/XgStat ( 8149): [XgStat(179): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 15:18:46.467 I/HyLog (26377): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 15:18:46.467 D/HyLog (26377): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 15:18:46.467 I/HyLog (26377): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 15:18:46.719 I/MultiDex(26377): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 15:18:46.720 I/MultiDex(26377): Installing application
11-27 15:18:46.720 I/MultiDex(26377): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 15:18:47.138 I/FirebaseInitProvider(26377): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 15:18:47.243 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider(26377): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping
11-27 15:18:47.345 V/FA (26377): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 15:18:47.401 E/linker (26377): readlink('/proc/self/fd/20') failed: Permission denied
11-27 15:18:47.401 E/linker (26377): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 15:18:47.422 I/DynamiteModule(26377): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 15:18:47.423 I/DynamiteModule(26377): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 15:18:47.433 V/DynamiteModule(26377): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 15:18:47.483 I/DynamiteLoaderV2(26377): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 15:18:47.512 E/linker (26377): readlink('/proc/self/fd/20') failed: Permission denied
11-27 15:18:47.512 E/linker (26377): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 15:18:47.525 I/FA (26377): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 15:18:47.525 I/FA (26377): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 15:18:47.526 W/System (26377): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 15:18:47.526 I/FA (26377): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 15:18:47.526 I/FA (26377): adb shell setprop
11-27 15:18:47.546 D/XgStat (26377): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 15:18:47.612 I/TpnsSecurity(26377): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 15:18:47.920 W/XINGE (26377): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 15:18:48.033 E/NihaotalkApplication(26377): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 15:18:48.034 D/HTLOG (26377): create write log thread
11-27 15:18:48.047 E/LogFileWriter(26377): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 15:18:48.051 D/LogFileWriter(26377): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {78b73aa}
11-27 15:18:48.053 D/LogFileWriter(26377): MSG_INIT log
11-27 15:18:48.232 E/LoginConfigHelper(26377): load config cache
11-27 15:18:48.254 E/NihaotalkApplication(26377): app initied
11-27 15:18:48.257 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil(26377): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 15:18:48.273 V/LGRssiData(26377): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 15:18:48.277 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26377): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 15:18:48.282 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26377): try parsing
11-27 15:18:48.285 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26377): [parse] Load xml
11-27 15:18:48.308 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26377): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 15:18:48.308 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26377): [parse] Load xml
11-27 15:18:48.325 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26377): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 15:18:48.325 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26377): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 15:18:48.325 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26377): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 15:18:48.325 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26377): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 15:18:48.327 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager(26377): Construct
11-27 15:18:48.335 E/linker (26377): readlink('/proc/self/fd/36') failed: Permission denied
11-27 15:18:48.335 E/linker (26377): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 15:18:48.380 I/WCDB (26377): Initialize JNI module (1/12) CursorWindow...
11-27 15:18:48.381 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26377): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/CursorWindow
11-27 15:18:48.382 I/WCDB (26377): Initialize JNI module (2/12) FileUtils...
11-27 15:18:48.382 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26377): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/FileUtils natives
11-27 15:18:48.382 I/WCDB (26377): Initialize JNI module (3/12) ChunkedCursorWindow...
11-27 15:18:48.382 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26377): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/ChunkedCursorWindow natives
11-27 15:18:48.382 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26377): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteAsyncQuery natives
11-27 15:18:48.383 I/WCDB (26377): Initialize JNI module (4/12) SQLiteConnection...
11-27 15:18:48.390 I/WCDB (26377): Initialize JNI module (5/12) SQLiteDebug...
11-27 15:18:48.390 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26377): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDebug natives
11-27 15:18:48.390 I/WCDB (26377): Initialize JNI module (6/12) SQLiteDirectCursor...
11-27 15:18:48.390 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26377): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDirectQuery natives
11-27 15:18:48.391 I/WCDB (26377): Initialize JNI module (7/12) SQLiteGlobal...
11-27 15:18:48.396 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26377): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteGlobal natives
11-27 15:18:48.396 I/WCDB (26377): Initialize JNI module (8/12) MMFtsTokenizer...
11-27 15:18:48.396 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26377): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/extension/fts/MMFtsTokenizer natives
11-27 15:18:48.397 I/WCDB (26377): Initialize JNI module (9/12) DBBackup...
11-27 15:18:48.397 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26377): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/BackupKit
11-27 15:18:48.397 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26377): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RecoverKit
11-27 15:18:48.397 I/WCDB (26377): Initialize JNI module (10/12) DBDumpUtil...
11-27 15:18:48.397 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26377): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/DBDumpUtil natives
11-27 15:18:48.397 I/WCDB (26377): Initialize JNI module (11/12) DBRepair...
11-27 15:18:48.398 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26377): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RepairKit$RepairCursor natives
11-27 15:18:48.402 I/WCDB (26377): Initialize JNI module (12/12) Log...
11-27 15:18:48.402 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26377): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/support/Log
11-27 15:18:48.404 E/CoreConfiguration(26377): getHTDBName
11-27 15:18:48.417 I/WCDB.SQLiteConnectionPool(26377): Max connection pool size is 1.
11-27 15:18:48.419 E/linker (26377): readlink('/proc/self/fd/41') failed: Permission denied
11-27 15:18:48.420 E/linker (26377): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
--------- beginning of main
11-27 18:42:28.477 I/HyLog ( 8092): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 18:42:28.477 D/HyLog ( 8092): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 18:42:28.477 I/HyLog ( 8092): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 18:42:29.210 I/MultiDex( 8092): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 18:42:29.210 I/MultiDex( 8092): Installing application
11-27 18:42:29.210 I/MultiDex( 8092): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 18:42:29.471 E/NihaotalkApplication( 8092): onCreate startApp isMain:false
11-27 18:42:29.473 D/HTLOG ( 8092): create write log thread
11-27 18:42:29.480 E/LogFileWriter( 8092): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 18:42:29.494 D/LogFileWriter( 8092): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {f2263c0}
11-27 18:42:29.496 D/LogFileWriter( 8092): MSG_INIT log
11-27 18:42:29.640 I/HyLog ( 8362): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 18:42:29.641 D/HyLog ( 8362): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 18:42:29.641 I/HyLog ( 8362): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 18:42:29.691 I/MultiDex( 8362): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 18:42:29.691 I/MultiDex( 8362): Installing application
11-27 18:42:29.691 I/MultiDex( 8362): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 18:42:30.330 I/FirebaseInitProvider( 8362): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 18:42:30.493 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider( 8362): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping initialization
11-27 18:42:30.621 V/FA ( 8362): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 18:42:30.682 E/linker ( 8362): readlink('/proc/self/fd/20') failed: Permission denied [fd=20]
11-27 18:42:30.682 E/linker ( 8362): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 18:42:30.687 I/DynamiteModule( 8362): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 18:42:30.687 I/DynamiteModule( 8362): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 18:42:30.699 V/DynamiteModule( 8362): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 18:42:30.771 I/DynamiteLoaderV2( 8362): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 18:42:30.774 E/linker ( 8362): readlink('/proc/self/fd/23') failed: Permission denied [fd=23]
11-27 18:42:30.774 E/linker ( 8362): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 18:42:30.784 D/XgStat ( 8362): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 18:42:30.792 W/System ( 8362): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 18:42:30.892 I/TpnsSecurity( 8362): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 18:42:31.075 I/FA ( 8362): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 18:42:31.076 I/FA ( 8362): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 18:42:31.076 I/FA ( 8362): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 18:42:31.076 I/FA ( 8362): adb shell setprop
11-27 18:42:31.296 W/XINGE ( 8362): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 18:42:31.384 E/NihaotalkApplication( 8362): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 18:42:31.384 D/HTLOG ( 8362): create write log thread
11-27 18:42:31.391 E/LogFileWriter( 8362): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 18:42:31.397 D/LogFileWriter( 8362): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {14cab1e}
11-27 18:42:31.397 D/LogFileWriter( 8362): MSG_INIT log
11-27 18:42:31.402 I/TpnsSecurity( 8092): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 18:42:31.754 V/LGRssiData( 8362): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 18:42:31.755 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8362): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 18:42:31.757 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8362): try parsing
11-27 18:42:31.757 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8362): [parse] Load xml
11-27 18:42:31.759 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8362): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 18:42:31.759 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8362): [parse] Load xml
11-27 18:42:31.761 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8362): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 18:42:31.761 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8362): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 18:42:31.761 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8362): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 18:42:31.761 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 8362): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 18:42:31.819 E/NihaotalkApplication( 8362): app initied
11-27 18:42:31.832 D/XgStat ( 8092): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 18:42:31.860 E/LoginConfigHelper( 8362): load config cache
11-27 18:42:31.935 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil( 8362): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 18:42:32.003 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager( 8362): Construct
11-27 18:42:32.008 E/linker ( 8362): readlink('/proc/self/fd/33') failed: Permission denied [fd=33]
11-27 18:42:32.008 E/linker ( 8362): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
--------- beginning of main
11-27 18:42:54.014 I/HyLog (10074): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 18:42:54.014 D/HyLog (10074): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 18:42:54.014 I/HyLog (10074): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 18:42:54.175 I/MultiDex(10074): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 18:42:54.175 I/MultiDex(10074): Installing application
11-27 18:42:54.175 I/MultiDex(10074): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 18:42:54.459 I/FirebaseInitProvider(10074): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 18:42:54.488 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider(10074): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping
11-27 18:42:54.577 V/FA (10074): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 18:42:54.603 E/linker (10074): readlink('/proc/self/fd/19') failed: Permission denied
11-27 18:42:54.603 E/linker (10074): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 18:42:54.620 I/DynamiteModule(10074): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 18:42:54.620 I/DynamiteModule(10074): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 18:42:54.636 V/DynamiteModule(10074): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 18:42:54.653 I/DynamiteLoaderV2(10074): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 18:42:54.658 E/linker (10074): readlink('/proc/self/fd/22') failed: Permission denied
11-27 18:42:54.659 E/linker (10074): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 18:42:54.664 W/System (10074): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 18:42:54.695 D/XgStat (10074): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 18:42:54.729 I/TpnsSecurity(10074): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 18:42:55.147 W/XINGE (10074): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 18:42:55.158 I/FA (10074): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 18:42:55.158 I/FA (10074): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 18:42:55.158 I/FA (10074): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 18:42:55.158 I/FA (10074): adb shell setprop
11-27 18:42:55.308 E/NihaotalkApplication(10074): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 18:42:55.308 D/HTLOG (10074): create write log thread
11-27 18:42:55.324 E/LogFileWriter(10074): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 18:42:55.333 D/LogFileWriter(10074): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {14cab1e}
11-27 18:42:55.333 D/LogFileWriter(10074): MSG_INIT log
11-27 18:42:55.653 E/LoginConfigHelper(10074): load config cache
11-27 18:42:55.663 V/LGRssiData(10074): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 18:42:55.664 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(10074): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 18:42:55.664 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(10074): try parsing
11-27 18:42:55.665 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(10074): [parse] Load xml
11-27 18:42:55.667 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(10074): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 18:42:55.667 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(10074): [parse] Load xml
11-27 18:42:55.668 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(10074): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 18:42:55.668 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(10074): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 18:42:55.668 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(10074): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 18:42:55.669 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(10074): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 18:42:55.689 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil(10074): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 18:42:55.690 E/NihaotalkApplication(10074): app initied
11-27 18:42:55.719 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager(10074): Construct
11-27 18:42:55.732 E/linker (10074): readlink('/proc/self/fd/38') failed: Permission denied
11-27 18:42:55.732 E/linker (10074): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 18:42:55.812 I/WCDB (10074): Initialize JNI module (1/12) CursorWindow...
11-27 18:42:55.812 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(10074): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/CursorWindow
11-27 18:42:55.814 I/WCDB (10074): Initialize JNI module (2/12) FileUtils...
11-27 18:42:55.814 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(10074): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/FileUtils natives
11-27 18:42:55.814 I/WCDB (10074): Initialize JNI module (3/12) ChunkedCursorWindow...
11-27 18:42:55.814 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(10074): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/ChunkedCursorWindow natives
11-27 18:42:55.815 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(10074): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteAsyncQuery natives
11-27 18:42:55.815 I/WCDB (10074): Initialize JNI module (4/12) SQLiteConnection...
11-27 18:42:55.828 I/WCDB (10074): Initialize JNI module (5/12) SQLiteDebug...
11-27 18:42:55.828 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(10074): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDebug natives
11-27 18:42:55.829 I/WCDB (10074): Initialize JNI module (6/12) SQLiteDirectCursor...
11-27 18:42:55.829 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(10074): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDirectQuery natives
11-27 18:42:55.829 I/WCDB (10074): Initialize JNI module (7/12) SQLiteGlobal...
11-27 18:42:55.829 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(10074): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteGlobal natives
11-27 18:42:55.830 I/WCDB (10074): Initialize JNI module (8/12) MMFtsTokenizer...
11-27 18:42:55.830 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(10074): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/extension/fts/MMFtsTokenizer natives
11-27 18:42:55.830 I/WCDB (10074): Initialize JNI module (9/12) DBBackup...
11-27 18:42:55.830 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(10074): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/BackupKit
11-27 18:42:55.830 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(10074): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RecoverKit
11-27 18:42:55.831 I/WCDB (10074): Initialize JNI module (10/12) DBDumpUtil...
11-27 18:42:55.831 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(10074): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/DBDumpUtil natives
11-27 18:42:55.831 I/WCDB (10074): Initialize JNI module (11/12) DBRepair...
11-27 18:42:55.832 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(10074): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RepairKit$RepairCursor natives
11-27 18:42:55.836 I/WCDB (10074): Initialize JNI module (12/12) Log...
11-27 18:42:55.836 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(10074): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/support/Log
11-27 18:42:55.837 E/CoreConfiguration(10074): getHTDBName
11-27 18:42:55.845 I/WCDB.SQLiteConnectionPool(10074): Max connection pool size is 1.
11-27 18:42:55.848 I/WCDB.SQLiteConnection(10074): Opened connection 0x7fa543b408 with
label '/data/user/0/com.hellotalk/databases/100245412_ht.db'
--------- beginning of main
11-27 18:43:50.184 I/HyLog (12460): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 18:43:50.184 D/HyLog (12460): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 18:43:50.185 I/HyLog (12460): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 18:43:50.572 I/MultiDex(12460): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 18:43:50.572 I/MultiDex(12460): Installing application
11-27 18:43:50.572 I/MultiDex(12460): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 18:43:50.922 I/FirebaseInitProvider(12460): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 18:43:51.002 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider(12460): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping
11-27 18:43:51.124 V/FA (12460): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 18:43:51.159 E/linker (12460): readlink('/proc/self/fd/20') failed: Permission denied
11-27 18:43:51.159 E/linker (12460): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 18:43:51.169 I/DynamiteModule(12460): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 18:43:51.170 I/DynamiteModule(12460): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 18:43:51.175 V/DynamiteModule(12460): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 18:43:51.206 I/DynamiteLoaderV2(12460): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 18:43:51.213 E/linker (12460): readlink('/proc/self/fd/20') failed: Permission denied
11-27 18:43:51.215 E/linker (12460): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 18:43:51.219 W/System (12460): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 18:43:51.273 D/XgStat (12460): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 18:43:51.274 I/FA (12460): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 18:43:51.274 I/FA (12460): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 18:43:51.274 I/FA (12460): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 18:43:51.274 I/FA (12460): adb shell setprop
11-27 18:43:51.353 I/TpnsSecurity(12460): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 18:43:51.734 W/XINGE (12460): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 18:43:51.844 E/NihaotalkApplication(12460): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 18:43:51.844 D/HTLOG (12460): create write log thread
11-27 18:43:51.857 E/LogFileWriter(12460): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 18:43:51.860 D/LogFileWriter(12460): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {14cab1e}
11-27 18:43:51.861 D/LogFileWriter(12460): MSG_INIT log
11-27 18:43:52.014 E/LoginConfigHelper(12460): load config cache
11-27 18:43:52.044 E/NihaotalkApplication(12460): app initied
11-27 18:43:52.045 V/LGRssiData(12460): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 18:43:52.046 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(12460): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 18:43:52.046 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil(12460): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 18:43:52.058 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(12460): try parsing
11-27 18:43:52.058 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(12460): [parse] Load xml
11-27 18:43:52.066 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(12460): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 18:43:52.066 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(12460): [parse] Load xml
11-27 18:43:52.073 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(12460): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 18:43:52.074 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(12460): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 18:43:52.074 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(12460): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 18:43:52.074 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(12460): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 18:43:52.100 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager(12460): Construct
11-27 18:43:52.103 E/linker (12460): readlink('/proc/self/fd/36') failed: Permission denied
11-27 18:43:52.103 E/linker (12460): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
--------- beginning of system
11-27 19:24:40.192 I/SensorManager(12460): registerListenerImpl() [Sensor: LGE
Accelerometer, Rate: 0, SensorEventListener: com.youdao.sdk.other.p$2@79105d9] by
11-27 19:24:40.212 I/SensorManager(12460): registerListenerImpl() [Sensor: LGE Gravity
Sensor, Rate: 0, SensorEventListener: com.youdao.sdk.other.p$2@79105d9] by
11-27 19:24:40.218 I/SensorManager(12460): registerListenerImpl() [Sensor: LGE Linear
Acceleration Sensor, Rate: 0, SensorEventListener: com.youdao.sdk.other.p$2@79105d9] by
11-27 19:24:40.224 I/SensorManager(12460): registerListenerImpl() [Sensor: LGE Rotation
Vector Sensor, Rate: 0, SensorEventListener: com.youdao.sdk.other.p$2@79105d9] by
11-27 19:24:40.227 I/SensorManager(12460): registerListenerImpl() [Sensor: LGE Gyroscope,
Rate: 0, SensorEventListener: com.youdao.sdk.other.p$2@79105d9] by
11-27 19:24:40.323 I/SensorManager(12460): registerListenerImpl() [Sensor: LGE Pressure,
Rate: 0, SensorEventListener: com.youdao.sdk.other.p$2@79105d9] by
11-27 19:24:40.331 I/SensorManager(12460): registerListenerImpl() [Sensor: LGE
Magnetometer, Rate: 0, SensorEventListener: com.youdao.sdk.other.p$2@79105d9] by
11-27 19:24:40.335 I/SensorManager(12460): registerListenerImpl() [Sensor: LGE Light, Rate:
0, SensorEventListener: com.youdao.sdk.other.p$2@79105d9] by
11-27 19:24:40.345 I/SensorManager(12460): registerListenerImpl() [Sensor: LGE Proximity,
Rate: 0, SensorEventListener: com.youdao.sdk.other.p$2@79105d9] by
11-27 19:24:40.900 I/SensorManager(12460): removeAllSensors() [Sensor: LGE
Accelerometer] by com.youdao.sdk.other.p$
11-27 19:24:40.902 I/SensorManager(12460): removeAllSensors() [Sensor: LGE Light] by
11-27 19:24:40.904 I/SensorManager(12460): removeAllSensors() [Sensor: LGE Gyroscope] by
11-27 19:24:40.907 I/SensorManager(12460): removeAllSensors() [Sensor: LGE Pressure] by
11-27 19:24:40.910 I/SensorManager(12460): removeAllSensors() [Sensor: LGE
Magnetometer] by com.youdao.sdk.other.p$
11-27 19:24:40.913 I/SensorManager(12460): removeAllSensors() [Sensor: LGE Gravity
Sensor] by com.youdao.sdk.other.p$
11-27 19:24:40.914 I/SensorManager(12460): removeAllSensors() [Sensor: LGE Linear
Acceleration Sensor] by com.youdao.sdk.other.p$
11-27 19:24:40.916 I/SensorManager(12460): removeAllSensors() [Sensor: LGE Rotation
Vector Sensor] by com.youdao.sdk.other.p$
11-27 19:24:40.917 I/SensorManager(12460): removeAllSensors() [Sensor: LGE Proximity] by
--------- beginning of main
11-27 20:56:07.632 D/XgStat ( 8092): [XgStat(174): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 20:58:05.096 I/HyLog (26437): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 20:58:05.097 D/HyLog (26437): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 20:58:05.097 I/HyLog (26437): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 20:58:05.529 I/MultiDex(26437): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 20:58:05.529 I/MultiDex(26437): Installing application
11-27 20:58:05.529 I/MultiDex(26437): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 20:58:05.873 I/FirebaseInitProvider(26437): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 20:58:05.959 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider(26437): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping
11-27 20:58:06.109 V/FA (26437): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 20:58:06.175 E/linker (26437): readlink('/proc/self/fd/19') failed: Permission denied
11-27 20:58:06.175 E/linker (26437): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 20:58:06.191 I/DynamiteModule(26437): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 20:58:06.194 I/DynamiteModule(26437): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 20:58:06.210 V/DynamiteModule(26437): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 20:58:06.288 I/DynamiteLoaderV2(26437): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 20:58:06.305 I/FA (26437): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 20:58:06.305 I/FA (26437): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 20:58:06.306 E/linker (26437): readlink('/proc/self/fd/19') failed: Permission denied
11-27 20:58:06.307 E/linker (26437): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 20:58:06.307 D/XgStat (26437): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 20:58:06.307 I/FA (26437): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 20:58:06.307 I/FA (26437): adb shell setprop
11-27 20:58:06.317 W/System (26437): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 20:58:06.387 I/TpnsSecurity(26437): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 20:58:06.789 W/XINGE (26437): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 20:58:06.879 E/NihaotalkApplication(26437): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 20:58:06.880 D/HTLOG (26437): create write log thread
11-27 20:58:06.886 E/LogFileWriter(26437): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 20:58:06.889 D/LogFileWriter(26437): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {e6f1ba0}
11-27 20:58:06.890 D/LogFileWriter(26437): MSG_INIT log
11-27 20:58:07.083 E/LoginConfigHelper(26437): load config cache
11-27 20:58:07.123 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil(26437): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 20:58:07.167 V/LGRssiData(26437): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 20:58:07.168 E/NihaotalkApplication(26437): app initied
11-27 20:58:07.168 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26437): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 20:58:07.179 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26437): try parsing
11-27 20:58:07.179 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26437): [parse] Load xml
11-27 20:58:07.191 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager(26437): Construct
11-27 20:58:07.192 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26437): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 20:58:07.193 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26437): [parse] Load xml
11-27 20:58:07.194 E/linker (26437): readlink('/proc/self/fd/36') failed: Permission denied
11-27 20:58:07.194 E/linker (26437): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 20:58:07.198 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26437): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 20:58:07.198 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26437): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 20:58:07.198 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26437): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 20:58:07.199 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling(26437): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 20:58:07.242 I/WCDB (26437): Initialize JNI module (1/12) CursorWindow...
11-27 20:58:07.243 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26437): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/CursorWindow
11-27 20:58:07.244 I/WCDB (26437): Initialize JNI module (2/12) FileUtils...
11-27 20:58:07.244 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26437): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/FileUtils natives
11-27 20:58:07.244 I/WCDB (26437): Initialize JNI module (3/12) ChunkedCursorWindow...
11-27 20:58:07.244 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26437): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/ChunkedCursorWindow natives
11-27 20:58:07.244 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26437): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteAsyncQuery natives
11-27 20:58:07.245 I/WCDB (26437): Initialize JNI module (4/12) SQLiteConnection...
11-27 20:58:07.259 I/WCDB (26437): Initialize JNI module (5/12) SQLiteDebug...
11-27 20:58:07.259 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26437): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDebug natives
11-27 20:58:07.259 I/WCDB (26437): Initialize JNI module (6/12) SQLiteDirectCursor...
11-27 20:58:07.259 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26437): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDirectQuery natives
11-27 20:58:07.260 I/WCDB (26437): Initialize JNI module (7/12) SQLiteGlobal...
11-27 20:58:07.260 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26437): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteGlobal natives
11-27 20:58:07.260 I/WCDB (26437): Initialize JNI module (8/12) MMFtsTokenizer...
11-27 20:58:07.260 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26437): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/extension/fts/MMFtsTokenizer natives
11-27 20:58:07.261 I/WCDB (26437): Initialize JNI module (9/12) DBBackup...
11-27 20:58:07.261 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26437): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/BackupKit
11-27 20:58:07.261 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26437): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RecoverKit
11-27 20:58:07.262 I/WCDB (26437): Initialize JNI module (10/12) DBDumpUtil...
11-27 20:58:07.262 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26437): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/DBDumpUtil natives
11-27 20:58:07.262 I/WCDB (26437): Initialize JNI module (11/12) DBRepair...
11-27 20:58:07.262 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26437): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RepairKit$RepairCursor natives
11-27 20:58:07.265 I/WCDB (26437): Initialize JNI module (12/12) Log...
11-27 20:58:07.265 V/WCDB.JNIHelp(26437): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/support/Log
11-27 20:58:07.270 E/CoreConfiguration(26437): getHTDBName
11-27 20:58:07.315 I/WCDB.SQLiteConnectionPool(26437): Max connection pool size is 1.
11-27 20:58:07.365 E/linker (26437): readlink('/proc/self/fd/38') failed: Permission denied
11-27 20:58:07.365 E/linker (26437): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 20:58:07.413 I/WCDB.SQLiteConnection(26437): Opened connection 0x7f89af6908 with
label '/data/user/0/com.hellotalk/databases/100245412_ht.db'
--------- beginning of main
11-27 22:48:15.745 D/XgStat ( 8092): [XgStat(174): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 22:49:17.036 E/WeexCore(26528): script_bridge_in_multi_process.cpp:72, original owner
has die
11-27 22:49:27.972 I/HyLog ( 4975): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 22:49:27.972 D/HyLog ( 4975): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 22:49:27.972 I/HyLog ( 4975): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 22:49:28.205 I/MultiDex( 4975): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 22:49:28.205 I/MultiDex( 4975): Installing application
11-27 22:49:28.205 I/MultiDex( 4975): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 22:49:28.596 I/FirebaseInitProvider( 4975): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 22:49:28.684 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider( 4975): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping initialization
11-27 22:49:28.863 V/FA ( 4975): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 22:49:28.913 E/linker ( 4975): readlink('/proc/self/fd/19') failed: Permission denied [fd=19]
11-27 22:49:28.914 E/linker ( 4975): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 22:49:28.925 I/DynamiteModule( 4975): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 22:49:28.925 I/DynamiteModule( 4975): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 22:49:28.929 I/FA ( 4975): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 22:49:28.929 I/FA ( 4975): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 22:49:28.929 I/FA ( 4975): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 22:49:28.929 I/FA ( 4975): adb shell setprop
11-27 22:49:28.933 V/DynamiteModule( 4975): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 22:49:28.946 D/XgStat ( 4975): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 22:49:28.966 I/DynamiteLoaderV2( 4975): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 22:49:28.982 E/linker ( 4975): readlink('/proc/self/fd/19') failed: Permission denied [fd=19]
11-27 22:49:28.983 E/linker ( 4975): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 22:49:28.999 W/System ( 4975): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 22:49:29.036 I/TpnsSecurity( 4975): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 22:49:29.455 W/XINGE ( 4975): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 22:49:29.537 E/NihaotalkApplication( 4975): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 22:49:29.537 D/HTLOG ( 4975): create write log thread
11-27 22:49:29.551 E/LogFileWriter( 4975): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 22:49:29.556 D/LogFileWriter( 4975): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {14cab1e}
11-27 22:49:29.557 D/LogFileWriter( 4975): MSG_INIT log
11-27 22:49:29.730 E/LoginConfigHelper( 4975): load config cache
11-27 22:49:29.731 V/LGRssiData( 4975): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 22:49:29.732 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 4975): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 22:49:29.735 E/NihaotalkApplication( 4975): app initied
11-27 22:49:29.740 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 4975): try parsing
11-27 22:49:29.740 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 4975): [parse] Load xml
11-27 22:49:29.761 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 4975): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 22:49:29.761 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 4975): [parse] Load xml
11-27 22:49:29.782 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 4975): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 22:49:29.782 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 4975): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 22:49:29.782 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 4975): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 22:49:29.782 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 4975): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 22:49:29.791 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil( 4975): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 22:49:29.875 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager( 4975): Construct
11-27 22:49:29.881 E/linker ( 4975): readlink('/proc/self/fd/41') failed: Permission denied [fd=41]
11-27 22:49:29.881 E/linker ( 4975): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
--------- beginning of main
11-27 23:33:45.981 D/XgStat ( 8092): [XgStat(174): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 23:38:14.815 D/XgStat ( 8092): [XgStat(174): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 23:42:28.696 D/XgStat ( 8092): [XgStat(174): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 23:45:42.719 V/XGLogger( 8092): have writable external storage, write log file!
11-27 23:45:42.783 D/XgStat ( 8092): [XgStat(174): ProGuard:672] - sentEventList size:1
11-27 23:46:46.925 E/WeexCore( 5051): script_bridge_in_multi_process.cpp:72, original owner
has die
11-27 23:47:07.967 I/HyLog ( 9537): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 23:47:07.967 D/HyLog ( 9537): D: Wrong tag (927 : loadPreData() :
11-27 23:47:07.967 I/HyLog ( 9537): I : openReadStream, /data/font/config/sfconfig.dat, case
11-27 23:47:08.366 I/MultiDex( 9537): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-27 23:47:08.366 I/MultiDex( 9537): Installing application
11-27 23:47:08.366 I/MultiDex( 9537): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is
11-27 23:47:08.880 I/FirebaseInitProvider( 9537): FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-27 23:47:08.995 I/CrashlyticsInitProvider( 9537): CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping initialization
11-27 23:47:09.350 V/FA ( 9537): Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data
11-27 23:47:09.428 E/linker ( 9537): readlink('/proc/self/fd/21') failed: Permission denied [fd=21]
11-27 23:47:09.429 E/linker ( 9537): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
x". Will use given name.
11-27 23:47:09.440 I/DynamiteModule( 9537): Considering local module and remote module
11-27 23:47:09.440 I/DynamiteModule( 9537): Selected remote version of, version >= 21001
11-27 23:47:09.450 V/DynamiteModule( 9537): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using
11-27 23:47:09.519 I/DynamiteLoaderV2( 9537): [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ
11-27 23:47:09.539 E/linker ( 9537): readlink('/proc/self/fd/24') failed: Permission denied [fd=24]
11-27 23:47:09.542 E/linker ( 9537): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
nteg_21001000000.odex". Will use given name.
11-27 23:47:09.559 W/System ( 9537): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-27 23:47:09.563 D/XgStat ( 9537): [main(1): ProGuard:48] - set up java crash
11-27 23:47:09.634 I/TpnsSecurity( 9537): JNI_OnLoad
11-27 23:47:09.889 I/FA ( 9537): App measurement is starting up, version: 16250
11-27 23:47:09.889 I/FA ( 9537): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA
11-27 23:47:09.889 I/FA ( 9537): To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-27 23:47:09.889 I/FA ( 9537): adb shell setprop
11-27 23:47:10.179 W/XINGE ( 9537): [Util] Maybe have not contentprovider:
11-27 23:47:10.285 E/NihaotalkApplication( 9537): onCreate startApp isMain:true
11-27 23:47:10.286 D/HTLOG ( 9537): create write log thread
11-27 23:47:10.294 E/LogFileWriter( 9537): construct exists the HELLOTALK file and delete it.
11-27 23:47:10.301 D/LogFileWriter( 9537): construct mEventHandler:Handler
(com.hellotalkx.component.b.b$1) {14cab1e}
11-27 23:47:10.301 D/LogFileWriter( 9537): MSG_INIT log
11-27 23:47:10.547 E/LoginConfigHelper( 9537): load config cache
11-27 23:47:10.559 E/NihaotalkApplication( 9537): app initied
11-27 23:47:10.564 I/SecuritySpEncryptUtil( 9537): key = 9c9a0b4967b361dd
11-27 23:47:10.608 V/LGRssiData( 9537): [loadRssi] confFile is null or File not exist
11-27 23:47:10.622 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9537): [loadFeatureFromXml] *** start feature
loading from xml
11-27 23:47:10.632 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9537): try parsing
11-27 23:47:10.632 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9537): [parse] Load xml
11-27 23:47:10.649 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9537): try parsing /etc/featuresetOpen.xml
11-27 23:47:10.649 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9537): [parse] Load xml
11-27 23:47:10.656 D/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9537): matched ntcode parse from xml :
11-27 23:47:10.656 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9537): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 23:47:10.656 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9537): [getMatchedProfile] selected file :
11-27 23:47:10.656 V/TelephonyAutoProfiling( 9537): [loadFeatureFromXml] load feature from
xml complete : {handle8bit=true, ConcatMTCheckTimestamp=true,
allow_sending_empty_sms=true, retry_to_enable_cb=true, copy_submit_to_uicc=true,
spam=true, deliver_intent_to_current=false, MANUAL_SELECTION_WITH_RAT=true,
seperate_processing_sms_uicc=true, SUPPORT_LOG_RF_INFO=true,
KRWapPushWithSpam=true, GLOBALspam=true, support_emoji_in_concat_message=true,
KSC5601Decoding=true, OperatorMessage=true}
11-27 23:47:10.665 E/HellotalkDBSessionManager( 9537): Construct
11-27 23:47:10.685 E/linker ( 9537): readlink('/proc/self/fd/36') failed: Permission denied [fd=36]
11-27 23:47:10.685 E/linker ( 9537): warning: unable to get realpath for the library
"/data/app/com.hellotalk-1/lib/arm64/". Will use given name.
11-27 23:47:10.748 I/WCDB ( 9537): Initialize JNI module (1/12) CursorWindow...
11-27 23:47:10.752 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9537): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/CursorWindow
11-27 23:47:10.753 I/WCDB ( 9537): Initialize JNI module (2/12) FileUtils...
11-27 23:47:10.753 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9537): Registering com/tencent/wcdb/FileUtils natives
11-27 23:47:10.754 I/WCDB ( 9537): Initialize JNI module (3/12) ChunkedCursorWindow...
11-27 23:47:10.754 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9537): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/ChunkedCursorWindow natives
11-27 23:47:10.754 V/WCDB.JNIHelp( 9537): Registering
com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteAsyncQuery natives
11-27 23:47:10.754 I/WCDB ( 9537): Initialize JNI module (4/12) SQLiteConnection...

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