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A Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 8

Business Communication

I. Objectives

EN8OL-Ih-3.12: Highlight important points in an informative talk using

appropriate presentation aids.

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

A. Demonstrate understanding about business communication through
“Complete Me”.
B. Identify the three types of business communication.
C. Participate actively on the given task.

II. Subject matter

Topic: Business Communication

Reference/s: Deped Learning module for grade 8 pg 471
Materials : Power point presentation, marker and task card.

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Daily Routine


Good morning class. Good morning Sir.


Miss____ kindly lead the prayer. Our Father who art in Heaven Holy
Be Your Name Your Kingdom come
Your will be done on earth as it is
Heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread and forgive us in our sins as we
forgive those who sins against us. Do
not bring us to the test but deliver us
3.Checking of Cleanliness of the from evil. Amen.

Before you take your seats, kindly

pick up those pieces of papers or any
trash around you or under your The students will follow the
chairs. instructions.

4.Checking of Attendance

Miss secretary is there any absentee None Sir.


Thank you. I’m glad to hear that

everybody is present today.

5.Checking of assignment
Yes, Sir
Let us check your assignment first.

Were you able to make your

assignment? The students will check their
Very good. Let’s start checking now.


Let’s have a short recap about our

discussion yesterday.

What can you remember about our

discussion yesterday?
We discussed
Lesson Proper about____________________.

I. Motivation

Before we proceed to our lesson lets

have a activity entitled “COMPLETE
ME”. I have here 4 pictures with
incomplete letters and your task is to
describe the photo in order to
complete the letters.

1.__M __ __ O __ E __ S

1. Employees

2. Manager

3. Business

4. Conversation

2. M __ N __ G __ R

3. B __ S __ __ E __ S
4. C __ M __ U __ I __ __ T __ __ N

II. Analysis

What have you observed in our We observe that the pictures shown
activity? are all about and related to business.
Very Good! What do you think is our
topic for today? Business Communication
Correct! Our topic for today is about
business communication.

But before that lets define first what is

communication. Any idea? Communication - is the act of
sending information or ideas via
speech, visuals, writing or any other
such method.

Very Good!

Business Communication - is the

process of sharing information
between people within and outside a

Effective business communication is

how employees and management
interact to reach organizational goals.
Its purpose is to improve
organizational practices and reduce

We have 3 types of business

communication. Kindly read the first
one? Electronic communication - is a
general term that embraces all kinds
of computer-mediated communication
in which individuals exchange
messages with others,
either individually or in groups.
In Electronic communication, the
information will be delivered faster, in
a more accurate manner. and it's
soon expected to become a standard
when it comes to business

Examples: Email, Gmail, skype,

messenger and other messaging
Verbal communication - is any
Kindly read the second type?
communication that uses words to
share information with others.

Verbal communication is the oldest

form of business communication, but
it still remains popular. There are
some people who consider verbal
communication as the best form of
business communication, because of
its simplicity and its direct interaction
between the participants.

Examples : live meetings, face to

face interview and telephone

Kindly read the last type? Written Communication refers to the

process of conveying a message
through the written symbols.
In other words, any message
exchanged between two or more
persons that make use of written
words is called as written
communication. The written
communication is the most common
and effective mode of business

Examples : Reports, Document,

formal and informal letters, Memos,
Resume, legal record, contract and

Do you have any question or

clarification regarding with our None Sir!


To sum up the discussion.

1. What is business Business Communication is the

communication? process of sharing information
between people within and outside a

2. What are the three types of

business communication. The three types of business
communication are Electronic
communication, Verbal
communication and written
3. What is the objective of
business communication? The objective of business
communication is to exchange ideas,
opinions, thoughts, beliefs and
information between human beings.
the main objective of communication
is to help managers in performing all
managerial functions smoothly.
4. What is the importance of
business communication?
Effective business communication is
how employees and management
interact to reach organizational goals.
Its purpose is to improve
organizational practices and reduce
5. How is business
communication used in your
( Students answer may vary )


“Class, I think everybody already

knows our topic for today, let us have
an activity.”

GROUP 1 – Create a job hiring


GROUP 2 – Present a meeting about


GROUP 3 – Make a commercial

about promoting your business.

GROUP 4 – Perform a job interview.

“You will be graded according to this


Content & Organization of Topic:


Creativity & Presentation of Idea:

Instilling Values to Students:


“You only have 15 minutes to

brainstorm and 3 minutes to ( The student will presents their group
perform.” activity)

“Timer starts now.”

Time is up. Go back to your

seats & we will have your
presentations now.

V. Evaluation

Directions: Identify the following write EC if it’s a electronic communication, VC

if it’s a verbal Communication and WC if it’s a written communication.

_______1. Telephone meeting

_______2. Reports
_______3. Face to face interview
_______4. Resume
_______5. Email
_______6. Documents
_______7. Memos
_______8. Live meetings
_______9. Skype
_______10. Gmail

Answer key:

1. VC
2. WC
3. VC
4. WC
5. WC/EC
6. WC
7. WC
8. VC
9. VC/ EC
10. EC

VI. Agreement

Prepare for the long quiz tomorrow.

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