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A. Background Information
Cafeteria, a self-service restaurant which customers select various dishes from an open
counter display. Cafeteria or sometimes called Canteen are usually located in schools.
The school’s first began to serve food for the students because a lot of the students were
undernourished and it’s another way of gaining more profit for the school. The food is
usually served or placed in a tray, paid for at a cashier’s station, and carried to a dining
table by the customer. The students usually go to the canteen when they have their break
or to have their lunch. The school started to serve delicious and healthy foods to the
students and some schools overpriced their foods. Many students hated it because
sometimes they can’t afford what they want to eat and they have to limit their self in buying
many foods so some students just don’t eat because of the prices of the foods in the
In Siena College of Taytay, students tend to bring their own packed lunch because
of the overpriced foods and beverages in the canteen or cafeteria. The students hated
the price of the foods because it is so high and the quality of the food is opposite from the
price of the food. But there are still some students that eat and buy in the canteen but
majority people tend to bring their own lunch. And the cafeteria in Siena is not that good
because of the long waiting lines, arrogant staffs, slow service, and taste of the food and
specially the price of the food itself

B. Statement of the Problem

1. What are your thoughts? About the foods in Siena in terms of affordability, quality and

2 What are the effects of the overpriced foods in Siena?

3 What are the reasons why Siena overprice their foods?

C. Significance of the Study

This will benefit everyone who works/studies in school.

To the Staff, so they will know what they can change to make the food affordable and
worthy to be bought

To the Teachers, so that they will know if the food is worth buying and can announce it to
the students if they should bring "lunch box"

To the students, so that they can know if they are going to bring their lunch box or spend
their lunch money on the cafeteria
D. Definition of Terms

1. Overpriced-
- Offered for sale at too high a price:
- To price excessively high
2. Lunch Box
- A container in which to carry a packed meal.
3. Arrogant
- Unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or
know more than, other people:
4 Undernourished
- Not eating enough food to continue to be in good health
5 Affordable
- Not expensive:


The cafeteria is where food is sold, purchased, and consumed at school. How food is
displayed, prepared, and marketed, how the tables and chairs and food are arranged,
and the overall cleanliness and look of the cafeteria can impact what student's chose to
eat. At an aged where students are forming their dietary preferences and habits, the
cafeteria has the ability to promote healthy or unhealthy habits, therefore it is important
to make sure that the healthy choice is always the easy choice, it means this research
will focus on the effects of cafeteria price inside the school as one of the conflict or
problems that school is hoping for a solution. It will help the school especially now
because of the non-affordability and low quality products that are being sold in the
canteen or cafeteria. This research will focus on the effects of cafeteria price to the
students in Siena College of Taytay. It will help the school especially now because of the
non-affordability and low quality products that are being sold. The researchers asked
some question to the students that are buying every day in the canteen and to those
students we bring their own packed lunch. Some students can still afford the high or
overprice foods in the canteen and majority of the students bring their own packed lunch
so they can save more money and limit their self from buying foods in the canteen.

History of Cafeteria Foods


Cambridge Dictionary

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