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Keneth Jan S.

Espinosa October , 2018

BSGE-1 National Service Training Program

An Inconvenient Truth
Written by: Al Gore
(A Reflection Paper)

Since the dawn of time, nature and mankind has been living together and in the past
centuries men and nature have co-existed very well. Nature provides the basic
physiological needs of men. Drinking water, organic food, sturdy shelters and men
literally breath the air nature is creating. In return, men takes care of nature and aids its
processes and cycles. And this perfect harmony has remained steady for the thousands
of years. But, there has never been a perfect story. There will always be conflict that
destroys the harmony of a beautiful story.

Men became greedy through the years, and began over-exploiting the blessings that
nature has provided for us. We have burned down plains, cut down trees with brutal
machines, poisoned the ocean, smoked the air, and over-drafted animals to the brink of
extinction. This has become the epidemic that plagues most of mankind until now.

The documentary film written by former United States of America Vice-President

Albert “Al” Gore. He has an advocate against global warming and climate change. He
shows great concern to the planet that we are living on. He keeps on cracking jokes. This
may be his strategy to get the attentions of the people born in this golden age of
industrialization and he caught my attention. The Earth, is indeed a beautiful and
mesmerizing place and I share the same vision of Gore to protect this place we call

Global Warming is caused by the continuous emission of carbon dioxide by people.

Gore’s college profession once presented to his class the levels of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere has been increasing and this indicates something very bad. This may have
horrific impacts to Earth’s temperature and the sea levels. In the past years, there has
been a significant number of typhoons that has become devastating to the point where
lives are lost. Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) is an example of typhoons that came from the
Pacific and is a signal that they ate getting stronger. Typhoons formed in the Pacific are
getting stronger due to the heat getting trapped by high levels of Carbon Dioxide. This is
a bad thing.

Living in a coastal area in Lapu-Lapu City, what scares me most the news on the
gradual melting of the glacial caps of the Earth. The melting of these glaciers and ice
caps will cause the drastic increase of sea levels that is predicted to submerge many
islands in the world. With Lapu-Lapu City included in those predicted island to become
an underwater city. We cannot afford to lose more land due to the exponential increase
of population.
Gore has depicted Global Warming as collision of mankind and the Earth. As I’ve
said the harmony of nature and men has evaporated into thin air. Which has become a
dream of the past. What brings me a great sigh of relief is that people are showing
concern for the planet we live in. Global Warming and Climate change is not a joke.
These are serious problems that needs to be addressed. As spoken by Prince EA, we
must globally warm our hearts and change the climate of our souls. For this is the only
planet we have. We are called upon to act and we need to act fast.

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