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Procyon Analog AudioStrobe Signal Adjustment

for Transparent Corporation’s NeuroProgrammer2 (NP2) (ver. 1.6)

The following Procyon procedure was developed using the AudioStrobe Light & Sound Synergizer. All Procyon
results were compared to the control unit for pattern match and visual intensity. This guide will assist in finding
optimum AudioStrobe settings as they will vary due to sound level comfort and computer signal quality. Also, some
computers suffer from extraneous non-audible signal noise and other systems have little to no noise. This
extraneous noise can cause the Procyon’s LED’s to flash even when an AS signal is not present. And, advanced AS
users may also want to tweak their settings for a more intense NeuroProgrammer2 session.

Step 1

Connect Procyon Aux Input to your computer motherboard speaker output. Use a high quality patch cord.1 A “Y”
adapter (Radio Shack 42-570 or equiv.) [see figure 3] may be used for output to speakers for convenience when not
using the Procyon with NeuroProgrammer2. The Procyon may be powered by batteries or its USB connector.
When powering the Procyon by the computer USB power port, a snap core choke (Radio Shack 273-0069 or equiv.)
[see figure 1] on the USB cable and/or a ground loop isolator (Radio Shack 270-054) [see figure 2] attached to the
input patch cord may be required.2 USB cables supplied with digital cameras usually have a choke and can be used
with the Procyon.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Step 2

Open NeuroProgrammer2 (NP2). Open any session. Click on the NP2 “System Volume Control”. This will open
the Windows Volume Mixer. Set “Speaker Volume” at 100%. Mute “Windows Sounds”. Set “NeuroProgrammer2
Volume” [Vista] or “Wave Volume” [XP] initially at 0%. Turn on Procyon. Set the Procyon in AS mode. Select
analog (Anl) mode. [Press the Procyon “up/down” button to toggle between analog (Anl) and digital (dig) modes.]
Play the NP2 session and adjust “NeuroProgrammer2/Wave Volume” up to comfortable level. Stop the session.

Step 3

Systems with Noise

Adjust both Procyon Volume control (AS sensitivity) and Brightness levels to a “zero” level. Adjust AS Noise Gate
Threshold (NGT) level to 000 [default=003] by pressing the first and third console buttons at the same time.
Increase the Procyon’s Brightness until the LED(s) shows a signal. If only one LED lights, do not increase level
until both light. Back off the light intensity slightly until the LED(s) are off. Next, increase Procyon AS sensitivity
using the Procyon volume control until LED(s) turn on. To eliminate the false noise signal, adjust the NGT by
pressing the first and second console buttons at the same time until the LED(s) go off.3

Systems without Noise

Adjust Procyon Brightness level to 100% and AS Sensitivity to 50%.

Step 4

From the NeuroProgrammer2 menu, click on Tools. Open the “AudioStrobe Configuration Tool”. Use the default
values (56,0). Using the “Maximum AudioStrobe Level”, test Constant On. Increase or decrease “Maximum AS
Level” until LEDs achieve maximum brightness without increasing extraneous headphone noise. Turn off
“Constant On” test. Conduct “1Hz Sine Wave Test” to verify smooth operation of AS signal. LEDs should turn on
and off gradually.

If the LEDs are not steady and smooth adjust Maximum AS Level up until stable. When adjusting the level up,
Depending on your computer motherboard and/or sound card, the speaker output signal may have some signal “noise”. This will become
evident in step 3 as the LEDs will dim but not turn off. Using either a snap core choke or ground loop eliminator should filter the signal properly.
A snap core chokes costs under $3. The Radio Shack ground loop isolator is under $20 and will strongly filter the output signal and may
diminish session volume. Also, excellent results have been found using an inexpensive USB sound card (at least two channel stereo) when
motherboard/sound card “noise” is excessive.
A very good alternative is using an inexpensive USB power adapter available for $5 to $10.
Procyon Analog AudioStrobe Signal Adjustment for NP2 (ver. 1.6) 2

there may be some extraneous headphone noise during the test and it will not be heard during the NP2

Adjust “Zero AudioStrobe Level” up using the “Constant On Test” if necessary. Close configuration window.

At this point, the Procyon is adjusted for optimal AS signal strength. Do not change AS Sensitivity
(volume control) on the Procyon or the volume in Windows Mixer. Adjusting either setting will affect
how the Procyon interprets the AS signal.

The Procyon Brightness level may be adjusted down to suit user preference. If a higher Brightness setting is
desired: 1) play the NP2 session, 2) adjust Procyon Brightness setting upward, 3) turn off session and 4) adjust
NGT upward until LED(s) “noise” flashing ceases.

For experienced AVS users, AS Sensitivity may be slightly adjusted up or down for best wave pattern
display when playing NP2 sessions.

Make note of your final Procyon Brightness, AS Sensitivity and NGT settings to speed future setup procedure.
NP2 will remember its AS and volume settings. A small white line can be placed on the Procyon’s dials if
desired to mark settings. The Procyon Editor may be used to set the final NGT (or Analog Noise Floor in the
Editor) as your new default level by using the AudioStobe Color & Balance tool on the Utility Menu.

If headphone volume is too low, a Y adapter can be used at the Procyon Aux input and headphones can be
directly connected to the speaker line output.

Similar adjustment procedures can be used with Transparent Corporation’s Mind Workstation. The AS
adjustment tool is somewhat different; however, it is an easier procedure.

Suggestions and comments are welcomed. They may be posted to the MindPlace BB or Emailed to

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