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The Minor Lines: Your Conscious

The minor (conscious) lines show to what extent you have been able to dive into your subconscious in order to
bring its wealth to the surface of consciousness.

Following is a brief explanation of three of the most important minor lines.

Destiny Line

The destiny line serves as the backbone for the other lines of the hand. It
indicates the degree of your desire to structure your life. As a conscious line,
it provides the outlet for the major lines of heart, head, and life to express
themselves. A destiny line indicates that you have something to live for, to
be in love with, and to be dedicated to, and that you have the motivation and
focus to achieve your life ambition. The destiny line serves as a medium
through which previously untapped qualities can be brought to a conscious
level of expression by way of a profession or vocation.

Sun Line

While the destiny line reflects your efforts, the Sun line speaks of the
successful fruition of your work. The Sun line develops as a result of your
belief and satisfaction in what you are doing. The aura of magnetism that
you create around yourself subsequently attracts the appropriate
circumstances and associates into your life. (a) Destiny line: vocation
(b) Sun line: success
(c) Mercury line: communication
Mercury Line (d) Girdle of Venus: creativity

The formation of a strong Mercury line in the hand indicates that an

effortless ability to communicate with others has been developed.

When the Mercury line is fragmented, it indicates that you are not satisfied
with your circumstances and surroundings. If such distress is not resolved, a
variety of health problems can ensue, leading to the miscommunication that
lies at the base of much of the unhappiness in relationships; these can be of
an emotional, mental, physical, or sexual nature.
The Major Lines: Your Subconscious

The subconscious mind is shown by the three principal, or major, lines of

heart, head, and life that indicate how we feel, think, and live, respectively.

From the formation of the major lines you can detect positive and negative
patterns of thought as well as the likelihood of breaking old unconscious
habits and the possibilities of formulating new positive ones.
The Life Line

An analysis of the life line yields valuable information about your physical
well-being. The line's formation indicates the state of health, the degree of
stamina, and the condition of the nervous system. It also reveals the extent
of your enthusiasm for life, and your willingness to undertake challenges.

From a spiritual viewpoint, the life line indicates your degree of self-control
and ability to concentrate and focus. The life line can also be studied for
clues to life events that chronicle the major influences affecting lifestyle,
such as family influences, health obstacles, and interpersonal conflicts.

The Head Line

The head line relates directly to the intellectual faculties of an individual.

From a physical standpoint, it yields information regarding the actual organic
condition of the brain.

Psychologically, this line reflects your degree of intelligence, mental

refinement, and concentration. In addition, the potential for such spiritual
qualities as intuition, composure, and dedication are seen here. Specific life
events also register on the head line, particularly those that affect your
mental health, psychological outlook, and ability to perceive objectively.

The Heart Line

The heart line serves as an indicator of your loving disposition, emotional

makeup, and sexual well-being; it also provides information concerning the
physical condition of the heart organ itself. From a spiritual standpoint, the
heart line bears an especially close relationship to the soul, reflecting as it
does the capacity for engendering the qualities of generosity and
forgiveness. Chronological life events also register on this major line -- most
particularly, events relating to interpersonal relationships and emotional


The Mounts: Your Superconscious

The Hand is divided into segments called mounts. Each mount relates to a
corresponding planet with a specific portfolio. The mounts of the hand
provide a tangible record of how you deal with each of these planetary
influences and what your challenges are.

Luna pertains to the qualities of perception, creativity, imagination, and

sensory awareness.


Venus shows the condition of the body and how at home you feel in your
physical form. The mount of Venus reflects the presence or absence of
qualities such as harmony, kindness, grace, charm, and love. It reflects your
degree of physical and sexual health, sensuality, and sense of beauty.

 Mars Negative

Mars negative stands for your energy, which, when not properly harnessed
and channeled, can lead to exhaustion, or possibly to anger and aggression.
Luna: Perception

 Jupiter Venus: Love

Mars negative: Physical
Jupiter represents the awakening of the conscious mind. It speaks of your Stamina
sense of purpose -- what role you want to play in life. Jupiter stands for Mars positive: Mental
ambition, confidence, leadership and justice. Endurance
Jupiter: Purpose
Saturn: Coordination
Saturn indicates the necessity to search within. It represents the alchemist Sun: Magnetism
who is able to synthesize the experiences of Jupiter to extract a deeper
meaning of life. Saturn stands for wisdom and discernment. Mercury: Communication

Rahu: Present Environment

Ketu: Past, Karmic Debts
The Sun represents the soul. The Sun shows that aspect within you that can
transcend any limitations. Success, charisma, and integrity are all
characteristics of the Sun.


Mercury relates to your involvement in the world, and also to your ability to
detach from the fruits of your actions. Mercury denotes intuition, spontaneity,
and the ability to communicate effortlessly.

 Mars Positive

Mars positive deals with mental strength. Positive characteristics include

endurance, persistence, and a calm mental state.


Rahu relates to the immediate environment. Rahu reflects the kind of

environment you are likely to attract in the present, and how receptive you
are to either making the most of it or limiting its potential by resisting


Ketu represents the kinds of circumstances attracted in the past and your
attitudes toward them. Ketu is your karmic account book, whose balance
sheet portrays the entire record of your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviour of
the past.


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